Please go back and read though.
I lost too many IQ points the first time through and if you had read/understood any of my posts you would realize how precious and few they are to begin with....
but you didn't. you developed some sort of victim complex where you think everyone is attacking you rather than debating a topic.
Which, unfortunately, I can't do anything about.
I do however acknowledge, given the information available to me, that there is a possibility that Trump has Russian ties.
because his ties were made in china... which is close to russia?
Again if we use the "six degrees of kevin bacon" principle than
everyone has russian ties. you theoretically can't avoid it. You responded to me, I have a friend that married a russian girl, I have met her, that means you now have ties to russia
and it's not illegal.
Check out the fourth amendment. in order to investigate you need have to have
a crime to start with and then you need probable cause which is to say reasonable grounds.
You need some basis for your accusations. A crime happened-> a credible witness under oath testified that someone else was involved-> a warrant is issued by a judge-> that person is investigated
trump seems shifty-> he got elected president even though I didn't vote for him-> I heard the phrase "ties with russia" in the news a bunch of time-> he has done deals-> therefore he MAY have committed a crime so we should investigate him