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The Odyssey - || Strategy and Discussion ||
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Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2021-05-25 22:53:24  
eeternal said: »
Doesn't Root of the Problem absorbs AOE Stat Buffs and TP, also Stats Down?
Yes he absorbs all the above, but its single target and not AOE. If you got a enough tp while it ROP, RNGesus can say fakk you and do ROP again within the next second after he did the 1st one which will most likely debuff hard. Such an annoying move. I'm till curious how SE intended on how to beat that tree. Hopefully we'll find out soon how its "properly" beaten.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2021-05-26 12:59:17  
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Spicy’s method seems pretty solid.. I’m curious to see whether the BLU role can be swapped with a stronger DPS like WAR or DRG or even SAM , DRK, DNC...etc

I’m fairly certain this is the same ideal formula for V15..
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-26 13:16:32  
Mrgrim said: »
eeternal said: »
Doesn't Root of the Problem absorbs AOE Stat Buffs and TP, also Stats Down?
Yes he absorbs all the above, but its single target and not AOE. If you got a enough tp while it ROP, RNGesus can say fakk you and do ROP again within the next second after he did the 1st one which will most likely debuff hard. Such an annoying move. I'm till curious how SE intended on how to beat that tree. Hopefully we'll find out soon how its "properly" beaten.

While I am curious as well, the comments made by SE regarding Mboze brought back flashbacks to Absolute Virtue.
Posts: 107
By Veydal1 2021-05-26 13:24:47  
Clearly the secret to preventing timberrr is to NOT use slashing weapons, or to attack it from all sides evenly so as not to cause it to topple over...

Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-05-26 13:36:08  
Asura.Syto said: »
Spicy’s method seems pretty solid.. I’m curious to see whether the BLU role can be swapped with a stronger DPS like WAR or DRG or even SAM , DRK, DNC...etc

I’m fairly certain this is the same ideal formula for V15..

This is more like normal strategy used for Mboze (One DD with Subtle Blow), but with addition of BST.

SAM, DRG, DRK and WAR should work.

DNC cant really be used in this fight as main DD, because you need slashing damage. Unless that DNC is super lucky and won Onion Sword III from Bonanza.
Posts: 28
By Garretts 2021-05-26 17:08:41  
I've been screaming Mboze should be fought with 2-3 pet jobs (aka Pup and Bst) for a hot minute.

Now that people finished their nyame maybe we'll get some people willing to try different strategies.

Puppet = slashing
Beastmaster = Slashing
Dragoon = Slashing
Pld only for Curaga's
Smn support
Rdm for buffs/debufs/backup heals

hopefully i can convince my gang to try it soon.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: dmregm
Posts: 401
By Sylph.Reain 2021-05-26 19:54:21  
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Syto said: »
Spicy’s method seems pretty solid.. I’m curious to see whether the BLU role can be swapped with a stronger DPS like WAR or DRG or even SAM , DRK, DNC...etc

I’m fairly certain this is the same ideal formula for V15..

This is more like normal strategy used for Mboze (One DD with Subtle Blow), but with addition of BST.

SAM, DRG, DRK and WAR should work.

DNC cant really be used in this fight as main DD, because you need slashing damage. Unless that DNC is super lucky and won Onion Sword III from Bonanza.

JPs here with DRK BLU WHM BRD COR BST not letting it get TP.

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Not my video.
Posts: 254
By Mrgrim 2021-05-26 23:17:49  
Sylph.Reain said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Syto said: »
Spicy’s method seems pretty solid.. I’m curious to see whether the BLU role can be swapped with a stronger DPS like WAR or DRG or even SAM , DRK, DNC...etc

I’m fairly certain this is the same ideal formula for V15..

This is more like normal strategy used for Mboze (One DD with Subtle Blow), but with addition of BST.

SAM, DRG, DRK and WAR should work.

DNC cant really be used in this fight as main DD, because you need slashing damage. Unless that DNC is super lucky and won Onion Sword III from Bonanza.

JPs here with DRK BLU WHM BRD COR BST not letting it get TP.

YouTube Video Placeholder

Not my video.

Seems like Bertha is there for Killer Instinct, BLU takes care of tree with reaving wind and feather Tickle. Once at 25% BST switches to leech to keep that tp down, very nice strat. I Personally forgot BLU has access to feather tickle also on top of RW.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 231
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2021-05-27 00:31:32  
Mrgrim said: »
Sylph.Reain said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Syto said: »
Spicy’s method seems pretty solid.. I’m curious to see whether the BLU role can be swapped with a stronger DPS like WAR or DRG or even SAM , DRK, DNC...etc

I’m fairly certain this is the same ideal formula for V15..

This is more like normal strategy used for Mboze (One DD with Subtle Blow), but with addition of BST.

SAM, DRG, DRK and WAR should work.

DNC cant really be used in this fight as main DD, because you need slashing damage. Unless that DNC is super lucky and won Onion Sword III from Bonanza.

JPs here with DRK BLU WHM BRD COR BST not letting it get TP.

YouTube Video Placeholder

Not my video.

Seems like Bertha is there for Killer Instinct, BLU takes care of tree with reaving wind and feather Tickle. Once at 25% BST switches to leech to keep that tp down, very nice strat. I Personally forgot BLU has access to feather tickle also on top of RW.

The BST seems to use KI around 2:32~ and 7:55~, keeping the leech out the rest of the time. Looks like around 8:45~ they use Unleash and spam TP Drainkiss until the end.
Posts: 10
By kamishi 2021-05-27 14:02:14  
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Here is our Mboze clear with some instructions on what we did.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 473
By Bahamut.Belkin 2021-05-27 14:19:06  
Hey you guys finally did it! Grats!
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-05-27 15:18:18  
Great video of what to expect and how a run can still be salvageable if things start to go wrong. That last 10% is nerve-wracking especially if you get an Uproot. We must have tried 5-6 times on V15 and finally won on a run where Rampart reset perfectly below 50% and it didn't use timber at all.. There's a great deal of luck involved in this fight so don't get too down if it's not going that well.

For mewing not working below 25% and it feels like Mboze is getting TP like crazy (Mboze probably is) but keep in mind Mewing is less and less effective the more you spam it on V15, so while you might be erasing 900 TP, it's possible you're not knocking it to 0 as the effectiveness is nerfed a bit until some time passes. Perfect Defense supposedly can allow you to eat Timber no problem but we never tried that method.

Below 50% I had been turning the COR when rampart was down to avoid TP feed but the run we got the win, Rampart was up the whole time below 50% and it never even used Timber so it was probably our least stressful run. We also never had the BRD meleeing this one, or dispelling as at the time I didn't know it was absorbing, just thought it was dispelling... lol
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2021-05-27 23:34:58  
Sylph.Reain said: »
JPs here with DRK BLU WHM BRD COR BST not letting it get TP.

This is just hilarious.. borderline exploiting this poor tree.. (nvm.. this Tree is Cancer.. *** it..)

lmao.. Awesome find though.. Incoming NERF to Feather Tickle? lol

and/or Incoming Bans to everyone that tries this? lol
By Draylo 2021-05-28 01:12:48  
wat, nobody getting banned for using a unique strategy to deal with an NM. This strat is already used on many other things in the past.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2021-05-28 01:35:05  
Draylo said: »
wat, nobody getting banned for using a unique strategy to deal with an NM. This strat is already used on many other things in the past.

I don’t see too many issues with it but you know there is going to be that one guy that complains on official forums about this
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kwech
Posts: 37
By Bahamut.Kwech 2021-05-28 10:49:04  
Shiva.Berzerk said: »
Great video of what to expect and how a run can still be salvageable if things start to go wrong. That last 10% is nerve-wracking especially if you get an Uproot. We must have tried 5-6 times on V15 and finally won on a run where Rampart reset perfectly below 50% and it didn't use timber at all.. There's a great deal of luck involved in this fight so don't get too down if it's not going that well.

For mewing not working below 25% and it feels like Mboze is getting TP like crazy (Mboze probably is) but keep in mind Mewing is less and less effective the more you spam it on V15, so while you might be erasing 900 TP, it's possible you're not knocking it to 0 as the effectiveness is nerfed a bit until some time passes. Perfect Defense supposedly can allow you to eat Timber no problem but we never tried that method.

Below 50% I had been turning the COR when rampart was down to avoid TP feed but the run we got the win, Rampart was up the whole time below 50% and it never even used Timber so it was probably our least stressful run. We also never had the BRD meleeing this one, or dispelling as at the time I didn't know it was absorbing, just thought it was dispelling... lol

These are the words of a person who also struggled with this fight.

So about the Mewing thing, idk if it's Battlemod being glitchy but as I stated in the video - the mewing was draining 800/900+ with each mew in the chat log.

All in all, glad to have moved on. Bumba is a great fight because we get to use DNC in meaningful content.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-05-28 10:58:58  
I dont think Mboze gets TP any faster below 50% and 25%. It simply starts using TP moves at 2000TP and 1000TP, while before 50% it uses them at 3000TP. At least AFAIK this is how most monster's AI work in FFXI.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-05-28 12:32:02  
SimonSes said: »
I dont think Mboze gets TP any faster below 50% and 25%. It simply starts using TP moves at 2000TP and 1000TP, while before 50% it uses them at 3000TP. At least AFAIK this is how most monster's AI work in FFXI.

That was my understanding as well. My point was that normally Mewing will reduce a targets tp to 0, but on V15 it seems to reduce TP to 0 the first time which opens some sort of "repeated move window", after which it will reduce TP X amount (NOT to 0), If it's within whatever window is making it less effective since the last use, it might be taking 800-900 or more, but it's not resetting it to 0. So you're less likely to push TP to 0, and it has a lower threshold for using moves. If you can hold off feeding over 1k TP until this "repeated move window" below 25% you may have a better chance at no moves going off.

If you're bringing a SMN I'd vote to throw up Perfect Defense before your COR is going to wild card and have COR, BRD, DD all trying to zerg it down and just eat the weakened TP moves, and if Astral Flow gets reset via Wild Card, keep it going, otherwise throw up rampart and go back to mewing as often as you can.
Posts: 10
By kamishi 2021-05-28 12:42:21  
Shiva.Berzerk said: »
SimonSes said: »
I dont think Mboze gets TP any faster below 50% and 25%. It simply starts using TP moves at 2000TP and 1000TP, while before 50% it uses them at 3000TP. At least AFAIK this is how most monster's AI work in FFXI.

That was my understanding as well. My point was that normally Mewing will reduce a targets tp to 0, but on V15 it seems to reduce TP to 0 the first time which opens some sort of "repeated move window", after which it will reduce TP X amount (NOT to 0), If it's within whatever window is making it less effective since the last use, it might be taking 800-900 or more, but it's not resetting it to 0. So you're less likely to push TP to 0, and it has a lower threshold for using moves. If you can hold off feeding over 1k TP until this "repeated move window" below 25% you may have a better chance at no moves going off.

If you're bringing a SMN I'd vote to throw up Perfect Defense before your COR is going to wild card and have COR, BRD, DD all trying to zerg it down and just eat the weakened TP moves, and if Astral Flow gets reset via Wild Card, keep it going, otherwise throw up rampart and go back to mewing as often as you can.

With a capped Subtle blow build SAM being the only one hitting it and conduit mewing lullaby, it was still spamming TP moves while the log was stating 800-1200 TP was getting removed by mewing every 2-3 seconds. This only happened below 25% HP.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-05-28 12:54:37  
I wonder if there's a display glitch with how much TP is being reduced in the log vs what it's actually reducing. I would think if spamming mew during conduit, which we tried, it's less and less effective like maybe 100% effected the first use, then down to 10% effective after however many uses. I also wonder if it has fixed HP% or conditions where it gets to TP no matter what. In the video above they showed it uses Timber right after a different move, like 1 second after which is very strange.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-05-28 13:24:06  
kamishi said: »
With a capped Subtle blow build SAM being the only one hitting it and conduit mewing lullaby, it was still spamming TP moves while the log was stating 800-1200 TP was getting removed by mewing every 2-3 seconds. This only happened below 25% HP.

You suggest its not possible to keep it from using TP moves? We can see on JP video that's in fact possible, so I would say even with Conduit you was feeding tp faster than you was able to reset with mewing. Are you 100% sure all Mewing were doing 800-1200 or just first? Because I dont think that JP group was reducing more TP than Conduit would with each Mewing taking 800-1200TP and they somehow managed to stop TP moves completely.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Shinzaku
Posts: 271
By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2021-05-28 14:06:34  
I thought there was testing by some SMNs here that not only are consecutive physical BPs nerfed (since Dyna D), but Odyssey now nerfs returns of Mewing, so it's not as effective.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2931
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-05-28 14:28:54  
Bahamut.Lexouritis said: »
Fun fact: You can only hold up to 50k RP per NM in odyssey, 50k is the cap. Xiu has not spent her bumba pts yet, and found that out today.
God dammit. Now I have like, one more run before I'm forced to make some decisions about how to augment for my mule. -_-;
Posts: 494
By Crossbones 2021-05-28 14:29:15  
Mewing has been nerfed in a lot of recent content. I wanna say going all the way back to the new htbf such as Odin / lilith etc.
Posts: 37
By Malaketth 2021-05-28 15:22:39  
SimonSes said: »
kamishi said: »
With a capped Subtle blow build SAM being the only one hitting it and conduit mewing lullaby, it was still spamming TP moves while the log was stating 800-1200 TP was getting removed by mewing every 2-3 seconds. This only happened below 25% HP.

You suggest its not possible to keep it from using TP moves? We can see on JP video that's in fact possible, so I would say even with Conduit you was feeding tp faster than you was able to reset with mewing. Are you 100% sure all Mewing were doing 800-1200 or just first? Because I dont think that JP group was reducing more TP than Conduit would with each Mewing taking 800-1200TP and they somehow managed to stop TP moves completely.

I think what we would actually suggest is that through enough trials of this we can somewhat safely assume it has a massive regain effect below 25%. The fact we have seen him still have lots of tp by virtue of mewing returning high amounts even with capped Subtle blow and the fact he can not use just one or 2 but spam things seems to confirm this (we have seen 3 moves go off in 5 seconds with the aforementioned cap SB and Mewing). This is not contradictory to what we see other people experience or in the JP vidoes so please let me explain and show instead how this is useful.

One of the more successful setups before this new potential bst meta was SMN mewing PLUS a drk night using its sp2 when Mboze was low. I think the combination of that was just barely enough at times to keep Mboze from popping off. But as others have seen wasn't 100%.

Now we see a blue and bst Both spamming in addition to the dark night sp2. So all we are really seeing perhaps is we, the collective we, just needed to add in a bit more tp wiping when it gets low. Probably any combination with 2 of the three, BST BLU or SMN, should in theory work I would bet. And for safety, might make it the smn and bst so as to have extra bodies just in case.

If people continue to go with just one, then you better have that rampart cause something, and likely multiple somethings, are going to get through.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-05-28 15:41:30  
I've seen lots of talk regarding Mboze and Soul Enslavement. Its GREAT for 30 seconds of freedom and increased WS frequency if using a DRK as your primary DD. But its still just 30 seconds. On a 45 minute cooldown if mastered.

Is it valuable? Certainly. Is it something I would consider building a strat around? No freakin way.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-05-28 16:31:45  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
I've seen lots of talk regarding Mboze and Soul Enslavement. Its GREAT for 30 seconds of freedom and increased WS frequency if using a DRK as your primary DD. But its still just 30 seconds. On a 45 minute cooldown if mastered.

Is it valuable? Certainly. Is it something I would consider building a strat around? No freakin way.

It wouldnt be just SV and 30 sec from it in combo with other jobs is probably all you need.


Use TP Drainkiss, Mewing, Feather and Reaving to reset TP until 25%. Remember to reset Killer Instinct before going under 26%. At 25% BST Unleash. When it ends SMN Conduit. BLU keep it's rotation during both 1hr. SMN and BST also keep doing TP reset outside of their SPs too. When Conduit is close to finish use Perfect Defense and DRK SP2 and finish it. That gives 2 minuets where you have up Unleash or Conduit or Soul Enslavement on top of regular TP reset rotation of BLU, BST and SMN.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2021-05-28 16:36:58  
At attack cap, a good DRK using Soul Enslavement can bring Mboze from 25% to 0% before it wears, especially if the COR and BRD are helping.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2021-05-28 16:42:00  
Maybe, but why risk it only to kill it 1min faster?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2021-05-28 17:01:56  
Using Soul Enslavement first doesn't prevent you from having Unleash or Perfect Defense as backups should you be slightly short.
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