Random news-update for EA's/Maxi's SIMS 4, a bit earlier this month...
...basically they expanded Create-A-Sim to allow using cross-gender hairstyles/clothing/body-types/walking-animations/etc. without having to resort to mods or scripts (with new filters added that can be turned on/off for 'masculine' or 'feminine' item-sets) as part of the base-game.
While that seems mostly to conform to those wishing to create 'CD' sims, in practical terms it actually generates tremendous design-options for a lot of characters--from long-hair males to short-haired females, along with hundreds and hundreds of unisex items now available (tank tops, sport jackets, sweaters, shorts, even boy-short underwear) for free. And the tweaked opposite-gender models do look really clean and good without clipping/bulkiness issues that traditionally come with using mods for the same thing.
For a company well-known for its dubious DLC-marketing of game contents and assets, this is kind of a neat (free) thing for EA to do, really. If you are one of the (ok ok ok....VERY) few players here that plays SIMS 4, maybe consider checking it out. ^^