Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Afania 2018-12-14 17:28:41
Ambu bow.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1432
By Asura.Toralin 2018-12-14 17:31:20
orz!, Thank you, picked it up!, power search failed me because the item isnt loaded on ffxiah!
By Quendi210 2018-12-14 18:40:38
It's probably a mistake but your left earring should be Dignitary's Earring.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Shiva.Cziella 2018-12-14 19:03:40
You can squeeze in a few extra Macc by using af1+3 chap because of the +15 macc bonus it'd give with af1+3 body, you'd lose 5MND.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 448
By Asura.Psylo 2018-12-15 05:25:35
any upgrade i can made on this DB set ?
ItemSet 363780
Cape have STR 30 acc/atk 20 WSD 10%
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 41
By Asura.Netero 2018-12-15 06:06:14
any upgrade i can made on this DB set ?
ItemSet 363780
Cape have STR 30 acc/atk 20 WSD 10%
I would use Jhakri slopes +2, maybe Ishvara earring as well ?
By Asura.Byrne 2018-12-15 19:33:43
Just wait and see what Sanguine does once you are really geared / buffed for it Inside Dynamis my BLU is doing 15~17K with melee gear / job traits, RDM has even better gear for it along with lots of native MAB. Just whole hog MAB / INT / WSD / Dark Affinity with that sword and watch the 30K's roll in, that don't interrupt SC's and heal you to full each time. Plus the enspell buff is nearly doubling your main hand melee damage.
Both hands if you use Enspell 1
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-20 03:20:24
Anybody tried RDM DD on this month's Ambuscde, with Crocea Mors?
Would be cool to see some numbers/screenshots, maybe the enspell on both hands proccing 100% of the times on every hit and multiattack proc can produce more damage over time than Almace's AM spikes? Which will probably be higher but they're not 100% and can only proc on main hand.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2018-12-20 03:31:26
Mabey it would be nice if frazzle was on? Its hard to land that on vd qutrub this month so i dont bother think iv landed it twice in like 13 runs. Enspell 1s for me were hitting 70 or 90 a swing. Had ifrits enfire today was hitting for 130ish with that. I wanna assume Qutrub only takes xtra damage from phys only.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2018-12-20 03:37:13
Do you bother to midcast in enhancing skill for enspells?
If I remember for Tier1 it matters the skill you have at the moment you cast, whereas for Tier2 you need to constantly equip enhaskill magic to benefit from it.
Assuming an average of 100 enspell per hit, that would become ~500 per hit with Crocea Mors, right?
Not really a big deal considering an AM spike from Almace's AM can be what, 15k on average?
So yeah... I guess not worth it.
Was Enfire really giving you "just" ~100 damage per hit? I was expecting a RDM's enfire to be more powerful than Ifrit's honestly. Appearently I was wrong.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 41
By Asura.Netero 2018-12-20 05:01:58
Do you bother to midcast in enhancing skill for enspells?
If I remember for Tier1 it matters the skill you have at the moment you cast, whereas for Tier2 you need to constantly equip enhaskill magic to benefit from it.
Assuming an average of 100 enspell per hit, that would become ~500 per hit with Crocea Mors, right?
Not really a big deal considering an AM spike from Almace's AM can be what, 15k on average?
So yeah... I guess not worth it.
Was Enfire really giving you "just" ~100 damage per hit? I was expecting a RDM's enfire to be more powerful than Ifrit's honestly. Appearently I was wrong.
Enfire from rdm with skill 500+ follows this:
Inferno Howl follows this:
I did enfire for pt memebers on vd run and asked our smn to do the same afterwards and it seems it got overwritten, my smn mate said that his was doing better.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-12-20 06:03:56
For what it's worth I had a melee rdm in a group for a bit, his accessioned en-thunder/blizzard was ~140 for us
aka a whopping 14 damage lol. (black Q's take 10x)
By Boshi 2018-12-20 08:39:39
I think your macc while swinging affects the resist rate on enspells.
(nice side of volte set, ayanmo set, and carmine mask) It is hard to quantify its contribution to dps on the sheets
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 124
By Asura.Seizan 2018-12-27 07:20:08
@Sechs, I was doing some runs with a DD-rdm. Even he had self enhanced his attitude too much, he had good numbers on SB, pretty much equal to my MNK.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 448
By Asura.Psylo 2018-12-27 08:07:51
I have made some test on OU, with murgleis full augmented and DB spam, and another with sequence non augm. spaming SB
I got same number, so i guess a saquence augmented will win. but murgleis is so much sexy so honnestly who care number when you can be sexy.
By Afania 2019-01-01 23:14:36
Ok so....apparently almace with augment is so strong now, decided to modify the newest blu spreadsheet to see if almace/cdc build beats sequence/savage build.
With capped acc/pdif and 52 stp Sam roll, 630 enhancing, 50 boost stat, using sets from 1st page(except I changed moonshade to mache +1, pants to relic +3 for cdc because they are better), both builds has around 4.7k dps with am1, with sequence/savage being 60 dps ahead. Seems that almace augments made cdc build a bit closer to sequence than before.
Oh and btw, blu with identical buffs has roughly 6.5k dps with augmented almace, so they still use almace a lot better than rdm, cor using my current gear set has roughly 6k.
Since theres the discussion of thibron offhand on blu, decided to try the same with rdm savage blade on spreadsheet.
Still same tp/set as 1st page, and max boost/temper 2 and 52 stp sam roll, Im getting sequence/thibron at 6.2k dps and murg/thibron at 5.7k. Ws avg is about 36k.
Its still not as op as blu expiacion build but this build does surpass cor savage blade. Although you probably have to land sabo distract 3 for it to be viable.
Edit: ok I just noticed I forgot about sequence augment this entire time >.>. Should be another 100 dps with augments.
By Afania 2019-01-05 05:32:05
While we are on the topic of tp bonus offhand.....what's everyone's opinion on raetic blade HQ or Crocea Mors B mainhand instead of sequence? Savage blade has pretty small increase past 2000 tp so 500 tp from sequence may not add much.
I'm just eyeballing again but I feel Crocea Mors B may be more suitable with tp bonus offhand for higher D, big chunk of acc and FUA.
By Monko 2019-01-05 14:08:15
I've been using a set similar to this one:
ItemSet 361341
My set is a bit different >>
Neck is Sanctity
Feet are Amalric +1
E-Ring is Keriyeh
Regal is Ishvara (useless? i just dont have regal ear yet)
With a 900 Geo-Malaise in Omen I've been hitting around 27k on Sanguine (Trash Mobs, not the cature) and was wondering if anyone else is trying this set out and can tell me some more ways I can enhance the output.
The geo was at the backline with Indi-refresh I think so I was missing Acumen and no Cor for Wizards roll. Will those two alone make up a lot of damage?
I was really hoping for a ~40k Sanguine but havent found a group yet to get into for Omen to try a "full magic buff" run. Regardless, it's been pretty fun on Rdm but would like to max it out as much as I can.
By Boshi 2019-01-05 15:18:57
While we are on the topic of tp bonus offhand.....what's everyone's opinion on raetic blade HQ or Crocea Mors B mainhand instead of sequence? Savage blade has pretty small increase past 2000 tp so 500 tp from sequence may not add much.
I'm just eyeballing again but I feel Crocea Mors B may be more suitable with tp bonus offhand for higher D, big chunk of acc and FUA.
Raetic kris is an option on rdm
By Afania 2019-01-05 15:35:38
While we are on the topic of tp bonus offhand.....what's everyone's opinion on raetic blade HQ or Crocea Mors B mainhand instead of sequence? Savage blade has pretty small increase past 2000 tp so 500 tp from sequence may not add much.
I'm just eyeballing again but I feel Crocea Mors B may be more suitable with tp bonus offhand for higher D, big chunk of acc and FUA.
Raetic kris is an option on rdm
The point of mainhanding a sword is to use savage blade though, and the point of offhand tp bonus is to boost savage blade to insane level though.
So MT locked to sword(probably between sequence/su5/raetic blade hq) and offhand locked to tp bonus with no room to fit in raetic kris.
Not really seeing any ws available to kris competitive to 1000 tp bonus savage blades.
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-01-05 17:18:10
I've been using a set similar to this one:
ItemSet 361341
My set is a bit different >>
Neck is Sanctity
Feet are Amalric +1
E-Ring is Keriyeh
Regal is Ishvara (useless? i just dont have regal ear yet)
With a 900 Geo-Malaise in Omen I've been hitting around 27k on Sanguine (Trash Mobs, not the cature) and was wondering if anyone else is trying this set out and can tell me some more ways I can enhance the output.
The geo was at the backline with Indi-refresh I think so I was missing Acumen and no Cor for Wizards roll. Will those two alone make up a lot of damage?
I was really hoping for a ~40k Sanguine but havent found a group yet to get into for Omen to try a "full magic buff" run. Regardless, it's been pretty fun on Rdm but would like to max it out as much as I can.
Path C Crocea can be a lot of fun :> My set is similar to the one above except I use Shiva Ring +1 instead of e-ring, Refoccilation Stone for waist or weather obi, and Amalric +1 Feet. How are people incorporating Orpheus Sash into Lua? I'm not really sure how to go about it without the use of a toggle, and I don't want to use a toggle...
I haven't had the chance to test on many mobs but I hit 40k sanguine blade on Blazewing and Gulltop using Geo-Malaise and Acumen with Idris geo. It wasn't as stellar on Urmahlulu and opted for CDC instead.
And, since there's talk of offhanding tp sword, red lotus blade is also capable of dishing out pretty great damage at high TP. You would lose subtle blow (which I really appreciate) and 4% TA from Ternion though.
By Monko 2019-01-05 17:58:12
How are people incorporating Orpheus Sash into Lua? I'm not really sure how to go about it without the use of a toggle, and I don't want to use a toggle... I have it set to use just on two specific weapon skill sets: Sanguine blade and Aeolian Edge.
By SimonSes 2019-01-05 20:59:58
Path C Crocea can be a lot of fun :> My set is similar to the one above except I use Shiva Ring +1 instead of e-ring, Refoccilation Stone for waist or weather obi, and Amalric +1 Feet. How are people incorporating Orpheus Sash into Lua? I'm not really sure how to go about it without the use of a toggle, and I don't want to use a toggle...
What do you mean? Just replace Refoccilation Stone with Orpheus in your Lua. Both Sanguine and Aeolian are done from close distance, so Orpheus will always win for those WSs.
If you talking about spells, I have something like this on my BLU in post_midcast function:
Code if (spellMap == 'Magical' or spellMap == 'MagicalDark') and spell.target.distance < 10 then
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-01-06 00:01:49
Path C Crocea can be a lot of fun :> My set is similar to the one above except I use Shiva Ring +1 instead of e-ring, Refoccilation Stone for waist or weather obi, and Amalric +1 Feet. How are people incorporating Orpheus Sash into Lua? I'm not really sure how to go about it without the use of a toggle, and I don't want to use a toggle...
What do you mean? Just replace Refoccilation Stone with Orpheus in your Lua. Both Sanguine and Aeolian are done from close distance, so Orpheus will always win for those WSs.
If you talking about spells, I have something like this on my BLU in post_midcast function:
Code if (spellMap == 'Magical' or spellMap == 'MagicalDark') and spell.target.distance < 10 then
I was under the impression Orpheus would still lose to double weather bonus and my current lua equips obi for burning/red lotus/sanguine. I haven't invested in Orpheus because I am not sure how to differentiate between single weather and double, which is why I asked how people were handling it :)
If that's not accurate then yeah I can just replace the refoccilation stone with an orpheus sash.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Asura.Vapours 2019-01-06 01:42:40
You can check for double weather by using the windower function get_info() like: Code windower.ffxi.get_info().weather.intensity
If intensity == 2 then you've got double weather.
I haven't picked up an Orpheus Sash yet, but if you get Affinity+15 at the minimum range, Affinity+15 should be 1.8 in that term? Plus Pixie+1 and Archon for another .33, 2.13 total? If so then Affinity on its own would be that 2.13 multiplier, compared to Pixie+1&Archon Affinity at 1.33 times 2xWeather at 1.25 is only 1.6625. Looks like the Sash should win no matter what, but someone please correct me if the Orpheus Affinity term amount is off.
By SimonSes 2019-01-06 09:18:54
Its +15 affinity at 1 range distance from target and goes down by 1 for every 1 range. So not sure how you got 1.8 there. Its better than single weather but worse than double weather. That being said weather can still proc without obi (33% chance?).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-01-06 10:06:31
You can check for double weather by using the windower function get_info() like: Code windower.ffxi.get_info().weather.intensity
If intensity == 2 then you've got double weather.
I haven't picked up an Orpheus Sash yet, but if you get Affinity+15 at the minimum range, Affinity+15 should be 1.8 in that term? Plus Pixie+1 and Archon for another .33, 2.13 total? If so then Affinity on its own would be that 2.13 multiplier, compared to Pixie+1&Archon Affinity at 1.33 times 2xWeather at 1.25 is only 1.6625. Looks like the Sash should win no matter what, but someone please correct me if the Orpheus Affinity term amount is off.
Double weather is +25% damage on it's own term while single weather is +10%. Weather obi would be better then Orpheus but only if double weather is present. Elemental Affinity and Weather Bonus are two separate terms that get multiplied like the rest.
By Monko 2019-01-06 10:22:16
So Saevel, what you're saying is, that Obi will always win in Dynamis?
By Boshi 2019-01-06 10:29:29
could always just make a condition to put obi on in dynamis zones
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-01-06 12:14:20
So Saevel, what you're saying is, that Obi will always win in Dynamis?
In the case of RDM yes since our big WS is Sanguine Blade, but don't forget that RLB is fire and Seraph is Light. Don't want to use Obi with those two unless it's double fire / light weather.