Here is what I took away:
Moving away from the PS2 dev kits would require a lot of work: decoupling PlayOnline, new data formats, etc
They tried to increase FPS to 60 but it wasn't successful
They will not change the way BST jugs from items to something else because there is no mp/tp requirement for summoning pets
Given unlimited funds, Matsui would revamp the dev environment and make an expansion
Yeah, I basically understood that PlayOnline and the PS2 Devkit at this stage of the game are literally the devil where the spaghetti code is so ingrained with these systems that the game would be unplayable without them
I'm super mad that dude straight up asked for jug pets as Key Items, when the jugs should be
nonconsumable. Even if you made them consumable like with spell scrolls, it'd function the same way with the added benefit of less inventory bloat