Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 15:47:10  
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Please find me where he said any of this, last I heard yesterday he was strongly against pushing the idea of a cure because it's not data but anecdotal evidence.

That's what I said he said lol. He didn't want people to assume this was a magical cure. He stated there are indications that it is helping. He wants to see studies done where absolute results can be studied. That was my point. There is hope and good things surrounding the drug so far, but it needs to be tested to be sure. It's far from what Vic was saying, that he was saying the drug's benefits were fake.
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 15:48:44  
Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
There's literally no reason to argue about who's wrong, they all are.
Other than Xi, I can (and will) argue that absolutely no other world leader is at fault for this disease.

We can argue tactics and which country's tactics/policies are doing a more effective job at curbing the disease than the other, but I will always argue to my death bed that they are not at fault for this. They didn't try to hide it from the masses, silencing doctors and professionals for bringing it to the world's attention, or failing to act when it started going out of control and leaping into other countries.

Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
And the media played a huge part in all this because they only care about clicks and the propaganda machine.
If you remember, the only network who actually gave it time of the day coverage when it first started was Fox News. Also, that noise you hear is all the liberals hissing at that idea.

What exactly was CNN/MSNBC/CBS/NBC/ABC/WP/TNT reporting during the start of this pandemic? The Impeachment of Donald Trump. Up until he was acquitted, you heard next to nothing about COVID-19 spreading across the world, and it wasn't until after the impeachment and the talking heads ran out of topics on how he got away with murder and people actually started dying that they switched stories to our current crisis. Then they started blaming him for it, like great little lambs they are.
By 2020-04-06 15:49:59
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By Viciouss 2020-04-06 15:50:55  
Eboneezer said: »
Good, I'd love to hear any new news about it, good or bad. over 70% of the doctors are prescribing it in Spain. As more and more data becomes available, I hope he keeps us updated. Just ignore it like you do everything else he says

lol, Spain? You mean the country that is being ravaged by covid? Look at their death rate, you don't think that number is a little inflated just based on sheer desperation?

Trump is using absolutely no data, that's the problem. He is just making ***up everyday and lying to us. He blocks his doctors from telling us the truth, the same doctors that are getting death threats from the far right for not being a mindless sheep.

It's pretty easy to see. Keep pretending tho.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-04-06 15:55:49  
Fox News is literally the one network most guilty of downplaying the pandemic. They didn't even start social distancing in their own building until well into February. Jesse Watters had to admit he was completely wrong after openly mocking the idea. The only opinion host on that network that was sounding the alarm was Tucker Carlson. Everyone else was mocking the left for sounding that very same alarm. Plenty of other networks have run pretty lengthy spots illustrating the complete 180 Fox has had to do, while doing their best to stay in Trump's sunshine.
By 2020-04-06 15:58:34
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By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 15:59:47  
It's not just Spain. But with their high volume of use, it's something to keep an eye on until the proper testing can be done. Trump is using no data? He's using all the data that's available. Most of the data over the entire course of this virus is incomplete. Nothing is set in stone or "known." Three months ago, the WHO was telling people it wasnt likely to transmit from person to person. Two months ago, they were telling countries not restrict travel because it would cause a scare. The doctors can't tell us the truth because they don't know the truth. Data is shifting every day.

In this case, Trump is simply talking about a drug that has anecdotal success with symptoms of the virus. You can't say he's wrong, i can't say he's correct. No one knows until the testing is done. At least he's keeping us updated to something that might have a positive effect on the virus. The doctor is certainly correct to point out that people shouldn't assume it's a cure or that it won't fail in testing. But he's even saying that it has positive indications thus far.
By 2020-04-06 16:01:35
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By 2020-04-06 16:01:51
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-04-06 16:02:00  
The Idiot-in-Chief is about to shamble his way onto tv again.
By 2020-04-06 16:04:36
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By 2020-04-06 16:06:25
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By 2020-04-06 16:08:30
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Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:13:26  
Viciouss said: »
Fox News is literally the one network most guilty of downplaying the pandemic. They didn't even start social distancing in their own building until well into February. Jesse Watters had to admit he was completely wrong after openly mocking the idea. The only opinion host on that network that was sounding the alarm was Tucker Carlson. Everyone else was mocking the left for sounding that very same alarm. Plenty of other networks have run pretty lengthy spots illustrating the complete 180 Fox has had to do, while doing their best to stay in Trump's sunshine.
A) Thank you for admitting that you get your sources from opinion shows. That shows a lot about how you process your knowledge of situations such as these, along with your blind loyalty with the DNC.
B) You are incorrect about Tucker Carlson being the only one sounding the alarm prior to everyone else. It was headline news back in December 2019. And, although I know you won't watch it because it proves you wrong, here is a sample of what was reported on December 20th, 2019.

Also, since it shows that you only get your news from opinion pieces, Greg Gutfeld has also been saying since January that COVID-19 is going to be a huge issue, but you obviously don't pay attention to that, do you?
By 2020-04-06 16:14:27
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By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 16:16:33  
DirectX said: »
"There'll be 15 cases and poof, it will be gone"
"We only have 11 cases so far and they'll all be recovered soon"
"It will go away when it gets warmer"

Address these to start.

I can't find a link to him saying the first two to determine when/if he made the statements, but the last one...

"Trump was criticized by many for making the claim, but recent research on the COVID-19 virus appears to show that temperature and humidity can make a difference in the ability of the virus to continue to infect large numbers.

According to a study uploaded to the medical pre-print server MedRxiv on Monday, it appears that a correlation exists between warm weather and a decrease in the transmission rate of the coronavirus."

"If the climate conditions are extremely cold or very hot and humid, the virus is “largely absent,” the study showed. The results of the study were reported by Bloomberg News on Monday.

According to the study, people in tropical and polar climates are unlikely to see local transmission of COVID-19 cases."

"A study published in 2011 that looked at other coronaviruses also showed that higher temperatures and humidity tend to result in the viruses dying more quickly.

Dr. Alan Evangelista, a microbiology and virology professor at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia, told ABC News that studies he has conducted found results similar to the other studies.

Evangelista said his research showed, “As humidity increases, the viral droplet size is larger and settles out of the air rapidly.”"

There are lot more
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:16:34  
DirectX said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Other than Xi, I can (and will) argue that absolutely no other world leader is at fault for this disease.
It's not about who is at fault for the initial cause, but who failed to do the best they could have to have lessened the devastation in the populations which they are responsible for.

Trump has done a bad job, particularly when you consider how late it started to kick off there. It spread in Italy before we knew much about it. The UK has also failed in ways, i.e. not enough testing so far.
Fine, you have your opinion. Too bad you cannot base it with evidence to your assertions. kindof proved that he did everything he could to stop the spread to the US. I mean, he tried to do the impossible, and you just admitted that he did his best to prevent the impossible....

As for UK, well, that's what you get for having a socialist healthcare system. You guys were already overwhelmed years before this pandemic and now you have nowhere to go. So, sucks to be you.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:17:21  
Caerda said: »
I rest my case.
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:20:16  
Eboneezer said: »
I can't find a link to him saying the first two to determine when/if he made the statements, but the last one...
Haven't you realize that CNN/MSDNC/etc put words in his mouth all the time or write what they want him to say? They do that so the opinion show watchers who only get their news that way will believe that he is the super devil will automatically criticize him without using evidence, facts, or critical thinking (the bane of their existence, these "news" shows).
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-04-06 16:31:20  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Viciouss said: »
Fox News is literally the one network most guilty of downplaying the pandemic. They didn't even start social distancing in their own building until well into February. Jesse Watters had to admit he was completely wrong after openly mocking the idea. The only opinion host on that network that was sounding the alarm was Tucker Carlson. Everyone else was mocking the left for sounding that very same alarm. Plenty of other networks have run pretty lengthy spots illustrating the complete 180 Fox has had to do, while doing their best to stay in Trump's sunshine.
A) Thank you for admitting that you get your sources from opinion shows. That shows a lot about how you process your knowledge of situations such as these, along with your blind loyalty with the DNC.
B) You are incorrect about Tucker Carlson being the only one sounding the alarm prior to everyone else. It was headline news back in December 2019. And, although I know you won't watch it because it proves you wrong, here is a sample of what was reported on December 20th, 2019.

Also, since it shows that you only get your news from opinion pieces, Greg Gutfeld has also been saying since January that COVID-19 is going to be a huge issue, but you obviously don't pay attention to that, do you?

lol I missed how you just make up people's words. I did not admit to getting any of my sources from opinion shows, at all. So, that was a lie.

This is an easy one really. Fox is dominated by its opinion lineup, which drowns out, and in some cases (see Shepard) drives out, their news shows. Fox went into March downplaying covid-19. Then, all of a sudden, the week of March 10th, when Trump FINALLY declared an emergency it was full KN style backpedal.

They even suspended a low ratings host, while giving their big time ratings trash hosts like Hannity and Ingraham, who were just as guilty of spreading wild conspiracies, passes, but still, it was a dramatic reversal. Like I said, Fox News is the network most guilty of downplaying covid.
By 2020-04-06 16:38:49
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Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:43:23  
Viciouss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Viciouss said: »
Fox News is literally the one network most guilty of downplaying the pandemic. They didn't even start social distancing in their own building until well into February. Jesse Watters had to admit he was completely wrong after openly mocking the idea. The only opinion host on that network that was sounding the alarm was Tucker Carlson. Everyone else was mocking the left for sounding that very same alarm. Plenty of other networks have run pretty lengthy spots illustrating the complete 180 Fox has had to do, while doing their best to stay in Trump's sunshine.
A) Thank you for admitting that you get your sources from opinion shows. That shows a lot about how you process your knowledge of situations such as these, along with your blind loyalty with the DNC.
B) You are incorrect about Tucker Carlson being the only one sounding the alarm prior to everyone else. It was headline news back in December 2019. And, although I know you won't watch it because it proves you wrong, here is a sample of what was reported on December 20th, 2019.

Also, since it shows that you only get your news from opinion pieces, Greg Gutfeld has also been saying since January that COVID-19 is going to be a huge issue, but you obviously don't pay attention to that, do you?

lol I missed how you just make up people's words. I did not admit to getting any of my sources from opinion shows, at all. So, that was a lie.

This is an easy one really. Fox is dominated by its opinion lineup, which drowns out, and in some cases (see Shepard) drives out, their news shows. Fox went into March downplaying covid-19. Then, all of a sudden, the week of March 10th, when Trump FINALLY declared an emergency it was full KN style backpedal.

They even suspended a low ratings host, while giving their big time ratings trash hosts like Hannity and Ingraham, who were just as guilty of spreading wild conspiracies, passes, but still, it was a dramatic reversal. Like I said, Fox News is the network most guilty of downplaying covid.
Wait, you said you don't get your information from opinion pieces, then you post an opinion piece as evidence of the author's opinion against Fox News?

Did you not even watch the video link I posted? It came from Fox News and it was from Fox at Night, a news program and not an opinion program.

You accuse me of making ***up, but you keep proving me right. Why do you continue to put your foot in your mouth like this?
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-04-06 16:43:38  
If we just ignore his words and just focus on the fact he was holding a rally on Feb 11. Was that his last one, or wasn't there one more?
By 2020-04-06 16:44:20
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By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 16:45:51  
Ok, well those 11 cases got better. The first death was on Feb 29th and wasn't one of those 11 cases. Next?

PS, are these really the examples we are going to argue. It's not even worth arguing if you are truly upset that he said we had 11 cases and they're all getting better. And they got better.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2020-04-06 16:47:39  
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Viciouss said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Viciouss said: »
Fox News is literally the one network most guilty of downplaying the pandemic. They didn't even start social distancing in their own building until well into February. Jesse Watters had to admit he was completely wrong after openly mocking the idea. The only opinion host on that network that was sounding the alarm was Tucker Carlson. Everyone else was mocking the left for sounding that very same alarm. Plenty of other networks have run pretty lengthy spots illustrating the complete 180 Fox has had to do, while doing their best to stay in Trump's sunshine.
A) Thank you for admitting that you get your sources from opinion shows. That shows a lot about how you process your knowledge of situations such as these, along with your blind loyalty with the DNC.
B) You are incorrect about Tucker Carlson being the only one sounding the alarm prior to everyone else. It was headline news back in December 2019. And, although I know you won't watch it because it proves you wrong, here is a sample of what was reported on December 20th, 2019.

Also, since it shows that you only get your news from opinion pieces, Greg Gutfeld has also been saying since January that COVID-19 is going to be a huge issue, but you obviously don't pay attention to that, do you?

lol I missed how you just make up people's words. I did not admit to getting any of my sources from opinion shows, at all. So, that was a lie.

This is an easy one really. Fox is dominated by its opinion lineup, which drowns out, and in some cases (see Shepard) drives out, their news shows. Fox went into March downplaying covid-19. Then, all of a sudden, the week of March 10th, when Trump FINALLY declared an emergency it was full KN style backpedal.

They even suspended a low ratings host, while giving their big time ratings trash hosts like Hannity and Ingraham, who were just as guilty of spreading wild conspiracies, passes, but still, it was a dramatic reversal. Like I said, Fox News is the network most guilty of downplaying covid.
Wait, you said you don't get your information from opinion pieces, then you post an opinion piece as evidence of the author's opinion against Fox News?

Did you not even watch the video link I posted? It came from Fox News and it was from Fox at Night, a news program and not an opinion program.

You accuse me of making ***up, but you keep proving me right. Why do you continue to put your foot in your mouth like this?

Ah yes, I posted a link that proved my point, yet in your fantasy world, I'm somehow wrong. I don't mind saying it again, Fox News was easily the one channel most guilty of downplaying covid, and it lasted well into March. It took until Trump finally declared an emergency for Fox to start taking it just a little more seriously. But not too much, I mean, they have to stay aligned with Trump, no matter what.
By 2020-04-06 16:47:51
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Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-06 16:49:15  
DirectX said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

"We only have 11 cases and they're all getting better"

11 Feb 2020.

By 11 April this will be >400,000.
And that prove, what, exactly?

We had 11 cases in February 11. He didn't say those were the only cases that America will ever get. He didn't say that it's going to go away (even your video shows that he said he "hope" it will go away when it gets warmer).

You have shown nothing at all, other than your willingness to ignore things you don't like to hear.
Posts: 557
By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 16:51:08  
DirectX said: »
Pretending that he wasn't implying that he meant that would be the end of the coronavirus in the USA. That old game of "he didn't directly say that!!". Wow. Try the second one then, he literally said that the 15 would go down.
WHAT!!??? You took "We have 11 cases, and they're all getting better." as "the coronavirus is over?" That's on you, not him. He didn't even come close to saying that.
Posts: 557
By Eboneezer 2020-04-06 16:55:08  
How about you just give us something substantial that he was wrong about, that experts at the time weren't also wrong about. If we are going to argue about a handful of cases and how they recovered, it isn't even worth the time and effort.
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