Sortie Release - Info
By Sockfoot 2022-08-29 10:05:16
I just want to confirm that for D shard and metal, it is 4-steps SC that are needed and NOT 3-steps like it's currently written in the wiki. It's a 3-step.
that's 3 skillchains done, 4 WSs. Respectfully, the number of "steps" has always been the number of weaponskills involved, even in the context of Omen and Vagary objectives.
If you believe the references all over these very forums are too subjective, there's always the official source:
http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/guide/development/vt/extra/03-2.htmlLove all those 3-step processes that involve 4 steps ><
By Chimerawizard 2022-08-29 10:08:02
I just want to confirm that for D shard and metal, it is 4-steps SC that are needed and NOT 3-steps like it's currently written in the wiki. It's a 3-step.
that's 3 skillchains done, 4 WSs. Respectfully, the number of "steps" has always been the number of weaponskills involved, even in the context of Omen and Vagary objectives.
If you believe the references all over these very forums are too subjective, there's always the official source:
http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/guide/development/vt/extra/03-2.htmlThat's fine, I mostly play mage jobs. Remembering the omen skillchain objective starting a 1/6 with the first skillchain effect assumed that meant that step was ws-1 in a skillchain.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28
By Phoenix.Teorem 2022-08-29 10:22:00
Anyone have any tips for pulling the formor mobs? Their layout is like a web. I have had to sack pull a few times with a brd, they also do not run back right away. Aside from the device zoning method others have recommended which definitely works, it's also possible to pull with a BST pet (and thus likely also with Carbuncle). Leave immediately after the hit and the surrounding mobs link, and the Assault target will come straight for you...unless it decides to stop to cast a spell and the mobs re-link, in which case you should probably start running for the Device.
I was able to do this tonight when trying to fish out specific Demisang in the SW room that matched what the Deleterious was wearing (testing an earlier suggestion on page 32), but ran out of time before I could get all 5. Unfortunately, the reuse timer on Call Beast is pretty terrible for this purpose (and killing acuex seems to take up a lot of time lately...).
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 620
By Cerberus.Kaht 2022-08-29 10:29:39
Anyone have any tips for pulling the formor mobs? Their layout is like a web. I have had to sack pull a few times with a brd, they also do not run back right away. Aside from the device zoning method others have recommended which definitely works, it's also possible to pull with a BST pet (and thus likely also with Carbuncle). Leave immediately after the hit and the surrounding mobs link, and the Assault target will come straight for you...unless it decides to stop to cast a spell and the mobs re-link, in which case you should probably start running for the Device.
I was able to do this tonight when trying to fish out specific Demisang in the SW room that matched what the Deleterious was wearing (testing an earlier suggestion on page 32), but ran out of time before I could get all 5. Unfortunately, the reuse timer on Call Beast is pretty terrible for this purpose (and killing acuex seems to take up a lot of time lately...).
The Gravity2 effect from subduction works on them well. If you're in a group, have the BLU run in and cast subduction on everything, then have each of your DD grab a different mob while the rest chase the BLU (very slowly).
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2022-08-29 10:36:43
Anyone have any tips for pulling the formor mobs? Their layout is like a web. I have had to sack pull a few times with a brd, they also do not run back right away.
Can a brd sleep them with enough macc? I am about to pump the lullaby build way way up for my own testing. Need to pick out some food.
Entomb works so I am assuming break works as well Break and bind. You can also manifestation to lock down the whole group if sch or /sch is available.
We noticed Break from a SCH only lasted like 15-20 seconds each or so. Had to keep spamming it to keep them at bay.
By mynameisgonz 2022-08-29 10:49:07
My group is successfully clearing A objectives with en spells and auto attacks. No need for nukers. Credit to Kyouryoko.
Did you have any trusts? Was anyone using Formless Strikes?
DRK using en dark and whm using enfire just swinging
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-08-29 11:20:13
Just for ppl having issues with LeBron, Sam's yaegasumi seems to work really well against his bs.
By Ragnarok.Vargasfinio 2022-08-29 11:21:13
Do you use Formless Strikes?
No, I stopped using Formless Strikes. The only "magic" being used is by my trusts (Cherukiki, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Joachim, Cornelia). So they do their usual rotations - they Slow, Para, Dia, Dispel, etc the Hecteyes and keep me healed / buffed.
I use Berserk, Aggressor, Impetus, Warcry and Footwork, but no WS and no Formless Strikes. Auto-attacks only. Takes about 9 to 10 minutes to kill the six Hecteyes to get both chests, which is why I now only do it when I need fresh items to fight Ghatjot. On a Muffin farm run I don't bother.
Is there a way to copy/paste or export logs without using anything other than default Windower?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Bismarck.Zubuis 2022-08-29 11:34:00
My group is successfully clearing A objectives with en spells and auto attacks. No need for nukers. Credit to Kyouryoko.
I was also able to replicate using auto attacks on 2 chars (SAM+COR) and RDM (enspell - enfire on acuex + Dia3 + Distract3)
By Ultimaetus 2022-08-29 13:13:02
Can anyone confirm that proccing Degei will cause vivisection? That seems wtong that it would punish you for countering his element appropriately.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 310
By Bismarck.Sterk 2022-08-29 13:22:29
Can anyone confirm that proccing Degei will cause vivisection? That seems wtong that it would punish you for countering his element appropriately. We saw Vivisection for the first time today which was also the first time I tried proccing. However, I also healed it once because I didn't know you needed to wait for the TP move to completely finish before nuking. Worth noting that this was also a bad run where we went silly jobs because we needed to unlock +2, so it was a slow fight which seemingly is the cause for Sortie bosses gaining access to their "bad" move. I did at least 5 procs before we all died to Vivisection at 5%.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 139
By Ragnarok.Kanryu 2022-08-29 13:30:46
Can anyone confirm that proccing Degei will cause vivisection? That seems wtong that it would punish you for countering his element appropriately.
I usually proc him after every WS and we have never seen it except the one time he absorbed an accidental skillchain.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,389
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2022-08-29 14:35:11
Ragnarok.Vargasfinio said: »Is it even possible for a non-magic job to hit Chest #A3 and Chest #A4 with trusts?
I would love a list of the harder completable tasks that are completable relying on trusts alone...
I'm 100% on getting them on MNK/WAR using auto-attacks only and having the following Trusts: Cherukiki, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Joachim, Cornelia.
I fight Hecteyes just NE of Device A to do this. Three kills for the first brown chest, three more for the second. It isn't fast, but it works. Whenever I throw in a WS or two, it messes it up.
I just tried this method and it worked for me, first kill I had King of Hearts in stead of Koru.
Killed one with just melee attacks on MNK.
Swapped King for Koru after I saw him use Deal Out.
killed 2 more, no chest.
Killed 1 more, A3 chest.
Killed 1 more, got casket A1
Killed 2 more got A4 chest.
So looks like King of Hearts using Deal Out did disrupt the system.
I was also on /rdm so I could do the cast magic by the device objective, and I was pulling the leeches with Dia, didn't seem to affect the requirements for the A3/4 chests.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2022-08-29 14:37:10
Can anyone confirm that proccing Degei will cause vivisection? That seems wtong that it would punish you for countering his element appropriately.
Ours felt more time based, ~3.x minutes or so.
Code 20:15:39 Tp Move
20:15:58 Tp Move
20:16:17 Tp Move
20:16:37 Tp Move
20:16:52 Tp Move
20:17:02 Tp Move (proc'd)
20:17:19 Tp Move
20:17:35 Tp Move
20:17:51 Tp Move
20:18:07 Tp Move
20:18:23 Tp Move
20:18:39 Tp Move
20:18:46The Degei readies Vivisection.
Migawari does nothing against it. Aegis PLD did take significantly less than others. But still something like 8k
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2022-08-29 15:03:42
I received Blue casket in C today, this is how I got it:
Killed the ghosts
Was Samurai doing Shoha > Kasha > 3x MB (fire, holy and lullaby) finished with Fudo.
Seems to conincide with killing mobs in quick succession? I got the chest on my 6th kill.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,389
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2022-08-29 15:50:29
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »Ragnarok.Vargasfinio said: »Is it even possible for a non-magic job to hit Chest #A3 and Chest #A4 with trusts?
I would love a list of the harder completable tasks that are completable relying on trusts alone...
I'm 100% on getting them on MNK/WAR using auto-attacks only and having the following Trusts: Cherukiki, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Joachim, Cornelia.
I fight Hecteyes just NE of Device A to do this. Three kills for the first brown chest, three more for the second. It isn't fast, but it works. Whenever I throw in a WS or two, it messes it up.
I just tried this method and it worked for me, first kill I had King of Hearts in stead of Koru.
Killed one with just melee attacks on MNK.
Swapped King for Koru after I saw him use Deal Out.
killed 2 more, no chest.
Killed 1 more, A3 chest.
Killed 1 more, got casket A1
Killed 2 more got A4 chest.
So looks like King of Hearts using Deal Out did disrupt the system.
I was also on /rdm so I could do the cast magic by the device objective, and I was pulling the leeches with Dia, didn't seem to affect the requirements for the A3/4 chests.
So... interesting follow-up to this post. After I went in on MNK/RDM. I went back in on my second character as THF/RDM and tried to replicate the same situation. I started out with the same trusts set except instead of Cherukiki I had Monbereux. Killed 5 leeches without WS'ing abd pulling with Acid Bolts instead. No Chest A3... but I did get the casket A1.
Switched Mon out for Cherukiki, and started pulling with Dia. Killed 3 more, still no chest.
Starting casting Dia 3x each fight this time. Killed 3 more.
Chest A3 popped.
Killed 3 more leeches spamming Dia 3x... still no Chest A4
So I decided to try spamming Dia at least 5x... some fight probably cast a little more than that. 3 more kills, Chest A4 popped.
Now, the only thing that doesn't add up right now is why did it take so much more effort to get the chests on THF vs MNK?
Even after I swapped Mon out for Cherukiki I still had to puch more spells. When I was on MNK I literally just pulled with Dia. Than melee'd them down, got both chests and the casket in 6 kills(not counting the one kill I was using King of Hearts instead of Koru).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2022-08-29 16:22:17
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »I was also on /rdm so I could do the cast magic by the device objective, and I was pulling the leeches with Dia, didn't seem to affect the requirements for the A3/4 chests.
Trust magic will count, it did for me last night so you dont have to sub anything subpar to get the device obj.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2022-08-29 16:48:08
Some info on the B Blue chest tonight from our runs.
After going 6 runs a row using Leaden to kill eles and getting blue within either 3 or 5 kills, we went 0/10 on back to back runs today. Exact same setup,buffs,spells,ws used etc but somehow today it didn't work twice in a row.
What game days was it? Might be something to do with gameday vs element used to kill the monster?
By klayy 2022-08-29 17:10:02
Some info on the B Blue chest tonight from our runs.
After going 6 runs a row using Leaden to kill eles and getting blue within either 3 or 5 kills, we went 0/10 on back to back runs today. Exact same setup,buffs,spells,ws used etc but somehow today it didn't work twice in a row.
So someone said they thought it might have to do with kill speed from pull/aggro. This would very much allow for my strat of throwing leadens and AEs at it to succeed more often than not, which is does.
It took a bit longer to get the chest today.. 5-6 kills instead of 3. I know the first one i killed with SC dmg off the 2nd leaden on purpose for science. While I did that, someone pre-pulled/aggroed and idk.. maybe thats a no no there. Either way, something was blocking us. I made sure to kill with magic WS and not to have something sitting around after a pull for too long and got the blue in short order.
idk if that might line up with someone else's observations but just tossing it out there.
By klayy 2022-08-29 17:16:22
Fomor NM camping in that big 2-pt room next to D device... like 80% of the time. We did something that as long as he is there or near the device, you can streamline that whole deal.
I was COR.. aggroed everything. Ran to D device... WAR voked NM off me and pulled it into the corridor on the opposite side of the room to avoid backtracking fomor aggro. I've only done this 2x now but I had no issues porting from D to C. Nothing was hitting me when I used the device. Not sure if you can go up thru melee hits. That almost never works in this game.
Anyway, I port to C, then run back into D and join the others. Kill NM solo then go back into that first room when u pop the locked C gate and zone into D from C. the room with the full pt of fomors. Just 4-step all of them, kill all of them, get the red, both browns and the blue all from that room. Massive time saver but it does maybe require fomor NM to be somewhere near the D device. Feels like he's in that same room like 80% of the time though.
By Asura.Shupyrg 2022-08-29 19:17:22
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »Ragnarok.Vargasfinio said: »Is it even possible for a non-magic job to hit Chest #A3 and Chest #A4 with trusts?
I would love a list of the harder completable tasks that are completable relying on trusts alone...
I'm 100% on getting them on MNK/WAR using auto-attacks only and having the following Trusts: Cherukiki, Koru-Moru, Ulmia, Joachim, Cornelia.
I fight Hecteyes just NE of Device A to do this. Three kills for the first brown chest, three more for the second. It isn't fast, but it works. Whenever I throw in a WS or two, it messes it up.
I just tried this method and it worked for me, first kill I had King of Hearts in stead of Koru.
Killed one with just melee attacks on MNK.
Swapped King for Koru after I saw him use Deal Out.
killed 2 more, no chest.
Killed 1 more, A3 chest.
Killed 1 more, got casket A1
Killed 2 more got A4 chest.
So looks like King of Hearts using Deal Out did disrupt the system.
I was also on /rdm so I could do the cast magic by the device objective, and I was pulling the leeches with Dia, didn't seem to affect the requirements for the A3/4 chests.
So... interesting follow-up to this post. After I went in on MNK/RDM. I went back in on my second character as THF/RDM and tried to replicate the same situation. I started out with the same trusts set except instead of Cherukiki I had Monbereux. Killed 5 leeches without WS'ing abd pulling with Acid Bolts instead. No Chest A3... but I did get the casket A1.
Switched Mon out for Cherukiki, and started pulling with Dia. Killed 3 more, still no chest.
Starting casting Dia 3x each fight this time. Killed 3 more.
Chest A3 popped.
Killed 3 more leeches spamming Dia 3x... still no Chest A4
So I decided to try spamming Dia at least 5x... some fight probably cast a little more than that. 3 more kills, Chest A4 popped.
Now, the only thing that doesn't add up right now is why did it take so much more effort to get the chests on THF vs MNK?
Even after I swapped Mon out for Cherukiki I still had to puch more spells. When I was on MNK I literally just pulled with Dia. Than melee'd them down, got both chests and the casket in 6 kills(not counting the one kill I was using King of Hearts instead of Koru). I have been able to get A3 and A4 100% of the time with MNK/WAR using Koru-Moru/Cornelia/Yoran Oran/Joachim/Ulmia and only using the following JAs: Provoke, Aggressor, Warcry, Impetus, Focus, Footwork and auto-attacks.
Yesterday I didn't noticed that I had Monberaux instead of Ulmia during the first kill and I didn't get the A3 coffer until the 4th kill. It seems that Monberaux do something (I think is the Mix: Dark Potion) that prevents you from getting the coffer (at least following this exact method).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Bismarck.Havenx 2022-08-29 19:54:29
so as RDM/NIN on the A mobs working towards metal and shared.
I melee white damage with EN-spells only solo until it got under 5% and then nuked it with a tier 5 and killed it.
After 3 got the first chest.
However, on the next 3 i did it around 10-14% and didn't get it on the next 3, it wasn't until i did it again at or under 5% with magic kill that it gave me the 2nd chest.
so worth checking out if it is indeed under a % HP magic kill maybe?
By klayy 2022-08-29 20:43:35
Went COR/RDM solo to try see if I could get metal/shard A to work. Not happening. Melee/nuked, did nuke kills, tossed in some QDs, even tried locking gear, wf to wf, unlocking gear and dropping a 15K bliz burst on it. Whatever people think it is, the definition is still very much off. I've gotten those objs in groups easily enough with nuke down/melee help and maybe make sure the nuke kills it strat. For whatever reason, just can't get that to work on COR at all.
Only other thing of note... I killed mt first fire ele with a SC on purpose then killed 2 more quickly. Blue chest on 3rd kill. SC kill is not a blocker. All I got left is some kind of timer kill from either pull or first engaged to death. Like if someone aggros the whole room and a mob doesnt die semi quick, feels like that's a failure. Or maybe even pull, see it cast flare, wait for it to slowly come over then kill... something along those lines is leading to failure from what I can tell.
By klayy 2022-08-29 20:47:31
However, on the next 3 i did it around 10-14% and didn't get it on the next 3, it wasn't until i did it again at or under 5% with magic kill that it gave me the 2nd chest.
so worth checking out if it is indeed under a % HP magic kill maybe?
I'd be surprised. In post above, COR/RDM nuke kills.. all I can do is kill under 5%. Unless trust selection is undermining it. Monberaux, Koru, Apururu cornelia and Arciela I i think. At some point i ditched arciela for rosulatia. But yeah, even if QD messes with it being a successful box kill, I killed at least 12-15 and never ever saw first brown box.
Feel like this condition needs to get hammered out a bit for soloers bc i feel like the non-A bosses are gonna be tough for them. A Boss might be ok. But not if you gotta waste half your time meleeing down with daggers.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 40
By Phoenix.Godofwars 2022-08-29 20:54:20
i was reading all these treads and my god you all still talking about A3/A4 wtf you can see the way it needs to be white dmg and magic kill not hard to do thats all you all talk about from page 1-46 move on lets talk more about B C D my god ppl who want to solo ***and cant cover your stuff then dont go in same as vagery omen and thing in this game i wanna go kill my self how much i see ppl talking about a3/a4
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 181
By Fenrir.Positron 2022-08-29 20:54:51
so worth checking out if it is indeed under a % HP magic kill maybe?
I can say for certain that there is definitely no upper limit to the amount of magic damage you can do with the killshot. I've gotten #A3 and #A4 on multiple runs by simply doing Fire, Ionohelix, Fire III/Fire V in either order. Always get both chests within 6 kills.
Code Positron uses Immanence.
Positron received 100 gallimaufry for a total of 29651.
Positron starts casting Fire on the Abject<81>?Acuex.
Positron casts Fire.^GThe Abject<81>?Acuex takes 5238 points of damage.
The Abject<81>?Acuex hits Positron for 117 points of damage.
Positron uses Immanence.
Positron starts casting Ionohelix on the Abject<81>?Acuex.
Positron casts Ionohelix.^GThe Abject<81>?Acuex takes 2034 points of damage.
Skillchain: Fusion.^GThe Abject<81>?Acuex takes 4207 points of damage.
The Abject<81>?Acuex hits Positron for 105 points of damage.
Records of Eminence: Deal 500+ Damage.
Progress: 110/200.
Positron starts casting Fire V on the Abject<81>?Acuex.
The Abject<81>?Acuex hits Positron for 128 points of damage.
Positron casts Fire V.^GMagic Burst! The Abject<81>?Acuex takes 99999 points of damage.
The Abject<81>?Acuex hits Positron for 108 points of damage.
Positron starts casting Fire III on the Abject<81>?Acuex.
Positron casts Fire III.^GMagic Burst! The Abject<81>?Acuex takes 42468 points of damage.
Positron defeats the Abject Acuex.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies I.
Progress: 123/200.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies (D).
Progress: 7/30.
Records of Eminence: Vanquish Multiple Enemies D (UC).
Progress: 6/20.
Positron received 36 gallimaufry for a total of 29687.
#A treasure coffer status report: 6/7 #?: 0/1.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2022-08-29 20:58:09
Went COR/RDM solo to try see if I could get metal/shard A to work. Not happening. Melee/nuked, did nuke kills, tossed in some QDs, even tried locking gear, wf to wf, unlocking gear and dropping a 15K bliz burst on it. Whatever people think it is, the definition is still very much off. I've gotten those objs in groups easily enough with nuke down/melee help and maybe make sure the nuke kills it strat. For whatever reason, just can't get that to work on COR at all.
Only other thing of note... I killed mt first fire ele with a SC on purpose then killed 2 more quickly. Blue chest on 3rd kill. SC kill is not a blocker. All I got left is some kind of timer kill from either pull or first engaged to death. Like if someone aggros the whole room and a mob doesnt die semi quick, feels like that's a failure. Or maybe even pull, see it cast flare, wait for it to slowly come over then kill... something along those lines is leading to failure from what I can tell.
it's definitely not from time of aggro cuz we've had a brd grab like half the big room with leeches at once and slept. still got chests.