This month I got a LOUD THUD! <3 <3 <3 <3
...a 180k mat was inside.
Feels like there's someone behind the screen laughing at me, trolling me :<
Sounds to me like the drop you were supposed to get is one you already have, and it didn't appear as it is tagged with Rare.
I have always seen a piece of armor from loud thuds (pics and personal pools).
If you're going into AMAN solo and don't want to short yourself on drops by possibly getting an Omen Body you already have, max out your inventory by separating your consumables (food, ammo etc) until youre 80/80. That way if something super rare drops that you already have but may want to sell, it will sit in your treasure pool and you might be able to invite someone hanging around the bcnm area if they want to buy it, or even ask a lsmember if they want it in exchange for something. Otherwise, you can re-sort your list and just lose it if you don't get the deal you want. This is better than outright NOT seeing the rare item you would have gotten, because you now have the choice (5minutes) of what you would like to do with it.