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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-04 04:58:19  
Asura.Sechs said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
I always feel the reason why current content has such crazy stats and deadly moves because they overbuffed [cut]
Cut the rest.
I agree with you, the reason why some NMs are so annoying is because they overbuffed players, not just melees.
We've seen this thing happen in the past too, it's an endless cycle.

Player base reacts bad when you nerf something, so when you have two things A and B and A is very powerful and B sucks, devs tend to just buff B instead of nerfing A.
This is simply because of the reaction of the players, ultimately it's them who pay the monthly fees so we can understand the devs' fears.

But when you do this not once, not twice, but over and over and over you reach a point where players have way too much power at their disposal and can simply ignore most strategies initially meant by devs simply through sheer power.
This is especially true in a destructured and unhomogeneized game like FFXI where you can stack a plethora of different buffs together with hardly any limit.

To counteract that, they have to create more and more and more unfair/annoying mobs with the craziest combination of uber dangerous things, often making them frustrating and not fun to fight against.

But with that said, what do you suggest? Certainly a massive nerf to players mechanics is completely out of question. I don't see any possible and ideal solution to this problem as feasible.
The only thing they can do is small adjustments which won't solve the current situation entirely, but would make it better than it currently is at least. Which is sorta what Prothescar, Saevel and others have been saying.
Not ideal maybe, but at least realistic, possible and coherent with the current game paradygms.

Overbuff underdog jobs is like using drugs, it makes ppl happy at start, until it backfires. Now players tend to ask for more drugs to "fix" everything.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Bigsyke
Posts: 364
By Ragnarok.Bigsyke 2016-02-04 05:03:42  
People talking about buffs killing longevity...

I'm pretty the fact that the game is more than a decade old has taken care of that for the most part.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-04 05:08:55  
Ragnarok.Bigsyke said: »
People talking about buffs killing longevity...

I'm pretty the fact that the game is more than a decade old has taken care of that for the most part.

In pre abyssea FFXI you make progress at snail's pace, which is enough to keep the game live.

post SoA FFXI had update every 1~2 months, which is also enough to keep the game alive.

Now that we're not getting update as often, and mostly rely on existing content to keep players around. Besides new REM grind idk what would keep majority of the players(those who don't do reisenjima HELMS) around anymore.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inxmonk
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2016-02-04 05:26:52  
If you realistically can't take part in content, it may as well not exist for you.

Longevity comes from not just having a surplus of content, but a surplus of ACCESSIBLE content.

Right now, the highest level of content, -and that includes Aeonics across the board- is not accessible to melee players. That's a problem.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-02-04 06:13:30  
Lakshmi.Lenus said: »
Byrth actually averages 10.5k Pyrric Kleos on Maju when we do it. This is with Frailty/Dia3/Chaos/Hunter's/x1 Madrigal/Precision/Torpor. And its PK, it sucks compared to cdc!!

It's actually about on par with CDC, especially when you consider the tools DNC has at it's disposal. The only thing that makes CDC "better" is that it SC's with itself so newb BLU's can spam it while PK requires the DNC know how to link their other WS's to do multi-step. Remember CDC is only four hits while dual wielding, PK is five and Tizona doesn't give CDC another 30% damage. BLU and DNC are about on par, just require different party buff setups to optimize them.

Then again you said this so we really shouldn't take you seriously.

SE is very good at balancing the game. BLM finally saw daylight after 20 years of being sleepga, proc and stun ***.

Anyhow the others already said what needs to be said.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 332
By Bahamut.Foreverj 2016-02-04 06:47:25  
Asura.Sechs said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
That's the point I was making on 1st page, 98% of content in this game are low lv content. It doesn't make sense if entire game has 98% of content with NM at fodder level. Id rather see smaller difficulty gap between low lv content and higher ones.
I understand what you're saying and I can partially relate to that (altough I think in the end it's a dog biting its tail and there's no solution) but I also think people over these board can give the wrong impression.

What is facerolled by players like us on these boards, is not facerolled by everybody else.
I meet people who still STRUGGLE with stuff like Sinister Reign or T1 mobs in Zi'tah.
Yes, Zi'tah.
There are MANY players like that out there. Just because they don't post in here doesn't mean they don't exists or they do not constitute a number large enough for SE to consider them.

Leaving this necessary premise outside for a moment now, I said I can see what you're saying, but if overbuffing melees is a possibly dangerous solution, leaving things as they are is no good either.
If content is too easy, people are gonna get bored fast and then quit. (aside from other people who might enjoy collecting new toys just for the sake of having them, and we saw this happening already, didn't we?)
If content is too hard, people are gonna get frustrated fast and then quit.

What I'm saying is that the real problem here is having no somewhat constant stream of new content.
There is no solution to that.
Artificially prolong how much that content lasts by keeping it incredibly difficult only works up to a certain degree, past which people are gonna quit, exactely like they would if content were too easy.
So once again: there is no solution to this problem. The only solution is having new content being release, at which point you can freely "nerf" (within reason! There aren't only insane nerfs, can apply small ones as well!) old content.

That's exactly what I mean too. I see way too many returning players nowadays n making those easy to him contents doable for returning players would be nice for the player base.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 332
By Bahamut.Foreverj 2016-02-04 07:01:45  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
That's the point I was making on 1st page, 98% of content in this game are low lv content. It doesn't make sense if entire game has 98% of content with NM at fodder level. Id rather see smaller difficulty gap between low lv content and higher ones.
I understand what you're saying and I can partially relate to that (altough I think in the end it's a dog biting its tail and there's no solution) but I also think people over these board can give the wrong impression.

What is facerolled by players like us on these boards, is not facerolled by everybody else.
I meet people who still STRUGGLE with stuff like Sinister Reign or T1 mobs in Zi'tah.
Yes, Zi'tah.
There are MANY players like that out there. Just because they don't post in here doesn't mean they don't exists or they do not constitute a number large enough for SE to consider them.

Leaving this necessary premise outside for a moment now, I said I can see what you're saying, but if overbuffing melees is a possibly dangerous solution, leaving things as they are is no good either.
If content is too easy, people are gonna get bored fast and then quit. (aside from other people who might enjoy collecting new toys just for the sake of having them, and we saw this happening already, didn't we?)
If content is too hard, people are gonna get frustrated fast and then quit.

What I'm saying is that the real problem here is having no somewhat constant stream of new content.
There is no solution to that.
Artificially prolong how much that content lasts by keeping it incredibly difficult only works up to a certain degree, past which people are gonna quit, exactely like they would if content were too easy.
So once again: there is no solution to this problem. The only solution is having new content being release, at which point you can freely "nerf" (within reason! There aren't only insane nerfs, can apply small ones as well!) old content.

If anything they should make current low lv content difficulty as it is, and nerf higher lv content so it's melee zergable, we'd have better content difficulty balance that way.

I completely agree with you on this if we can't agree on making low level content like Escha zitah easier for returning players
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Creaucent
Posts: 751
By Creaucent Alazrin 2016-02-04 07:03:12  
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 332
By Bahamut.Foreverj 2016-02-04 07:06:28  
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.

I assume you are not up to date with current state of the game. High level contents (T3 reisenjima +) are mostly done with magic burst setups not blue Mage melee.
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2016-02-04 07:36:21  
People might be more inclined to bring melees to content if SE would just give WHM the tools it needs to keep melees alive.

What we needed was:
- Erase II, because mobs are applying multiple status debuffs faster than the spellcasting animation for Erase can get them off.

- Erasega, native, because only naive fools pair Accession with Erase in today's FFXI.

- Bar spells that actually do something and you're not just casting as a placebo effect for your other party members.

- And more actual -nas instead of hoping Erase picks that one truly debilitating status effect instead of one of the three junk ones... or the aura status.

What we never needed: "Full Cure".

A major obstacle to melees having a place in content would be solved just by bringing WHM up to par with the absurd amount of crap mobs are throwing these days. No need for any damage buffs (but maybe some accuracy buffs still). Hell, if SE made Afflatus Misery actually worth it, I'd be right up there with them.

But the question, "Does the WHM have Yagrush?" shouldn't be one that's asked when considering if you want to bring your melee friends along.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Afania
Posts: 2822
By Ragnarok.Afania 2016-02-04 07:37:42  
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
That's the point I was making on 1st page, 98% of content in this game are low lv content. It doesn't make sense if entire game has 98% of content with NM at fodder level. Id rather see smaller difficulty gap between low lv content and higher ones.
I understand what you're saying and I can partially relate to that (altough I think in the end it's a dog biting its tail and there's no solution) but I also think people over these board can give the wrong impression.

What is facerolled by players like us on these boards, is not facerolled by everybody else.
I meet people who still STRUGGLE with stuff like Sinister Reign or T1 mobs in Zi'tah.
Yes, Zi'tah.
There are MANY players like that out there. Just because they don't post in here doesn't mean they don't exists or they do not constitute a number large enough for SE to consider them.

Leaving this necessary premise outside for a moment now, I said I can see what you're saying, but if overbuffing melees is a possibly dangerous solution, leaving things as they are is no good either.
If content is too easy, people are gonna get bored fast and then quit. (aside from other people who might enjoy collecting new toys just for the sake of having them, and we saw this happening already, didn't we?)
If content is too hard, people are gonna get frustrated fast and then quit.

What I'm saying is that the real problem here is having no somewhat constant stream of new content.
There is no solution to that.
Artificially prolong how much that content lasts by keeping it incredibly difficult only works up to a certain degree, past which people are gonna quit, exactely like they would if content were too easy.
So once again: there is no solution to this problem. The only solution is having new content being release, at which point you can freely "nerf" (within reason! There aren't only insane nerfs, can apply small ones as well!) old content.

If anything they should make current low lv content difficulty as it is, and nerf higher lv content so it's melee zergable, we'd have better content difficulty balance that way.

I completely agree with you on this if we can't agree on making low level content like Escha zitah easier for returning players

The difficulty of Zitah t1 is designed to be done with 3 to 6 ppl in pre escha gears. Which is just right imo.

Once they get Zitah gears they can move to the other 2 zones. Once they get ruann and reisenjima gears that's when Zitah T1 become easily soloable with much higher defensive ability and attack power.

If Zitah is easily soloable in pre escha gears like what you wanted, all the returning players would just solo it because it's so easy, instead of making a group and do somewhat challenging content at their gear lv.

Maybe it's just me, I think mmo should be played with a group fighting nm at some what difficult level, and make progress doing it, not solo fodder nm until you reach the highest lv content.

I think Zitah difficulty is just fine, even for pre escha gear Players.
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2016-02-04 10:12:14  
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
Ragnarok.Afania said: »
That's the point I was making on 1st page, 98% of content in this game are low lv content. It doesn't make sense if entire game has 98% of content with NM at fodder level. Id rather see smaller difficulty gap between low lv content and higher ones.
I understand what you're saying and I can partially relate to that (altough I think in the end it's a dog biting its tail and there's no solution) but I also think people over these board can give the wrong impression.

What is facerolled by players like us on these boards, is not facerolled by everybody else.
I meet people who still STRUGGLE with stuff like Sinister Reign or T1 mobs in Zi'tah.
Yes, Zi'tah.
There are MANY players like that out there. Just because they don't post in here doesn't mean they don't exists or they do not constitute a number large enough for SE to consider them.

Leaving this necessary premise outside for a moment now, I said I can see what you're saying, but if overbuffing melees is a possibly dangerous solution, leaving things as they are is no good either.
If content is too easy, people are gonna get bored fast and then quit. (aside from other people who might enjoy collecting new toys just for the sake of having them, and we saw this happening already, didn't we?)
If content is too hard, people are gonna get frustrated fast and then quit.

What I'm saying is that the real problem here is having no somewhat constant stream of new content.
There is no solution to that.
Artificially prolong how much that content lasts by keeping it incredibly difficult only works up to a certain degree, past which people are gonna quit, exactely like they would if content were too easy.
So once again: there is no solution to this problem. The only solution is having new content being release, at which point you can freely "nerf" (within reason! There aren't only insane nerfs, can apply small ones as well!) old content.

If anything they should make current low lv content difficulty as it is, and nerf higher lv content so it's melee zergable, we'd have better content difficulty balance that way.

I completely agree with you on this if we can't agree on making low level content like Escha zitah easier for returning players

The difficulty of Zitah t1 is designed to be done with 3 to 6 ppl in pre escha gears. Which is just right imo.

Once they get Zitah gears they can move to the other 2 zones. Once they get ruann and reisenjima gears that's when Zitah T1 become easily soloable with much higher defensive ability and attack power.

If Zitah is easily soloable in pre escha gears like what you wanted, all the returning players would just solo it because it's so easy, instead of making a group and do somewhat challenging content at their gear lv.

Maybe it's just me, I think mmo should be played with a group fighting nm at some what difficult level, and make progress doing it, not solo fodder nm until you reach the highest lv content.

I think Zitah difficulty is just fine, even for pre escha gear Players.

You seem to have a way of saying thing's that are spot on and condiser all angle's. I don't think a single player would stand a chance at Reinejeima NM without at least Zi'Tah T1 & 2 clear's for their Vorseal's and for melee some Quetz kill's.

I could put together perhap's melee gear set's that would work but SE has definately made a tier'd and very obvious content progression for returning player's. A friend could easily get them [A] Skirmish gear but does anyone here seriously think a returning player could jump into LinkShell group content, 6-man Eschan T2 fight's without getting their relevant JSE AF/Relic/Emp gear which then mean's chapter's and many of us take solo-ing HMMB battles with ease but that's because we have been playing for the last 6-12months+

A T3 in Vagary, say Plouton is very different to a T3 in Zi'tah let along Ru'An/Reisenjima. Then there is Job point's. SE have always liked you to 'level-up' to be an effective plyer that can start the whole solo/low-man (Endgame) high level Content. They have done just that with Job Point's. Each Job in my mind anyway, can add a +1 to their level at 119 for the 'Gifts' by 100/550/1220 then +2 level's for the final 900. Bringing a player with 3*'s over their head up to .... ILevel 124. Then add in All the T1 and T2 clear Vorseal's and Vorseal's for completing or completion of old pre-119 content that IS easily solo'd by everyone and you can add a couple more level's closing the gap further to CL140 - 145. If you played the game for a long time pre-119 and made yourself a nice little fortune SE has provided you a mean's of gearing up by spending million's on [A] Augment's or for the super rich you can out-right buy the longest 'grind' parts of a Mythic or Empherean.

Paladin's complain that you can't platy the job effectively without a Relic. So what? There is 21 other job's to pick from
or, and this is just a thought; You could buy or farm yourself One. I don't think 70M in today's game is a lot of gill and there is obvius reasons why SE are not progressing Shields and Instrument's further and that's because you can get these things spending very little time in the places you would previously of spent year's farming them up in and that's because they are Still, after all this time, the BiS for what they do for their respective job's and they are also farmable by anyone. I've spent 2month's farming gil and CP-ing with my limited playtime aswell as finishing up all mission's and farming gil elsewhere to build a Relic for my favourite job once SE showed us what the REM sword's will look like. You know any 262skill - 186? Magic Damage - High Stat boosting Relic will for any melee job will jump to one of the top 3 weapon's that job could wield. It would'nt supprise me if the Item's needed for taking these weapon's, that at one point in FFXI's history have been the BiS weapons for that job from the HELM mob's in Eschan are's with Relic item's from Zi'tah, Mythic item's from Ark Angel's and the Hevenly Beast's, and Empherean item's from HELM NM's in Reisenjima in a 'collect' style like we have seen SE do with all the weapon's in the past with a huge reduction in required item's for those people who spent gil or worked non-stop for their weapon's Afterglow's.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-02-04 10:45:17  
ibm2431 said: »
People might be more inclined to bring melees to content if SE would just give WHM the tools it needs to keep melees alive.

What we needed was:
- Erase II, because mobs are applying multiple status debuffs faster than the spellcasting animation for Erase can get them off.

- Erasega, native, because only naive fools pair Accession with Erase in today's FFXI.

- Bar spells that actually do something and you're not just casting as a placebo effect for your other party members.

- And more actual -nas instead of hoping Erase picks that one truly debilitating status effect instead of one of the three junk ones... or the aura status.

What we never needed: "Full Cure".

A major obstacle to melees having a place in content would be solved just by bringing WHM up to par with the absurd amount of crap mobs are throwing these days. No need for any damage buffs (but maybe some accuracy buffs still). Hell, if SE made Afflatus Misery actually worth it, I'd be right up there with them.

But the question, "Does the WHM have Yagrush?" shouldn't be one that's asked when considering if you want to bring your melee friends along.


Just build a Yagrush like the rest of us and do your job exceedingly well with the already-OP club/gear that is available now.

What is the point of spending time, effort and money on WHM mythic if we get erase-gas natively?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Keido
Posts: 122
By Phoenix.Keido 2016-02-04 11:21:48  
Eff full cure change it to remove amnesia.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-02-04 11:28:21  
Not erasega (that would crap on Yagrush) but whm do need a new erase that can remove multiple erasable debuffs from one target at once.

I also agree that barspells need to be much stronger if they want DDs to take part at top tier content. They should also make it possible to have two barelement and two barstatus effects. They could have given whm at least one of these abilities as gift instead of lolfullcure.

For example, just take a look at BLU job trait gifts and you will see why WHM got shafted. BLU gets such a strong gift not once but twice which buffs up the job's main gimmick (equipping job traits of your choice) while WHM gets another cure spells it didn't need at all. Why not give it an upgrade to its main gimmick which is protection against and removal of status effects?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: KupoNuts
Posts: 1214
By Cerberus.Avalon 2016-02-04 12:04:22  
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Not erasega (that would crap on Yagrush) but whm do need a new erase that can remove multiple erasable debuffs from one target at once.

I also agree that barspells need to be much stronger if they want DDs to take part at top tier content. They should also make it possible to have two barelement and two barstatus effects. They could have given whm at least one of these abilities as gift instead of lolfullcure.

For example, just take a look at BLU job trait gifts and you will see why WHM got shafted. BLU gets such a strong gift not once but twice which buffs up the job's main gimmick (equipping job traits of your choice) while WHM gets another cure spells it didn't need at all. Why not give it an upgrade to its main gimmick which is protection against and removal of status effects?

Sacrifice accomplishes this, albeit every 30 seconds.

Yagrush is such a powerful asset for a WHM. Not only can you obviously take care of the needs of your party but you can also AOE-remove debuffs from other alliance parties with Na spells - all with a single cast. Granted, I think we should have the ability to erase other parties also and not just the party you're in.

I agree that we should get enhanced barspells and/or more of them active at any given time.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Creaucent
Posts: 751
By Creaucent Alazrin 2016-02-04 12:20:08  
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.

I assume you are not up to date with current state of the game. High level contents (T3 reisenjima +) are mostly done with magic burst setups not blue Mage melee.

No I don't but I wasn't talking about Reisenjima content I was talking about how OP some of the buffs are on lower level content which you completely missed but that's to be expected. Most of the debate was about buffs and lower level content like zi'tah where those buffs make it face roll. I was doing 135 unms with trusts on blu in alluvion skirmish gear and killing them in about 2-3mins 5mins on some of the more annoying ones can't remember the names though.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-02-04 12:49:01  
Cerberus.Avalon said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Not erasega (that would crap on Yagrush) but whm do need a new erase that can remove multiple erasable debuffs from one target at once.

I also agree that barspells need to be much stronger if they want DDs to take part at top tier content. They should also make it possible to have two barelement and two barstatus effects. They could have given whm at least one of these abilities as gift instead of lolfullcure.

For example, just take a look at BLU job trait gifts and you will see why WHM got shafted. BLU gets such a strong gift not once but twice which buffs up the job's main gimmick (equipping job traits of your choice) while WHM gets another cure spells it didn't need at all. Why not give it an upgrade to its main gimmick which is protection against and removal of status effects?

Sacrifice accomplishes this, albeit every 30 seconds.

But it also makes things harder for the whm when it copies things like paralyze and slow which means wasted time for whm to remove their own debuffs after a sacrifice. The whm will have to cast multiple erases on themselves to remove slow unless super lucky when it copies too many debuffs. Paralyze is potentially even more annoying which may even cause a wipe if no luck with paralyna or remedy spam.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-02-04 12:56:01  
then don't be a potato and cast paralyna before sacrifice, this isn't a hard concept
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2016-02-04 13:16:43  
At least WHM doesn't have to support a huge group of whiny DDs anymore now that melee DD jobs are shunned from content. And if they aren't shunned, there's usually only room for 1 or 2 as 3 DDs will end up WSing over each other and drop in SC damage.

I'm kind of glad it's turned to mage-only... Fewer pompous DDs screaming for erase/na spells instead.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 332
By Bahamut.Foreverj 2016-02-04 13:37:34  
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.

I assume you are not up to date with current state of the game. High level contents (T3 reisenjima +) are mostly done with magic burst setups not blue Mage melee.

No I don't but I wasn't talking about Reisenjima content I was talking about how OP some of the buffs are on lower level content which you completely missed but that's to be expected. Most of the debate was about buffs and lower level content like zi'tah where those buffs make it face roll. I was doing 135 unms with trusts on blu in alluvion skirmish gear and killing them in about 2-3mins 5mins on some of the more annoying ones can't remember the names though.

No u can't do 135 unm with alluvion skirmish gears n trusts. U know what's 135 unm? Sarama , sovereign behemoth nidhaegg etc. pls double check yourself before making yourself sound silly. To this day I still hadnt re attempt to do Sarama due to how badly he pawned my party. And I can just use a coloda so no big deal of getting that sword.
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Trebold
Posts: 3341
By Caitsith.Mahayaya 2016-02-04 13:46:40  
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.

I assume you are not up to date with current state of the game. High level contents (T3 reisenjima +) are mostly done with magic burst setups not blue Mage melee.

No I don't but I wasn't talking about Reisenjima content I was talking about how OP some of the buffs are on lower level content which you completely missed but that's to be expected. Most of the debate was about buffs and lower level content like zi'tah where those buffs make it face roll. I was doing 135 unms with trusts on blu in alluvion skirmish gear and killing them in about 2-3mins 5mins on some of the more annoying ones can't remember the names though.

Ya bra, I accidentally spawned some Warder of Courage mob on ny first day back in sparks gear and it died in like 4 WS. ***'s too easy. Not shocked to hear you PWNXZ0Ring 135 UNMs in Skirmish gear.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2016-02-04 13:52:42  
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
Bahamut.Foreverj said: »
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I must say buffs have made the game too easy especially on blu stick Erratic Flutter and mighty guard up and you are pretty much set. Then you get berserk with no def- and an insane level of job traits thanks to JPs for a small amount of spells... it is rather stupid to have 2k+ attack and defense solo.

This is why I love XIV more than XI now, yes I know this is the XI forums, as most jobs and content are balanced well. There was the alexander savage issue to start with and scrub groups not being able to clear it as the dps check was that hight. The tank/MCH dps issues are being fixed in 3.2 now the Dev team has had time to see how players play the jobs.

I assume you are not up to date with current state of the game. High level contents (T3 reisenjima +) are mostly done with magic burst setups not blue Mage melee.

No I don't but I wasn't talking about Reisenjima content I was talking about how OP some of the buffs are on lower level content which you completely missed but that's to be expected. Most of the debate was about buffs and lower level content like zi'tah where those buffs make it face roll. I was doing 135 unms with trusts on blu in alluvion skirmish gear and killing them in about 2-3mins 5mins on some of the more annoying ones can't remember the names though.

I like most sane people here call total *** on this.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Venomfury
Posts: 1387
By Fenrir.Ramzus 2016-02-04 13:56:28  
The only instances of "2-3 min" I've seen are with multiple GEOs (with some idrises) all using BoG with some really well geared mythic DD and getting a lucky white proc.

I promise you they've never touched a 135 unm
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 332
By Bahamut.Foreverj 2016-02-04 14:00:43  
Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
The only instances of "2-3 min" I've seen are with multiple GEOs (with some idrises) all using BoG with some really well geared mythic DD and getting a lucky white proc.

I promise you they've never touched a 135 unm

Agreed lol . Starting to think alazrin is just trolling lol
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-02-04 14:28:11  
Camate said:
As Mnejing has already kindly shared, Mog Wardrobe 2 is on the way, and slated to be implemented in the April version update!

However, due to this addition there will also be slightly longer loading times, which I would like to take a moment to explain.

Essentially, whenever you have items in storage, there will always be loading time that occurs. The more items you have in storage causes this time to become longer, and unfortunately this is unavoidable at the moment. However, leaving this alone would cause unwanted circumstances in the event that we add a third or fourth Mog Wardrobe, such as having to wait a long amount of time for loading when entering battlefields or other areas where time is of the essence.

As such, the development team isn’t going to give up on this, and they are currently investigating to see what can be done to shorten the loading times. They’d like to prioritize a speedier loading time when changing zones, so it will cut down on the time where you are not able to equip gear or use items. They’ll be trying various approaches and looking at this issue from various angles to make this smoother.

With that said though, there is still a possibility that this cannot be improved since it is an adjustment related to the core system of FFXI, and we appreciate your understanding on this.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-02-04 14:29:46  
Inventory loading times already suck as is. It's hard to turn down more inventory space, though....
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2701
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2016-02-04 14:34:01  
Damn. They're looking at a 3rd and 4th Wardrobe too. Not bad. I'd be happy with them just changing the case and satchel into areas we can equip from.
Posts: 6509
By Rooks 2016-02-04 14:47:14  
Loading times: boo
Having to fix organizer again: boo

More space: yay, but who the hell is using 240 inventory slots
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2016-02-04 14:48:58  
You will fix it and you will like it da...please!
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