XIVCrossbar - A Gamepad Macro Addon
By Luddee 2022-07-09 04:30:46
I can't seem to get pet command icons to show up in the latest version. I've noted the folder name change and made sure that all of my files match the naming convention properly (example: images\icons\iconpacks\default\pet-commands\fire-maneuver.png) but somehow its still not working. Am I missing something?
By Aliekber 2022-07-09 15:06:32
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »I figured it out. It was trying to add to the Lx2 or Rx2 hotbar even though it wasn't displaying on screen. I just had to hold L and R and then release the one I don't want to get it to put it on the single press one. Yeah, I'll need to fix that bug. The double-tap works fine on the crossbar, but it's activating when it shouldn't during adding new bindings.
By Aliekber 2022-07-09 15:09:52
I can't seem to get pet command icons to show up in the latest version. I've noted the folder name change and made sure that all of my files match the naming convention properly (example: images\icons\iconpacks\default\pet-commands\fire-maneuver.png) but somehow its still not working. Am I missing something? It worked before, but is broken now? I'll take a look when I can spare a few minutes.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,858
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-07-09 20:19:03
So, from a design aspect. is there some way to get weaponskills set to persist across subjob change without reprogramming them for every subjob? Right now, what I had done, is that I made a hotbar for each weapontype on war (which is like 7 or 8. when I switch to a different job, they don't persist because those hotbars are in the war-sam.xml file.
Is there some way to make those universal for the job, but change depending on the weapon equipped?.
By Aliekber 2022-07-09 21:10:10
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »So, from a design aspect. is there some way to get weaponskills set to persist across subjob change without reprogramming them for every subjob? Right now, what I had done, is that I made a hotbar for each weapontype on war (which is like 7 or 8. when I switch to a different job, they don't persist because those hotbars are in the war-sam.xml file.
Is there some way to make those universal for the job, but change depending on the weapon equipped?. That's not something I had in mind when I added Default, Job Default, and All Jobs Default sets. I designed them with the idea that you'd put your WAR JAs in the Job Default set, and then when you created (e.g.) a Polearm set, it would automatically have those JAs already set, so you'd only have to add WSes to have a completed crossbar set. So, the current answer is that the functionality isn't built in for what you want to do.
However, what you want to do sounds entirely reasonable to me, so when I have time I'll see if I can add it.
In the meantime, I think the quickest way to get you on your feet with this will be to copy-paste from your WAR-SAM.xml into your other WAR-<subjob>.xml files. It's not an answer I like giving, because then updating a crossbar set in WAR-NIN.xml won't update the same crossbar in WAR-SAM.xml that you want to have shared, but it will at least spare you from having to manually recreate all those sets for each subjob.
Also, switching hotbars automatically depending on your mainhanded weapon is a neat idea (and very XIVish), so I'm amenable to giving that a try. I think the way I would do it is when your mainhand or ranged weapon changes, we'd check for a crossbar set with the same name as the weapon (e.g. a crossbar set named Bravura), and if one exists, switch to it. If not, we'd check for a crossbar set with the same name as the weapon type (e.g. a crossbar set named Greataxe), and if one exists, switch to it. Otherwise, it wouldn't change crossbars automatically. I'm already planning to do something similar in incorporating IcyDeath's crossbar swapping for SMN depending on the Avatar summoned, so I think it will be pretty doable.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,858
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-07-09 21:25:02
The way I'm doing it that is fine, because I plan out where I want my "sub-job abilities" so that they're pretty much always in the same place.
If there was some way to do it, it would be awesome, because then we wouldn't even have to change our hotbar sets, if it did it based on which weapon you have. Slightly in the dream category, but would be cool.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2022-07-10 17:01:25
Is there a console command for switching hotbars? It would be cool to have a hotbar swap button on my main palette, instead using Plus+up/down. I'm thinking, hit a button and change the bar to all Quick Draw elements, or to show every possible roll (just for the sake of never having to enter menus for lesser used rolls), and then have it change back to default after I use that, or have the same button slot send me back to default. I'm sure this could be accomplished using scripts filled with tons of "xb set" commands, but having an easier way to do it could be nice.
By Aliekber 2022-07-10 18:28:09
Is there a console command for switching hotbars? It would be cool to have a hotbar swap button on my main palette, instead using Plus+up/down. I'm thinking, hit a button and change the bar to all Quick Draw elements, or to show every possible roll (just for the sake of never having to enter menus for lesser used rolls), and then have it change back to default after I use that, or have the same button slot send me back to default. I'm sure this could be accomplished using scripts filled with tons of "xb set" commands, but having an easier way to do it could be nice. Not yet, but I'll put it on the list of things to add.
I was able to sneak in a few minutes to add this. The command is "xb bar <crossbar_set_name>".
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-07-10 18:40:45
Is there a console command for switching hotbars? It would be cool to have a hotbar swap button on my main palette, instead using Plus+up/down. I'm thinking, hit a button and change the bar to all Quick Draw elements, or to show every possible roll (just for the sake of never having to enter menus for lesser used rolls), and then have it change back to default after I use that, or have the same button slot send me back to default. I'm sure this could be accomplished using scripts filled with tons of "xb set" commands, but having an easier way to do it could be nice. Not yet, but I'll put it on the list of things to add.
Probably overly complicated suggestion but to add to this...
a way to not only
"xb set" but to "xb chain"
such as:
roll button =linked to pallet swap> double up and snake eye *pallet
roll button =becomes*button swap> to double up
idk if this makes sense right now I am a new sleep deprived father.
By Aliekber 2022-07-10 20:24:56
Ok, I snuck in some time to make a few changes:
Custom pet command icons should be fixed now
Double-press should work correctly in the action binding menu now
You can now switch crossbars with the console command "xb bar <crossbar_set_name>". You can also use "xb hotbar" and "xb crossbar", because I aliased them to do the same thing. So to switch to my Cleave set, I could type "xb bar Cleave" in the Windower console.
By Aliekber 2022-07-10 20:32:23
Probably overly complicated suggestion but to add to this...
a way to not only
"xb set" but to "xb chain"
such as:
roll button =linked to pallet swap> double up and snake eye *pallet
roll button =becomes*button swap> to double up
idk if this makes sense right now I am a new sleep deprived father. It's a neat idea, but I'm recoiling in horror a bit at the idea of having to debug the complex XMLs that will develop if I add built-in chaining. But there's nothing stopping you from creating "ex" commands to do all the chaining you want.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2022-07-10 22:41:24
The xb bar command is perfection, and it's great to have the double press fixed, thank you so much!
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2022-07-11 07:27:10
Can we have a "hidden" set for RB+button? If I bind the xb set commands to there it replicates XIV's macro switching system and might be a useful spot for some base windower commands as i'm not going to use 8 slots on misc sets as things are right now.
No idea if there's room for that when we already got more than enough macro space now.
By Aliekber 2022-07-12 00:59:15
Added bindings in the UI for swapping between crossbar sets. It's near the end of the action type list, under "Switch Crossbars".
Also, your AHK scripts should now start upon addon load as long as you've done the initial button mapping setup. The first time you use the addon, you'll still have to use the Enter key as usual.
By Aliekber 2022-07-12 01:05:58
Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »Can we have a "hidden" set for RB+button? If I bind the xb set commands to there it replicates XIV's macro switching system and might be a useful spot for some base windower commands as i'm not going to use 8 slots on misc sets as things are right now.
No idea if there's room for that when we already got more than enough macro space now. The problem with that is that I'm already taking over the Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F12 keyboard bindings just to handle the buttons we already have. I'm hesitant to add new buttons because of that. I think if I do add this, it will be a configuration option to use it instead of the current environment selector.
This is totally going in the Windower v5 version, though. (Assuming I get the gamepad API access I'm hoping to.)
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2022-07-12 03:23:54
Yeah. that's what I was worried about. no problems. everything is great already imo.
It's a shame there isn't a way to add keys that don't exist to solve the space problem.
By Aliekber 2022-07-12 12:00:02
Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »Yeah. that's what I was worried about. no problems. everything is great already imo.
It's a shame there isn't a way to add keys that don't exist to solve the space problem. Yep. That's what I tried to do right before settling on the current system: sending "keys" like ♪, ★, and ♘ instead of real keys. And then IIRC I tried sending non-US keyboard DirectInput keyboard scan codes. I don't remember the exact reason I abandoned that approach (this was years ago), but for whatever reason it didn't work.
By Aliekber 2022-07-12 22:23:40
Automatic crossbar switching for SMN has (finally) been added to the vanilla (non-IcyDeath) addon.
Upon successfully calling a summon, it checks if there is a crossbar set that matches that summon's name, and if there is, it switches to it.
Upon releasing that summon, the crossbar set returns to whatever set it was on previously.
Edit: also, Wyvern abilities have been removed from the Blood Pact: Rage category. (Still not sure why they're categorized as Blood Pacts in the first place, but that's what the resource files say. /shrug)
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2022-07-13 10:13:28
On the topic of automatic hotbar switching, I wanted to show off what I'm doing for my COR using this addon after the addition of "xb bar". Here are the hotbars I've set up, along with my "Basic" bar:
The "Phantom Roll" and "Quick Draw" buttons in the bottom left are ex macro commands, which both look like this in the .xml:
Code <slot_1>
<action>xb bar Rolls</action>
<alias>Phantom Roll</alias>
That will switch to my "Rolls" hotbar which I have set up like this:
The Quick Draw button does the same thing but goes to the "QuickDraw" palette:
To make this even smoother, I added a few lines of code to the player.lua file so it always goes back to Basic after hitting a button (I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but it works):
I think it's pretty slick. Plus, the ability to customize the icons sends this mod over the top. The only drawback to this approach is the need to set up QuickDraw and Rolls palettes for all COR/sub combinations, but that's easily done by editing the .xml files.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-07-14 19:22:12
experimenting with adding some bindings to the xbox elite additional paddles with rewasd to try and double press RT or LT not having too much luck
What key are RT and LT aliased to?
By Aliekber 2022-07-15 01:31:53
experimenting with adding some bindings to the xbox elite additional paddles with rewasd to try and double press RT or LT not having too much luck
What key are RT and LT aliased to? LT is Ctrl+F11, RT is Ctrl+F12. If you have the ability, I'd recommend sequencing the down/up behavior like so:
Code On LT down:
Send KeyDown LeftCtrl
Send KeyDown F11
On LT up:
Send KeyUp F11
Send KeyUp LeftCtrl
On RT down:
Send KeyDown LeftCtrl
Send KeyDown F12
On RT up:
Send KeyUp F12
Send KeyUp LeftCtrl
By Aliekber 2022-07-15 01:35:04
@Shadida That looks great!
By Aliekber 2022-07-17 19:47:32
Pushed a fix to stop your All-Jobs-Default and Job-Default sets from being deleted if you try to create a new crossbar set with no name.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2022-07-20 12:24:40
Still using and loving the add-on! A few new ideas/notes:
#1: It would be nice to have the option to set targeting method even for abilities that only target self. For example, right now Wild Card defaults to <me> targeting without asking, but there are a couple advantages to using st or stpc. First, it would require an additional button press to confirm so I don't fat finger it, which I've done a few times now. Second, when using XI's "Area Display" config setting (under Misc. 3), using stpc will allow you to see the range of the effect before you use it. I've been able to work around this by editing the XML, but for less savvy users it would be good to have a choice.
#2: A wish for the definition of "ex" buttons is to use the timer from a particular ability on that button. So in my example above, if I could get that "Phantom Roll" button which switches to the Rolls palette using "xb bar Rolls" to display the countdown timer for Phantom Roll through an additional <timer> XML element, that would be awesome.
#3: There is a bug where an ability on cooldown will retain the "Job Default Set" or "Default Set" text if you open and close the back button menu while the timer is running.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2022-07-20 19:39:12
How would you add /follow <t> via xml?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 99
By Sylph.Shadida 2022-07-20 19:55:11
Can do it in game two ways:
//xb set Basic 1 1 ex "input /follow" t "Follow" follow-icon
//xb set Basic 1 1 ct "follow" t "Follow" follow-icon
Will have to set the hotbar name, #, and position however you want, one of the posts in this thread shows you which is which. (edit: the post is yours, lol whoops)
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2022-07-21 09:44:27
Still using and loving the add-on! A few new ideas/notes:
#1: It would be nice to have the option to set targeting method even for abilities that only target self. For example, right now Wild Card defaults to <me> targeting without asking, but there are a couple advantages to using st or stpc. First, it would require an additional button press to confirm so I don't fat finger it, which I've done a few times now. Second, when using XI's "Area Display" config setting (under Misc. 3), using stpc will allow you to see the range of the effect before you use it. I've been able to work around this by editing the XML, but for less savvy users it would be good to have a choice.
#2: A wish for the definition of "ex" buttons is to use the timer from a particular ability on that button. So in my example above, if I could get that "Phantom Roll" button which switches to the Rolls palette using "xb bar Rolls" to display the countdown timer for Phantom Roll through an additional <timer> XML element, that would be awesome.
1) I'm pretty sure you can edit it to do so in the xml. it's what i used to do when songs didn't have stnpc in them for pianissimo.
2) I mentioned that earlier, so that's on the list of things to do by the creator. We just have to be a little patient on that front.
By Aliekber 2022-07-24 16:33:21
Ok, I have some good news and some bad news for Steam Deck users, and for other users.
The good news for Steam Deck users is that I know what's been causing the stuttering on Steam Deck. The bad news is that it wasn't my input script, it was XIVCrossbar's UI rendering code. But the good news is that setting frame_skip to 6 greatly reduces the stuttering, and the Steam Deck screen is small enough that the decreased framerate of the addon isn't very noticeable (and is totally worth it for better FFXI framerates).
The good news for everyone else is that I should be jumping back to feature work instead of tracking down the cause of the stuttering on Steam Deck. The bad news for everyone else is that I spent most of the weekend on the Steam Deck issue, so I didn't add any new features.
I will probably spend some time optimizing the UI code, since it's been a disaster from the very beginning, and running FFXI on the Steam Deck makes that very apparent, but I'm probably not going to do so immediately since setting frame_skip to 6 is a good-enough patch for now.
The current status of feature work is as follows:
Priority #1 - Light Arts/Dark Arts auto-swapping (Done)
Priority #2 - Addition of <stpc> to actions that normally only use <me> (Done)
Priority #3 - Roll/Double-Up combo action
Priority #4 - JA + WS Bindings ("Sneak Attack + WS" in one action)
Priority #5 - Attack/Switch Target combo action
"Messing around in the shop"/non-functional:
- Multiple JOB-Default crossbars/Weapon-specific crossbars
- GearSwap Mode Changers (currently, nothing you couldn't do with ex commands)
On the drawing board:
- Display charges for abilities alongside recast (e.g. Strategems, Flourishes, Quick Draw)
- Equip weapon action
- Equip set action
- "Timer" XML attribute (overrides the default timer/lack of timer for an action's icon)
- Integration actions (e.g. EasyNuke)
- Refactoring/code cleanup
- Rendering code optimization
Known bugs:
- Abilities on cooldown retain the "Job Default Set" or "Default Set" overlay when binding dialog is opened then closed
- Using the "Move Crossbar" UI makes icons appear in the corner of their slot until the addon reloads
Note that this isn't a promise to deliver these features in this order; it's just how I'm currently thinking things will go.
By Aliekber 2022-07-25 00:27:00
I've implemented crossbar auto-switching for SCH. Your crossbar will automatically switch to crossbars named "LightArts", "DarkArts", "AddendumWhite", and "AddendumBlack" (not case sensitive) when the corresponding ability is used.
By Aliekber 2022-07-25 00:49:30
I've also added a setting called AllowSTPCForSelfTargetedActions that adds an <stpc> option to abilities and spells that normally would default to using <me>.
Important Note: please submit new bugs from the Github page, which automatically emails me, so I can respond more quickly.
A Gamepad Macro Addon (github link)
I had never planned on releasing this--because I thought nobody would care--but when I showed off my crossbar UI in the "Share your custom FFXI UI" thread, I got such a reaction that I decided it would be worth it to clean it up and make it publicly available. Due to work complications, it took a few weeks for me to get it ready for release, but here we are, and now it's ready.
What is XIVCrossbar?
XIVCrossbar is a recreation of FFXIV's crossbar gamepad macros...
...in FFXI.
Under the hood, XIVCrossbar is a heavily modified version of the (excellent) XIVHotbar by SirEdeonX. It uses a different name and different bindings such that the two can be used simultaneously, if you're into that.
How does XIVCrossbar work?
If you're already used to XIV's crossbar, go ahead and skip to the "How do I set up XIVCrossbar?" section; you probably know everything I'm about to explain.
The long and short of it is that you hold down your left/right trigger, then press either a dpad button or a face button in order to activate the action that has been bound to that button combination. While the previous screenshot of XIVCrossbar shows how it corresponds to XIV's actual crossbar, a screenshot of it with compact mode turned off should make things more clear. As an example: with the below crossbar setup, if I were to press B while holding the left trigger, I would cast Magic Fruit. If I were holding the right trigger instead, I would use Expiacion.
Having only 16 actions per crossbar set would be pretty limiting, so I took a cue from XIV's actual crossbar and gave the option to add a 3rd crossbar by holding down both left and right triggers. When you do that, the main 2 crossbars disappear and a 3rd appears in the center to replace them. So if I were to press B while holding down both triggers, I would cast Sweeping Gouge.
If 24 actions per crossbar set still isn't enough, then you can change settings.global.Hotbar.Number from 3 to 4 in your settings.xml, which will up you to having 4 crossbars per set, for a total of 32 actions per crossbar set. In this case, holding both triggers still brings up a new crossbar, but whether it is #3 or #4 depends on the order you press the triggers. R -> L shows crossbar #3, and L -> R shows crossbar #4. (This was also cribbed from FFXIV)
Update: I also added double-tap crossbars that you can enable by increasing settings.global.Hotbar.Number to 6 in settings.xml. You can jump to these crossbars by hitting one of the triggers twice in quick succession (like double-clicking a mouse), which means you can now have up to 48 bindings per crossbar set.
What's the advantage of using a crossbar over FFXI's native macros?
Well, if you're a keyboard-only user, then nothing. If you use a gamepad like me, though, then two words: muscle memory. FFXI isn't a particularly fast-paced game, but when you're in a hard fight, dpadding left and right in your macros to select the right one does take time and concentration. But having L -> B bound to Magic Fruit on all my BLU crossbars means that when I see my HP is low, I don't need to find the right macro and then execute it, I just hold the left trigger and press B.
How do I set up XIVCrossbar?
Everything you need to know is in the README file, but a high-level view is something like this:
Download the zip file from github, and extract it to your addons folder, as usual
Install AutoHotKey (free)
(But if you're playing on Steam Deck, skip AutoHotKey and just set up FFXI_Input.sh from the Github repo to run when you run FFXI)
Open FFXI Controller Config and make your setup look like this:

(Check the XInput box if you normally do)
Log into FFXI
Load xivcrossbar
Follow the setup dialog shown
When I'm in battle, sometimes a horizontal red or green bar appears above my crossbar. What is that?
It's a skillchain window indicator. When the bar is red, the window is not yet open. When it's green, the window is open. The bar expands while it's red, and then shrinks while it's green. When the green bar has shrunk completely and disappears, the skillchain window has closed.
Sometimes my weaponskill icons change to a different icon, and a yellow marching-ant border appears. What's going on?
That's to notify you that if you use that weaponskill right now, you'll make a skillchain. The icon of the weaponskill changes to the icon of the skillchain you would make if you used it. Naturally, this only happens when the skillchain window indicator is green.
Any weird quirks I should know about?
Unfortunately, yes.
The first quirk is that due to the way we're capturing gamepad input, we can't actually stop button presses from reaching the game, even if they're only intended to interact with XIVCrossbar menus. The way we handle this is to make the game capture and discard the dpad presses for us, by keeping the regular macro system open. This is why the macro palettes need to be mapped to the triggers. So, when you're interacting with XIVCrossbar dialogs like the gamepad mapper or the action binder, you will need to have one or both triggers held down in order for it to read your input. Since this is already how the crossbars work--even in FFXIV itself--it's unnoticeable during gameplay, but you'll need to keep note of it for when you're tweaking your crossbar sets. However, I highly, highly recommend setting aside a completely blank macro book in FFXI and using it when you're using XIVCrossbar so you can button mash as much as you want without accidentally firing off any vanilla FFXI macros.
The second quirk is that due to the way we're passing gamepad input to FFXI, we unbind any existing keybinds on Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F12. Under the hood, a gamepad button combo like L -> DpadLeft is sent as a button combination like Ctrl+F1+F12, which would fire both Ctrl+F1 and Ctrl+F12 bindings, if they existed. The plus side of this is that regular F1 through F12, Alt+F1 through Alt+F12 and Shift+F1 through Shift+F12 are unaffected. I will look into a way of porting over existing keybindings such that this is transparent once it's been set up, but I currently don't have it implemented. I have added a way to rebind Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F8 (Ctrl+F9 through Ctrl+F12 are still reserved). Just move your bindings for those into the command strings found in addons/xivcrossbar/function_key_bindings.lua.
The current status of feature work is as follows:
Priority #1 - Light Arts/Dark Arts auto-swapping (Done)
Priority #2 - Addition of <stpc> to actions that normally only use <me> (Done)
Priority #3 - Roll/Double-Up combo action (available on experimental git branch)
Priority #4 - JA + WS Bindings ("Sneak Attack + WS" in one action) (available for XML editing folks on experimental git branch)
Priority #5 - Attack/Switch Target combo action
"Messing around in the shop"/non-functional:
- Multiple JOB-Default crossbars/Weapon-specific crossbars
- GearSwap Mode Changers (currently, nothing you couldn't do with ex commands)
On the drawing board:
- Display charges for abilities alongside recast (e.g. Strategems, Flourishes, Quick Draw)
- Equip weapon action
- Equip set action
- "Timer" XML attribute (overrides the default timer/lack of timer for an action's icon)
- Integration actions (e.g. EasyNuke)
- Refactoring/code cleanup
- Rendering code optimization
- Slot swap UI
- Hide/Show commands
- Follow command
Known bugs:
- Abilities on cooldown retain the "Job Default Set" or "Default Set" overlay when binding dialog is opened then closed
- Using the "Move Crossbar" UI makes icons appear in the corner of their slot until the addon reloads
Note that this isn't a promise to deliver these features in this order; it's just how I'm currently thinking things will go.