Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By clearlyamule 2019-03-14 23:55:39  
OH no I was just talking about the 4wsd and 25 mab listed on the item set. Yeah actual DM wont be close
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2019-03-15 16:24:11  
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I have 43 mab on valorous legs.

so yeah, dm augments would do it for head/hands also.

Dang, That's lucky!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-20 12:54:46  
clearlyamule said: »
OH no I was just talking about the 4wsd and 25 mab listed on the item set. Yeah actual DM wont be close

I struggled to get both WSD and MAB on some pieces.

I'm pretty sure I posted about it.

I had a 14 mab 4 WSD valorous feet, and an 18 MAB, 3 WSD valorous feet to compare

1 WSD did not match up to 4 MAB at all. I concluded I could stack alot more mab and it would make a better difference.

ofcourse Oseem is the avatar of the darkest demon in ffxi.
(His lesser subordinate being Divainy-Gamainy)
By clearlyamule 2019-03-20 15:16:09  
Ok then wrote up a real quick calculator in excel. Based on what the ws set page says:

Hands should start winning at:
0 wsd - 31 mab
1 wsd - 29 Mab
2 wsd - 27 mab
3 wsd - 26 Mab
4 wsd - 24 mab

Head is the same maybe 1 mab more at some points. Swapping in your 43 mab pants and the Juma head also only causes slight variation of maybe 1 mab on the tipping point However adding Idris acumen even without geo buffs was enough to put totemic beating leyline so I'd imagine some other DM MAB augs on other pieces would also push things. All a balancing act baby
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-21 06:40:53  
clearlyamule said: »
Ok then wrote up a real quick calculator in excel. Based on what the ws set page says:

Hands should start winning at:
0 wsd - 31 mab
1 wsd - 29 Mab
2 wsd - 27 mab
3 wsd - 26 Mab
4 wsd - 24 mab

Head is the same maybe 1 mab more at some points. Swapping in your 43 mab pants and the Juma head also only causes slight variation of maybe 1 mab on the tipping point However adding Idris acumen even without geo buffs was enough to put totemic beating leyline so I'd imagine some other DM MAB augs on other pieces would also push things. All a balancing act baby

Very good information. Thank you.

Ironically, it seems you need perfect WSD/MAB augments to win, or DM mab augments.

on another note, I was farming zi'tah t3's for Pulse weapon. (no luck). Urmahlulu is not a bad solo fight (with trusts). However I haven't figured out how to solo the other 2.

Shockmaw is not bad until low hp where he gets spammy. What really killed me was the encumbrance effect. I couldn't reward pet while i was up. Using Zhivago works quite well for both Killer Instinct and Dispel. The skillchains don't work out so well, but not really needed. Calamity was doing my best damage (using path c ankusa and and tp bonus offhand) however, I could only make reverberation or impaction with zhivago and calamity, which shockmaw will absorb the skillchain effect.

The AoE's took down 1/2 my trusts, which slowed me down. and then the enfeebles got me eventually. wasn't bad until below 50% hp, and I got him down to around 25% before I died. Maybe different trusts would help. I found Using hermes for Urmahlulu to be more helpful than AlluringHoney. Primarily because I could skillchian better with Hermes,and Honey didn't need to tank, because AAEV only died 1x and Hermes could tank just fine.

Killer Instinct helps trusts and party alot both offensively and defensively.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-21 07:58:27  

I was able solo solo down fleetstalker too.

AAEV is able to tank until the last 10%
w/ ygnas, sylvie, arcielaII, joachim for support

Alluring Honey was great help, but I should Have been using Aymur/Arktoi from the start.

Keeping killer instinct up means all the trusts survive so much better.
Nectarous Deluge + a skilchain bring down aura. though honestly the hardest party was getting tp when aura was up sometimes.

don't foreget your temps items.
I barely made it w/ 7s left, but If I used Aymur from start, and am3 w/ tickling tendrils, It would have gone faster methinks.

I was too slow on damage most the fight, because master tp is slower than one woudl like.

might even want aymur/charmers, though I was on Aymur Arktoi at the end.

I guess bzt solo'd it w/ his usual methods awhile ago. but this felt more farming friendly.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2019-03-29 10:07:22  
Whats yalls thoughts on the Dolichenus as an offhand axe to Aymur when going for Primal Rend damage? I was using Swooping Zhivago to tank/-MDB, the MDB alone increases my Primal Rend dmg by like 5-8k not to mention all the other stats that you get by offhanding the Dolichenus. Also Can do some really good SC dmg with SZ pet.
Posts: 2,760
By Nariont 2019-03-29 10:56:05  
Short of using tp bonus magian which is it's own hurdle, ambu axe is your best magic ws dmg offhand i beleive, sc bonus only applies if main handing though as far as im aware
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-29 11:51:58  
Nariont said: »
Short of using tp bonus magian which is it's own hurdle, ambu axe is your best magic ws dmg offhand i beleive, sc bonus only applies if main handing though as far as im aware

Malevolence still beats Dolichenus for off hands for Primal Rend damage.

but Renaud +3 / Fernagu for the TP bonus will beat either of them, unless you are over 1750 tp (or a little higher).

its still a very good option for offhand.
Dolichenus will have very good stats for off-hand.
15 dex, 40 Acc, 40 Macc, 30 Atk 16 MAB are all great stats for more than just Primal Rend.

The accuracy of tp Bonus axe will be terrible. Malevolence will have ok accuracy but still much less than Dolichenus for bst (dagger skill vs axe skill) but much lower delay also.

Dolichenus will not be the best at an particular aspect as an offhand weapon, but it will be very good for several things as an offhand weapon.

I think this is similar to Purgation. It has Acc, WSD, STP and Undead Killer but rather modest damage rating. Each of these bonuses (STP, Acc, WSD,) can be beaten by other axes. but having them all together is an excellent offhand weapon.

both Dolichenus and Purgation are jack of all trades off hand weapons. However Dolichenus does have a master ability for mainhand, and that is of course Decimation. The bonus damage from skillchain is a really good perk too.
Posts: 2,760
By Nariont 2019-03-29 12:31:05  
completely missed bst was on malev, yeah thats an easy win for rend/splitter far as offhand ilvl goes
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Cambion
Posts: 415
By Asura.Cambion 2019-03-30 19:27:34  

Let's say you had a significant other, child, or parent that knows very little about FFXI, and will never play to the min/max limits, but wanted to play with you. They will play extremely casually, without gearswap, and won't be attempting any crazy solos, they just want to mess around for fun, and were drawn to Bst.

With the above in mind, what would you recommend as absolute minimum sets to have for them to get the most out of BST within these limitations? (Please resist the urge to say "don't bother") I personally know very little about Bst, but am more than capable of solo'ing/farming/buying just about anything they need for the job, I'm just unsure of where to start, and how up to date the gearsets within OP node are?

Based on my small amount of research and skimming through the node, I'm assuming the Pet TP set, the Ready Set, and a Reward set. If I farmed those 3 sets would they be pretty much good to go have some fun without any worry, or is there another set or 2 I should focus on?

Thanks in advance.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-03-30 20:39:24  
Asura.Cambion said: »
With the above in mind, what would you recommend as absolute minimum sets to have for them to get the most out of BST within these limitations? I'm assuming the Pet TP set, the Ready Set, and a Reward set.

This is pretty much correct, though I'd suggest making a Pet:PDT set instead of a Pet TP set.

Here are some examples for early stage sets:

Reward Gear
ItemSet 365917

Pet:PDT Gear
ItemSet 365916

Physical Single-Hit Ready Gear
(Razor Fang/Tegmina Buffet)
ItemSet 339931
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-30 21:39:38  
Asura.Cambion said: »
(Please resist the urge to say "don't bother")

This line makes me sad to see.
Bst Forum not so snarky methinks.
Its really not how bst main players tend to think.

I think Falkirk gave you exactly the 3 sets to get to keep it simple. I can add a little context though.

You can upgrade those 3 sets a bit also with more pieces from the main Guide. It is very up-to-date.

The only thing in the guide that has some variance on would be the master tp and weapon-skill sets, which can be worked on later if they really want to, or not at all.

Its not that they are not current in the guide, its that there are several different ways you can approach it. (pet damage vs master damage. physical damage vs magical damage, multi attack vs store tp, etc). Bst is a very versatile job.

A pet tp set is completely not necessary. Ready moves depend on a timer, not on having 1k tp. So in place of a pet tp set, I would say a "Ready recast reduction set" is tremendously valuable.
Its very easy also,\. Its Charmer's Merlin and Desultor Tassets. Equip it in the ready macros like a fast cast set for mage's casting macro.

There is also a good amount of pet tp bonus equipment, which you simply want in your ready sets.

Falkirk has these with the Kumbhakarna axes and nukumi manoplas.

I would also say that for lower level content, Beastmaster is the most powerful job in the game. The changes to ready mean that Jug pets are ridiculously powerful from when you can first summon them all the way up.

I recently leveled up a mule on beastmaster. Its kinda silly that your jug pet can self skillchain and kill IT mobs by itself even without trusts.

However, bst pets have a hard time Scaling UP above the players level when fighting really high level monsters (level 135 ~149). Players with support buffs scale up alot more.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Tearxx
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-03-31 11:31:22  
At this stage in the game are Axe swaps even worth it unless they adjust Ready range back to where it should be? Unless mob doesn't want TP feed or am cleaving, I'm close enough to the mob while readying that I may as well swing at it. Thoughts?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-03-31 12:48:14  
Phoenix.Tearxx said: »
At this stage in the game are Axe swaps even worth it unless they adjust Ready range back to where it should be? Unless mob doesn't want TP feed or am cleaving, I'm close enough to the mob while readying that I may as well swing at it. Thoughts?

The pet command range nerf for bst did not make it unpractical to do pet only fights. It only made it tedious.

Axe swaps are perfectly worthwhile
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-03-31 15:55:18  
Phoenix.Tearxx said: »
At this stage in the game are Axe swaps even worth it unless they adjust Ready range back to where it should be? Unless mob doesn't want TP feed or am cleaving, I'm close enough to the mob while readying that I may as well swing at it. Thoughts?

If you don't swap axes you are losing a ton of pet damage. And that's still BST's main "hook". It's annoying but, with say tiger, you can still be about 10' away- enough to avoid a lot of AoEs. We are still good for pet-only strats as long as you have support. I ran an pets-only Kyou last night on BST and led the parse over 2 SMNs, granted I probably have more invested into my beastmaster than they do in their summoners but my pet died twice... now for pet-only zerg we are behind summoner of course, they get a lot more out of AFAC than we do out of Familiar/Unleash.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Tearxx
Posts: 121
By Phoenix.Tearxx 2019-03-31 19:41:30  
Guess I'll invest the time into making the skirmish axes then. Been mainly just running kaja/blurred since I do so much master damage atm, and using arthur to enhance that.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2019-04-01 20:43:17  
Phoenix.Tearxx said: »
Guess I'll invest the time into making the skirmish axes then. Been mainly just running kaja/blurred since I do so much master damage atm, and using arthur to enhance that.
Another good one is Vivacious Vickie, you can do Decimation > Sweeping Gouge > Decimation > Decimation. It will do INDURATION > FRAGMENTATION > LIGHT. Pretty good and she gives the 25% DEF down.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-02 22:24:13  
Asura.Beanen said: »
Another good one is Vivacious Vickie, you can do Decimation > Sweeping Gouge > Decimation > Decimation. It will do INDURATION > FRAGMENTATION > LIGHT. Pretty good and she gives the 25% DEF down.

I totally forgot that Decimation has Reverberation for secondary.

Thats a really nice skillchain for Kaja/Dolichenus.

I usually did it w/ primal rend.. but only 3 steps.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-04-02 22:50:02  
Xilkk been working on my aymur. About a third of the way in for alex and done the nyzul / almost done the ichor. How much a dps increase should i expect?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-02 22:52:53  
Ozaii said: »
Xilkk been working on my aymur. About a third of the way in for alex and done the nyzul / almost done the ichor. How much a dps increase should i expect?

hmm. totally depends on how good your other gear is as well, and how much jp you have (the gifts for pet attack/acc etc are very helpful>

however, when I as farming quetz on my own, trying different weapon combinations, I was doing 4~6k Sweeping gouge w/out aymur on. ( no pet buffs either))

With Aymur on, I was doin 7~9k

Quite a significant boost to pet damage. Especially if you rock Am3 with Sweeping gouge.
Thing is you get 3 things to boost pet damage situationally.

TP Bonus
Attack bonus
Aftermath >>> Multiattack (or more attack or acc, but you want the multiattack)

tp bonus will help the magical damage usually as well. So its not only for physical ws's

when under Unleash, the tp bonus doesn't help anymore, because pet tp is capped, but the attack boosts are still fantastic for all damage physical.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-04-02 22:56:07  
Like. From my current axes i use for just pet engaged times. The ready ones are typically a kumbhakarna with the 200tp and 20ish atk and da/critdam +4 on it. Along with arktoi. How much more will aymur push my pet damage when i get it ya think? Im prob swapping it in to arktois spot.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-02 22:58:26  
Ozaii said: »
Like. From my current axes i use for just pet engaged times. The ready ones are typically a kumbhakarna with the 200tp and 20ish atk and da/critdam +4 on it. Along with arktoi. How much more will aymur push my pet damage when i get it ya think? Im prob swapping it in to arktois spot.

sorry, I accidentally posted before then was editing it for full reply.

definitely want Aymur in main hand for ready moves.

for multihit, you definitely want the Kumbhakarna in offhand. for non-multihit physical ready moves, you probably want arktoi in offhand.

Falkirk probably has more insight on that comparison than I.

If you don't have 2x TP + Mab axes, then keep aymur in mainhand for magical ready moves. I notice alot more bonus from tp on magical than physical ready moves.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-04-02 23:01:24  
Oh cool no prob on the editing thing. Is cool to know the difference tho. And i personally think at this point all i can do is maybe go for perfect augs instead of awesome augs on my valor or stuff for ready sets. My magic ready set can prob use more love tho. But other than that it should all be good. Oh and i need to make the +2 neck eventually. But yea all my gear shoukd be pretty solid. Some af and relic i can prob work on making +3 but yea. Ty this is good to know its that aignificant of a difference my dude.

ItemSet 358682

This the set that i used to use all the time before i had a lua with high/mid/low acc sets. But it doesnt change much.
I also have a different set for ma ready just havent added it to ffxiah yet.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-02 23:13:16  
The other really nice thing about Aymur is how good the damage is for both master and pet for when you are both fighting.

Pangu and Dolichenus are better for physical weaponskills, but not by much if Aymur is augmented.

you notice the drop in physical damage your pet does when you go to a non-aymur axe. I tend to only use magical damage pets if I'm engaged with Pangu/Dolichenus. (though the decimation skillchain a few posts up makes me want to try that more).

The pet MAcc on Pangu is really nice for Arthur and Bredo. The damage loss is not terrible. The long cooldown for 2 ~ 3 charge ready moves means they will build up more tp in between, so the tp loss is not bad. Also the attack bonus does not help with magical damage. If you can burst it, the damage return is quite good. Not to mention the def down or mdb down from these pets.

Though its also really fun to use Aymur / Fernagu and bredo.
Get the Mdb down effect, then spam 30k + Primal Rend on bats using killer instinct :D even better if you burst foul waters after closing darkness w/ primal rend.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-04-02 23:19:05  
Oh yea that does sound fun as hell. I should prob worm on a magic ws set myself. Havent had that at the top of my priority list. Worked on the physical ones first. Will have to worm on my magical ws sets tho. But i did make my ma ready set recently after hearing you say that the pig is that amazing. And here is what i came up with in a short time.
ItemSet 365980
Using taeon feet cuz i dont feel like killing another chest for my 5th pair of feet atm.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-04-03 09:31:32  
Ozaii said: »
How much more will aymur push my pet damage when i get it ya think? Im prob swapping it in to arktois spot.

Xilk gave a good example with Quetzalcoatl, being a scenario that highlights the benefits of Pet: Attack+ and Aftermath III upkeep.

For situations with appropriate buffs/debuffs to benefit your pet (Beast Roll, Frailty, Dia), like this Automaton vs Familiar test, you'll find Aymur useful in raising your maximum damage threshold when spamming Ready moves.

This post from a few years ago was illustrating the benefits of "Pet:TP Bonus" from Kumbhakarnas, but you can extrapolate Aymur's superior TP Bonus effect from it.

Ozaii said: »
kumbhakarna with the 200tp and 20ish atk and da/critdam +4 on it.

Grats on getting the Pet:Double Attack+4%... that's quite rare.

Ozaii said: »
But i did make my ma ready set recently after hearing you say that the pig is that amazing.

It's definitely the next Level Up as far as the Ready damage hierarchy is concerned.

1-charge, Conal, DEF-25% effect, can strike upwards of 5-hits with Aymur's AM3... a very nice move.

Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
(or more attack)

サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-03 11:50:25  
5.2k attack on Shizuna makes me want to bring her to Divergence.
the Attack values are very important there. (on wave 1 and 2 strangely def down is not as effective as attack +. typically it is.)

I've been working on Pangu Augments, so I haven't thought much about it, but I should test that out tonight.

And what in the world? you have both 1695 Acc AND 5.2k attack?

now I need to pay more attention to those values. I might need to improve my augments on some Valorous pieces.

ah... drachen roll ofcourse... but still thats REALLY good.

I also see you updated the on screen display for ja's. looks better than I remember

ahh, ofcourse, run wild, spur, AND am2, (assumed rage already).
very expert to know when to use am2 vs am3 on Aymur.

Bst actually has very good reason to switch between the 3, for benefiting the pet
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2019-04-03 17:17:02  
Oh i see thats a good way to put it. I wont aug a second khumba for phys ready just cuz im about to have aymur. But thats like super bad *** to know what the damage bonus is.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-04-04 06:45:17  
Hey Cap'n Falkirk

any good spot to include the Pet Enfeebles chart you have on page 52 into the main guide?

took me forever to find it for reference and its really great info
(wanted to compare options for trying to silence meeble w/ bst)

I would request your info on the pets that don't make 119 (falcorr, raphie, shasra, fargann, etc) in the main guide also. I'm not sure which page that is on, but its Fantastic info. Its buiried right now.

Even if you slipped it into the extra 2nd post or somthing would be greaat.

edit: ah, page 48 for the non ilvl 119 pets.
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