Bumping Sylvie To Rank 1

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Bumping Sylvie to Rank 1
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DjaySaint
Posts: 15
By Asura.Gracelin 2020-05-27 18:58:47  
Anyone else interested? Most people kind of just stick with Apururu because she is already in first place and they want the max gear bonus. While Apururu is nice, you can get by with another healer. Sylvie is the only Geomancer trust in the game though and her buffs are unique and useful, plus she helps heal and status removal too so it's not like using Kupipi instead is going to be a massive detriment to newer players without Ygnas.

So, for those who want to use Sylvie but feel like they are stuck with Apururu because of the max rank bonus on gear, why not try to facilitate a shift in rank and start moving over to Sylvie? I'm sure as Sylvie starts getting higher evaluation and getting close to Apururu, more and more will start switching over and then once she is in first place, she'll stay there.

I made the switch tonight and I know others want to but are hesitant because of gear rank bonus. Anyone else interested in hopping over and trying to push Sylvie to #1?
By 2020-05-27 19:10:15
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-05-27 19:12:41  
Probably impossible. You have Sparks bots running 24/7 in Apururu unity. The bots would have to switch over for it to be consistent. Otherwise they would just win it back. Keep in mind that bots don't actually change unities, they just pick whichever is top of the list and get to grinding. Any momentary shift in rankings would be temporary.

In reality, the unity bonus to gear is so small it hardly matters for most gear. They should abolish that entire system, but whatever. I just ignored that bonus

Also, Yoran > Apururu. But Sylvie > all.
Edit: jdove beat me
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3559
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-05-27 19:26:19  
Sylvie + Monberaux alone is sufficient for the vast majority of situations for healing, status removal, and pro/shell. Monberaux is super fast on -na and cures, has attribute+ buff, and pro/shell. Sylvie is pretty quick on the Cure IVs and -nas herself, along with the obvious advantage of Indi- spells.

ANY other WHM trust is totally fine for any other situation where you really want to go overboard on healing. Personally, I add Ygnas or non-UC Apururu WHM like Kupipi [edit: whoops!] (sometimes preferring to avoid Ygnas if his occasional AoE JAs might be too dangerous) if I want to be extra sure to get tons of cures, or just because I have an extra slot. It's very rare that I feel I really needed that extra WHM - but might as well since I tend to have the extra space.

Typically I'll fill the last two slots with a RDM (one of the Arcielas or Koru, usually) and a BRD. But can play around and add the SC-breaking COR, a tank, some random utility trust, etc.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-27 19:29:34  
What is so great about Yoran's cureskin VS Apururu's convert? Yoran always uses only the cure that will cap your current HP and never over-cures to stick a capped cureskin. Sure, you get the placebo effect of a great real WHM cureskin buff, but it's just that. A placebo due to only giving the icon, but not really giving you a full over-cure-bomb's worth of cureskin. Apururu's Convert simply comes out on top due to being able to fill up her MP tank in tandem with Dagan (or Nott as it is called for some reason on trusts). (...yes Piejue and Yoran both have Nott too so that point isn't as strong, but when it is in addition to her riding a convert timer... it matters).

Oh, and Apururu is the Queen of Hats.

On topic, however, this isn't going to happen unless SE relaxes the stranglehold Unity WHMs have for their uses VS all of the "each has their bad issue" non-unity WHMs. They basically don't want perfect curebots easily accessible which would put "real" WHMs "out of a job". Monberaux and Ygnas are HEAVILY time-gated so can only be obtained with 6~12 months (respectively) play time accrued WITH constant monthly (or daily/bi-daily in the case of Imprintaurs or whatever those are called) active accounts that are always completing their requirements.

The monthly update teases a change to trust behaviors, so anything is possible, but without trying to be a Debbie-Downer (but still going off of their track record), my guess is that it won't be ground breaking.

Cross your fingers for the "One Venturous Tarutaru" campaign to give us a really good WHM, but I'm not holding my breath. It'll probably something those "whacky Japanese game developers" think would be "something the fans want" like a non-OP RDM that is /BRD and sings or some nonsense. Actually... that sounds EXACTLY like what they will end up releasing.

I know they say players can "vote" on the behavior that they will use, but like I said many times before: Lilith was the overwhelming winner of the player vote and they made Cornelia the "winner" because they had already determined she was going to be the trust they made before players even had a voting option.

Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Personally, I add Ygnas or non-UC Apururu (sometimes preferring to avoid Ygnas if his occasional AoE JAs might be too dangerous) if I want to be extra sure to get tons of cures, or just because I have an extra slot.

Did you mean a non-UC White Mage? You said non-UC Apururu and, sadly, one doesn't exist. Kind of a fun flub that you basically just mixed up White Mage and Apururu's name as, obviously, she is the best.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-05-27 19:53:48  
I can tell you as a solo character player, Yoran is light-years better than Apururu for cures. Especially if you use a trust tank like AAEV. The additional cureskin allows tank to survive more hits over time. I noticed this when soloing Cait Sith HTBF on monk. With Pietre and Apururu, AAEV died within 2-3 attack rounds (causing me to wipe several times). With Yoran, survived the a lot longer on Normal and I could actually survive attacks when tank went down. Yoran also never really runs out of MP. I have experienced that a few times with Apururu
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-27 19:59:46  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
The additional cureskin allows tank to survive more hits over time.

Afflatus Solace: Grants a Stoneskin after "Cure" spells are cast equal to 25% of the HP that could have been restored by the spell.

If only the AI would use spells of higher potency than the tier required to heal HP to full so a solid Cureskin bonus is granted. They don't.

Edit: You know what? This is off-topic. Sorry for the derail. I won't convince anyone here that Apururu is magically better than their preferred setup that they use. Everyone has a bad experience with a WHM trust running out of MP or "why does ____ trust run around during battle so much" and somehow permanently thinks they are a bad trust and the other is better in their eyes. Without being able to get them over that bias, I wouldn't be able to convince someone of the merits of _____ trust.

To each his own and "you do you, boo", as they say.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1008
By Leviathan.Andret 2020-05-27 20:11:51  
Yoran for almost everything needing a WHM

Apururu for when you need a Whm for the party and when you are leveling because she actually haste you without needing a rdm.

Sylvie is for when you have ynas.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3184
By Asura.Geriond 2020-05-27 20:16:28  
You don't have to overheal at all to get the full 25% of cureskin bonus, so Yoran effectively gets 25% more potent heals that even work past your max HP. The "could have been" just refers to the whole base cure amount regardless of how much it actually cures (if your cure does 1000 but the target only has 700 HP off, the full 1000 is used for the 25% calculation), not that only wasted cures give cureskin.

Also, Apururu has only 75 Regain, as compared to Yoran's 150 or 200 (I forget which exactly). Her Convert almost always gives much less total MP back over time than Yoran's Regain advantage does.
By Draylo 2020-05-27 20:20:58  
Apururu forever!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DjaySaint
Posts: 15
By Asura.Gracelin 2020-05-27 20:41:36  
Well, they did say they were making some changes to some trusts so we'll see. Maybe they'll make one of the non-unity healers a lot better.

The main difference between Yoran and Apururu isn't cureskin vs. convert. It's single target healing vs. aoe healing. When soloing Warder of Courage, Kirin, Omen bosses, etc., the aoe healing was nice. Yoran wasn't really able to keep up with the aoe damage. But he is still good.

I guess it also depends on what job you're playing too, and your gear level. So far it's been fine getting by with Kupipi and Sylvie. I can't use Ygnas on Red Mage anyway because he overwrites my Haste and Enspells (which is another problem all together) so I got used to Kupipi being just fine.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-05-27 21:20:52  
Pietre also has a similar clash with RDM. He uses auspice, which will cancel your enspells. He's also horribly inefficient with his MP usage and had barely no magic evasion, so he will get debuffed regularly.

Anyways, back on topic. I don't think there's any real way to convert the listing to Sylvie (I like her the most, but she's not going to be bots first choice)
Posts: 300
By missdivine 2020-05-27 21:21:07  
I don't like apururu she is very unresponsive most of the time, too slow and gets bugged/walks too much. I always use yoran
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-27 21:23:12  
Honestly, I'm not sold on Sylvie. I tried using her for a while and wasn't sold. All of my mules use Karaha-baruha (even though I kind of prefer basic-betch-ginger Kupipi).

Arciela (1) and Ygnas combo's AoE refresh sphere effect of +2/tic combined with the Mog Garden cheer effect from Jumbotender of Auto Regen +5/tic & Auto Refresh +3/tic on trusts /and/ Ygnas's base Auto Refresh of +1/tic makes that combo very lovely and that's before Refresh 2 is cast on either of them.

Again, to each their own.
Posts: 249
By Cpu 2020-05-27 21:34:33  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Monberaux alone is sufficient
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-05-27 21:41:37  
It depends on what you use Sylvie for. In my personal experience and observation, she is top notch in status removal and survival. Always is the last trust standing, despite always being in range of nasty stuff. She will always cure YOU first and very quickly, but is limited to 4. Her AI is very intelligent designed in the support realm, but she won't be able to do it alone. Obviously she can't compete with a real whm but she's good for a GEO. She never seems to run out of Mp in longer fights, and unfortunately she's even further limited by entrust. Also, some jobs benefit more from her than others. I will say that she was an absolute stud when Cornelia was around.

I get the medic next month and can't wait to try him out in my stuff.
By Shichishito 2020-05-27 22:06:23  
yorans cureskin is enough to reduce 2-3 hits from for example lilith easy to 0. he seems to cure faster (more FC?) than apu, isn't distracted by casting haste 1 (imho haste II or GTFO) while you are desperate for a emergency cure. he is much more MP efficient than apu despite missing convert. apu is also concerningly reliably when its about positioning in AoE range and using convert to catch that one shot.
only thing apu has over yoran is curega to wake up party, then again she has weaker magic eva and is busy sleeping.

btw i thought RMT choose a random gimp unity trust way down the ladder for a accolade bonus or something, which is the reason you sometimes catch oddballs like invincible shield in the top 3?
By 2020-05-27 23:07:43
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By Draylo 2020-05-27 23:12:11  
Most have idris mules so why would they pick Sylvie.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-27 23:17:56  
Shichishito said: »
btw i thought RMT choose a random gimp unity trust way down the ladder for a accolade bonus or something, which is the reason you sometimes catch oddballs like invincible shield in the top 3?

Well, those that are in the know will change to the last place Unity for bonus CP and it really adds up. A +20% bonus is good stuff; especially if you're sporting all of the other boosts.

BGWiki said:
Unity Concord Ranking - Players who have joined a Unity Concord faction will receive a Capacity Points bonus depending on their ranking if not in first place, with the current lowest ranking faction having a maximum of +20%. The bonus is calculated by: 2 x (Rank - 1).

Total Cumulative Bonus: +0~20%
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3559
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2020-05-28 00:58:47  
Asura.Aeonova said: »
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Personally, I add Ygnas or non-UC Apururu (sometimes preferring to avoid Ygnas if his occasional AoE JAs might be too dangerous) if I want to be extra sure to get tons of cures, or just because I have an extra slot.

Did you mean a non-UC White Mage? You said non-UC Apururu and, sadly, one doesn't exist. Kind of a fun flub that you basically just mixed up White Mage and Apururu's name as, obviously, she is the best.

Heh, good catch. Yeah - I meant Kupipi (tarus are tarus are tarus, OK?) Thanks for catching that mistake though ;)

Jdove said: »
Yea, but it takes a year to get not a viable option for someone like me that hasn't even started it.

Fair enough. But point remains that once you do get Monberaux and/or Ygnas, using your one UC trust to be a somewhat better WHM when there are other high end options becomes a bit redundant. Having a GEO at your disposal is more unique. Same reason August and AAEV (and Gessho and Amchuchu) kinda make UC trust tanks irrelevant.

I see the UC WHMs as important for people who haven't put in the time to get Ygnas/Monberaux. But once you unlock those, you also unlock more flexibility to go GEO for your UC choice.

Draylo said: »
Most have idris mules so why would they pick Sylvie.

Even if you do have a pocket GEO, Sylvie has her uses and is more unique than yet another mostly redundant healer when there are similarly viable non-UC healing options in Monberaux or Ygnas (if you can get an Idris, you can get a Ygnas).

If you're on RUN NIN PLD, Sylvie + RDM handles capped haste (much more reliably than the BRD trusts) and you can use your Idris mule for Fury. If you're on a DD job, can get some Fury/Frail from Sylvie and use the mule for Attunement/Vex on some fights. Even your beloved BLU has some use cases: if doing mixed melee/magic (or magical WS from other jobs), can use Acumen from mule.

Or, switch the pocket RUN to pocket BRD or COR.

You can also use the mule to pick a different trust than your main, and give yourself even more flexibility. I have Sylvie on my main and Yoran on my mule.

And of course, MOST people actually don't have a freaking second character with an Idris... That isn't even the case for "most" people regularly posting on this forum, much less the average player. Especially considering that trusts are kinda designed in large part to help newbies, returning players, and people who are far from the level of your high end frequent forum poster.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-05-28 01:21:21  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
If you're on RUN NIN PLD, Sylvie + RDM handles capped haste

Unless I'm mistaken, Sylvie should cap magical haste alone if you're the jobs listed above. She uses Indi haste, which is roughly 28%, and also casts haste 1 spell, 15%. So that's either capped or close to cap with just one trust.

Now you'd likely use a RDM trust anyhow if you're devoid of any serious buffs, like Dia3 distract etc. But Sylvie's unique in her own right because she's basically the only trust that can do that, which frees up other party slots for adhoc utility. Her other uses just makes her extremely useful, and again, a geomancer trust is rare anyways. If I played ninja more often than monk dancer and blue, I would main her (might go back to her soon now that I think about it)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-05-28 08:57:26  
Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Especially considering that trusts are kinda designed in large part to help newbies, returning players, and people who are far from the level of your high end frequent forum poster.

The majority of the frequent forum posters here are still looking for a carry or merc to get their magick skull to unlock their subjob.

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [45 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 412
By Aquatiq 2020-07-12 17:32:11  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Probably impossible.

this aged
Posts: 14058
By Pantafernando 2020-07-12 18:09:20  
Even before it was most likely the lowest ranked unty to be first in the next tally.

On less populated server, when i was "aggressively" farming spark during gain exp, i always managed to put my own unity first in server.

While there is no point in the extra accolade now (as spark fills slower), i still prefer the extra CP earned instead some gimp buff from unity.