Random Politics & Religion #20

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Random Politics & Religion #20
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 09:27:54  

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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 09:30:26  
One more with Trump 80s glory !

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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1544
By Asura.Vienner 2017-03-18 09:32:46  
Asura.Saevel said: »
Then you absolutely couldn't be a liberal in the USA. They frequently burn national flags and generally hate their own US in favor of European countries. The consider all forms of patriotism as oppression and hate speech, they have gone so far as to ban the national flag on university campus's. I'm not exaggerating on this, the ***is that real.
I said last, not least, it wasnt a typo so you missread what I said I think.

I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we dont have to ask the US for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D

Have a nice day!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 09:36:55  
Viciouss said: »
Always amusing to wake up to Saevel's ***.

Asura.Vienner said: »
In the end I discuss to gain knowledge, but less in a way that I have to feel bad of any decision that ever was made over my ancestors heads.

I wouldn't waste your time in this section then.

I've learned a lot in P n R like...why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch...and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop....
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2017-03-18 09:40:00  
fonewear said: »
Viciouss said: »
Always amusing to wake up to Saevel's ***.

Asura.Vienner said: »
In the end I discuss to gain knowledge, but less in a way that I have to feel bad of any decision that ever was made over my ancestors heads.

I wouldn't waste your time in this section then.

I've learned a lot in P n R like...why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch...and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop....

Do share.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 09:40:39  
Also our knowledge of politics is far greater than your average joe six pack or hippie liberal protester...who didn't vote anyways !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 09:41:01  
Viciouss said: »
fonewear said: »
Viciouss said: »
Always amusing to wake up to Saevel's ***.

Asura.Vienner said: »
In the end I discuss to gain knowledge, but less in a way that I have to feel bad of any decision that ever was made over my ancestors heads.

I wouldn't waste your time in this section then.

I've learned a lot in P n R like...why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch...and how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop....

Do share.

Ok junior...cinnamon swirls and 3 !
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-03-18 10:19:10  
Asura.Vienner said: »
Its funny how words like progressive and liberale are dirty words on here. If I'd have to place myself in the political spectrum I'd probably be burned at the stake in this thread.
The conservative posters here are usually far more wordy than the liberal posters. Flavin's P41 poststorm is an expedition. The further right they lean the more they get wrong.

Saevel is usually intelligent, articulate, and wrong. But when he pulls stuff from alt right web sites, or out of his ***, he undermines himself and his arguments.

Asura.Saevel said: »
US Liberal / Conservative is really different from European Liberal / Conservative. The only similar term is Progressive and that's in reference to the Global Progressive movement, as in "world citizenship", "multi-cultism to replace nationalism" and "labor class unite to overthrow capital owning class". Many European Countries have immigration policies that would curdle Zero's toes.

Does Belgium have a political party that not only encourages illegal mass immigration to your country from poorer countries, but wants to give citizenship and voting rights to all those illegal immigrants so they could vote for that same party? European Countries tend to handle illegal immigration pretty harshly.
This post is a great example.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-03-18 10:32:14  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
And charging a sales tax on food? What are you, animals?
We do that here in "the other Washington". We are said to have one of the most regressive taxation policies in the country.

Asura.Saevel said: »
Asura.Vienner said: »
I dont know mister (?) I think your tone was kind of rude.

That's projection, I was quite polite but the information I provided contrasted with what you believed and made you feel uneasy....
No Saevel, you were being I know better than you rude. I realize that you were being polite by alt right standards, but you must realize that RL standards are different than alt right standards.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-03-18 10:53:26  
Asura.Vienner said: »
I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we can have even more corrupt officials waste that money and demand for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D
fixed for accuracy.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-03-18 11:01:54  
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Flavin's P41 poststorm is an expedition.
Wait, he's going somewhere?


Garuda.Chanti said: »
Saevel is usually intelligent, articulate, and posts things I don't agree with.
fixed for absolute accuracy.

Just because you don't like what he says doesn't make him wrong (or in Vic's case, a liar).

Garuda.Chanti said: »
We do that here in "the other Washington". We are said to have one of the most regressive taxation policies in the country.
Well, we already know that you are animals. How's that economic emigration in your state going? Sucks that your businesses are leaving while your population grows.

Garuda.Chanti said: »
I realize that you were being polite by alt right standards, but you must realize that RL standards are different than alt right standards.
He is also being polite according to alt-left standards. If he was posting as a liberal, he would have accused Vienner of being racist/sexist already.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1544
By Asura.Vienner 2017-03-18 11:03:07  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Vienner said: »
I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we can have even more corrupt officials waste that money and demand for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D
fixed for accuracy.
I'd like to think not everyone who has an official function is corrupt (Just like I like to think that not everyone who's on wellfare/healthcare is abusing the system).
Tossing a link here corruption perception index
Oh well...looks like Belgium (and most of the Northern European countries) isnt doing that bad (although I know the internet and charts/statistics do not hold the holy truth)

Back to my cookies, they're in the oven, they look tasty and they're all mine.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 11:07:31  
You are all wrong we have no standards !
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-03-18 11:09:35  
Asura.Vienner said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Vienner said: »
I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we can have even more corrupt officials waste that money and demand for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D
fixed for accuracy.
I'd like to think not everyone who has an official function is corrupt (Just like I like to think that not everyone who's on wellfare/healthcare is abusing the system).
Tossing a link here corruption perception index
Oh well...looks like Belgium (and most of the Northern European countries) isnt doing that bad (although I know the internet and charts/statistics do not hold the holy truth)

Problem is, that source you provided was for Corruption perception, not actual corruption.

Yes, not all public officials are corrupt. It's not the officials that are corrupt, it's the system itself that leads to corruption.

EUC has a more detailed analysis of corruption in the EU though, but I don't want to wade through 500ish pages to find Belgium's 1 page corruption report

Long story short, Belgium's biggest corruption complaint is the bureaucratic system and how expensive it is to start and obtain businesses there. Even worse if you are a foreign investor.

Source, again, 500ish pages

Geeze, what's with you EU people and reports?

/goes back reading the 4700+ page US tax law
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-18 11:10:05  
Asura.Vienner said: »
I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we dont have to ask the US for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D

Sure no problem

Asura.Vienner said: »
I'd like to think not everyone who has an official function is corrupt (Just like I like to think that not everyone who's on wellfare/healthcare is abusing the system).
Tossing a link here corruption perception index
Oh well...looks like Belgium (and most of the Northern European countries) isnt doing that bad (although I know the internet and charts/statistics do not hold the holy truth)

Back to my cookies, they're in the oven, they look tasty and they're all mine.

Oh guess not
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 11:11:04  
We left Europe so we wouldn't have to follow their ***. I suggest Europeans come to America and join our team for the big win.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-03-18 11:12:33  
It's bigly!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 11:14:14  
Europe is like a Diet Coke why drink that she when you could have the real thing in America !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 11:14:30  
That *** *
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 11:15:48  
Never mind my German roots I'm 100% pure American accept no substitutes. I was born with a gun in one hand and a beer in the other !
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-03-18 13:47:30  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
We do that here in "the other Washington". We are said to have one of the most regressive taxation policies in the country.
Well, we already know that you are animals. How's that economic emigration immigration in your state going? Sucks that your businesses are leaving while your population grows....
You have it backwards King. Tech firms and techies are flocking to Seattle. It looks cheap compared to the bay area and we have no state income tax.

The only large business we lost recently was when JAL shut down its maintenance department in Moses Lake, but the expansion of the BMW carbon fiber plant there offset most of the job losses.

In the meantime our farms, ports, military basses, and Boeing plants are still here.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-03-18 13:48:35  
fonewear said: »
Never mind my German roots I'm 100% pure American accept no substitutes. I was born with a gun in one hand and a beer in the other !
You are perhaps implying that Germans have neither beer nor guns?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 22:18:40  
Garuda.Chanti said: »
fonewear said: »
Never mind my German roots I'm 100% pure American accept no substitutes. I was born with a gun in one hand and a beer in the other !
You are perhaps implying that Germans have neither beer nor guns?

True but who the hell thinks of German and guns...*hitler flashback* never mind !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-18 23:07:13  
Asura.Vienner said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Vienner said: »
I'm done here, I have to work on weekends to pay my taxes so we can have even more corrupt officials waste that money and demand for even more money to finance our social slacker programs :D
fixed for accuracy.
I'd like to think not everyone who has an official function is corrupt (Just like I like to think that not everyone who's on wellfare/healthcare is abusing the system).
Tossing a link here corruption perception index
Oh well...looks like Belgium (and most of the Northern European countries) isnt doing that bad (although I know the internet and charts/statistics do not hold the holy truth)

Back to my cookies, they're in the oven, they look tasty and they're all mine.

Even though you are from Belgium and therefore my natural enemy I accept you with open arms in America ! Despite our differences we can surely find something to hate...maybe pinapple pizza ?
MSPaint Winner
Posts: 1509
By Skjalfeirdotter 2017-03-18 23:25:09  
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サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-03-18 23:59:58  
Skjalf, do you actually believe this crap, do you just find it interesting, or are you straight up trolling?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-03-19 00:46:49  
Remember these are the liberals we're speaking about.

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That is the level of hate and vitriol they are spreading.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2017-03-19 04:47:27  
Asura.Saevel said: »
That is the level of hate and vitriol they are spreading.

here take this

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-03-19 09:31:52  
I don't find Sae to be rude maybe a little blunt and direct but not rude.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-03-19 10:23:54  
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Skjalf, do you actually believe this crap, do you just find it interesting, or are you straight up trolling?
Are you expecting a straight answer from Skjalf, or are you straight up trolling?
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