Dev Tracker - News, Discussions

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サーバ: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25987
By Anna Ruthven 2016-10-22 09:24:48  
For all the opinions reported, I don't know why the "Mandau is lame" one wasn't...well, I do but please keep things civil and please stop abusing reports or I'm going to just remove them.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-10-22 09:35:21  
Anna Ruthven said: »
For all the opinions reported, I don't know why the "Mandau is lame" one wasn't...well, I do but please keep things civil and please stop abusing reports or I'm going to just remove them.
What post are you referring to?
If you're referring to my post, I'm going to have to inquire what exactly is wrong about saying it's lame that the devs have not buffed Mandau(or other weak relics) for over 6 years?
Forum Moderator
サーバ: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25987
By Anna Ruthven 2016-10-22 09:42:48  
Valefor.Kiaru said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
For all the opinions reported, I don't know why the "Mandau is lame" one wasn't...well, I do but please keep things civil and please stop abusing reports or I'm going to just remove them.
What post are you referring to?
If you're referring to my post, I'm going to have to inquire what exactly is wrong about saying it's lame that the devs have not buffed Mandau(or other weak relics) for over 6 years?
It's an opinion, like a lot of the other posts that were reported because they were semi-heated debates.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-10-22 09:49:41  
It's not really an opinion that mandau is a weak weapon in comparison to other ultimate daggers. The numbers have shown that mercy stroke is a weak weapon skill even with mandau's boost to it, as well as there being much easier to obtain non-ultimate weapons that are slightly worse or on par with Mandau. This has been the case for over 5 years now.

Also, there are heated discussions and arguments yes, but there becomes a point where things stop being that and start being downright insulting.

Here's an example:

This is a personal attack on Afania:

Its rather pathetic to run away from the fact that your spreadsheet proved what my stance is all about and you resorted to "Assume" that my argument steams from a video.

{Warp} or {Perfect Dodge} {Watch and/or use spreadsheet}

This below quote is very abrasive and being rude and dispespectful:

You're either living in a parallel universe or you missed the point here completely, don't come and compare a GS WAR with everyone else spamming Resolution under 2 min and say WAR is okay.
You failed to point out the issues these jobs face with weapon types they are supposed to "excel" at [GA,GK and H2H]
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Scwall
Posts: 339
By Quetzalcoatl.Commencal 2016-10-22 09:54:28  
Quetzalcoatl.Commencal said: »
Afania said: »
I guess in this game no one is ever happy, when 2h dominate the parse in 75 era people yell for 1h dmg boost. Now 2h jobs and 1h are a lot closer, dealing same lv of dps and people say it's only logical for 2h to "dominate" the parse?

It's actually bounced back and forth throughout the years. 1H melee dominated the 75 era before SE modified 2H damage and accuracy formulas. Even earlier before that, RNG dominated with no distance penalty.

And Mandau was the best dagger for THF.

サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2016-10-22 11:20:56  
Valefor.Kiaru said: »
It's not really an opinion that mandau is a weak weapon in comparison to other ultimate daggers. The numbers have shown that mercy stroke is a weak weapon skill even with mandau's boost to it, as well as there being much easier to obtain non-ultimate weapons that are slightly worse or on par with Mandau. This has been the case for over 5 years now.

Also, there are heated discussions and arguments yes, but there becomes a point where things stop being that and start being downright insulting.

Here's an example:

This is a personal attack on Afania:

Its rather pathetic to run away from the fact that your spreadsheet proved what my stance is all about and you resorted to "Assume" that my argument steams from a video.

{Warp} or {Perfect Dodge} {Watch and/or use spreadsheet}

This below quote is very abrasive and being rude and dispespectful:

You're either living in a parallel universe or you missed the point here completely, don't come and compare a GS WAR with everyone else spamming Resolution under 2 min and say WAR is okay.
You failed to point out the issues these jobs face with weapon types they are supposed to "excel" at [GA,GK and H2H]

Whats even more flabbergasting is the fact that you didn't even bother to read the whole debate to understand who started the "Heated Discussion".

Please respect yourself and refrain from your accusation because clearly you lack clarity of thought when it comes to whats abusive or abrasive.
Using sarcastic analogy back and forth in any debate is very common and makes the discussion more interesting, which went both ways by the way during our debate.

Thanks for the future "reporting" and enjoy your evening.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-10-22 11:24:31  
Could we keep this thread limited to the dev news please? Commenting on them is fine, but going off rails for pages is just pointless.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inxmonk
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2016-10-22 12:11:54  
AG Mandau is a nice weapon, its just relatively expensive.

The thing that bugs me more is this idea that getting a perfect Sari is this trivial thing when its the product of a sequence of kinda specific rng-driven events.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2016-10-22 14:05:38  

Samurai in the scene.. Hmmmm...
Could the almighty GKT be part of the Formula Revamp too?..
Stay tuned...(^_*)y

Another nerf??... (Hoping for something good)
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2254
By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-10-22 14:15:26  
Asura.Sechs said: »
I think SAM too doesn't really need anything special other than tweaks to the WS damage formula.
I'd like Namas or ranged attacks in general to get a boost. :[ Played with AG Yoichi once on SAM and put it away. So lackluster now compared to GK WSs.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2016-10-22 14:22:58  
My hunch is an increased to ranged pDIF caps. Maybe Martial Arts and Dual Wield will be fixed although that's probably wishful thinking.
Posts: 8363
By Afania 2016-10-22 18:54:53  
Leviathan.Katriina said: »
Whats even more flabbergasting is the fact that you didn't even bother to read the whole debate to understand who started the "Heated Discussion".

Yes, because I'm the one who used highly controversial terms such as "not up to par" and "laughable" to describe certain jobs and their DPS...oh wait I'm not.

Anyways, I have the intention to maintain a civil convo about job dps hierarchy but if people just wanna use extreme terms like "sub par" and "laughable" then flip the lid when someone else disagree and think it's legit to do so then Id rather pass. You can't really expect no one express different opinions when you painted certain DPS job so bad.

I don't think GA nor GK is laughable by any means, considering 2h still has higher ws frequency from what I've seen, it's just not miles ahead like 75 era anymore, and gears can easily make up the gap that one job may pull ahead of another depending on gears. Basically they are all on the same lv.

I also think separating WS avg with DPS in this discussion makes no sense. You kept insisting it's a seperate issue but it's not. How can you possibly get a WS avg boost without changing job dps hierarchy? That's just not possible. If SE boost GS or GA ws avg massively and out perform every other ws, it's just make SAM and WAR bandwagon again due to how fast those jobs WS.

Despite people make it as terrible as people make it sound like and GK GA is still highly competitive in DPS role IMO.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2016-10-23 11:11:44  
Afania said: »
Leviathan.Katriina said: »
Whats even more flabbergasting is the fact that you didn't even bother to read the whole debate to understand who started the "Heated Discussion".

Yes, because I'm the one who used highly controversial terms such as "not up to par" and "laughable" to describe certain jobs and their DPS...oh wait I'm not.

Anyways, I have the intention to maintain a civil convo about job dps hierarchy but if people just wanna use extreme terms like "sub par" and "laughable" then flip the lid when someone else disagree and think it's legit to do so then Id rather pass. You can't really expect no one express different opinions when you painted certain DPS job so bad.

I don't think GA nor GK is laughable by any means, considering 2h still has higher ws frequency from what I've seen, it's just not miles ahead like 75 era anymore, and gears can easily make up the gap that one job may pull ahead of another depending on gears. Basically they are all on the same lv.

I also think separating WS avg with DPS in this discussion makes no sense. You kept insisting it's a seperate issue but it's not. How can you possibly get a WS avg boost without changing job dps hierarchy? That's just not possible. If SE boost GS or GA ws avg massively and out perform every other ws, it's just make SAM and WAR bandwagon again due to how fast those jobs WS.

Despite people make it as terrible as people make it sound like and GK GA is still highly competitive in DPS role IMO.

I believe its already been decided to stop this charade of meaningless arguments over semantics.

Expressing opinions is a basic right, especially if its based on the main topic by DEV Team (in that case "Weapon Types")

Not even once DPS was mentioned in my stance because unlike some members I abide by the content of the DEV Post.

Tweaking or changing the formula of GK H2H GA is vital simply because of its irrelevant modifiers like MND INT CHR and VIT.

Discussing WS as a separate topic that stemmed from the DEV post is a natural consequence, and discussing how they are primitively designed and never been reviewed as modifiers is critical imo, but hey you can side track all you want.

I repeat, Dev Team mentioned Weapon Types formulas, meaning its a review of its basic modifiers and behaviors during playtime. and its is worth discussing as a separate section between us to better understand the core issues, the design of these formulas as they are now is most definitely laughable.
Posts: 8363
By Afania 2016-10-23 11:37:15  
I agree that some of the ws is weak but then you could just say "adjust the ws with MND VIT INT mod" instead and focus on those specific type of ws. Because as it stands, the first and a couple of following post of of what you said is easily read as "WAR and SAM is bad DD, their ws dmg needs a boost to keep up with 1h" which pretty much puts entire category of weapon ws and job in "terrible" tier.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kate99
Posts: 860
By Leviathan.Katriina 2016-10-23 11:43:24  
I honestly read twice our debate and not even once i deviated on the topic of weapon skills, Im not really sure how you assume these conclusions but its all good.

thank you for your awesome engagement by the way and lets see how they implement what they announced :)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Xenomorph 2016-10-23 13:47:22  
As long as Sam isn't killed I'm happy :D Buff mnk, heck buff blu idc just keep Sam alive
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Gameesh
Posts: 859
By Phoenix.Gameesh 2016-10-23 14:55:39  
Wasp Sting buff: sometimes poison AND rasp on the target when executed.

Imagine if that was the only thing in the update. I'd laugh so hard.

It's probably gonna be some tweaks to high-level (end-game) stuff though. I'm hoping for SAM, DRG and MNK ws's myself.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1003
By Leviathan.Andret 2016-10-23 15:13:29  
Asura.Xenomorph said: »
As long as Sam isn't killed I'm happy :D Buff mnk, heck buff blu idc just keep Sam alive

Suggested Monk Buff:

Boost: 15% Attack and 15% WSD. Increase to 23.5% WSD with equipments.

Impetus: Job trait instead of JA. Always active.

Martial Arts: No longer reduce TP. Each fist now gives 130TP+

Chakra: 5 second cool down. Can heal other players.

Mantra: 3min duration. 3min cooldown. Gives 10% JA Haste to whole party.

Counterstance: Monk can counter JA and TP attack under the effect of counterstance.

Kick Attack: Each kick attack now deals 3x damage of a fist attack.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lenus
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2016-10-23 15:28:31  
Leviathan.Andret said: »
Asura.Xenomorph said: »
As long as Sam isn't killed I'm happy :D Buff mnk, heck buff blu idc just keep Sam alive

Suggested Monk Buff:

Boost: 15% Attack and 15% WSD. Increase to 23.5% WSD with equipments.

Impetus: Job trait instead of JA. Always active.

Martial Arts: No longer reduce TP. Each fist now gives 130TP+

Chakra: 5 second cool down. Can heal other players.

Mantra: 3min duration. 3min cooldown. Gives 10% JA Haste to whole party.

Counterstance: Monk can counter JA and TP attack under the effect of counterstance.

Kick Attack: Each kick attack now deals 3x damage of a fist attack.
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2016-10-23 16:58:23  
The sad part is people still wouldnt use monks cause it cant reach haste cap on its own, doesnt have innate shaddows, and h2h ws still blow.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1003
By Leviathan.Andret 2016-10-23 21:14:25  
Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Leviathan.Andret said: »
Asura.Xenomorph said: »
As long as Sam isn't killed I'm happy :D Buff mnk, heck buff blu idc just keep Sam alive

Suggested Monk Buff:

Boost: 15% Attack and 15% WSD. Increase to 23.5% WSD with equipments.

Impetus: Job trait instead of JA. Always active.

Martial Arts: No longer reduce TP. Each fist now gives 130TP+

Chakra: 5 second cool down. Can heal other players.

Mantra: 3min duration. 3min cooldown. Gives 10% JA Haste to whole party.

Counterstance: Monk can counter JA and TP attack under the effect of counterstance.

Kick Attack: Each kick attack now deals 3x damage of a fist attack.

I guess it's overpowered huh? How about pick 3 out of those buffs? I will settle for Martial Arts, Boost and Counterstance.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-23 21:33:03  
If you ask me the fixes to Monk are simple.

Hand-to-Hand combat skill and the way it determines base damage needs to be buffed. As it stands base Hand-to-Hand damage is calculated by multiplying Hand-to-Hand skill by 0.11 and adding 3, so base damage goes up by 1 every 9 combat skill. This should be a at least 3 for every 9 combat skill if not higher.

Mantra could have a job ability Haste effect added to it which caps out at 15% with 5/5 merits and 20% with 119 Relic feet. Mantra by itself is quite amazing, 30% HP Boost is nothing to sneeze at, but this would give it a little 'oomph'.

Impetus needs to have it's penalties for missing removed.

Footwork should increase the rate of Kick Attacks and increase their damage while not making them your only form of attack. Blood Rage buffs what makes a Warrior so powerful without penalty, this should not be any different.

Just a few suggestions.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2016-10-23 21:42:52  
I think that's basically what Footwork does now? I believe they adjusted it so that it no longer forces you to only do Kick attacks but rather always do a Kick attack in your attack round for the duration of the buff.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-23 21:45:46  
Shows how little attention the community has paid to Monk... My bad.
Posts: 12987
By Pantafernando 2016-10-27 03:40:06  
A great campaign:

Celebrate the Harvest Season This November with Several Appreciation Campaigns! (10/27/2016)

The following campaigns will be held starting on Friday, November 11.

Campaign Period: Friday, November 11 at 12:00 a.m. (PST) to Wednesday, November 30 at 6:59 a.m.

Chain Experience Bonus Campaign
Earn from double to three times the normal amount of experience from experience chains.

Chain Capacity Point Bonus Campaign
Earn from double to three times the normal amount of capacity points from experience chains.

Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign
Earn from double to three times the normal amount of experience from experience chains.

Abyssea Campaign
During the campaign, the default light values of pearlescent, azure," golden, and silver auras will be drastically increased.
In addition, a blue treasure chest has been placed near Horst in Port Jeuno (H-8). Opening the chest will enable you to claim one of the following prizes:
- Eleven varieties of Atma
- One Lunar Abyssite key item
- 100,000 cruor

Wildskeeper Reive Campaign - PLUS!
During this campaign, wildskeeper reives will undergo the following changes to make them more accessible.
- The required fame and bayld cost of the key item required to participate have been reduced.
- Enemies will drop four pinches of high-purity bayld.
- Enemies will drop Mog Kupon AW-WK.
- The respawn times for the following notorious monsters have been reduced.
Colkhab / Tchakka / Achuka / Yumcax / Hurkan / Kumhau

Alter Ego Expo
Alter egos will receive the following improvements for the duration of the campaign.
- Alter egos' Maximum HP and MP are increased by 50%.
- Alter egos have stronger resistance to status ailments.

Skirmish Stone and Arcane Glyptics Campaign
Engraving the following items with arcane glyptics will yield better results than before
Ninza +2 / Leisilonu +2 / Iztaasu +2 / Crobaci +2 / Faizeer +2 / Iclamar +2 / Iizamal +2 / Qatsunoci +2 / Kannakiri+2 / Shichishito +2 / Aedold +2 / Lehbrailg +2 / Uffrat +2 / Bocluamni +2 / Hgafircian +2
Cizin Helm +1 / Cizin Mail +1 / Cizin Mufflers +1 / Cizin Breeches +1 / Cizin Greaves +1 / Otronif Mask +1 / Otronif Harness +1 / Otronif Gloves +1 / Otronif Brais +1 / Otronif Boots +1 / Iuitl Headgear +1 / Iuitl Vest +1 / Iuitl Wristbands +1 / Iuitl Tights +1 / Iuitl Gaiters +1 / Gendewitha Caubeen *1 / Gendewitha Bliaut +1 / Gendewitha Gages +1 / Gendewitha Spats +1 / Gendewitha Galoshes +1 / Hagondes Hat +1 / Hagondes Coat +1 / Hagondes Cuffs +1 / Hagondes Pants +1 / Hagondes Sabot +1 / Beatific Shield +1

Skirmish Frenzy Campaign - PLUS!
Skirmishes will undergo the following changes during the campaign.
- Personal treasure coffer ranks will increase much faster.
- The spawn rate of yecuexes will be increased in Alluvion Skirmishes.
- The spawn rate of Balamor's Adumbration will be increased in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of translurry will always be obtainable in Skirmish - Yorcia Weald (U).
- Vials of transmelange are more likely to be obtained in Skirmish – Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).
- The spawn rate of heartwings will be increased in Skirmishes in Yorcia Weald (U) and Outer Ra'Kaznar (U).

High-Tier Mission Battlefield Campaign
The number of personal drops in the following battlefields will be increased by one, and players will receive either a pluton, a pluton case, a pluton box, a chunk of beitetsu, a beitetsu case, a beitetsu box, a riftborn boulder, a boulder case, or a boulder box.
★Ark Angels 1 / ★Ark Angels 2 / ★Ark Angels 3 / ★Ark Angels 4 / ★Ark Angels 5 /
★Return to Delkfutt's Tower / ★The Celestial Nexus / ★The Savage / ★The Warrior's Path /
★Puppet in Peril / ★Legacy of the Lost / ★Rank 5 Mission / ★Head Wind /
★One to be Feared / ★Dawn / ★Pentacide Perpetrator / ★Trial by Fire / ★Trial by Ice /
★Trial by Wind / ★Trial by Earth / ★Trial by Lightning / ★Trial by Water /
★The Moonlit Path / ★Waking the Beast / ★Waking Dreams
* Higher quality items will drop more frequently on higher difficulties.

Special Dial Campaign
Players will receive a #SP dial key each day upon logging in. This key can be traded to the NPC at the Gobbie Mystery Box to spin the special dial.
* No dally tally will be expanded upon spinning the special dial.
* Only characters for whom 45 days or more has passed since character creation are eligible to use the Gobbie Mystery Box.

Dynamis Granules of Time Campaign
Players will automatically receive all types of granules of time upon entering Dynamis.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 9925
By Asura.Sechs 2016-10-27 03:50:51  
Yai another month of FOUR HP bayld campaign! Because HP bayld price didn't drop enough inorite.
Ergon Weapons have quickly moved from the hardest/longest weapons to do to the cheapest/fastest lol

Well minus people who are still not legendary in all coalitions but you have my loathe for skipping content if you aren't! :P

As always, this is such a stupid way to "fix" issues, classic SE style.
They couldn't reduce the number of HP bayld or change the Bayld/HPbayld conversion rate, right?

Anyway, getting back IT, I'm glad about High Tier Battlefield Campaign finally coming back, about time! Guess we're gonna see some vagary campaign next month then.
Can't wait for cheaper Stikini/Varar/Staunch items.
Posts: 935
By Chyula 2016-10-27 03:54:45  
4 HPB!! time to farm that Idris in 2 weeks of time. Too bad most ppl don't even have 1 legend rank.
Posts: 109
By Treizekordero 2016-10-27 05:00:00  
SE is definitely trying to crash the price of Ergon weapons.... I guess that's their "fix" since they probably don't have the man power to reduce some of the requirements like coalition assignments? Oh well.

Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19610
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-10-27 05:16:10  
dunno how i'll even divide my time. I need CP so thatll rpolly be most of my time, but high tier battlefield campaign isn't very common...

prolly won't bother with WKR++ since it'll be swarmed to all *** and a huge pain in the ***, would rather just hoard boxes from HTBFs
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-10-27 06:24:26  
Oh wow, okay.

Now that's a good campaign.
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