Newbie Crafting Questions

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Newbie crafting questions
Posts: 9
By RebornedHero 2019-04-25 17:32:23  
I am looking to get back into crafting. Coming back from a long break. I have a few questions and any advice or tips would be helpful. Mostly doing this for myself but also interested in money(of course).

What craft is best for money? I was originally leveling Goldsmithing a few years ago.

Should I get the respective apron, torque, ring, etc. for sub crafts?

Should I get stalls for sub crafts? Is this even possible or worth it?

Any advice is appreciated!

サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2019-04-25 18:28:31  
Crafting isn't going to be worth it unless you plan to complete the final stage of the crafting shield:

Now that they have been out for a while it's a little tougher to make as much money with them, but if you're willing to gamble it's still possible. As far as a specific craft, I can't think of any specific one that's "Best" for making money, it can all change with an update that has craftables for current meta jobs that's on top in that regard. Just pick one you might use for yourself or looks like it has the most potential currently.
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Posts: 72
By tannifae 2025-01-25 19:10:31  
Crafting is worthless? How do people make gil then..

Is any crafting good for saving money atleast? Isn't food costly?

(1 month new player here)
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michelob
Posts: 53
By Phoenix.Michelob 2025-01-25 19:54:14  
Crafting markets are well established at this point. You can craft to fill small niches and make some Gil without the Escutcheon, sure, but the big money crafts are going to take a rock solid bank roll to handle the ups and downs. Let alone the cost to make the shield itself. To give you a first hand account, the first week of crafting after making my goldsmithing Escutcheon, I lost 300m on SU5 attempts.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2,845
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-25 22:48:47  
Just echoing what the poster above said: crafting without an escutcheon will make very little gil. Cooking is a slight exception to this but it makes very little gil, like hundreds of thousands instead of tens of millions.

Escutcheons take either thousands of hours and/or a billion gil to make. Even after that you generally spend 20-150m per crafting session attempting to synth and might walk away with nothing.

In the long run though, if you have the bankroll for it, an escutcheon crafter will be net positive.

For the average player: do it for fun, don't expect to make much gil unless you're ready to make it your LIFE and dedicate a shitload of gil to it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 379
By Bahamut.Suph 2025-01-26 08:04:27  
Synergy Crafting stuff can still makes gil, look mostly into ifrit's ring +1, shiva's ring +1, and similar avataritite rings, and also bubbly broth.

I'm sure there are others, those are just what I know. Escutcheon doesn't work with synergy, but you might find synergy synthesis a pain.

Oh and like, for small gil, the boring stuff that save big gil crafter time will make you some good small gil. Like 3 stacks of silk thread are 36,000 and 12 earth crystal will be like i dunno 4k? that's 40k and you can sell a stack of silk cloth for about 90k.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 379
By Bahamut.Suph 2025-01-26 08:15:24  
Another way to make gil is worm mulch.

Get Gusgen clay, use it to fertilizes any seeds in your mog garden and fingers crossed you get worm mulch. Needed to make Aeonic weapon and going for 700k on bahamut right now.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Odin.Upbeat 2025-01-26 09:33:44  
I got 110 bonecraft early on
got bc escu in 2019

as far as bonecraft goes and i'm sure it's the same for most other crafts
the only thing holding back more gil accumulation is the fact the top gil synths everyone already has on their main
any sell is going to alts or new characters

as far as numbers I can spend about 30m on mats farming some of them myself and usually make around 80-115m in that crafting session of sellables
now the selling part like is said is what's so slow
I only sell a piece of gear about every 3 days this usually sells for 12-15m

there's a few other things that sell for a little more like aurg orb +1 but that have a 100$ loss on wyrm ash if a break so it's not too difficult to lose it's more like gambling not a sure fire way to make gil

to note su5 synths I've to date never made a neck +2 or weapon su5 with necks going for 40m and weapons even at 130m it's almost a guaranteed loss if you take the normal number of synth attempts to make the weapon

asura things sell faster than odin and for a long time you had the pvp community which needed low lvl gear for fov augs and was willing to pay high gil to get them and wanted a lot
like zeal cap +1 or behemoth ring +1

Eremites ring +1 is my go to synth. on asura it's around 700k. on odin it's still 100k. I really like the synth. farming hermits rings is fun then it's just a sheep tooth. people usually want two. it's a ring that can be used until 75+ from lvl 10

before everyone had so much of the gear or when the gear was the best there was many more options now it's just sticking to what doesn't take 3+ weeks to sell on ah
i'm sure that's the same for most crafts

to add a personal thing i've seen overtime
gold and smithing can make the most but mats more expensive so imo it's decent
leather cloth woodworking all a little cheaper on mats but the sell price is a little lower decent
alchemy and cooking really good for personal use but not many options to make good gil
bonecraft was my favorite from the beginning for this reason cheap mats high sell price really good

I also like that bonecraft can work with fishing catches and chocobo digs specially if chocobo is equipped with bore

the thing about bonecraft for the longest time was one max lvl bc could buy the entire ah out and stop all others from lvling up or crafting to make gil
this is sorta true but stock comes in a lot faster so it's more an issue if someone max lvl wants to ruin the market by undercutting like it was done for so long by escu rmts
now the market is usually 3 or 4 people with escu and they all want the most gil they can get per synth so they all work together

long post didn't expect to explain this much
hope it helps even if just a little