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It's not just a song, it's an entire performance, and sober or falling down drunk I'll fight a man who says otherwise. It's just that *** powerful.
1985 Live Aid - Wembley Stadium (70k+ attendance)
Considered one of the greatest performance in rock and roll history
and was only done in 24 mins. The difference between Queen that day and every other artist was Live Aid had their own Sound crew to handle all performers. Queen didn't use that crew, they brought their own touring sound crew. Huge difference to say the least. Epic!
Edit: Another cool fact for those interested - Phil Collins also performed at Wembley Stadium in London England and immediately after his set, hopped on a Concord Jet and flew to Philadelphia Pennsylvania to perform at JFK Stadium's Live Aid in front of 100k+ people that very same day as both concerts where simulcast around the world. Astonishing feat for 1985 no doubt. ^^