WTS 16,773 Alexandrite

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WTS 16,773 Alexandrite
Posts: 125
By onvasquez 2015-03-18 00:20:25  
Is anyone interested in buying for 118M. On Cerberus
Posts: 369
By swordwiz 2015-03-18 03:43:07  
where were you a week ago
Posts: 125
By onvasquez 2015-03-18 13:11:34  
I can not hop servers nor will I reduce price. If you want the simplicity of buying more than half in 1 go this deal is for you. If not then no deal can be made. Trolls welcome for free bumps =D
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2015-03-18 13:22:29  
I'll put an offer at 6,800 gil per alex due to my inconvenience of needing to server hop for it.
Posts: 125
By onvasquez 2015-03-18 13:31:23  
I have plenty of people PM me for that price. I just can't afford to sever hop. It's less than 1M over the normal price on server. Like I said if you want to buy more than half of what's needed in 1 purchase then it's a good deal. If not you can farm it yourself. Alex is very easy to farm, we all know this. But why spend months farming or have multiple accounts farming? Also according to this site there is only 628 alexandrite for sale on all of this server. So if you do the math I have 96% of the alexandrite being sold. Granted there are people not registered to this site so number might not be 100% accurate. But that being said people have them in bazaar more than 7k it is Just not listed since they don't have an account with this site.
Posts: 516
By Kooljack 2015-03-18 14:17:36  
well said OP. mythic coins in a 15k stash is worth the upper end of the spectrum for sure~ although overall mythic coins have been in a strange stagnant spot.
I'd say it's still 50/50 at this point to say what will happen over time obviously. I would say yagrush will always be worth the 150+m so the coins have that going for them for longterm value at the very least. even if this does happen there could be a job adjustment, new gear later on down the road that makes the multihit weapon relevant after skirmish wreaking them etc. who knows.. And then i could very well see mythic coins becoming something overlooked as far as guesstimating the supply pool will be available to dip into. all the sudden if 10-20 people on the same server decide there gonna build a mythic at the same time you bet the price of alex would be quite prone to climbing very quickly.

personally im holding out on my next mythic. I have built two mage mythics. At the moment I would love to build a more 'fun' damage dealing weapon. So obviously koga to get the most worth for the numbers, but i'm still reluctant because i'm a warrior fanboy and would love to holdout to be ontop of a different power streak if/when the tide turns. atm I'm holding onto about 10k alexandrite myself not sure if i'l actually use it for a nirvana/koga.

I think it's a good idea to be about 50/50 invested atm if your not sure but still know your gonna want one if nothing changes
Posts: 125
By onvasquez 2015-03-18 23:05:02  
All sold. Thank you