Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
By shamgi 2020-01-13 21:14:37
So, been discussing this some more with my static, and things that we've hit upon:
with the +25 counter from the boar, it's very possible to hit an easy 50+ counter rate, and come close to the cap with Avengers Roll.
Combined with the easy to hit DT cap and access to some decent shields, the idea of a BST being able to tank various things becomes even more realistic. If it's a mob that you have killer effects access too, you can layer on the various defenses. Between Intimidation chance, counter chance, and access to thus far a pretty reliable reprisal enhanced block rate, BST has many ways of avoiding damage entirely.
By Ozaii 2020-01-13 21:33:40
So, been discussing this some more with my static, and things that we've hit upon:
with the +25 counter from the boar, it's very possible to hit an easy 50+ counter rate, and come close to the cap with Avengers Roll.
Combined with the easy to hit DT cap and access to some decent shields, the idea of a BST being able to tank various things becomes even more realistic. If it's a mob that you have killer effects access too, you can layer on the various defenses. Between Intimidation chance, counter chance, and access to thus far a pretty reliable reprisal enhanced block rate, BST has many ways of avoiding damage entirely.
This is great to hear. But we still suffer from methods of holding the mob. Is the biggest issue. Although interesting we would have to hold using damage as well as sub job hate tools.
By Nariont 2020-01-13 21:37:36
isnt BSTs HP farily moderate also?
By Ozaii 2020-01-13 21:49:20
isnt BSTs HP farily moderate also? Its its not that great but they do have access to items like moon rings and moon cape so they can raise it to almost 3k if they tried. I do believe doing so might make them lose alot of other important stuff but i would have to check that out first.
By Ozaii 2020-01-13 22:14:05
ItemSet 370720This is your most feasible set. You are going to be under 1200 acc though prebuff. Which is fine for lower end content like omen if you recieve bard buffs and eat a sushi. And the counters should reasonably give you enough tp for some things to tp fast enough with am3 up. Hp around 3k. Should work well however the biggest concern now is how you hold hate. Which if its damage. Means you gotta make defensive ws sets with maybe a d ring and not argosy in it. Because argosy has no defensive stats. Maybe 1 peice of argosy. But its limiting. And that damage has to be higher or on par with hour other dd if you wanna garuntee you are holding hate since we lack crusade. Although usage of tools like sentinal and such or valliance should help a little.
By Ozaii 2020-01-13 22:15:09
Also unfortunate. You wont want to use the killer body for anything reasonable or you lose hp, Meva, regen, and also the counter. Which is a big part of taking less damage on bst with the big pig.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-13 23:17:32
Counter does not grant TP, unfortunately.
By shamgi 2020-01-13 23:33:02
ItemSet 370720This is your most feasible set. You are going to be under 1200 acc though prebuff. Which is fine for lower end content like omen if you recieve bard buffs and eat a sushi. And the counters should reasonably give you enough tp for some things to tp fast enough with am3 up. Hp around 3k. Should work well however the biggest concern now is how you hold hate. Which if its damage. Means you gotta make defensive ws sets with maybe a d ring and not argosy in it. Because argosy has no defensive stats. Maybe 1 peice of argosy. But its limiting. And that damage has to be higher or on par with hour other dd if you wanna garuntee you are holding hate since we lack crusade. Although usage of tools like sentinal and such or valliance should help a little. I think you're really, really going overboard on the HP you need, and also failing to account for losing a lot of that HP on gear swaps.
I was looking at something more along these lines:
I don't have a Pangu or I'd be using that, but doing so would give you more freedom with the gear you pack.
Other slots are devoted to TP pieces, to help maintain hate through damage.
You might sacrifice the chest piece in gearswaps to keep it on 100% of the time, which isn't really too sad for most WSs, as it does come with 40 STR
ItemSet 370719
JSE Cape I think is built 20VIT/10 DA/10 ACC/10ACC/ATT/10 Counter. Not sure how how important the VIT is, might be better to just do DEX.
By Ozaii 2020-01-14 00:56:49
ItemSet 370720This is your most feasible set. You are going to be under 1200 acc though prebuff. Which is fine for lower end content like omen if you recieve bard buffs and eat a sushi. And the counters should reasonably give you enough tp for some things to tp fast enough with am3 up. Hp around 3k. Should work well however the biggest concern now is how you hold hate. Which if its damage. Means you gotta make defensive ws sets with maybe a d ring and not argosy in it. Because argosy has no defensive stats. Maybe 1 peice of argosy. But its limiting. And that damage has to be higher or on par with hour other dd if you wanna garuntee you are holding hate since we lack crusade. Although usage of tools like sentinal and such or valliance should help a little. I think you're really, really going overboard on the HP you need, and also failing to account for losing a lot of that HP on gear swaps.
I was looking at something more along these lines:
I don't have a Pangu or I'd be using that, but doing so would give you more freedom with the gear you pack.
Other slots are devoted to TP pieces, to help maintain hate through damage.
You might sacrifice the chest piece in gearswaps to keep it on 100% of the time, which isn't really too sad for most WSs, as it does come with 40 STR
ItemSet 370719
JSE Cape I think is built 20VIT/10 DA/10 ACC/10ACC/ATT/10 Counter. Not sure how how important the VIT is, might be better to just do DEX.
With the tidbit about counter giving no tp that buuki informed us of. This sets isnt going to hold anything. You will need aymur or a blurred axe if you really want to hold something. So unfortunately this posted set is not looking very feasible. Also. The hp is overboard you are right. Can absolutely make changed but your other sets should also change according to what you are doing to not drop below 100 or close to 100 of your tanking sets hp. However i can adjust the set to accomodate that fact that hp being 2900 is to much.
By Ozaii 2020-01-14 01:06:17
ItemSet 370720
Adjusting for other things this set will bump your acc up a hunk and then include other. It will also give you great meva and better chance at holding hate since you now have more stp and more damage. Going fencer using either calamity primal or mistral. Should offer more damage thus more actual tankability. Just took a second look over this. This set is also more flexible to what your buffers are using. As its above 1200 acc its the different between a torpor and an acc song or just a torpor compared to what i posted before this sets acc should have at least 50 more acc.
By Ozaii 2020-01-14 01:19:49
Honestly looking at it more. Not even sure if tanking through sub job ja's would offer as much hate as just going ham and trying to tank through damage alone. Just having counters alone is more viable with dwing at holding a mob and tanking. It will probably hold a mob much better than going fencer build and attempting to hold it through damage and sub job ja's. Which is keeping in mind the most important part of being a tank. If the mob isnt looking at you, then you arent tanking the mob.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-14 17:46:48
Has anyone tried BST with scythe recently, since the Scythe adjustments? I know Axe is the primary weapon, but my next Ambu wep will be Drepanum, and was wondering if anyone had some unique builds with it. Was thinking of doing some Multi-steps on BST with Boar pet. Perhaps /drk for LR
Entropy (MM) > Sweeping Gouge > Entropy (MM) > Spiral Hell (Q) > Entropy (MM) is Darkness.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-15 07:02:58
I haven't messed with scythe since the adjustment, but it's been on my to-do list
By Vankathka 2020-01-15 11:11:59
I have Drepanum, and 3k Spirals do 45k+ more often then not with some kind of buff/debuff rage/defense down etc, but thats at 3k, usually they're way less, especially in a multi-step situation, and forget about Entropy that WS is just garbage, INT mod, none of our gear boosts it we have little access to INT+ as it is so I guess Valor with INT+ Attack? Use Argosy for double attack? I've never had good results out of it other then just, hey I used Entropy.
Its fun to use but falls completely short (in the small amount of times I've tried to make it work) of just using Gouge > Decimation x2. Maybe someone else has used it more extensively and can give a better opinion.
Forgot to mention this is all Solo with trusts, maybe in buffed situations Entropy would do better.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-15 11:50:13
Oh that sucks. I'll probably still grab one just to complete my collection. Hard to beat Doli right now
By Vankathka 2020-01-15 14:36:29
Has anyone gotten Gearswap to swap Tassets properly yet? I know there was that one post with the Tiger test but my results are more inline with Falkirks as in, I only get the full damage from Cursed Sphere etc when I disable the swap and just use all damage gear.
Judging by the speed of ready moves now I actually doubt it's possible to swap them in time, however Quick Casts does register so, maybe.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-01-15 14:58:09
Talking with lsmates, what about disabling precast for Ready moves in the lua, putting the tassets into the first line of your Ready macro, and letting Gearswap handle the midcast? Or would that still not be fast enough?
By Vankathka 2020-01-15 15:08:32
Talking with lsmates, what about disabling precast for Ready moves in the lua, putting the tassets into the first line of your Ready macro, and letting Gearswap handle the midcast? Or would that still not be fast enough?
Tried that just now, didn't work either.
No matter what method I try to do I either get full damage 15 seconds or 10 seconds and not full damage, I cannot work in these conditions.
By Felgarr 2020-01-15 15:36:44
Talking with lsmates, what about disabling precast for Ready moves in the lua, putting the tassets into the first line of your Ready macro, and letting Gearswap handle the midcast? Or would that still not be fast enough?
Tried that just now, didn't work either.
Due to SE's instant-timing change for Ready, it's not possible. You have 2 choices:
1.) Activate Ready with Desultor Legs for 10sec ready charms, but be slightly gimped.
2.) Activate Ready with your previous pet-stat sets for for full power but with 15s charges.
...Or, you realize this situation is *** so you like this post and hope SE changes it:
By Vankathka 2020-01-15 15:43:57
I already figured that was the case, but thought maybe someone had a work around.
This is fineeeeeee. /eyetwitch.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-16 15:03:04
small typo in guide. Should be critical hit rate.
Moonshade: Atk+4/TP Bonus+250
Artio's Mantle:
[STR+30, Acc/Atk+20, Crit. Dmg+10%]
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-01-16 15:32:47
small typo in guide. Should be critical hit rate.
Moonshade: Atk+4/TP Bonus+250
Artio's Mantle:
[STR+30, Acc/Atk+20, Crit.Dmg+10%]
Fixed, thank you.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-16 23:29:01
Hey i'm not sure if this is a glitch or intended. Was fighting stuff with a BST buddy of mine. He was leader so he casted trusts, and my pet's Zealous Snort operated as an AOE, hitting his trusts and myself, but not him. Is Zealous Snort AOE by default (meaning will snort on an enemy raaz hit nearby raaz as well?)? Thought it was strange that it hit his trusts but not him.
Zealous Snort did not affect my own trusts when I went back out and tried it (showing picture with my own trusts in range)
NQ pet
HQ pet
By Nariont 2020-01-17 05:00:22
Thats a glitch, supposed to be only the bst that benefits
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-17 07:36:02
Oh ok. Didn't test if other buffs like Rage, Metallic Body etc were affected as well but I guess I can check those and submit a bug report. Feel like buffs should be party-wide anyways, but meh.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,184
By Odin.Senaki 2020-01-17 08:15:08
Oh ok. Didn't test if other buffs like Rage, Metallic Body etc were affected as well but I guess I can check those and submit a bug report. Feel like buffs should be party-wide anyways, but meh.
Even if they were intended to be party-buffs, they would still be meh. 'Evasion bonus+' yay?
By Nariont 2020-01-17 08:22:47
+100%/+150% def aint a bad deal ever. 60% atk aint too bad either assuming you can handle the def loss. Then theres just +counter and +mdb from snort if the haste wont do anything, not too bad a deal really
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-17 08:23:43
I mean if you look at it like that, sure. You do have to take some time to think about where you could use things for a benefit. Would not be a horrible thing if you had a 1-2 BST able to buff with Rage and then cover the defense loss with something like Cocoon or Metallic Body spam for the group. Pair it with a tank and give him Snort buffs, helps mitigate a little damage. Of course, nothing groundbreaking, but that's the point. It's not broken enough to NOT affect the whole group, so why not (clearly the bug is allowing at least some NPCs to get the bonus anyways).
And I don't think Rage should carry that Defense Penalty to the Master, but that's just me.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-17 09:00:36
Rage should be reduced to -25 defense or 35/35 if SE want's to be ***. -50 or 60% defense is too dangerous and will get the master turned into a red smear on anything worth taking about.
By SimonSes 2020-01-17 09:11:13
-50 or 60% defense is too dangerous and will get the master turned into a red smear on anything worth taking about.
Just to follow up on that, MNK counterstance ,which is super hard to maintain for the same reason even with 80% counter rate and MNK huge HP pool, is -50% def. So yeah..