So I pulled sheep song, and I am at 49 myhtril currently. Is there anything else on these banners I should pull for, or just hold off?
In my opinion all those relics are great:
Gilgamesh's BSSB lets you fulltime Tauntilate while dealing good dmg and comes with a free non-elemental dispel.
Faris's BSSB is a better Fullbreak with Power and Magic Breakdown commands.
Faris's SSB is a nice Wind/Lightning AOE, which gives imperil wind. (nice if you run some spellblades or bartz BSSB)
Krile's SSB is nice for mage meta and the weapon boosts fire dmg.
Bartz's SSB weapon boosts holy dmg, so nice for PLDs.
Bartz's cape boosts wind dmg and gives enwind, which is awesome combined with Faris's SSB.
Exdeath's SSB armor is nice for darkness user since it boosts darness dmg. (magic blink is nice too)
I did 6 pulls on this banner, cause I like all the chars on this banner and the relics are awesome.