Chanti handicaps the Republican field
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2015-07-29 09:42:48
I hate to break it to you son but being a lazy ***doesn't qualify you as disabled.
Where did I say he was qualified to be disabled?
83 is in the margin of error for low average. His problems seem to be in his social support structure more than anything (as you yourself said). There are Vocational Rehabilitation programs readily available for those in your brother's situation. I don't know how old he is, but he/your family should look into OVR in your area if they're interested in helping him out.
I have a cousin in a very similar situation from her baseline intellectual standpoint, but she's been raised to be a very hard worker and she does rather well for herself in a full-time unskilled position.
Edit: Also, bringing the ACA up in this seems pointless, but hey.
My mother has looked into these things and is working on it. The point of the ACA being mentioned is I think the concept of "everyone is getting on disability!" is propaganda and not accurate in the least.
With an IQ of 83 has he thought of working for the Huff Post ?
You need the bare minimum vocabulary and access to the internet.
As to getting on disability I imagine it isn't as hard as you make it out to be...plenty of attorneys can work on your brother's behalf. Just watch TV for a while and see all the disability attorneys.
You "imagine"? I have two examples in my life about it, you? I know anecdotal evidence and all, but do you have anything to support what you imagine?
My brother couldn't get an attorney to represent him because of his obviously poor qualifications, and attorneys enjoy being paid and thus won't take cases with a low chance of payout.
I have acquired an attorney for my girlfriend, who spent half the time explaining that accepting a disability case is a pretty mixed bag because of the rather poor win rates, but did so in her case because she clearly looks disabled. But then we're still in the waiting/appeals process for there. Hopefully she gets accepted whenever we get to see a judge, but I'm certainly not viewing it as any sort of sure thing.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 09:46:12
Don't listen to Foney too seriously, as he never says anything seriously.
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »I think the concept of "everyone is getting on disability!" is propaganda and not accurate in the least.
You are correct about this.
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »My brother couldn't get an attorney to represent him because of his obviously poor qualifications, and attorneys enjoy being paid and thus won't take cases with a low chance of payout.
If he goes through OVR they will (at least, they do in Pennsylvania) make you apply for disability as part of the process, and will put you in contact with lawayers to help through the appeals process. He will likely be denied, as are many in OVR because they are capable of work with the appropriate training, which is why they're there. But it's part of the process. My cousin had to go through the disability process and she didn't even want to; she knew damn well she could work, as did her parents.
It's all part of documentation and ensuring people are receiving the proper services, though. PM me if you want more info. I'm familiar with both systems to some degree.
By fonewear 2015-07-29 09:46:57
I was trying to be serious for once and I get this kind of retort ! While I never !
What about seeking a lawyer to help with disability is wrong again ?
My advice to your brother is life is tough. Get off your lazy *** and do something.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 09:48:36
I was trying to be serious for once and I get this kind of retort ! While I never !
By fonewear 2015-07-29 09:49:36
I was trying to be serious for once and I get this kind of retort ! While I never !

Well that's like your opinion man ! That gif is pretty sweet though.
By fonewear 2015-07-29 09:51:14
See this is what happens when we try to handicap Republicans ! We get into a debate about what exactly it means to be disabled !
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 09:51:24
That gif is pretty sweet though.
How about it?
Love the first Anchorman movie.
The second was terrible.
Edit: Well, they were both terrible, but the first one in a good way.
By fonewear 2015-07-29 09:52:36
I imagine Will Ferrel being Anchorman is the only time I found him likeable.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2015-07-29 09:54:13
I was trying to be serious for once and I get this kind of retort ! While I never !
What about seeking a lawyer to help with disability is wrong again ?
My advice to your brother is life is tough. Get off your lazy *** and do something.
He's not capable of understanding that after 25 years of being told he doesn't need to worry about anything.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 09:54:47
I imagine Will Ferrel being Anchorman is the only time I found him likeable.
The Robert Goulet bit on SNL was pretty good, but otherwise, yeah. Not his biggest fan...but Anchorman (1) was pretty damn great.
By fonewear 2015-07-29 09:56:10
I can see them doing an Anchorman 3 cause you know who wants to create something new !
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 09:56:29
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »He's not capable of understanding that after 25 years of being told he doesn't need to worry about anything.
In my experience with people in that situation, contrary to what Fone said, parents frequently are the biggest disability the kids have, because they've been treated as incapable their whole lives.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2015-07-29 10:02:37
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »He's not capable of understanding that after 25 years of being told he doesn't need to worry about anything.
In my experience with people in that situation, contrary to what Fone said, parents frequently are the biggest disability the kids have, because they've been treated as incapable their whole lives.
My father and I fully agree. But as far as I can tell, there's really nothing we can do. But again, the point wasn't about him specifically, it was about the idea that "anyone can get on disability". My brother was clearly denied by the system, to the point that my leeching mother didn't even try for an appeal for another judge, and my mother did get a special doctor's note (his primary care is the father of one of my old classmates, and I used to play soccer with his son and daughter, so basically a family friend) to help out. Even still, not a chance he gets on disability. But somehow magically MILLIONS of people are fraudulently getting on disability here in the US...
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20,130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-29 10:03:43
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »my girlfriend clearly looks disabled.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 10:08:38
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: » But somehow magically MILLIONS of people are fraudulently getting on disability here in the US...
Disability fraud exists, but isn't nearly as prevelent as some people would have you believe.
That said, if you suspect disability fraud and can provide names and details, call your local SSA office. They're required to follow-up on it.
The ubiquitous claim of "well I could get a doctor to say I'm disabled" means little without medical evidence to back it up, which is where your brother's situation likely fell.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2015-07-29 10:13:28
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: » But somehow magically MILLIONS of people are fraudulently getting on disability here in the US...
Disability fraud exists, but isn't nearly as prevelent as some people would have you believe.
That said, if you suspect disability fraud and can provide names and details, call your local SSA office. They're required to follow-up on it.
The ubiquitous claim of "well I could get a doctor to say I'm disabled" means little without medical evidence to back it up, which is where your brother's situation likely fell.
Agreed. I'm sure there are cases of fraud somewhere, but no system is perfect, there's fraud within every single system. Doesn't mean anything more than "fraud always exists" and doesn't mean there's some larger issue going on. I consider the fraud rate to be low, simply by virtue of them using outdated metrics for what is disability combined with being such a slow, annoying process.
By Ramyrez 2015-07-29 11:04:48
Yeah, well. It is what it is until something better comes along.
In any case, as I said. If you want more specific information feel free to PM me.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20,130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2015-07-29 11:08:48
my girlfriend clearly looks disabled.
Is anyone else growing more and more concerned that the "girlfriend" label is a just nice way of saying she is unable to escape?
if you love something set it free... yadda yadda yadda
By fonewear 2015-07-29 11:09:53
my girlfriend clearly looks disabled.
Is anyone else growing more and more concerned that the "girlfriend" label is a just nice way of saying she is unable to escape?
if you love something set it free... yadda yadda yadda
My "girlfriend" is locked in the basement with Ariel Castro !
With as little snark as I can manage.
Mind you several candidates deserve a LOT of snark. I will try to do my best to bite my tongue.
The leaders:
Donald Trump
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 19%, New Hampshire: 21%, Iowa 17%, YouGov 28%
Strengths: Knows how to generate publicity. Appeals to the bigots the GOP has been courting for decades, his ego, his fortune.
Weaknesses: High negatives, his ego.
Presidential nomination chance: Surprisingly good ATM.
Vice presidential chance: None.
Jeb bush
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 15%, New Hampshire: 14%, Iowa 12%, YouGov 13%
Strengths: Has won the GoP fundraising primary, darling of the GoP establishment, family connections, his name.
Weaknesses: Highest negatives among probable GoP primary voters, Common Cause, seen as a "big government" Republican like his brother.
Presidential nomination chance: Special case. If no one locks up the nomination in the primaries and its an open convention, an excellent chance. Otherwise a slim chance.
Vice presidential chance: Again, special case. Would he accept after his father and brother have both been president? and there is no chance that having him as VP means carrying Florida.
Scott Walker
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 10%, New Hampshire: 12%, Iowa 19%!!, YouGov 13%
Strengths: Koch brothers funding, impeccable sense of timing, knows when to keep his mouth shut, hero to union busters.
Weaknesses: Ruined his state's economy, could still be indited, despised by unions.
Presidential nomination chance: He has a chance.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Marco Rubio:
Strengths: Brash, outspoken, beloved by the tea party, Hispanic.
Weaknesses: Lack of experience, HATED by many in the GoP power structure, his mouth.
Presidential nomination chance: slim.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Ted Cruz
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 6%, New Hampshire: 5%, Iowa 4%, YouGov 4%
Strengths: Brash, outspoken, beloved by the tea party, Hispanic, fairly deep background in governance.
Weaknesses: Lack of exposure.
Presidential nomination chance: He has a chance.
Vice presidential chance: He has a chance.
Rand Paul
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 6%, New Hampshire: 4%, Iowa 5%, YouGov 5%
Strengths: Beloved by the tea party and right libertarians, has a different style than the rest of the pack, His name.
Weaknesses: Hated by the GoP establishment and the arms merchants, can't inherit his father's machine for reasons unknown to me.
Presidential nomination chance: slim
Vice presidential chance: slimmer.
Ben Carlson
Polls: CNN Nationwide: 4%, New Hampshire: 6%, Iowa 8%, YouGov 7%
Strengths: Works a crowd like he has been a politician all his life, Washington outsider, perhaps the most intelligent person in the race.
Weaknesses: Does not know when to shut his mouth, no political experience.
Presidential nomination chance: Snowflake in Hades.
Vice presidential chance: thanks to the GoP affirmative action program a decent chance.
Personal note: I could easily see him as Secretary of HEW, Surgeon General, or head of veteran's health.