Ffxvi Game Cutscene

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ffxvi game cutscene
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By 2022-10-16 20:52:18
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By 2022-10-16 21:13:52
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サーバ: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-10-16 23:24:16  

stay mad nerd
サーバ: Valefor
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By Valefor.Godsblackarm 2022-10-16 23:28:14  
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By 2022-10-17 00:28:37
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By Draylo 2022-10-17 00:47:59  
i hate that game!
By Draylo 2022-10-17 00:48:18  
oh wait its ffxvi
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By Thunderjet 2022-10-17 03:36:02  
is good game
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By RadialArcana 2022-10-17 05:56:40  
The combat looks terrible, they have way too much bright neon effects and it just looks super tedious button masho. It looks more like a dumbed down devil may cry than Dark Souls, I know some people like DMC but the majority target audience for FF really doesn't. You just know it's going to be constant button mashing badness looking at that.

The characters all look really boring, emotionless and unlikable, I didn't see one character I wanted to know more about. These games are supposed to be all about the characters and this game has no characters that are worth a damn.

The story looks really boring, or at least they are promoting it in the most awful way possible. This looks like some pompous BBC drama or something.

The voice acting isn't good.

The avatar parts were good, mainly cause I like FF stuff. That isn't going to impress people outside of the FF fanbase cause to them they are just random monster cgi that plays when you press a.

The music was just ok but not great, it's nowhere near as iconic as previous FF music tracks. They could of replaced that music with a random two steps from hell music score for cheap and it would of had the same impact or probably been better.

Take the avatar stuff out and this would of been a 2/10 trailer.

I think the biggest problem they are going to face with this game is they are mashing action combat into a palace intrigue type story, they do not match. The people who like this kind of story will not like the combat and vice versa.

The producer said he wanted to add action combat to appeal to a younger audience, does he also think that younger audience will like that story?
サーバ: Bahamut
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user: Suph
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By Bahamut.Suph 2022-10-17 07:41:41  
I feel like the story seems to focus too much on the avatars again... like 14 and 15...

And damn, I know its their schtick now but... I'm kinda tired of hearing about the crystal. Feel like Square Enix just can't come up with any different story anymore? Just avatars and crystals? Everything happens because of them? I feel like the human characters in 15 have no agency, Ardyn became the villain because the avatars chose his brother over him. Noctis fight Ardyn because the crystal choose him? Like he didn't choose to fight, he was chosen to fight?

14 is also like crystals and avatars. Avatars bad, beast summoned avatars with smol crystals, huge crystal choose you to fight avatars.

The combat animation feel very FF14ey. I feel no inertia in their weapon swing, no weight to their weapon, like they aren't swinging steel but plastic.
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By Rips 2022-10-17 10:00:32  
Everyone wants it to be great. We'll find out next year if it is.
サーバ: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Avereith 2022-10-17 10:14:05  
Bahamut.Suph said: »
The combat animation feel very FF14ey. I feel no inertia in their weapon swing, no weight to their weapon, like they aren't swinging steel but plastic.

Big problem for sure. I don't understand why if they want a medieval themed ff game they can't just make the combat slow/methodical/difficult/realistic. All the flashy crap just leads to button mashing and no real learning of in-game mechanics.

Give me a reason to be scared of a monster or a soldier. I want to be afraid of a sword hitting me instead of just being able to be hit 10 times without interupting my attacks or knocking me down on my *** while I spam attacks and then heal away damage, and I want to know my sword hitting the enemy is going to do something meaningful, and not just be something I'll need to repeat a hundred times over and over without being afraid of the enemy just to lower a health bar

Or if they are going to go with flashy crap worth no substance, at least make it turn-based and strategic instead of spammy action garbage

Yeah blah blah there are already games that do this sort of thing. I know, and I like those games and want other games like the new ff to learn to take the same approach instead of thinking everyone wants to see a character flying around the screen making 17 different sword slashes when hitting one button over and over again
By Afania 2022-10-17 13:11:01  
RadialArcana said: »
I know some people like DMC but the majority target audience for FF really doesn't.

Many FF players who claimed to be their target audience also dislike MMO despite 14 is one of the most profitable FF title.

And many FF fans also said they dislike arpg despite ff15 sold nearly 10m copies.

I don't think there is one set criteria for so called "FF target audience". This series is super mainstream to me.

RadialArcana said: »
I think the biggest problem they are going to face with this game is they are mashing action combat into a palace intrigue type story, they do not match. The people who like this kind of story will not like the combat and vice versa.

If these kind of players don't exist who was the one buying witcher games =.=? Of course they do.

Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
I don't understand why if they want a medieval themed ff game they can't just make the combat slow/methodical/difficult/realistic.

FF has always been flashy, and it isn't their first time doing medieval theme, see ff9, which was flashy too.

Personally, I don't understand all the criticism before the game is even out. Idk if it's actually a bad game atm, but it seems that people are being overly harsh about it.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-17 13:39:56  
Lakshmi.Avereith said: »
Give me a reason to be scared of a monster or a soldier. I want to be afraid of a sword hitting me instead of just being able to be hit 10 times without interupting my attacks or knocking me down on my *** while I spam attacks and then heal away damage, and I want to know my sword hitting the enemy is going to do something meaningful, and not just be something I'll need to repeat a hundred times over and over without being afraid of the enemy just to lower a health bar
A lot of people make the joke about XI that "No matter what level you are, there's always a bunny rabbit that can kill you". And while it's true that maybe it shouldn't be a pint-sized herbivore that can kill you, it makes the game a lot more thrilling knowing that even the most mundane fights can quickly end in failure if you aren't paying attention.

There's something to be said about RPGs that ooze strategy, in that it's not just the characters who level up but the player as well. Over time, the player will try new strategies and figure out what's most efficient. It adds replayability because on your second playthrough you know what to do next time.

These action-oriented games are flashy, but tend to lack meaningful strategy. They get so boring because you end up just repeating the same sequence of inputs over and over forever. There's no margin for player improvement, no mistakes to make, no learning curve.

I'm sure this game will do fine. The series has already been coasting off of its namesake for 18 years now. This kind of gameplay is far more likely to pique the interest of younger generations. It's sad that I'll probably never buy another Final Fantasy game, but I guess it makes sense that they aren't going to make games for the folks who liked games like VI, IX, and XI.
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サーバ: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2022-10-17 14:38:45  
Painfully evident most of you have never played nor even understand the basics of DMC's combat system when I see thing like "There's no strategy it's so easy no mistakes to be made blah blah"

Getting s ranks in DMC is one of the most skill based, demanding challenges you can achieve in modern gaming. Ff16's combat is being made by the same man who mastered that craft.

I know everyone around here love to be curmudgeons and hate anything that isn't the exact same old thing they played 30 years ago, but saying how ever aspect of a game that hasn't even released a gameplay demo is terrible based on early trailers is mind boggling.

Plenty of s tier turn based rpgs come out every year, a lot of them are even made or published by SE. Barely ever hear people wax lyrical about those.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-17 15:27:12  
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Plenty of s tier turn based rpgs come out every year, a lot of them are even made or published by SE. Barely ever hear people wax lyrical about those.
If your argument is "there's a lot of good RPGs, so go play those", then I could also argue "there are a lot of good action games, so go play those".

If I wanted to play Devil May Cry, I'd play Devil May Cry. I want to play a Final Fantasy game.

It's the same thing with, like, Command & Conquer 4: it probably would have been an OK game if it were a spin-off or totally different IP, but they called it "Command & Conquer 4" without any base building, resource procurement, or resource management. Why make this a numbered game in the Final Fantasy franchise if you're going to strip away every gameplay element normally associated with that name?

If you're trying to attract the young'uns to a franchise, why not start fresh? This seems like a lose-lose to me:
Anyone hoping it's going to be a Final Fantasy game is going to be disappointed it's not.
Anyone looking for an action game probably isn't going to look for it in a Final Fantasy title. And they probably won't want to start with the sixteenth game in the lineup, either.
By Draylo 2022-10-17 19:51:56  
I honestly really loved Tales of Arise and I never was a huge fan of that combat style beforehand. It was really fun and didn't feel like button mashing mostly.
Posts: 17,970
By Viciouss 2022-10-17 20:11:11  
The combat system doesn't look good to me, only one person in your party? Hard pass. They will need to release a demo to convince me otherwise.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-17 20:27:58  
Viciouss said: »
The combat system doesn't look good to me, only one person in your party? Hard pass. They will need to release a demo to convince me otherwise.
The key is to wait for its release. See what the general consensus is. If it's bad, maybe wait until it goes on sale or something, and maybe you'll like it.

Personally, I've gone out of my way to find a few like-minded reviewers. If they like something, there's a good chance I will as well, and vice-versa.
Posts: 17,970
By Viciouss 2022-10-17 20:33:26  
I have also done that, I am in no hurry to buy it on Day 1, that's for sure. I think they will release a demo, and I will certainly play that. But my idea of Final Fantasy has always been a big party. Normally my favorite character is someone other than the lead.

I played the Stranger of Paradise demo and it was awful. Then it came out and bombed. I think the fate of this game could be very similar.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-17 21:52:27  
Viciouss said: »
I played the Stranger of Paradise demo and it was awful. Then it came out and bombed. I think the fate of this game could be very similar.
I wouldn't necessarily say that. Even if the game doesn't meet anyone's expectations, it's still a numbered Final Fantasy, and it's riding the very tall wave of XIV's popularity. But even if it doesn't bomb, that doesn't mean it couldn't have done better if they focused their audience more.
By Afania 2022-10-18 02:50:58  
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
If I wanted to play Devil May Cry, I'd play Devil May Cry. I want to play a Final Fantasy game.

FF16 seems very FF to me so far. Big summoning monster? Check. Super high quality special effects? Check. Classic FF spells and creatures? Check.

Oh right it's arpg, but so does ff15. It's not even new in this series.

It's art style is the same as 14, which was used before. In a series that has titles that has TWO MMO titles, a genre that's different from single player rpg, I don't see a problem with arpg. It's just different battle system, that's it.

It's not the first FF game with only 1 character either, FF13 LR does it. So it's been done before.

FF16's "change" really isn't as huge as you people say it is IMO.

Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
If you're trying to attract the young'uns to a franchise, why not start fresh? This seems like a lose-lose to me:

Isn't it obvious? FF15 sold nearly 10m copies despite being an unfinished mess. Nier automata was one of SE's best selling arpg in the recent year, it sold half of ff15.

Basically, a game with name "FF" on it automatically adds tons of sales. That's why they want their latest big budget AAA game to be a FF title so they can make their money back.

Further more, there is plenty of indie and AA studios make very good turn based strategy games on mobile and pc and do exceptionally well. Any AAA studio trying to compete in this field will fight for a super saturated market with a much higher price tag.

Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
that doesn't mean it couldn't have done better if they focused their audience more.

What do you mean by "FF target audience" lol. I've been playing FF since the 90s and have played ALL of the mainline titles + FF10-2 and FF13-2/LR. Am I target audience enough?

Personally, I vastly prefer real time battle system, the idea of sitting there watching 1 min summoning magic playing over and over in every battle isn't fun, and I personally don't miss the PS era battle system.

If people like me(and 10m other ff15 buyers) exists, then maybe, not all FF "target audience" likes the same thing as you. It's a bold statement to say this game will fail before it's even out.
Posts: 1,349
By Thunderjet 2022-10-18 04:39:00  
Draylo said: »
i loved symphonia and abyss but not the rest
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2022-10-18 07:15:36  
Rips said: »
Everyone wants it to be great. We'll find out next year if it is.

It's not even a FF game at this point honestly, they could call it anything and it wouldn't matter.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-18 07:57:40  
Afania said: »
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
that doesn't mean it couldn't have done better if they focused their audience more.

What do you mean by "FF target audience" lol. I've been playing FF since the 90s and have played ALL of the mainline titles + FF10-2 and FF13-2/LR. Am I target audience enough?
I've quoted exactly as it was written. Read that again. I didn't say "FF target audience", I said "if they focused their audience more". I don't even know how you got that.

What I mean is, if they stopped trying to paint with this weirdly broad brush and made games that one or another group of people would actually enjoy, maybe - I dunno - people would enjoy them? Ever since XIII, all of their numbered titles are this weird chimera gameplay that takes the absolute worst from everything. Even XIV (which has improved a thousandfold since its beta) was originally released with weird gameplay that resembled the worst parts of XI mixed with the worst parts of WoW.

I'm saying that if XV had a proper direction and stuck to it, it might have done better. They're selling games purely off of the goodwill of their previous titles. But why are you happy with that? Why should I be happy with that?
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tesahade
Posts: 886
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2022-10-18 08:33:28  
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »
I'm saying that if XV had a proper direction and stuck to it, it might have done better. They're selling games purely off of the goodwill of their previous titles. But why are you happy with that? Why should I be happy with that?

I did not realize XV was so strongly despised by the people who played it, I thought it had something like an 8/10 rating most places. I guess SE should be shaking in their boots since the game was so widely despised, financial ruin is clearly around the corner if they don't shape up.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2022-10-18 08:44:14  
I'll let the two of you fight this one out:

Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
I did not realize XV was so strongly despised by the people who played it
Afania said: »
Isn't it obvious? FF15 sold nearly 10m copies despite being an unfinished mess. Nier automata was one of SE's best selling arpg in the recent year, it sold half of ff15.

Basically, a game with name "FF" on it automatically adds tons of sales. That's why they want their latest big budget AAA game to be a FF title so they can make their money back.

If people like me(and 10m other ff15 buyers) exists
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Vyrerus
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By Asura.Vyre 2022-10-18 15:01:31  
RadialArcana said: »
I know some people like DMC but the majority target audience for FF really doesn't.

The majority target audience for FF hasn't been the same for the last decade. Hell, you could even say for the last two decades.

Right now the majority target audience for FF is younger people in their teens to early mid 20s. Us older fans have/haven't stopped liking it, but either way, our expectations of FF are wildly different.

Final Fantasy, like most video games, used to be a niche interest in the early 90s. It hit mainstream with FF7's huge marketing campaign that was built off the back of the earlier titles and other titles that Square made.

That's actually the first time in the series that you can see the demographic shift. The series was already so big at that point, that you already had old timers not liking the direction with 7, or not liking it as much as older titles. Meanwhile, people brand new to gaming bought it up in droves as their first Final Fantasy, and if that is the case for them, than myriad of them do not regard the titles 1 to 6 as even being part of the series for them, viewing them as antiquated humble origins and little else.

Like as not, FFXIV has caused a big shift in the target demographic. I've raided with people in it who were only 12 when it came out, who are 21~22 now. They have no knowledge or care for any entries prior to XIV, so they buy the new titles without our expectations. Their money speaks just as loudly, you know.

It's unfortunate, but we old nerds are actually pushed away from our favorite things, because they aren't for us anymore.
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Vyrerus
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By Asura.Vyre 2022-10-20 11:04:18  
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2022-10-20 11:16:53  
The thing I find weird is that they keep pushing into the action combat for the younger audience, but XIV isn't an action combat game (at least not to this level) and also one of the most successful JP games in recent times is turn based and loved by kids (pokemon)


That trailer was better, however the one thing I found myself feeling while watching it was why are there no fantasy races at all. I wanted to see a catgirl or something, and it really felt like mithra/miqote belonged there for some reason.

The story still looks really dry for me and the combat is still off-putting but it is a far better trailer, I didn't even skip ahead in this one.
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