Cross-post from the Murgleis convert thread, verbatim:
Me, Fae, Rrice and Ticktick from the bg-wiki discorde tested this. Rrice is Master RDM with Murgleis, and provided us with a bunch of data:
{ maxHP = 2194; MP = 157; cHP = 1692 }
{ maxHP = 1664; MP = 180; cHP = 1344 }
{ maxHP = 2154; MP = 153; cHP = 1660 }
{ maxHP = 2154; MP = 4; cHP = 1511 }
{ maxHP = 2169; MP = 10; cHP = 1527 }
* cHP = post-convert HP
Murgleis does not give 1:3 MP to HP swap, but rather it gives you 50% of your max HP on top of how many MP you had.
Converted HP = floor( maxHP * p ) + floor( maxHP * q ) + MP
MP = current MP at the time of convert
p = Murgleis bonus: 0 (no Murgleis equipped) or 0.5 (Murgleis equipped)
q = Convert Job Points category, 0.01 per level: 0 (no JP) to 0.2 (20/20)
Hence, master RDM with Murgleis gets Converted HP = floor(maxHP*0.5) + floor(maxHP*0.2) + MP
HP still get converted to MP 1:1.
And now I sleep.