What Games Ruined You For A Entire Genre?

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what games ruined you for a entire genre?
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By Shichishito 2021-06-30 18:52:16  
FFXI aside, what game did a certain aspect so well that you can't enjoy games of that genre anymore cause nothing released ever since meets that new standard?
Posts: 232
By alzeerffxi 2021-06-30 19:27:49  
Jrpg's in general most of them are now cliché and overused, only 1's i can play right now are the FF classics, Tried to get into new ys game i just cant same with persona and trail games they seem to weeby, I don't know what happened to Japanese Role playing games, Classic JRPGS= 90's anime art, Now its degenerate art style, with bad character designs hard to explain,
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-06-30 19:30:50  
There's nothing one game does so much better than another that makes it unplayable and specifically ignoring XI... but the Auto-Run L1 is the only function I've missed and habitually used in absolutely any game where I run. ALWAYS hit L1. and get disappointed. It's a reflex.

I have fully rage quit games that had too much running and no autorun (at least, temporarily)
By Shichishito 2021-06-30 19:58:44  
alzeerffxi said: »
Jrpg's in general most of them are now cliché and overused, only 1's i can play right now are the FF classics, Tried to get into new ys game i just cant same with persona and trail games they seem to weeby, I don't know what happened to Japanese Role playing games, Classic JRPGS= 90's anime art, Now its degenerate art style, with bad character designs hard to explain,
aren't the ys games all real time battle based?

when you're talking about classic jrpgs you basically talk square games. back then square made games for a passion, then they merged with eidos(?), probably lost lots of their most talanted employees in the process and started making games for money.
Posts: 232
By alzeerffxi 2021-06-30 20:06:20  
Shichishito said: »
alzeerffxi said: »
Jrpg's in general most of them are now cliché and overused, only 1's i can play right now are the FF classics, Tried to get into new ys game i just cant same with persona and trail games they seem to weeby, I don't know what happened to Japanese Role playing games, Classic JRPGS= 90's anime art, Now its degenerate art style, with bad character designs hard to explain,
aren't the ys games all real time battle based?

when you're talking about classic jrpgs you basically talk square games. back then square made games for a passion, then they merged with eidos(?), probably lost lots of their most talanted employees in the process and started making games for money.

FF classics are an example,, And ys is considered Action rpg which makes it an rpg. an example of that would be octopath outside of the Battle mechanics the game is really *** dull
Posts: 346
By Sidiov 2021-06-30 20:24:47  
isometric RPG (does that count?) - Ultima Online 1997-2007

*edit: the only reason I quit was because FFXI needed so much more time.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Valkyrie
Posts: 562
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2021-06-30 20:29:15  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
There's nothing one game does so much better than another that makes it unplayable and specifically ignoring XI... but the Auto-Run L1 is the only function I've missed and habitually used in absolutely any game where I run. ALWAYS hit L1. and get disappointed. It's a reflex.

I have fully rage quit games that had too much running and no autorun (at least, temporarily)

This! Any game that doesn't have an auto run turns me off. If there is no auto run because it's intentional (like resident evil resistence) then it's okay.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2,328
By Bahamut.Negan 2021-06-30 20:30:46  
I might need a node for this, but here goes.

Way back when, a friend of mine talked me into downloading (4MB!) a Demo game, called Unreal Tournament. I downloaded for like a day, and when it was done, I fired it up. He explained the controls and I goofily clunked forward. "There! Shoot him!" he said so I shot and missed, he then instagibbed me. "That was a person" he told me. A REAL PERSON?!?!? That was the end of single player games for me. To this day, the only single player games I've played is Morrowind and THPS.

Now, since I only play MMO's, the game that RUINED me on other MMO's was Star Wars Galaxies. The crafting/harvesting in SWG is insane. As a matter of fact it is my opini.. nvm. SWG GOOD.
By Shichishito 2021-06-30 20:55:55  
whats "THPS"?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-06-30 20:57:55  
Shichishito said: »
whats "THPS"?
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2,328
By Bahamut.Negan 2021-06-30 20:58:14  
Shichishito said: »
whats "THPS"?
Sorry, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
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By 2021-06-30 21:15:26
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By Shichishito 2021-06-30 22:07:15  
i think most MMOs potentialy ruin you for other MMOs.
not necessarily cause they do something so good that no other MMO will ever surpass it but cause they demand so much time investment that once you cross a certain point you stick with it simply cause picking up a new one would devalue all the time and effort invested in the previous one.

the whole genre is designed to grab you by the ballz and never let go.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: DatGoose
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-06-30 23:36:27  
Shichishito said: »
i think most MMOs potentialy ruin you for other MMOs.
not necessarily cause they do something so good that no other MMO will ever surpass it but cause they demand so much time investment that once you cross a certain point you stick with it simply cause picking up a new one would devalue all the time and effort invested in the previous one.

the whole genre is designed to grab you by the ballz and never let go.

Pretty much this, once an MMO has lured you in and you're hooked it's dificult to pull the barbs out and break away from whatever it is you love so much, which is best observed with this board. Strike up a conversation about any other MMO and it'll always turn into a FFXI defense or flame war because nothing can possibly be better than this archaic clunky mess.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1,008
By Leviathan.Andret 2021-06-30 23:52:57  

I just sort of got done in with almost any RTS and almost every classical army movie I ever watched after this one. You can't really go back to playing mindless micromanaging resources or looking at glorious cavalry charge as anything more than idiotic.

I certainly ruined Game of Thrones for me. I didn't even watched the thing and now I will certainly never watch it. What kind of idiot lost to an army of cheap undead when you have a castle and dragons? I could kill 6k-8k undead, vermin and orcs in a single battle. I could wipe out 12 armies, each of them twice my size in a season.
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2021-07-01 02:02:38  
Not a game in particular but a meta that started ages ago with Matrix and I cant believe still used a lot nowaday (not that I play many, but I always see youtube videos about games so I watch some previews about many games from the past decade Ive been only on FFXI).

That aspect of severe FPS drop in high impact moments in a fight seems so old to me, repeated ad nausean in every action move and also in games.

Still in this category, it also bothers me that most games in general and SE in particular tries to make every fight in game like a combo challenge. Any old timer should be fine with ATB fights, not seeing some character slashing a 100-hits combo in mid air while doing 1000 acrobatic moves finishing with some nuclear bomb move.

Its 2021. This kind of stuff not just isnt any new, it also doesnt impress anyone.
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2021-07-01 03:03:13  
FFXI will only ruin the genre for you if you are the kind of player that wants to put a lot of time into the game. Near every other mmo these days is designed for you to cap out in a decent amount of time due to wanting to appeal to the lucrative casual market, and for a certain kind of players this is bad.

We aren't still playing ffxi due to sunk cost fallacy, they already reset everything with abyssea and we kept playing. We are still playing because it scratches the itch perfectly for the kind of players we are.

If I see a game tell me "we respect your time" I know it's not for me, because that is code speak for I'm gonna have nothing to do in 6 months.
Posts: 44
By stratton 2021-07-01 05:37:56  
Fallout 4 added a settlement system, when heavily modded was very addicting to me. So much so that I do not get the same enjoyment as I use to when I dust off Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. It also keeps me vested in that train wreak of 76, in hopes they can get a multiplayer version I can play with my daughter.
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2021-07-01 05:43:00  
Also FF7 runined my childhood when they… they…. they….

サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2021-07-01 07:06:19  

Skyrim was okay, but it really wasn't for me. That's okay, a lot of people loved it. Unfortunately after the wild success, every RPG was marketed as "open world!" It seemed like it was really the pivot point away from Final Fantasy style RPGs and onto more westernized versions of RPGs.

Now when I see a new game tagged as open world, I just scroll on by. Skyrim opened the gate on that craze.
By Shichishito 2021-07-01 10:04:35  
bethesda fooled me twice with oblivion and skyrim. thiefs and assasins questlines were decent, every other aspect of those games is mediocure.

i heard a lot of good stuff about new vegas but i think every bethesda games has core aspects i just can't stand, the inventory weight system combined with a surplus of loot for example, or the endless copypaste approach in regards to quest, world and dungeon design. open worlds can be fantastic but they need to be handcrafted. as soon as they start with copypaste or procedural generated i'm out.

the only thing bethesda excels at is marketing.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2021-07-01 12:35:35  
Pantafernando said: »
Also FF7 runined my childhood when they… they…. they….


Where did the Don touch you?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2021-07-01 13:03:21  
I know the OP said "FFXI aside", but this is probably the only game that really solidified what I expect out of any genre. I've tried really, really hard to play other MMORPG's with friends, but I get so exhausted playing them.

Sure, FFXI almost epitomizes the word "grind", but there's something to be said about the variety. There is meaningful choice between earning experience, earning money, acquiring gear, doing quests, doing missions, etc.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,013
By Odin.Godofgods 2021-07-01 13:24:15  
Probably Ace combat. An incredible fighter pilot series over the decades. Not that iv played many other flight sim type games, but when i have everything felt so wrong and clunky by comparisson.. i just couldnt get into them.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2021-07-01 13:57:51  
Y'know what I've changed my mind. Armored Core ruined other robot games for me. Even ones with other customization just don't have the same gravity that those games do. The third generation in particular had fantastic controls that were just clunky enough to feel like you were the pilot of a 10-metre-tall ambulatory tank, but smooth enough that it felt like you were in control.

Gundams are too human-like (they might as well not even be machines) and BattleMechs are too immobile. I've yet to see another franchise hit that sweet spot. We'd probably still be getting more Armored Core games if FromSoftware didn't hit the jackpot with their Souls games >_>
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2021-07-01 15:12:28  
I haven’t found another turn based battle system in an RPG like this, I love the fact that it’s not based (for the most part) on clicking the right button in the right order at the right time to work right, it’s so much better to be able to scroll through your entire ability/spell lists and see how that action will change your turn delay and can plan out your battle with ought having to rely on amazing reaction time to win. There are other things that made ffx really good but the battle system was by far the best ever.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-01 15:16:32  
Shiva.Eightball said: »
I haven’t found another turn based battle system in an RPG like this, I love the fact that it’s not based (for the most part) on clicking the right button in the right order at the right time to work right, it’s so much better to be able to scroll through your entire ability/spell lists and see how that action will change your turn delay and can plan out your battle with ought having to rely on amazing reaction time to win. There are other things that made ffx really good but the battle system was by far the best ever.

That action order indicator is pretty incredible ngl It also exists in FFT games too kind of
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Belkin
Posts: 474
By Bahamut.Belkin 2021-07-01 15:25:05  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
Shiva.Eightball said: »
I haven’t found another turn based battle system in an RPG like this, I love the fact that it’s not based (for the most part) on clicking the right button in the right order at the right time to work right, it’s so much better to be able to scroll through your entire ability/spell lists and see how that action will change your turn delay and can plan out your battle with ought having to rely on amazing reaction time to win. There are other things that made ffx really good but the battle system was by far the best ever.

That action order indicator is pretty incredible ngl It also exists in FFT games too kind of

We out here Quick Hittin', boys!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-01 15:26:00  
So broken they adjusted it in the HD remaster
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2021-07-01 15:51:16  
I think Final Fantasy X's battle system was one of the most well-polished of its kind. When a game gives you so many options, it's great that it doesn't rush you to make your decision.

Shame they got that far with combat systems and then they spun off into a completely different direction for all their games going forward.
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