Ashitacast help.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2018-12-02 04:57:06
Hello everyone,
I have returned back to FFXI after 3 years. And now I did try Ashita instead of Windower, just for trying something new. But regardless one or the other, files has changed. So all my other XML's wich used to work with Windower, dose no longer work. So I'm asking friendly her, is there a soul who can help me rebuild a DNC for Ashita or Windower, or have a XML who already works 110% That I can change my gear into?
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-12-02 12:04:15
how in depth do you want it? like auto swapping sets on required dw tiers, acc tiers, defense modes, etc?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2018-12-10 09:20:39
how in depth do you want it? like auto swapping sets on required dw tiers, acc tiers, defense modes, etc?
Hi Austar,
I first saw your response to my topic now, sorry about that.
Well, I'm not the best on making these, and the one I used to have was okay I'd guess. But if I can get one where it can gearswap according to which ws u make, if you are ideal in town, regen set, pdt set, mdt set and so on. But I can post my old one, and you can see :)
And thanks alot for helping out, much appreciated.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-12-10 13:43:23
i mean i can one with anything really but not everyone wants all the stuff i put in mine
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2018-12-10 13:51:47
i mean i can one with anything really but not everyone wants all the stuff i put in mine
Hi again,
I understand that. But if my old one can be adopted into Ashita, then it will work fine for me, or if you are able to make something close to it, that would be great?
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-12-10 15:24:25
i didn’t look it over too much since i’m on mobile for now but I probably can. it’ll be more along the lines of what most of my files look like, a lot of sets with various toggles involved
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2018-12-10 19:33:17
you can look over this basic one and see how i make most of mine. i just threw this one together since i don't play dnc really, but it gives you an idea of how mine are typically set up.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-12-12 09:31:59
This is my ashitacast for DNC. It does stuff like automatically equip a climactic set for Rudra when clim is active, or a striking set for PK with striking is active. A few different TP modes/idle modes, you can fiddle with it and add what you want.
I don't use ashita that often so it's not super fleshed out, just have it on a laptop that I use when traveling...windower won't work on it for some reason.
Code <ashitacast>
<settings> <!--Contains settings specific to this xml, must be set to true/false to override default-->
<buffupdate>true</buffupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you gain/lose a buff. Default: TRUE -->
<statusupdate>true</statuspdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you change status(stand/rest/engage/etc). Default: TRUE -->
<hpupdate>false</hpupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when your HP % changes. Default: FALSE -->
<autoupdate>true</autoupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed on outgoing status updates(roughly every 350ms). Default: FALSE -->
<set name="Idle-Normal">
<head augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Bonnet +1</head>
<body augment="M1436">Horos Casaque +3</body>
<hands augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Wrist. +1</hands>
<legs augment="D2723139293964">Lustr. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet augment="M1439">Horos T. Shoes +3</feet>
<neck>Anu Torque</neck>
<waist>Kentarch Belt</waist>
<ear1>Brutal Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Vocane Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Defending Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S255463270418575">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Idle-DT">
<ammo>Staunch Tathlum</ammo>
<head>Meghanada Visor +2</head>
<body augment="M1436">Horos Casaque +3</body>
<hands>Herculean Gloves</hands>
<legs>Meg. Chausses +2</legs>
<feet augment="M1439">Horos T. Shoes +3</feet>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<waist>Flume Belt</waist>
<ear1>Odnowa Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Vocane Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Defending Ring</ring2>
<back>Solemnity Cape</back>
<set name="TP-Normal">
<head augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Bonnet +1</head>
<body augment="M1436">Horos Casaque +3</body>
<hands augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Wrist. +1</hands>
<legs augment="S182076079662084240">Samnuha Tights</legs>
<feet augment="M1439">Horos T. Shoes +3</feet>
<neck>Anu Torque</neck>
<waist>Kentarch Belt</waist>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Petrov Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Epona's Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S255463270418575">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="TP-Hybrid">
<ammo>Staunch Tathlum</ammo>
<head augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Bonnet +1</head>
<body augment="M1436">Horos Casaque +3</body>
<hands augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Wrist. +1</hands>
<legs>Meg. Chausses +2</legs>
<feet augment="M1439">Horos T. Shoes +3</feet>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<waist>Kentarch Belt</waist>
<ear1>Brutal Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Defending Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Epona's Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S255463270418575">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="TP-DT">
<ammo>Staunch Tathlum</ammo>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<waist>Flume Belt</waist>
<ring1>Gelatinous Ring +1</ring1>
<ring2>Defending Ring</ring2>
<set name="ClimRudra">
<ammo>Jukukik Feather</ammo>
<head>Maculele Tiara +1</head>
<body>Meg. Cuirie +2</body>
<hands>Meg. Gloves +2</hands>
<legs augment="D2723139293964">Lustr. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet augment="S1165529516277996169">Herculean Boots</feet>
<neck>Caro Necklace</neck>
<waist>Grunfeld Rope</waist>
<ear1>Ishvara Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ilabrat Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Ramuh Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S7257461703321718759">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Rudra">
<ammo>Jukukik Feather</ammo>
<head augment="S116552951642135">Herculean Helm</head>
<body augment="S125349044742169">Herculean Vest</body>
<hands>Meg. Gloves +2</hands>
<legs augment="D2723139293964">Lustr. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet augment="S1165529516277996169">Herculean Boots</feet>
<neck>Caro Necklace</neck>
<waist>Grunfeld Rope</waist>
<ear1>Ishvara Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ilabrat Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Ramuh Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S7257461703321718759">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Pyrrhic">
<ammo>Mantoptera Eye</ammo>
<head augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Bonnet +1</head>
<body augment="M1436">Horos Casaque +3</body>
<hands augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Wrist. +1</hands>
<legs augment="S182076079662084240">Samnuha Tights</legs>
<feet augment="D2998017135368">Lustra. Leggings +1</feet>
<neck>Snow Gorget</neck>
<waist>Snow Belt</waist>
<ear1>Mache Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ifrit Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Epona's Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S255463270418575">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="StrikingPyrrhic">
<ammo>Mantoptera Eye</ammo>
<head augment="S116548656654404">Herculean Helm</head>
<body>Macu. Casaque +1</body>
<hands augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Wrist. +1</hands>
<legs augment="S182076079662084240">Samnuha Tights</legs>
<feet augment="D2998017135368">Lustra. Leggings +1</feet>
<neck>Snow Gorget</neck>
<waist>Snow Belt</waist>
<ear1>Mache Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ifrit Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Epona's Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S255463270418575">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Evisceration">
<ammo>Jukukik Feather</ammo>
<head augment="D20925277801407">Adhemar Bonnet +1</head>
<body>Meg. Cuirie +2</body>
<hands>Mummu Wrists +2</hands>
<legs augment="D2723139293964">Lustr. Subligar +1</legs>
<feet augment="S1253488916992681638423">Herculean Boots</feet>
<neck>Light Gorget</neck>
<waist>Light Belt</waist>
<ear1>Mache Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ilabrat Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Mummu Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S7257461703321718759">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Exenterator">
<head augment="S8137715747023125">Herculean Helm</head>
<body>Meg. Cuirie +2</body>
<hands>Meg. Gloves +2</hands>
<legs>Meg. Chausses +2</legs>
<feet augment="S7257234032232922551">Herculean Boots</feet>
<neck>Breeze Gorget</neck>
<waist>Soil Belt</waist>
<ear1>Brutal Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Sherida Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Ilabrat Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Garuda Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S7257461703321718759">Senuna's Mantle</back>
<set name="Waltz">
<ammo>Staunch Tathlum</ammo>
<head>Maxixi Tiara +1</head>
<body>Maxixi Casaque +1</body>
<hands>Meg. Gloves +2</hands>
<legs>Meg. Chausses +2</legs>
<feet>Maxixi Shoes</feet>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<waist>Flume Belt</waist>
<ear1>Enchntr. Earring</ear1>
<ear2>Handler's Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Vocane Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Defending Ring</ring2>
<back augment="S3379693710">Toetapper Mantle</back>
<var name="TPMode">Normal</var>
<var name="IdleMode">Normal</var>
<command>/bind F9 /toggleTP</command>
<command>/bind F10 /toggleIdle</command>
<cmd input="/toggleTP">
<if advanced="$TPMode=Normal">
<setvar name="TPMode" value="Hybrid" />
<elseif advanced="$TPMode=Hybrid">
<setvar name="TPMode" value="DT" />
<elseif advanced="$TPMode=DT">
<setvar name="TPMode" value="Normal" />
<addtochat color="55">Gear Toggle - TP Mode: $TPMode</addtochat>
<cmd input="/toggleIdle">
<if advanced="$IdleMode=Normal">
<setvar name="IdleMode" value="DT" />
<elseif advanced="$IdleMode=DT">
<setvar name="IdleMode" value="Normal" />
<addtochat color="55">Gear Toggle - Idle Mode: $IdleMode</addtochat>
<cmd input="/pdt">
<gearlock delay="5" />
<equip set="Idle-DT" />
<cmd input="/mdt">
<gearlock delay="5" />
<equip set="Idle-DT" />
<if p_status="engaged">
<equip set="TP-$TPMode" />
<equip set="Idle-$IdleMode" />
<if eq_back="Mecisto. Mantle">
<equip lock="true">
<back>Mecisto. Mantle</back>
<if buffactive="579">
<back>Mecisto. Mantle</back>
<if eq_rring="Warp Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Warp Ring</rring>
<elseif eq_lring="Warp Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<lring>Warp Ring</lring>
<if eq_rring="Dim. Ring (Mea)">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Dim. Ring (Mea)</rring>
<elseif eq_lring="Dim. Ring (Mea)">
<equip lock="true">
<lring>Dim. Ring (Mea)</lring>
<if eq_rring="Trizek Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Trizek Ring</rring>
<if eq_back="Aptitude Mantle">
<equip lock="true">
<back>Aptitude Mantle</back>
<if eq_rring="Capacity Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Capacity Ring</rring>
<if eq_rring="Vocation Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Vocation Ring</rring>
<if eq_rring="Facility Ring">
<equip lock="true">
<rring>Facility Ring</rring>
<if ad_name="Climactic Flourish"><equip><head>Maculele Tiara +1</head></equip><registerbuff id="443" /></if>
<if ad_name="Striking Flourish"><equip><body>Macu. Casaque +1</body></equip><registerbuff id="468" /></if>
<if ad_name="Haste Samba|Drain Samba|Drain Samba II|Drain Samba III|Aspir Samba|Aspir Samba II"><equip><head>Maxixi Tiara +1</head></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Spectral Jig|Chocobo Jig|Chocobo Jig II"><equip><feet>Maxixi Shoes</feet><legs>Horos Tights +2</legs></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Reverse Flourish"><equip><back>Toetapper Mantle</back></equip></if>
<if ad_name="Curing Waltz|Curing Waltz II|Curing Waltz III|Curing Waltz IV|Curing Waltz V"><equip set="Waltz" /></if>
<if ad_name="Rudra's Storm">
<if buffactive="443"><equip set="ClimRudra" /><clearbuff id="443" /></if>
<elseif><equip set="Rudra" /></elseif></if>
<elseif ad_name="Evisceration"><equip set="Evisceration" /></elseif>
<elseif ad_name="Pyrrhic Kleos">
<if buffactive="468"><equip set="StrikingPyrrhic" /><clearbuff id="468" /></if>
<elseif><equip set="Pyrrhic" /></elseif></elseif>
<elseif ad_name="Exenterator"><equip set="Exenterator" /></elseif>
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Asura.Eurewyen 2018-12-15 12:05:02
Back again after a long weekend. Thanks alot for the xml's guys, much appreciated. I take a look, and see if I can find some of it I can use :) Wish you both a great weekend!
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3
By Ragnarok.Frysia 2019-05-07 15:38:00
This helps me a ton Luna. I'm just getting back into playing some and trying to play DNC better as it's what I have geared and enjoy the most. I'd do Windower, but I can't seem to get it to run correct but Ashita I can.
I should be able to modify your xlm to work for me as I finish gearing up.
Hello everyone,
I have returned back to FFXI after 3 years. And now I did try Ashita instead of Windower, just for trying something new. But regardless one or the other, files has changed. So all my other XML's wich used to work with Windower, dose no longer work. So I'm asking friendly her, is there a soul who can help me rebuild a DNC for Ashita or Windower, or have a XML who already works 110% That I can change my gear into?