The "i Got Screwed Over" Thread

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the "i got screwed over" thread
By 2020-08-03 15:54:09
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tawhoya
Posts: 387
By Asura.Tawhoya 2020-08-03 16:38:59  
Shichishito said: »
Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
ya, looking back at the dyna-currency leader standard certainly seems unfair in retrospect...but the reality was very different (back then).

Endless recruitment, managing peoples issues, willingness to take on a brand new lvl 75 who was completely clueless as to what to do..and very few people even knew how to pull zones properly. If I wasn't leading the run the run wouldn't have happened at all for 90% of the people in the shell.
easy and fair solution, tell everybody upfront: with this shell they'll never ever get a inch closer to a relic, they'll never get a share from money drops like currency and if they slave hard enough they get a slim chance to bicker over mediocre sidegrades with 18-36 other members.

if everyone knows right from the start what they are in for and you still manage to recrute enough members to finish your relic ~1 year down the line then, and only then, you righteously deserve it.

For the most part it was a very difficult thing to run any event back then. We didn't have the information we have now, nor the access to good gear (even starter gear like ambu) like today. You had to make do with who you had and leadership to events was very stressful and far more valuable than today. People complain about PUG today, but that was what a lot of shells were like back then.