She's laughing because she's in denial. Trump didn't get elected, Hillary didn't lose, the Democrats haven't been playing a loosing game the past couple of years.
I've said the opposite to this quite a few times. Usually when the "We gotta stop Trump!!" ***starts and the "#notmypresident" ***.
I want to give "He will not divide us." people an honorary mention because from what I saw that was mostly being thrown around by people even more divisive than Trump.
Truth is, Trump is making himself look suspicious. Whether or not he has ties to Russia or the mob or whatever the hell is being said today, who knows? There was an investigation going on an firing the guy heading that up just as it started to take off was bad for Trump's image. Following said firing up with several changing explanations as to WHY Comey was fired was also bad for Trump's image. It's a somewhat entertaining series of unfortunate events.
As for the media, I seldom watch the news on TV, I more often just Google topics which brings up stuff from both sides. I won't deny that I enjoy seeing stories sway one way as opposed to the other but that doesn't necessarily make it true.