Chanti handicaps the Republican field
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-07-28 12:54:56
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
By fonewear 2015-07-28 12:55:25
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 12:57:11
carter was by far the worst president ever... he had the peanut farmer's midas touch in that everything he touched turned into a steaming pile of cow ***... which makes great manure but unfortunately isn't good for much else.
I'm curious what you think clinton did, other than bang monica.
Carter was in over his head from the get-go and it didn't help that parts of the government actively sabotaged him in some ways. As if he needed help.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 12:58:14
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
As I've said, I had a great life during the Clinton years, but someone's got to pick up the tab for a party and like all presidents, there's a lot of skeletons in those closets.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2015-07-28 13:00:35
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
Smh What's your point here? When has bill clinton ever been accused of being a serial rapist? More Nausi Nonsense?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-07-28 13:01:12
carter was by far the worst president ever... he had the peanut farmer's midas touch in that everything he touched turned into a steaming pile of cow ***... which makes great manure but unfortunately isn't good for much else.
I'm curious what you think clinton did, other than bang monica.
Impeached by he house
Osama bin laden
The red meat of the mortgage crisis, giving loans to people who can't afford them was also forged in his presidency.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8,022
By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-07-28 13:01:13
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
That or they have seen the deposition. Nice try tho.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:01:59
Think he's referencing Clinton's history of sexual escapades.
Monica was just the most well-known of his girlies and but the tip of the iceberg. Or cigar. Or whatever.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:02:37
The red meat of the mortgage crisis, giving loans to people who can't afford them was also forged in his presidency.
Keeping things fair, I'm pretty sure this was praised and pushed on a bipartisan basis back then, as someone stated earlier.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-07-28 13:04:12
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
Smh What's your point here? When has bill clinton ever been accused of being a serial rapist? More Nausi Nonsense?
You must not have been of age then, people came forward to label Clinton as a rapist.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:05:04
You must not have been of age then, people came forward to label Clinton as a rapist.
I don't remember rape being among the accusations. Sexual harassment, certainly.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-07-28 13:06:57
We call sexual harassment rape today.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:10:37
We call sexual harassment rape today.
Hyperbole and facetiousness in this conversation do not help.
Sexual harassment is not rape. Rape is not sexual harassment.
They're both "bad," but one is decidedly worse than the other. Assault is not murder, etc., etc.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2015-07-28 13:14:39
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
Smh What's your point here? When has bill clinton ever been accused of being a serial rapist? More Nausi Nonsense?
You must not have been of age then, people came forward to label Clinton as a rapist. So is he a rapist or someone accused of sexual harassment now?
Again, given either, what's your point?
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:15:53
We call sexual harassment rape today.
To a feminist there is no tangible difference !
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:17:26
We call sexual harassment rape today.
To a feministsomeone thinking they're making a point either way there is no tangible difference !
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:18:12
The point is the threshold for rape has been lowered by feminists.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:21:47
The point is the threshold for rape has been lowered by feminists.
No. It hasn't.
Extreme anti-feminists have lowered themselves to using feminist tactics themselves, and love to prey on people's fears about false accusations as much as extreme feminists love to prey on women's fears of being raped.
They're all full of ***.
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:23:17
Feminists are full of ***. The rest of that I didn't read !
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:24:15
You know my stance on women they need to be barefoot and pregnant. And hopefully in the kitchen.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:24:17
Feminists are full of ***. The rest of that I didn't read !
You know that by not evenly applying your hate of extreme feminists to extremists on the other side you're essentially being every bit as bad as the people you hate, right? ^^;
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-07-28 13:26:53
Bill is the greatest president to ever get cheating on his wife. I'll give you that.
Also before Bill I didn't know what the definition of "is" is.
You know I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old, but not a one of them would ever think good ol Bill Clinton was ever the serial rapist so many accuse him to be.
Smh What's your point here? When has bill clinton ever been accused of being a serial rapist? More Nausi Nonsense?
You must not have been of age then, people came forward to label Clinton as a rapist. So is he a rapist or someone accused of sexual harassment now?
Again, given either, what's your point?
Flavin, your obsession with me is very flattering today. I stated my point before you should go back and review.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20,130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-28 13:28:45
I wonder if chanti ever googled handicapping....
I bet so many libs here are ready to hang Cosby for nothing more than hearsay on events supposedly decades old,
they weren't after thirty fourth woman came forward....
but after the thirty fifth woman did...
and Juanita Broaddrick alleged Clinton had raped her.
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:29:17
I don't know what rape is therefore:
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:34:03
Don't worry Hillary will rape all of us in due time ! And not the good kind of rape the prison kind of rape !
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20,130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-28 13:36:31
and Juanita Broaddrick alleged Clinton had raped her.
and of course there is a wikipedia page
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18,466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2015-07-28 13:36:31
Flavin, your obsession with me is very flattering today. I stated my point before you should go back and review. That you think its an obsession shows that there is something wrong with your head lol... No you didn't state any point. You seemed to defend cosby then ask why bill clinton isn't subjected to the same scrutiny and called him a serial rapist then went back to responding to remo and saying that sexual harassment is rape these days.
So what's your point again?
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:40:32
To this day the best picture of Hillary:
"With *** like that I too could be President"
By Ramyrez 2015-07-28 13:44:25
and Juanita Broaddrick alleged Clinton had raped her.
Well, there you have it.
By fonewear 2015-07-28 13:47:25
Allegedly coming from a woman's point of view is a 100% yes to rape... no trial or evidence needed.
With as little snark as I can manage.
Mind you several candidates deserve a LOT of snark. I will try to do my best to bite my tongue.
The leaders:
Donald Trump
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 19%, New Hampshire: 21%, Iowa 17%, YouGov 28%
Strengths: Knows how to generate publicity. Appeals to the bigots the GOP has been courting for decades, his ego, his fortune.
Weaknesses: High negatives, his ego.
Presidential nomination chance: Surprisingly good ATM.
Vice presidential chance: None.
Jeb bush
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 15%, New Hampshire: 14%, Iowa 12%, YouGov 13%
Strengths: Has won the GoP fundraising primary, darling of the GoP establishment, family connections, his name.
Weaknesses: Highest negatives among probable GoP primary voters, Common Cause, seen as a "big government" Republican like his brother.
Presidential nomination chance: Special case. If no one locks up the nomination in the primaries and its an open convention, an excellent chance. Otherwise a slim chance.
Vice presidential chance: Again, special case. Would he accept after his father and brother have both been president? and there is no chance that having him as VP means carrying Florida.
Scott Walker
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 10%, New Hampshire: 12%, Iowa 19%!!, YouGov 13%
Strengths: Koch brothers funding, impeccable sense of timing, knows when to keep his mouth shut, hero to union busters.
Weaknesses: Ruined his state's economy, could still be indited, despised by unions.
Presidential nomination chance: He has a chance.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Marco Rubio:
Strengths: Brash, outspoken, beloved by the tea party, Hispanic.
Weaknesses: Lack of experience, HATED by many in the GoP power structure, his mouth.
Presidential nomination chance: slim.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Ted Cruz
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 6%, New Hampshire: 5%, Iowa 4%, YouGov 4%
Strengths: Brash, outspoken, beloved by the tea party, Hispanic, fairly deep background in governance.
Weaknesses: Lack of exposure.
Presidential nomination chance: He has a chance.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Rand Paul
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 6%, New Hampshire: 4%, Iowa 5%, YouGov 5%
Strengths: Beloved by the tea party and right libertarians, has a different style than the rest of the pack, His name.
Weaknesses: Hated by the GoP establishment and the arms merchants, can't inherit his father's machine for reasons unknown to me.
Presidential nomination chance: slim
Vice presidential chance: slimmer.
Ben Carlson
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 4%, New Hampshire: 6%, Iowa 8%, YouGov 7%
Strengths: Works a crowd like he has been a politician all his life, Washington outsider, perhaps the most intelligent person in the race.
Weaknesses: Does not know when to shut his mouth, no political experience.
Presidential nomination chance: Snowflake in Hades.
Vice presidential chance: thanks to the GoP affirmative action program a decent chance.
Personal note: I could easily see him as Secretary of HEW, Surgeon General, or head of veteran's health.