Yeah considering he is leaving behind a strong economy,
Unless, of course, you think that a strong economy is something that took almost 8 years just to get back to the levels before the Great Recession, which most administrations,
including Bush II, have done the same in less than 2. Or that the economy "growth" is benefiting a small group of people a whole lot more,
including the ex-president instead of the population at whole is an indicator of a strong economy. Or that the economy is practically propped up on wooden sticks because of an unnaturally low federally-mandated interest rate, one that could see automatic repercussions when the interest rates change to reflect actual lending practices.
But what do you know, anything to redefine Obama's tenure as a success, right?
a very low unemployment rate
It's not even at the level of normal unemployment yet. Normal unemployment is 4.5%, and best-guess (and actual economic numbers, not the redefined numbers made to make Obama look good) unemployment numbers are still hoovering around 6%. The FLA reports every month are very dishonest to the American people, and even
you should see that.
a higher number of people with health insurance behind
Mandated by law. Most of which cannot afford it, most of which cannot afford going to the doctor
still, most of which cannot see the doctor they saw before, most of which doesn't even get the care they need, most of which are on waiting lists and some even
die while waiting for care. Huge success....