August Ambuscade Volume One

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August Ambuscade Volume One
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サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-08-07 15:52:20  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Ok so this is literally impossible with pick up rangers. shield prevents ALL damage.

all 6 members did zero,
all ws did zero
QD did zero
trueflight wildfire leaden all zero
requiscat zero

Double shield or single shield? I have not tried it this month. I'll post some results when I get a chance.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-07 15:56:45  
IIRC from the first iteration of this battle, the fastest reported fights were (gulp): COR COR COR SMN GEO TANK

Chaos/Samurai's/Rogue's/Tactician's/Allies/Hunter's OR Miser's

CORs might need to sub DRG to dump hate occasionally, since they are going to undoubtedly cap it and steal it. Biggest threat to CORs is on the Imps, due to their enmity potentially shifting and then subsequent dispel/amnesia. If shooters can kill quickly or pace out their damage, it should go smoothly. Can alternate for a couple of RNG as well, but I do recall people beating this in as little as five minutes or so with a shooting setup.

Don't shoot (lol) the messenger, I'm just reporting the facts. You're entitled to try it your own method, but this was a pretty annoying month when it first came out and I have a very strong memory of this. Especially when your SMN disconnects and you have 0% chance of winning the fight at that point.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-08-07 16:04:35  
The best setup I ended up using for this last time was RUN/WHM/GEO/COR/COR/SMN.

RUN spikes hate at the start and the others go ham on the Imps then the flayer. Fomalhaut COR can self-skillchain and really wreck the Imps.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-07 16:05:48  
It might have been 2 CORs instead of 3, and swap in a WHM instead, now that you mention it.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tuefen
Posts: 40
By Cerberus.Tuefen 2018-08-07 16:11:52  
won vd in 12min smn smn geo rune whm cor.
smn done flaming cush + vs to make sc.
whm had to rebuff rune fast with shell protect after every buff got dispeled and geo smn did cure the rune in that time.
beast drachen roll feailty entrust torper indi refresh.
we tried sc with cor and smn but hate controll in theire is = 0
with all the amnesia/silence ***.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 16:20:03  
Fenrir.Snaps said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Ok so this is literally impossible with pick up rangers. shield prevents ALL damage.

all 6 members did zero,
all ws did zero
QD did zero
trueflight wildfire leaden all zero
requiscat zero

Double shield or single shield? I have not tried it this month. I'll post some results when I get a chance.

I assume double, but honestly don't know. All I know is killed all the imps and then literally nothing would damage flayer.

SMN the only thing I've seen break the shield in 4 attempts
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: zerkles
Posts: 49
By Shiva.Zerkles 2018-08-07 16:27:57  
SMN doing like 25k+ can break shield. We got double shield one run due to a bit of a slow start, and that needed 2x BP to break, one for each shield, so its not over if you get double.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: rs1n
Posts: 233
By Cerberus.Boogs 2018-08-07 16:28:10  
I have not tried the new ambuscade but so far people are reporting that shields seem linked to whether there are imps alive. Has anyone tried sleeping the imps? Or are they not susceptible to lullaby?

Also, just because you see 0 dmg... are you sure that is not working like some sort of stoneskin effect? Did your ranged DDs continue to shoot and then ran out of time, or did the shields eventually drop?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tuefen
Posts: 40
By Cerberus.Tuefen 2018-08-07 16:37:32  
pets did always hit for o no matter if right after bp or before.
But the rune done a few crit hits for 1k each and normal hits for 980 maybee u can only demage him from front idk.and brd may can sleep em i used ghorn brd with n/t in first fight and got message the impfs resist the spell.
Guide Maker
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2018-08-07 16:46:55  
10~ min VD fight with COR RNG SMN GEO WHM RUN
Summoner should save apogee until the NM has the shield up for the first time so they can easily break it with 2 volt strikes if needed. That prevents a double shield scenario from happening and locking out all the ranged damage from rng + cor. After it's broken the SMN should have no problem keeping the shield in check for the remainder of the fight.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-08-07 16:48:48  
Cerberus.Boogs said: »
Also, just because you see 0 dmg... are you sure that is not working like some sort of stoneskin effect? Did your ranged DDs continue to shoot and then ran out of time, or did the shields eventually drop?

Assuming it's like a Stoneskin + Phalanx kind of thing, with the Phalanx threshold being pretty high, like 1k+.

An Arma or Gandiva RNG might be able to plow straight thru the shield in a handful of shots with AM3/crit.
By 2018-08-07 16:55:27
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 17:02:23  
If the shield is magical, trueflights/wildfires/QD should have broken them.

Unless it's like a 500k stoneskin
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tuefen
Posts: 40
By Cerberus.Tuefen 2018-08-07 17:06:22  
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tuefen
Posts: 40
By Cerberus.Tuefen 2018-08-07 17:07:42  
how u upload a picture y.y
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 17:11:31  
Just click the button... and put the url... or post the url and someone will put it up for you

Screenshots on here pending can't be displayed that way, you have to use like tiny.pic
By 2018-08-07 17:37:06
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By clearlyamule 2018-08-07 18:03:03  
magical ws are treated as magic dmg
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2018-08-07 18:16:16  
Valefor.Angierus said: »
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
No ones "said it" yet but as soon as you go "we won with rangers" nothing else matters. It's already ruined for the entire month. No one will figure it out.

Then isnt the blame on the people who didn't figure it out or were to lazy to figure it out? Why does everyone need a million ways to beat something? If you feel the ranged only strat isnt right for you then run something else.

That is a very narrow minded approach. What this advocates is people will only advertise for this or smn and all else are not options because they read it online somewhere. Then the domino effect happens where everyone follows suit.
Which is happening now it seems with alot of you. Again people pick to follow these because its fast farm and easy to get it done. It's a narrow minded way of thinking just because you don't like a setup means everyone should hate it and try something else. IDK man its the same thing every month with the same 5 people complaining about comps for stuff but arent out trying stuff out.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2018-08-07 18:21:05  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
K, for reals, can we not immediately jump on the

"ranged damage is the only way to do this" train. That'd be fantastic.

Oh no. It's MY month. We're shootin' til they repeal the 2nd amendment.

Finally getting a chance to play ranged DD is the ENTIRE reason to do VD this month.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 18:21:53  
I just want people to at least ATTEMPT to figure out the mechanics.

before lolsmnburninitagain
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: sairasu
Posts: 974
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2018-08-07 18:42:17  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
I just want people to at least ATTEMPT to figure out the mechanics.

before lolsmnburninitagain
I agree with that 100%. This wasn't really targeting you but I see the same stuff in game which it's coming from people who just say I hate smn burns they need to nerf it but don't wanna buy the gear for the DD only jobs they play.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-08-08 00:03:57  
I did a few VD runs with a pick up group tonight. The shield functions more or less as I previously described, there are a few other details.

The shield follows a promotion process. It begins with a single shield. If the shield is not removed by doing some amount of damage to it (not sure how much), it is promoted to a double shield. You can demote the double shield back to a single if you're able to damage it.

Single Shield - Critical hit and weaponskill damage are reduced by 50%. Non-critical hit white damage is reduced by 100%. Will be gained after a certain amount of time passes after killing the last imp. May be removed by dealing enough damage to the Master Manipulator. May be promoted to a double shield after a specific amount of time elapses.

Double Shield - Reduces physical damage by 100%. I'm uncertain how it affects critical hits and weaponskills as I wasn't able to observe this. Some people say it reduces them all to by 100%. There's a few posts in the previous thread that contracts this. May be demoted by dealing enough damage to the Master Manipulator.

I have party member damage filtered so I don't know how blood pacts are affected by the shield, but I'm guessing that they're not affected by it at all.

Some log excerpts (this was when it had a single shield up)
22:39:18Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 1501 points of damage.
22:39:21Skillchain: Darkness.The Master Manipulator takes 12304 points of damage.
22:39:22Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
22:39:25Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
***22:39:28Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 2252 points of damage.***
22:39:30Snapster readies Coronach.
22:39:34Snapster uses Coronach, but misses the Master Manipulator.
22:39:35Snapster's ranged attack scores a critical hit!The Master Manipulator takes 1435 points of damage.
22:39:38Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
22:39:41Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
22:39:45Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
22:39:49Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 0 points of damage.
22:39:52Snapster's ranged attack scores a critical hit!The Master Manipulator takes 1435 points of damage.
22:39:54Snapster readies Coronach.
22:39:59Snapster uses Coronach.The Master Manipulator takes 8124 points of damage.
22:40:00Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 1501 points of damage.
22:40:04Snapster's ranged attack scores a critical hit!The Master Manipulator takes 2870 points of damage.
22:40:05Snapster readies Coronach.
22:40:05The Master Manipulator defeats Ramuh.
22:40:10Snapster uses Coronach.The Master Manipulator takes 16251 points of damage.
22:40:10Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 1501 points of damage.
22:40:13Snapster's ranged attack hits the Master Manipulator for 1501 points of damage.

You can see that it had a single shield up that was removed. I bolded a line there that seemed to bypass the mechanics posted above. Maybe it was some strange interaction between a relic 3x damage proc and the shield damage modifier. Idk.

Also, the Master Manipulator had the double shield up immediately after we cleared the imps for one of the fights. It might have been there already or it may have gained it at some point while we were fighting the imps. I don't know. I'm guessing there's some mechanic behind this. I'm not sure what it is. We were doing super shitty and got hit with a million dispels because the tank wasn't far away enough for us to put distance, and he lost hate to the imps several times.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-08 00:08:48  
When we did it last stands, coronochs and crits were all still doing zero damage. Must've been double shield. Just need to know how to break it without being forced to rely on smn.

Should've tried hotshot, didn't think about it
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Mojopojo
Posts: 1139
By Fenrir.Snaps 2018-08-08 00:22:39  
Here's a set RNG/WAR that gives you +70% critical hit rate.

ItemSet 360459

Not that you'd want to use all of it. If your natural critical hit rate is capped though, that's a 95% critical hit rate. That should easily let you get TP and break the single shield before it becomes an issue.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-08-08 00:57:26  
I'll get the video up as soon as I can but until then.

Tanks need to carry Panacea for the Bio from Tribulation. It's freaking lethal, 1000/tick Bio. It'll kill you in seconds, save your WHM the heart-attack and help them out.
Posts: 497
By mhomho 2018-08-08 03:40:08  
Remedy took off the Bio in the VD run last night. Is it not standard to have these things with you already?
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-08-08 03:47:36  
mhomho said: »
Remedy took off the Bio in the VD run last night. Is it not standard to have these things with you already?
You'd be sadly surprised... Carrying meds is mandatory for a tank but people missed the memo.

Be nice if a group chipped in for the tanks meds, Panaceas are expensive.
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