I would like to thank you all for positive responses and advices. Thank you!
I did what Pankas suggested and I invested my gils into 2 VD Ambuscade runs and I got whole Mummu +1 and upgraded hands to +2. For Gallantry I bought Jhakri +1 head/gloves/legs/feet (upgraded hands to +2) because I have BLM (will be nice to finish some seals farming in abyssea) and plan to do BLU. I also bought several JSE capes and augmented 10DA, 20acc/att, 20dex on Dnc and Blu ones. I also got NQ Ayanmo set for BLU. I figured it will be an ok set for TP before I get something better. I would say that was definitely worth 6M gils.
I think I will repeat that after update and finish Jhakri +1, upgrade another pieces of Jhakri/Mummu and buy some Flemma and Sulevia +1, because I saw part of both of those sets listed as one of the top tier pieces for WAR and I might use WAR for Empyrean farming in future (he has a lot of red !! proc).
Now I can start farming Dynamis/Salvage/Reive and maybe some fights from upcoming Unity: Wanted and HTMB campaign.
Once again thank you all for help!