Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-03-08 00:44:29
We did bead out matamata and kurma, but there isn't a real nead to do so, honestly. It was a shaky run because I was trying to give orders on the fly for the first time doing it, so it would have been a solid 15 minutes faster(plenty of time for mata and kurma) without first time doing it hiccups.
So a few forwards here. I was the only BST with dedicated gear. The other bsts had a piece here or there, so these were not hard core bsts(I might have been the only one with a reward set). Our corsair only did rolls. She did not even have a weapon or body piece, and only had sparks ring. Our Geomancer's skills were not capped, I actually don't know how high her skill was. We did not use any dawn mulsums. They are too expensive.
Pet food used was Akamochi for everyone. Rolls were Beast and Companions. Geo was just casting Frailty. Blackbeard Randy is the only thing that will be called with the exception of one Attentive Ibuki at the start of Tojil.
Every single NM in the zone will melt to Blackbeard Randy. Razor Fang is so insanely powerful that you can drop 120k damage in a few seconds with 4x BSTs spamming it. The Peiste actually died the fastest of anything.
I built 3k tp on fodder before we pulled. We actually had kind of a bad pull and people were not totally sure where to put their pets. Pets only on Tojil, masters should stay out of range.
Geo immediately casts Silence on Tojil, but our Geo was having a hard time making it stick. Might have her use the M.acc indi spell on herself next time. After silence, Geo drops malaise on mob and acumen on me. One BST runs in to do Ruinator, then Swooping Frenzy, then I pop Killer Instinct and run in to do Cloudsplitter. This drops Tojil from 99% to 79% right there. I get a little bit of tp on fodder, then another swooping to cloud splitter drops him to 69%.
This is kinda where we messed up. Somehow we all forgot about meteor and it's range. Every single one of us goes into range at the same time to pop Razor fang, and we all get hit and killed by Meteor. I actually thought we lost at that point. Luckily, geo and one of the bsts had reraise. Bst throws on twilight and zombies tojil away from us while Geo gets everyone up and we rest to full and wait for weakness to go away.
When everyone is back to full, zombie beastmaster draws all links while I pull tojil with fight and heel to delink links. Geo drops silence and geo-frailty, Bsts pop 2hr and razor fang zerg Tojil down from 55% to dead in about a minute and a half.
All and all, it's pretty easy and very fun. Meteor is the only danger at all. If you can keep Tojil silenced during his meteor phase and try to zerg him out of it quickly, you should have zero problems.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,328
By Shiva.Siviard 2015-03-08 03:18:23
Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »We did bead out matamata and kurma, but there isn't a real nead to do so, honestly. It was a shaky run because I was trying to give orders on the fly for the first time doing it, so it would have been a solid 15 minutes faster(plenty of time for mata and kurma) without first time doing it hiccups.
So a few forwards here. I was the only BST with dedicated gear. The other bsts had a piece here or there, so these were not hard core bsts(I might have been the only one with a reward set). Our corsair only did rolls. She did not even have a weapon or body piece, and only had sparks ring. Our Geomancer's skills were not capped, I actually don't know how high her skill was. We did not use any dawn mulsums. They are too expensive.
Pet food used was Akamochi for everyone. Rolls were Beast and Companions. Geo was just casting Frailty. Blackbeard Randy is the only thing that will be called with the exception of one Attentive Ibuki at the start of Tojil.
Every single NM in the zone will melt to Blackbeard Randy. Razor Fang is so insanely powerful that you can drop 120k damage in a few seconds with 4x BSTs spamming it. The Peiste actually died the fastest of anything.
I built 3k tp on fodder before we pulled. We actually had kind of a bad pull and people were not totally sure where to put their pets. Pets only on Tojil, masters should stay out of range.
Geo immediately casts Silence on Tojil, but our Geo was having a hard time making it stick. Might have her use the M.acc indi spell on herself next time. After silence, Geo drops malaise on mob and acumen on me. One BST runs in to do Ruinator, then Swooping Frenzy, then I pop Killer Instinct and run in to do Cloudsplitter. This drops Tojil from 99% to 79% right there. I get a little bit of tp on fodder, then another swooping to cloud splitter drops him to 69%.
This is kinda where we messed up. Somehow we all forgot about meteor and it's range. Every single one of us goes into range at the same time to pop Razor fang, and we all get hit and killed by Meteor. I actually thought we lost at that point. Luckily, geo and one of the bsts had reraise. Bst throws on twilight and zombies tojil away from us while Geo gets everyone up and we rest to full and wait for weakness to go away.
When everyone is back to full, zombie beastmaster draws all links while I pull tojil with fight and heel to delink links. Geo drops silence and geo-frailty, Bsts pop 2hr and razor fang zerg Tojil down from 55% to dead in about a minute and a half.
All and all, it's pretty easy and very fun. Meteor is the only danger at all. If you can keep Tojil silenced during his meteor phase and try to zerg him out of it quickly, you should have zero problems.
Interesting! I've got a very good GEO and I have no trouble at all sticking Silence at the start of the fight without the aid of Indi-Focus.
Only problem now is how you'll add Matamata & Kurma to the fight and still get the win. Kurma would be pretty straightforward, just time consuming. Matamata would be the difficult one for a majority BST setup unless you had the GEO try to nuke it dead with Blizzard & Blizzard II spam.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
By Carbuncle.Skudo 2015-03-08 04:10:47
GEO can prepare Matamata for physical damage while still having bubbles deployed for the BSTs to kill Eft/Raptor, maybe? I'd expect 4 BSTs and their pets to slap around Matamata hard enough when prepared for physical damage.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,328
By Shiva.Siviard 2015-03-08 05:29:50
GEO can prepare Matamata for physical damage while still having bubbles deployed for the BSTs to kill Eft/Raptor, maybe? I'd expect 4 BSTs and their pets to slap around Matamata hard enough when prepared for physical damage.
Possibly. I'm thinking Indi-Regen + Geo-Barrier for some extra defense. The Regen SHOULD be enough to cover the damage from any melee + TP move hits the Matamata can dish out while I tossed a few nukes between TP moves.
Of course, a good PDT set would help tremendously. Mine is decent, but not superior.
I'll get some fellow Minions during the day Sunday or Monday and test this out in the field first (then in the fracture) but it SHOULD go smoothly I think. We just had a LS member finish his Aymur to 75 and he's working to get it to 119 hopefully by the time we attempt this. But even if he doesn't have his Aymur complete, his BST is still tremendously good. Him and a few other BSTs in Minions LS should easily be able to handle it + me on GEO and any one of our LS CORs.
By malffxi 2015-03-08 06:12:01
A few dedicated people and voice chat makes for a very good time...you won't be disappointed with some planning. We have been toying with BST's potential since the update. LS will be working on perfecting Tru's crazy strats and BIS sets for future BST delves. Dat meteor though.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-03-08 08:19:17
Only problem now is how you'll add Matamata & Kurma to the fight and still get the win. Kurma would be pretty straightforward, just time consuming. Matamata would be the difficult one for a majority BST setup unless you had the GEO try to nuke it dead with Blizzard & Blizzard II spam.
Send one bst to go prep matamata for magical. The rest of the team goes to kill the raptor and eft. BSTs save 3k tp on last nm. Get to Matamata. Geo Malaises. Cloudsplitter/Primal Rendx4. Move on.
Kurma. One bst gets out Ibuki. Use Swooping frenzy to dispel harden shell. Geo frailties. Razorfang spam until dead. Throw in a Malaise'd Ruinator>Swooping>Cloudsplitter after 50% for good measure.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2015-03-09 10:39:05
You need a section on shields.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,328
By Shiva.Siviard 2015-03-09 10:52:29
You need a section on shields.
This is truth.
A lot of us in Minions LS go BST/RDM with our Cloudsplitter/Primal Rend builds and there are some very good Shield options for such builds.
By honeycomb 2015-03-10 16:21:53
Is it more important to have Pet ACC over Atk on the Bst Ready set or mix it up for the Taeon gear? Ive been mixing it up 2 pieces with pet atk and other two pieces with pet acc so is this ok or full pet acc better for the beast ready? I use the beast ready set too for pet weapon skills.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-10 16:27:31
If your Accuracy is good, then go for Attack.
By honeycomb 2015-03-10 16:30:57
Ok just wondering if makes difference on the Pet weapon skill for higher dmg. Plus there pet acc food and atk to mess around with lol just trying to save money and ty for info :)
By Mavrickx 2015-03-11 09:04:18
Can anyone confirm that "Double Attack" can trigger during Ready moves? Sometimes Tiger Fang returns 95 tp, other times it returns 105.
Would it be more beneficial to stack +ATK and +DA for ready moves?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-11 09:06:00
Yeah, it procs on physical Ready moves.
It's very beneficial to stack Attack, yes.
By Rainari 2015-03-12 13:56:18
Would it be possible to ask you to include some of the lower level skill chains as well in your guide when you feel like you have established enough as a base? The reason I bring this is up is because I like to use different pets and do not always use Ittentive Ibuki, or some of the others you've listed. A favorite of mine so far is blackbeard randy, as well as using generous arthur to tank. I'd like to see skill chain possibility with either Master + Pet, Or Pet + Master, Or Pet move 1 to Pet move 2 in order to maximize our damage in a shorter period of time if possible.
Thank you,
By Trulusia 2015-03-12 19:47:17
A favorite of mine so far is blackbeard randy,
Razor Fang > Spinning Axe > Razor Fang. This does massive damage. Too bad Spinning Axe sucks :/
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-12 20:15:24
Would it be possible to ask you to include some of the lower level skill chains as well in your guide when you feel like you have established enough as a base?
Updated with Level 1 skillchains.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 518
By Shiva.Malthar 2015-03-14 17:29:20
'Need to start updating the mod numbers on Acro and Taeon gear. For example, I have acc+24 on my Taeon body atm, but the guide says 1-23. I'm assuming they all go up to 25. Everybody post your augments so we can get an accurate rendering.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-14 19:07:17
Thanks for the info, I'll add Pet: Haste+5% to the Acro set.
Would definitely appreciate more augment information that I missed from the Skirmish table. :)
These are the legs I made recently:
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-16 07:02:36
Updated the Skirmish gear with info from this Famitsu article.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34,187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-03-16 07:21:46
So, wait, it's possible to have +15 Regen for the pet now?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-16 07:39:51
And a total of +16 Regen with Isa Belt (or +22 with some Regen+3 Axes).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34,187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-03-16 07:43:12
Wouldn't it be better to have DT-%, Regen +3, and any melee stat possible for a pet tanking gearset?
Or are you making a pet kiting gearset with DEF:25?
Reason behind my thoughts is, when you are fighting something that does a ton of damage, having +15 regen on a pet tanking set along with the +30 Regen from Theta? That's a whole lot of HP just from Regen alone.
Add in the DT-20% from gear, along with Stout Servant and whatever other traits added on, and it would be hard to kill the pet.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-03-16 12:06:10
That would make an excellent defensive hybrid set, absolutely. :)
And yeah, I've got a set of Acro dedicated to pet-only defense situations.
By emmara 2015-03-16 22:17:50
D: so much gear.. so many augments.. so much gil on stones x.x yay bst hehe
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2015-03-17 21:55:38
I almost hesitate to post this here but I have had such good results with bst recently I cannot resist.
It is ironic that everyone is so upset about the incoming thf nerf that no one is paying attention to how *powerful* bst has become.
This assumes that you have ready JP 10/10, Familiar JP 10/10, the 100 JP gift, the abby axe & shanatoo pants that reduce ready by 5 each respectivly (for a total of -15).
Some examples:
BSTs are now the best AoE nukers in the game (and this is coming from a serious nuking blu). With zero external buffs and proper magic accuracy, and magic attack augments on Taeon or Acro gear (at least 60 pet m.acc, and at least 40 pet m.att), BSTs can deal out 6k AoE nukes using Fireball from lizard, every 4-10 seconds or so. (I know it should be 15 seconds by math if your riding ready timer, but its clearly faster than that and I don't know why)
If you add in a cor, nukes go up to 8-10k per mob - so if you pull ten mobs thats 80-100k every 8 seconds - per beast in the party.
Pet nukes have clear resist levels of 50% 75% 87.5%.
Meaning, if you dont put any pet m.acc gear on, fireball will do
1.5k (sometimes 3k) - if you see that you could easily say this is crap and move on. However stacking proper levels of m.acc - you will start to get consistent 5k nukes on mobs weak to fire/magic, and 3-4k nukes on mobs without any fire weakness, and even higher with some pet m.att gear. (and dont forget the new pets foods that provide pet m.att [grape daifaku], and pet m.acc [rollanberry daifaku])
CP rate during double CP campaign with 2 bsts, geo cor whm blu was 555k CP/hour (37 JP in a little under 2 hours) - and only capped out because we ran out of mobs constantly.
Next - BST solo of the Avatar phantom gem fights are now trivial with the plant pet (electrified bug broth). Maybe this is old news, but it was news to me - every Ready move causes a "white proc". The white proc cancels every spell, every TP move, except for the avatar's 1 hour. And the plant pet can easily survive several judgement bolts back to back. With max ready reduction you can white proc every single Spell & TP move - pet takes incredibly little damage unless the avatar gets cute with stun > Lighting spikes - which makes fight a little annoying until the spikes wear off.
I was able to solo Ramuh on bst - normal in 11 minutes.
We were able to duo Ramuh with 2 bsts on difficult in 16 minutes.
In both cases just time "Tickling Tendrels" to every time avatar readys a TP move or spell.
We also did a Delve 1-5+Tojil with 5 BSTs 5 SMNs WHM COR - and it was a blast - took a bit longer than normal party style (35 min) but was fun as heck.
In Summary - BST got scary good and I hope SE leaves it alone ..
Some additional info: I made two acro sets - one for physical pet attacks, and one for magical pet attacks. I use official FFXI macros and equipment sets for BST, so this is all possible without any extra stuff.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 273
By Shiva.Larrymc 2015-03-18 09:45:24
I suspect BST can solo all the avatars phantom gem fights now on normal (maybe they always could - I dont know) - it just a matter of selecting the correct pet for the avatar.
Was able to solo Leviathan using Amiable Roche pet in 13 min. Again just time Recoil drive to avatars every spell/TP move and white proc will occur, cancelling out that move (except for its 1 hour, Tidal wave)
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20,130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-03-18 10:04:06
I almost hesitate to post this here but I have had such good results with bst recently I cannot resist.
It is ironic that everyone is so upset about the incoming thf nerf that no one is paying attention to how *powerful* bst has become.
This assumes that you have ready JP 10/10, Familiar JP 10/10, the 100 JP gift, the abby axe & shanatoo pants that reduce ready by 5 each respectivly (for a total of -15).
Some examples:
BSTs are now the best AoE nukers in the game (and this is coming from a serious nuking blu). With zero external buffs and proper magic accuracy, and magic attack augments on Taeon or Acro gear (at least 60 pet m.acc, and at least 40 pet m.att), BSTs can deal out 6k AoE nukes using Fireball from lizard, every 4-10 seconds or so. (I know it should be 15 seconds by math if your riding ready timer, but its clearly faster than that and I don't know why)
If you add in a cor, nukes go up to 8-10k per mob - so if you pull ten mobs thats 80-100k every 8 seconds - per beast in the party.
Pet nukes have clear resist levels of 50% 75% 87.5%.
Meaning, if you dont put any pet m.acc gear on, fireball will do
1.5k (sometimes 3k) - if you see that you could easily say this is crap and move on. However stacking proper levels of m.acc - you will start to get consistent 5k nukes on mobs weak to fire/magic, and 3-4k nukes on mobs without any fire weakness, and even higher with some pet m.att gear. (and dont forget the new pets foods that provide pet m.att [grape daifaku], and pet m.acc [rollanberry daifaku])
CP rate during double CP campaign with 2 bsts, geo cor whm blu was 555k CP/hour (37 JP in a little under 2 hours) - and only capped out because we ran out of mobs constantly.
Next - BST solo of the Avatar phantom gem fights are now trivial with the plant pet (electrified bug broth). Maybe this is old news, but it was news to me - every Ready move causes a "white proc". The white proc cancels every spell, every TP move, except for the avatar's 1 hour. And the plant pet can easily survive several judgement bolts back to back. With max ready reduction you can white proc every single Spell & TP move - pet takes incredibly little damage unless the avatar gets cute with stun > Lighting spikes - which makes fight a little annoying until the spikes wear off.
I was able to solo Ramuh on bst - normal in 11 minutes.
We were able to duo Ramuh with 2 bsts on difficult in 16 minutes.
In both cases just time "Tickling Tendrels" to every time avatar readys a TP move or spell.
We also did a Delve 1-5+Tojil with 5 BSTs 5 SMNs WHM COR - and it was a blast - took a bit longer than normal party style (35 min) but was fun as heck.
In Summary - BST got scary good and I hope SE leaves it alone ..
Some additional info: I made two acro sets - one for physical pet attacks, and one for magical pet attacks. I use official FFXI macros and equipment sets for BST, so this is all possible without any extra stuff
dude you are forgetting the first rule about fight club...
/whispers tegmina buffet yo!
I have really been enjoying bst a lot and my gear is crap. all I have are the reforged relic body, the oborro axe and charmer's merlin and gorney crap... CP is crazy fast, WoE is a cake walk, been doing macrocosmic orb fights now and I'm going to try your avatar fight suggestions tyvm
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Shiva.Arenegeth 2015-03-21 05:01:11
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »And yeah, I've got a set of Acro dedicated to pet-only defense situations.
Is there any reason not to make the pet defense augments (or any non Acro exclusive pet augments for that matter) on a Taeon set, so it doubles for PUP?