Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-04-12 06:29:09  
Is there any particular reason you use Ankusa legs over totemic for reward? They both lower recast by the same amount, right? Or am I missing something? I've just been looking at the two pieces and trying to see any difference between the two. Slowly gathering all necessary pieces for BST, and just want to make sure I don't spend time on some that aren't particularly needed.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-04-12 06:41:09  
They function the same for Reward, so use whichever one you like. :)
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-04-12 07:09:23  
Thanks for the quick reply, Falkirk! Trying to save space where I can. I underestimated just how much gear BST uses.
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-04-13 07:10:43  
soo WKR axes augmented with OAT/crit rate are gonna excel in stuff, say like dynamis/salvage, or anything i cap accuracy even though ilvl is lower for my pet and I?
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-04-13 08:01:25  
Using the augmented WKR axes will increase the master's WS frequency dramatically which means more opportunities for skillchains and whatnot. It's a big DPS boost.

The amount of stats your pet loses by dropping from 119->115 will vary (depending on the pet, it'll be -50~100 Acc/Atk/Def/Eva) but their stats are still more than sufficient for those kinds of low-level content.
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Jacaut
Posts: 383
By Seraph.Jacaut 2015-04-13 08:39:01  
thanks you're so helpful and active i love it ^^
Posts: 95
By honeycomb 2015-04-15 17:44:53  
I was wondering if a bst can solo legion and what pet i was thinking aoe pet atk jug?
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-04-15 21:14:06  
It's possible, yes.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Soybean
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2015-04-21 18:19:28  
Shiva.Larrymc said: »
I was able to solo Ramuh on bst - normal in 11 minutes.
Do you mind sharing the equipment and augments you were using for Ramuh? Did it require a lot of Thetas/Mulsums?

I gave this a shot last night on Easy and even with stunning nearly every special and spell, the damage Candi was taking was adding up too quickly and I just couldn't keep up.
Posts: 19
By Bomberto 2015-04-21 18:51:30  
With a decent reward and pet dt set I'm able to keep it alive indefinitely, but I'm sure he also has very good pet MAB gear to be able to kill them fast enough.
By 2015-04-21 19:28:20
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-04-22 00:58:53  
Asura.Kaitaru said: »
Curious if you have experimented with gear hybridization when doing content or do you focus on Pure Master or Pure Pet gear? Not sure if you noticed your Pet Haste Box is missing its top tier recommendations :P. So far only Nezha, a PUP player mentions "Frontline" and "Backline" Setups where you try to mix stats for the Master and pet. I've always wondered where the dividing line was for BST and PUP when it came to gear priorities. I'm mostly just curious if there Is a way to go Some ACC/ATK and Pet: ACC combinations to a way where you can see yourself capping ACC on both of you to better utilize the PUP and BST Mythics.

Always felt like finding a way to do this would be really awesome because of how the mythics worked >3>. I would also like to add the purpose of this is to do High Tier Battlefields,KCNM's and the new Skirmish. Part of me thinks this is going to be fairly easy with some gear mixing, but I guess I wouldn't mind finding out if anyone here knows of a spreadsheet/charting program to do this in :P. My concern stands when trying to do this with Vagary which is 130 and higher. I know optimal setups blah blah blah, but I'm hoping to do the above events and possibly Vagary some day with 2 friends of mine which are BLU and COR.

I know this may be a pipe dream but I feel with some COR pet rolls things may be manageable. I figured you are the closest one to ask since you are very active vs the many math warrior PUPs who like to go MIA for 2 months at a time after a patch hits. The issue here is that you cant directly compare BST to PUP due to PUP having attachments that adjust accuracy and odd attachments like "target marker" which negates 25% of the enemies evasion out right.

After the ready update, it isn't worthwhile to try and melee on BST anymore except for in very specific situations. Ready moves do incredibly high damage, and in order to keep doing them as fast as possible, you have to offhand a pre-ilvl axe. So on pretty much all current content, you're only going to be able to hit with your mainhand axe anyway.

It's also significantly safer to just let the pets be in range. Because of this, you can idle with pet dt axes and swap to your attack axes for ready moves.

Bst is in kind of a weird place right now. It's really not a regular DD job anymore. It's much closer to how SMN is now.
By 2015-04-22 01:39:35
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-04-22 14:09:23  
Prior to the Ready update, Bst and Pup played a lot alike. The master delt the majority of the damage, and the pet was a solid addition that added utility, much more so for PUP than for BST.

After the update, it's a loss of DPS to even pull out your weapon presuming you have a 10 second ready timer. Ideally you want to swap between your tanking gear and your ready gear after each ready move, which will include changing axes. So there isn't really a reason to melee because you will never have tp anyway.

The same holds true for a mythic Bst. You're never going to need the minor boost to attack, and OAT adds very little to your pet's ready move damage. It's great for PUP since their pets still need to have 1000tp to perform a WS.

In any situation where you might want the aftermath, the target is either going to bee too dangerous to attack or too weak for your pet to not kill it in two ready moves.

Maybe if you are soloing AAs, then I could see it. Chances are you are using the Tulfaire pet, who's DPS isn't particularly amazing. So in that case I could see why you might want to have a hybrid set, but in all other instances I don't think there is any practical use for it.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-04-22 18:27:57  
Asura.Kaitaru said: »
Curious if you have experimented with gear hybridization when doing content or do you focus on Pure Master or Pure Pet gear? [...] I'm mostly just curious if there Is a way to go Some ACC/ATK and Pet: ACC combinations to a way where you can see yourself capping ACC on both of you to better utilize the PUP and BST Mythics. [...] I would also like to add the purpose of this is to do High Tier Battlefields,KCNM's and the new Skirmish.

Since your intent is to low-man stuff like Difficult Ark Angels with your BLU and COR friends, then it falls under this bit of advice:

Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
if you want a hybrid set, having pet dt- with acc for master is a really solid choice.
You can reach respectable accuracy levels while doing so, for both Master and Pet. With Familiar/Accuracy job points and NQ Shiromochi this set gives Master Acc: 1076 and Tulfaire Acc: 1070 (and is obviously far from perfect). Better options exist if you know how much accuracy you need for a given fight.

Probably doesn't help you as far as a PUP parallel, but it's food for thought I guess? ; ;
By 2015-04-22 21:35:48
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サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2015-04-22 22:09:29  
Asura.Kaitaru said: »
For one BST can totally pass on getting their Mythic, while the +1000 TP on ready/sic seems cool you do still have a lot of pieces that do the same. This alone makes BST amazing for me since I can still pursue KKK and Tizona with one less mythic to make.

Oh I wish that were the case. 1000TP bonus is an absolutely insane augment to ready moves. Falkirk blows my damage out of the *** water, and my pet can drop 30k razor fangs on Tojil.

Asura.Kaitaru said: »
However in MMO's today pet's cant hold hate and main tank raid content, so its something that just will come with the territory.

This isn't true. Falkirk and Beastmazter regularly act as our main tanks in DM II and Vagary. Puppetmaster actually has an easier time doing it due to being able to cap dt and get an absolutely insane regen effect.
By 2015-04-22 22:33:51
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-04-22 23:42:04  
Would anybody mind sharing their sets that give them such ridiculous damage from ready moves? Literally the only pieces I'm missing from mine are a Domesticator's earring and Aymur. Every other piece has 24+ acc or atk and 5 DA, as well as the rAF3 hands, new sash from Vagary, basically anything you could want. Yet I'm not hitting much more than 6k or so on end-game content. Is there something integral to damage that I seem to be missing?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Senyn
Posts: 106
By Quetzalcoatl.Senyn 2015-04-22 23:50:25  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Would anybody mind sharing their sets that give them such ridiculous damage from ready moves? Literally the only pieces I'm missing from mine are a Domesticator's earring and Aymur. Every other piece has 24+ acc or atk and 5 DA, as well as the rAF3 hands, new sash from Vagary, basically anything you could want. Yet I'm not hitting much more than 6k or so on end-game content. Is there something integral to damage that I seem to be missing?

Bandwagon BST receive a Damage penalty, afraid there's nothing you can do about it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: blacksoul
Posts: 78
By Bahamut.Darksouls 2015-04-23 01:52:39  
I just have a question regarding the pet we use for the current content and post READY updates.
What is the preferred pets that we use for different events today?
Reading through few pages in this thread, it seems Blackbeard randy is pretty awesome for events like Delve. I used to use Attentive Ibuki to solo AAs (VE). Is that still the case today?
Please share your experience~
Thanks in advance.

P.S. I was in Yorcia party with a bst and he used Headbreaker Ken to Cursed sphere all the things (4k cursed sphere is very cool)

EDIT: OMG I totally missed the "Limbus/Assault/Salvage/Einherjar/Meeble Burrows/Legion" part of this guide... stupid me...
Posts: 1124
By Trulusia 2015-04-23 08:50:24  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Is there something integral to damage that I seem to be missing?

Ready and Spur JP 10/10. That is what most people are missing.
Posts: 19
By Bomberto 2015-05-02 13:20:59  
So I made a simple way to make ready moves easier to use across different pets if you use one of Mote's or Falkirk's gearswap luas. I've tested it out a bit and it seems to works very quickly and smoothly, much better than using a script .txt or ingame macro that spams the chatlog with a dozen TP moves, which also has a good chance at not firing your TP move at all. It's a bit large since I'm not well versed with lua and I'm sure there would be a tidier way to do it, but it gets the job done. So this keeps your chatlog clear, doesn't cause your gearswap to freak out, and easier to change set TP moves if you, like me, have like 8 sets of macros that each have ready macros on them.

Just paste these two functions into your Beastmaster lua and make sure you have the appropriate includes. Then you can trigger ready moves by /console gs c Ready One/Two/Three for ingame macros. I haven't tested every move/pet to make sure they are spelled correctly but you can modify it if you catch an error. It gives you 3 separate macros to quickly use a TP move based on your current pet. The way I organized them is Ready One is for most used moves or 1 charge moves, Ready Two is for AoE and/or 2 charge moves, and Ready Three for magical, debuff and/or 3 charge moves. I hope all you BSTs enjoy it, and I also added all the pets I can think of, so it will work for those leveling up fresh with weird non-99 level pets like diremite and cactuar if you choose to use them on your adventures.
function job_self_command(cmdParams, eventArgs)
	if cmdParams[1]:lower() == 'ready' then
        eventArgs.handled = true

function ready_move(cmdParams)
	 local move = cmdParams[2]:lower()

		if == 'DroopyDortwin' or == 'PonderingPeter' or == 'HareFamiliar' or == 'KeenearedSteffi' or == 'LuckyLulush' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Foot Kick" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Whirl Claws" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Wild Carrot" <me>') end
		elseif == 'SunburstMalfick' or == 'AgedAngus' or == 'HeraldHenry' or == 'CrabFamiliar' or == 'CourierCarrie' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Big Scissors" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Scissor Guard" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Bubble Curtain" <me>') end
		elseif == 'WarlikePatrick' or == 'LizardFamiliar' or == 'ColdbloodedComo' or == 'AudaciousAnna' then
			if move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Brain Crush" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Tail Blow" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Fireball" <me>') end
		elseif == 'ScissorlegXerin' or == 'BouncingBertha' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sensilla Blades" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Tegmina Buffet" <me>') end
		elseif == 'RhymingShizuna' or == 'Sheep Familiar' or == 'LullabyMelodia' or == 'NurseryNazuna' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Lamp Chop" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sheep Song" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Rage" <me>') end
		elseif == 'AttentiveIbuki' or == 'SwoopingZhivago' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Molting Plummage" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Swooping Frenzy" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Pentapeck" <me>') end
		elseif == 'AmiableRoche' or == 'TurbidToloi' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Recoil Dive" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Intimidate" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Water Wall" <me>') end
		elseif == 'BrainyWaluis' or == 'FunguarFamiliar' or == 'DiscreetLouise' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Frogkick" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Shakeshroom" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Dark Spore" <me>') end				
		elseif == 'HeadbreakerKen' or == 'MayflyFamiliar' or == 'ShellbusterOrob' or == 'MailbusterCetas' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Somersault" <me>')	
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Cursed Sphere" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Venom" <me>') end				
		elseif == 'RedolentCandi' or == 'AlluringHoney' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Tickling Tendrils" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Stink Bomb" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Nepenthic Plunge" <me>') end
		elseif == 'CaringKiyomaro' or == 'VivaciousVickie' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sweeping Gouge" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Zealous Snort" <me>') end
		elseif == 'HurlerPercival' or == 'BeetleFamiliar' or == 'PanzerGalahad' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Power Attack" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Rhino Attack" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Hi-Freq Field" <me>') end
		elseif == 'BlackbeardRandy' or == 'TigerFamiliar' or == 'SaberSiravarde' or == 'GorefangHobs' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Razor Fang" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Claw Cyclone" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Roar" <me>') end
		elseif == 'ColibriFamiliar' or == 'ChoralLeera' then
			if move == 'one' or move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Pecking Flurry" <me>') end
		elseif == 'SpiderFamiliar' or == 'GussyHachirobe' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sickle Slash" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Acid Spray" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Spider Web" <me>') end
		elseif == 'GenerousArthur' or == 'GooeyGerard' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Purulent Ooze" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Corrosive Ooze" <me>') end
		elseif == 'ThreestarLynn' or == 'DipperYuly' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sudden Lunge" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Spiral Spin" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Noisome Powder" <me>') end
		elseif == 'SharpwitHermes' or == 'FlowerpotBill' or == 'FlowerpotBen' or == 'Homonculus' or == 'FlowerpotMerle' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Head Butt" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Wild Oats" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Leaf Dagger" <me>') end
		elseif == 'AcuexFamiliar' or == 'FluffyBredo' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Foul Waters" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Pestilent Plume" <me>') end
		elseif == 'FlytrapFamiliar' or == 'VoraciousAudrey' or == 'PrestoJulio' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Soporific" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Palsy Pollen" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Gloeosuccus" <me>') end
		elseif == 'EftFamiliar' or == 'AmbusherAllie' or == 'BugeyedBroncha' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Nimble Snap" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Geist Wall" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Cyclotail" <me>') end
		elseif == 'AntlionFamiliar' or == 'ChopsueyChucky' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Mandibular Bite" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Venom Spray" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Sandpit" <me>') end
		elseif == 'MiteFamiliar' or == 'LifedrinkerLars' then
			if move == 'one' then 
				send_command('input /ja "Double Claw" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Spinning Top" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Filamented Hold" <me>') end
		elseif == 'AmigoSabotender' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Needleshot" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' or move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "??? Needles" <me>') end
		elseif == 'CraftyClyvonne' or == 'BloodclawShashra' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Chaotic Eye" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Blaster" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Charged Whisker" <me>') end
		elseif == 'SwiftSieghard' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Scythe Tail" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Ripper Fang" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Chomp Rush" <me>') end
		elseif == 'DapperMac' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Beak Lunge" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Wing Slap" <me>') end
		elseif == 'FatsoFargann' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Suction" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Acid Mist" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Drain Kiss" <me>') end
		elseif == 'FaithfulFalcorr' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Back Heel" <me>')
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Chokebreath" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Fantod" <me>') end
		elseif == 'CrudeRaphie' then
			if move == 'one' then
				send_command('input /ja "Tortoise Stomp" <me>')	
			elseif move == 'two' then
				send_command('input /ja "Harden Shell" <me>')
			elseif move == 'three' then
				send_command('input /ja "Aqua Breath" <me>') end


Also, I can't seem to get ready/sic reduction gear to equip properly using GS, it seems like sets.precast.Pet.ReadyRecast fires at all. Any ideas? Right now just using a gearset with Merlin and Tassets right before my ready commands in my macros and it seems to work for now but I'd like to know if anyone has a fix.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-05-02 13:45:45  
Very nice. Good work, man. :)

Bomberto said: »
Also, I can't seem to get ready/sic reduction gear to equip properly using GS, it seems like sets.precast.Pet.ReadyRecast fires at all. Any ideas? Right now just using a gearset with Merlin and Tassets right before my ready commands in my macros and it seems to work for now but I'd like to know if anyone has a fix.

What moves were you using? And do you use your own lua, or one based off of mine? In the job_precast section from my file it equips "sets.midcast.Pet.ReadyRecast" so if you renamed one, you'll need to rename them both.

Also, Gearswap isn't picking up on any of the newer Ready moves added after the fall of last year (maybe a Windower resources thing? Maybe the typo space SE put after "Somersault " caused a domino effect with errors? I honestly have no clue.)

So in the meantime you'll need to create your own macro precast/aftercast (as you did) for the following moves:
Tickling Tendrils
Stink Bomb
Nectarous Deluge
Nepenthic Plunge
Sickle Slash
Acid Spray
Spider Web
Pecking Flurry
Foul Waters
Pestilent Plume
Posts: 19
By Bomberto 2015-05-02 14:53:50  
Ah I see, that probably explains it. I was testing it with snapweed at the time and just couldn't get it to work. I think I tried with tiger as well and it wasn't functioning, but I don't recall. And yeah my gearswap is based off yours, I changed the name of that set to see if it had something to do with why it wasn't working, forgot to change it back.

For anyone that's curious my ingame macros are set up as so:

/equipset 005
/console gs c Ready One
/wait 2
/pet "Spur" <me><wait 1>
/pet "Sic" <me>

Just change One to Two or Three for the other slots. And set 005 if just charmer's merlin and desultor tasset, and I shove the merlin into a sack if I don't want to swap it for my moves. Gearswap handles the rest of my gear changes for the ready moves and JAs.

One more question: Does Call Beast recast- gear work on Bestial Loyalty or is it just on Call Beast? Going to augment a set for DT/Pet MAB/Regen as a sort of space saver, since I already have a set for master DD and pet DD/ready moves. And when I finish up Aymur I might want to make a MAB/WS Damage set for that, so I should have a few leaf slots open and wondering if I should put call beast recast on them.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-05-02 15:12:39  
Bomberto said: »
One more question: Does Call Beast recast- gear work on Bestial Loyalty or is it just on Call Beast?

Just Call Beast. ; ;

Bomberto said: »
And when I finish up Aymur I might want to make a MAB/WS Damage set for that, so I should have a few leaf slots open and wondering if I should put call beast recast on them.

You can do that if you like. I'd say Fast Cast+5% (or Waltz Potency+5%) would be great also. Personally went with Fast Cast on all of them:

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Odin.Illistillusion 2015-05-03 02:20:19  
what pets require the MAB?
Posts: 19
By Bomberto 2015-05-03 02:48:16  
The most common one I see is WarlikePatrick's Fireball since its one charge, aoe, and can put out serious damage. Plus it can self-SC fusion with Braincrush > Tail Blow and MB Fireball off of it. It's also one of the cheapest jugs you can buy.

But it benefits any ready move that can magic burst.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 683
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2015-05-03 12:22:18  
Odin.Illistillusion said: »
what pets require the MAB?

You can use Pet:MAB in conjunction with these moves:
Dust Cloud
Bubble Shower
Molting Plumage
Silence Gas
Dark Spore
Cursed Sphere
Stink Bomb
Nectarous Deluge
Nepenthic Plunge
Acid Spray
Purulent Ooze
Corrosive Ooze
Foul Waters
Pestilent Plume

According to a fellow BST's tests, moves that were previously thought to be "Breath"-based are just magic-based for Jug Pets, so Dark Spore is a magic attack here.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arenegeth
Posts: 9
By Shiva.Arenegeth 2015-05-03 22:28:11  
Three questions:

1. Why Fast Cast instead of Waltz Potency as the extra augment for the Master Mab set? Besides for reapplying shadows and the occasional use as /mage are there any other benefits? Just trying to weigh pros and cons so I can pick one.

2. An LS mate was telling me about how Fireball is Breath dmg since it goes through shadows without taking them down. Is that true? If not, are the Breath Augments good for any ready move?

3. Is there a Ready move scenario where Reforged Empy hands are not the best to use? Besides during Unleash of course. I already got 25 pet mab on a hands slot and trying to figure if is worth keeping or if I should rewrite (an Unleash set sounds a bit excessive at this point).
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