HD UI And Skill/Spell Mods (XiVew Variant)

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HD UI and Skill/Spell Mods (XiVew variant)
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Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-11-30 08:44:52  
XIView 3.4 (made for retail FFXI)
*Updated 10th June 2024

English Only currently, JP version requires mods of different files.

If using Nameplate Plugin by Velyn, use with Normal Width mod.

Xiview 3.4 A

Adds HD Nameplate font (3 widths)
Adds HD battle Numbers
Adds New Buff Icons
A new Intro splash screen with graphics.
HD buttons.
A new pointer.
New Equip boxes.
New macro graphics.
HD weather icons (weather and on elements on gear / pup frames)
HD Gil Icon

Region map mod.

XiView 3.4 A

XiView 3.4 B (this is all in A + menu mods)

All Above & Menu modifications, making the menu window boxes bigger and adding new bigger icons to all the spells, abilities and mounts.

XIView 3.4 B

Images below.


config/windows/shared windows type: 5,6,7,8 are changed

0/18.dat, 19.dat, 20.dat, 21.dat are menu background mods
119/50.dat is the splash screen
119/51.dat is for UI
119/57.dat is for skill/spell icons
280/15.dat is menu icons (not in A)
324/95.dat is menu icons (not in A)


Image Examples:

HD login Screen

5 is in the zip above, the others below are alternate versions of 50.dat start screen.




Font / Icons:


Condensed 1.

Condensed 2.

Menu mod from Xiview 3.4 B


To change parts of the 51.dat in the "x modify with drag and drop elements" folder.


THESE FILES MAY NEED TO BE UPDATED AFTER A PATCH IF THE DEVELOPERS UPDATE THE UI. 90% of patches they will be fine, but sometimes these files need to be updated and I'll post a new version if this is the case here. Check date at the top.


Alt DDS files:
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-11-30 08:45:05  
XiAudio Menu SFX mods.



Corsair Card Rolls HD Mods

If the folders say "numbers" or "roman" it either has numbers on the cards or roman numerals, use one or the other.

Lucky numbers means it has a X next to a number (unlucky) or the number is gold (lucky), most of these cor mods do not have this unless specifically stated.

Best used with XIpivot, since there are a lot of dats.

Corsair Card HD mods (lucky / unlucky numbers)

Alternate corsair rolls mods.



Bard HD notes:

Bard HD Notes


Level / Mlevel / Job Point / Merit HD mods

Best used with XIpivot.

Level / Mlev / Merit / Job Point HD mods


Mission Rank up Text Mods.

Mission Rank 1-10 3 nations mod.


Sitchair mods 2023 (updated)

Chair Mods


Home point file location:


Home Point Mod



Geomancer Clear Bubble Mod



Puppetmaster Puppet HD mods (updated 2024, pic is older)

Puppets, Trusts, Cut-scene and NPC puppets.

Puppet HD Mods 2024


RadialArcana said: »
Someone made this model in 2007, I updated the mod in 2024 to fix the skeleton issues where the head armor flicks out of place and fixed the clipping issues around the ears. As well as added a few other color variants.

Player Wyvern only.


Blue Wyvern (gold/white, gold/black, silver/white, silver/black, Nyame)
Black Wyvern (gold/white, gold/black, silver/white, silver/black, Nyame)

Wyvern Armor Mods


Balloon Blue Story Dialogue Windower Addon

Download the zip, put the folder in your windower addon folder and start it by typing.

//lua l balloonblue

You can drag the text box around with the mouse.

Windower Addon, this one is not a mod.

Balloon Blue

GhostyStar made a more advanced version of this addon Link to Thread.
Posts: 3
By leopeo 2022-12-01 05:59:26  
looks fantastic ty, looking forward to the alt fonts
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-12-01 07:20:55  
Brilliant work!!! Will start testing these out today. Thanks!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-12-01 10:46:46  
Really enjoying these changes in my first few hours with them! My favorite so far are the elemental replacement icons, had no idea such a simple change would be so nice. The master stars also look amazing as do the bazaar and linkshell icons.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-01 10:59:19  
It's nice to have something different to play with if nothing else xD Appreciate you testing them out.

I'll prob start uploading mods to nexusmods once I'm sure it's working properly and go from there, easier to keep them updated and it doesn't eat my google drive.
Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-12-01 13:44:04  
Pretty good, and thank's for the work done.
Also to share it to the community !
( Ps: Jeanpaul icons still better to read specialy on BRD songs )

The subtle deliverybox work for 000/000/000 is really nice

Star and Bazaar icons , best i have seen so far , love the U.I big time
By ithorien 2022-12-01 14:24:11  
I was just recently humoring doing something like this, this is amaze. Can't wait for alt fonts :D
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By 2022-12-01 14:38:01
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: xXSagaXx
Posts: 23
By Asura.Itsasaga 2022-12-01 14:58:34  
So far so good, I'll report if I run in any issues.


Edit: Love the cursor! Edit2: No crash at all, super clean on Ultra Wide.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-01 16:34:14  
KujahFoxfire said: »
These look great! Is there a way to set a unique icon for each brd song so we can easily identify exactly which we have, like to differentiate between HM and VM etc.

Sadly not, just family of song and HM and VM are considered the same family. Red for minuet, haste pink color for marches, blue for accuracy etc

Worth keeping in mind you can mix and match from other Xivew mods, so you can use 51 from this and 57 (skill icons) from another if you want.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-01 17:02:16  
This is a condensed version of the UI mod with a different nameplate, again it's not finished and so is still rough and not properly sized on some letters.

Less space between letters, basically more squished and condensed together to give a more appealing look. Icons are also more rounded and job point stars are different.

HD UI Vanilla Condensed Font 51.dat

Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-12-02 01:44:29  
Even Better <3
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By 2022-12-02 02:53:07
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Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-02 03:34:43  
KujahFoxfire said: »
Gave this a try last night and everything looks great. One thing I ran into though was the party buffs shown on xivparty addon were of my xiview icons. Would there be a way to integrate this into that addon so everything matches?

Yeah it's just a matter of making a folder for that addon with these icons in it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: geefresh
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Geefresh 2022-12-02 04:19:18  
Very nice on ultrawide, thanks!
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-02 05:04:10  
If anyone using ultrawide can post a pic of the nameplate it would be great, just so I can see font spacing etc.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-02 06:13:03  
Added some UI background mods to 2nd post.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2022-12-02 07:05:09  
KujahFoxfire said: »
Gave this a try last night and everything looks great. One thing I ran into though was the party buffs shown on xivparty addon were of my xiview icons. Would there be a way to integrate this into that addon so everything matches?

If you use my All-In One HD Packs make sure your putting 57.dat into the HD/Lore Pack and 51.dat into the Final Fantasy Rom/119 folder. I had this same issue and it's due to the two dats currently being modified in different locations for people with my setup.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-02 07:12:03  
Posts: 81
By Onimaru 2022-12-02 09:17:02  
RadialArcana said: »
This is a condensed version of the UI mod with a different nameplate, again it's not finished and so is still rough and not properly sized on some letters.

Less space between letters, basically more squished and condensed together to give a more appealing look. Icons are also more rounded and job point stars are different.

HD UI Vanilla Condensed Font 51.dat

"Good man! You set 'em up and I'll knock 'em back, Lloyd. One by one."
Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-12-02 09:24:37  
Loging screen where to get ? please
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Hibiu
Posts: 33
By Lakshmi.Armaddon 2022-12-02 10:56:36  
Really enjoying these all so far :) My only minor suggestion would be to maybe consider adopting some more at-a-glance discernable coloring for some of the buff icons in the top bar, like for songs (e.g. do a bright red note for minuets, bright blue for marches, etc.). I don't have a screencap handy but when you're sitting on 20-30 buffs plus negative status effects in stuff like Sortie, it's a bit tough to figure out exactly what's going on. Granted, much of that is just learning the new icons, but it was tough to differentiate some things whether Regen/Refresh was active, various stat down icons, specific songs, etc.

That said, I still like them enough to keep on using them, even with no changes!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: geefresh
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Geefresh 2022-12-02 19:09:49  
Ultrawide pics. New font dat on the top.

Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-03 05:22:30  
zigzagzig said: »
Loging screen where to get ? please

I'll upload them later today, I have like 6 alternate images for the main logo.

Lakshmi.Armaddon said: »
Really enjoying these all so far :) My only minor suggestion would be to maybe consider adopting some more at-a-glance discernable coloring for some of the buff icons in the top bar, like for songs (e.g. do a bright red note for minuets, bright blue for marches, etc.). I don't have a screencap handy but when you're sitting on 20-30 buffs plus negative status effects in stuff like Sortie, it's a bit tough to figure out exactly what's going on. Granted, much of that is just learning the new icons, but it was tough to differentiate some things whether Regen/Refresh was active, various stat down icons, specific songs, etc.

That said, I still like them enough to keep on using them, even with no changes!

I'll probably make the circles around the songs colored too, to make it easier to distinguish. Also maybe the refresh red up arrow to green or something.

Bahamut.Geefresh said: »
Ultrawide pics. New font dat on the top.

Awesome, thanks. I'll make one even more condensed to try soon.
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-03 05:57:47  

All have HD elements, just the logo is different. HD expansion images on the right, HD wardrobe images, HD keyfob, HD pointer / buttons to match rest of the UI.

Normal Logo

Logo 2

Logo 3

Logo 4

Logo 5

Logo 6

Logo 7

Logo 8

These go in rom/119 50.dat
Posts: 4,827
By RadialArcana 2022-12-03 06:30:18  
League Font (League of Legends) version of 51.dat above

This is the same as the UI file above (51.dat) but with a League of Legends font for names, UI etc (normal width) Basically a gothic looking font.
Posts: 218
By zigzagzig 2022-12-03 07:10:13  
Cheer's Mate <3

Awesomeness, and did i said i love the U.I yet :)) ?

This is a Refresh to my daily FF11 Fix, and again thank's for sharing, thank's for the Work Done !!!
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