Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth
By RadialArcana 2024-02-09 08:59:59
I think social media is at its worst when it's linked to your real life identity, this is where it causes extreme stress. We have enough stress as it is, optionally adding more by opening yourself up to millions of people in that way seems really damn stupid to me.
By Afania 2024-02-09 09:47:54
So if they chicken out (which I think they obviously will) and not have him kill her, or have him kill another character that doesn't matter so much to the player then he will be greatly diminished as a villain in the eyes of the generations who never played the original.
Didn't Nomura said the character that died in the OG will die in the remake too? It is a bold prediction to made when Nomura already has a stance on this matter lol.
Edit: also...a lot of fans actually assulted FF7 writer's twitter and ask dead characters stay dead like the OG, not the opppsite.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-09 09:55:00
When foreigners attack you on twitter it doesn't really have as much impact, which is why there is a header message on the JP forums asking people to not be toxic and none on the english ones that are worse.
By Afania 2024-02-09 12:52:40
When foreigners attack you on twitter it doesn't really have as much impact, which is why there is a header message on the JP forums asking people to not be toxic and none on the english ones that are worse.
Pretty sure it was Japanese spamming Nojima's Twitter account in Japanese, as his response to these people are written in Japanese.....
You must live in romanticized Japan in alternate reality if you think Japanese internet users never spam toxic messages on Twitter and always behave on forums. Some of the Japanese forums like 2ch/5ch has some of the worst internet behaviour I've seen.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-09 13:42:13
The only real pressure Japanese devs get is from publishers or corporate, western writers live on twitter and get bullied from both sides at once.
Which is why they should stop using twitter, but they can't cause they are addicted to social validation.
By Afania 2024-02-09 14:17:11
The only real pressure Japanese devs get is from publishers or corporate, western writers live on twitter and get bullied from both sides at once.
Japanese devs use Twitter too. You can easily find Nomura and Nojima's Twitter account. Japanese internet users bully creators that they don't like all the time. Even Yoshi P complained about Japanese FF fans harassed him for FF16.
You are so wrong if you think JP dev never use Twitter and never have to deal with Twitter bully....
By RadialArcana 2024-02-09 15:57:37
It's not the same at all, the rank and file are not all using twitter and the big guys that do tend to use it for business and not personal use.
If I had to use Twitter for business, I wouldn't even look at replies cause who tfcares what some loser says to you. It's a job thing, not something you would be invested in emotionally.
Japan is nowhere near the same as broken as western culture with our faction based outrage society, that is fanned by influencers and journalists on both sides making a living doing so. Sure a small minority in japan do, and some western people using google translate do but it's nothing compared to what happens here.
By Afania 2024-02-10 02:58:26
It's not the same at all, the rank and file are not all using twitter and the big guys that do tend to use it for business and not personal use.
If I had to use Twitter for business, I wouldn't even look at replies cause who tfcares what some loser says to you. It's a job thing, not something you would be invested in emotionally.
You have no idea how real business works if you think people who manages social media account never care about content triggering bad public reputation lol. I used to run multiple social media account for my boss, if a post read very slightly wrong or offensive my boss call me to her room and complain about it hardcore.
It does not matter if the account is personal or business. If you do business then you have to manage public reputation period.
Quote: It's a job thing, not something you would be invested in emotionally.
If you damaged the reputation of your company by posting offensive stuff using company account and lose job because of that, I wonder if you are still unaffected emotionally lol.
Japan is nowhere near the same as broken as western culture with our faction based outrage society
Internet outrage happens when 2 different political values clash.
Japan is a highly monolithic culture that most people have the same value and are the same race. So if you are a Japanese creator, you know exactly where the line is, and you probably support such red line yourself. Hence you are less likely to cross the line in Japan.
If you notice Japan has less internet outrage on creativity this is probably the reason.
That does not mean they have higher tolerance on offensive creativity than everyone else. For example, Japanese totally got mad over mushroom cloud meme from Barbie some time ago despite no other country did.
Even in Japan you still need to create within the boundaries of what is consider culturally acceptable by most people. This is not any different from anywhere else in the world.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-10 07:07:37
I saw a meme a while ago.
Japanese developers don't really understand Twitter or the west very much, so when they saw Americans on twitter complaining about guns, slavery, pokemon, AI and survival prepping they thought they liked those things cause they talk about them so much, so just made a game where you kill ai looking pokemon with guns in a survival game, and where you can turn them into slaves at your base to make stuff for you.
Them not understanding Twitter is one of their greatest strengths, because although many people think it represents our culture and their customers. It really does not, it's a fraction of a fraction of people who are not representative of our society at all. But many in the game industry think it is.
Palworld has sold 20-30 million copies so far, the upper echelon of Twitter hates it and are also confused why everyone loves it.
In the latest ff7R trailer you can kind of see Square fighting with itself with this internally, and not really knowing what to do. They know what their actual customers want from their games, but they are also afraid of Twitter backlash.
So you get the hilarious scene where you have these two sexy women in swimsuits, (with a visible thong no less) but they know enough about twitter to not have a male character appreciate them, so they just have red sitting there alone to appreciate them in the swimsuits in a very weird way lol Any other JP developer would not even understand this weird twitter stuff and would so just have the protagonist appreciate them in the swimsuits, if there was a scene like this. Which is why they connect with customers better, cause most people don't see a problem with it in the first place.
Square Enix are a weird company these days, they are twitter aware but they are also aware that being twitter aware is bad for sales.
By jubes 2024-02-10 07:38:18
i think you're reading way too far into a lighthearted scene designed to get a laugh
By RadialArcana 2024-02-10 07:39:26
This game is costing 200-300 million dollars and will impact the stock price to the value of billions, I don't at all.
You can see how desperate Square executives are to latch onto any trending thing, by the way they went after NFT and now AI to try get investors in on anything trending.
Imagine the scene above where the two girls come down and Cloud and Barret are there admiring them, you can almost feel the anger twitter just thinking about it. Even though that is completely normal human behavior, and women would act that way and you see it irl all the time.
By Afania 2024-02-10 08:39:17
so when they saw Americans on twitter complaining about guns, slavery, pokemon, AI
Yeah, because if Twitter doesn't exist those people totally won't complain about guns, slavery and AI somewhere else...oh wait they will.
Stop blaming Twitter for western culture affecting Japanese creations man. Twitter is just one platform out of many. It doesn't matter what platform is you can not be offensive to your target audience(or at least, part of TA) if your story intend to sell to that group. Or else they won't buy the product.
This literally applies to every culture. Every culture has their own shares of taboo that companies can't touch. Western market just happened to be big enough to have more influence than other cultures.
Quote: You can see how desperate Square executives are to latch onto any trending thing, by the way they went after NFT and now AI to try get investors in on anything trending.
What is wrong with game companies going after AI?
By Jetackuu 2024-02-10 09:03:17
Ultimicia/Artimisia , though not mentioned, has been present since Disc 1. We just learn about her later on as "the plot thickens". I understand that some people would have loved to see her interacting with the main cast & having a more active, on-screen role, instead of influencing events from the shadows.
FF8 has weak villains anyways imo (Seifer is a complete joke of a character, could've been written better). But, if I learned anything, it's that localization can greatly affect how a character is perceived, and it's established that it affected how Squall is perceived outside Japan. So, maybe I'd get a different impression of Seifer if I play the game in Japanese.
Necron, on the other hand...
Well, we had Kuja to entertain us throughout the game, so we can just ignore him/her/it. I think a lot of the confusion around 8's story and Ultimecia was that people a. tend to pay less attention to the exposition and b. have poor reading comprehension. If done with voice acting it probably wouldn't have confused so many. That being said: Seifer sucks lol.
But lets be honest: most people spam confirm on the long chat scenes and don't really pay attention.
By Afania 2024-02-10 09:18:07
i think you're reading way too far into a lighthearted scene designed to get a laugh
I don't know if that scene is intentional. But I don't think it is fair to blame Twitter or even western cancel culture for it even if it is.
There is a fair share of feminism movement in east asia, which is against the idea of sexualizing female. You see all sorts of examples like this post on change.org.
So even if Twitter doesn't exist and Americans never say a word at Japanese stories, at least some feminists in Japan will say a thing if a 200-300 million dollars budget game from a 5k employee company don't attempt to set a good example in the society.
Creativity limitation is not avoidable unless you never publish your story. The moment you publish a story it will be judged and people will have problems with it if you crossed the line. Location does not matter.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-10 09:42:21
Since this is going off to what people want to read in a FF7 thread, I'll spoiler it and prob stop at this.
Quote: Yeah, because if Twitter doesn't exist those people totally won't complain about guns, slavery and AI somewhere else...oh wait they will.
Stop blaming Twitter for western culture affecting Japanese creations man. Twitter is just one platform out of many. It doesn't matter what platform is you can not be offensive to your target audience(or at least, part of TA) if your story intend to sell to that group. Or else they won't buy the product.
This literally applies to every culture. Every culture has their own shares of taboo that companies can't touch. Western market just happened to be big enough to have more influence than other cultures.
Years ago, the entire games industry mocked people who complained about this puritan stuff, when they complained the industry mocked them and made the games even more outrageous. Tiddies for days, jiggle physics, shocking scenes, bad words. Because they made all their money from the customers and investors did not see value in their industry, so who cares if they are mad.
As soon as the industry became noticed by the investor senpai they did a 180, now all these puritan (and it is puritanism, just rebranded with different reasoning) issues were taken seriously and the entire industry decided it was time to "grow up" and censored their games to the wishes of these investors.
Now all these guys wearing iron maiden t-shirts started wearing suits, and talking on CNN and Fox news investment sections about their new games.
Always follow the money.
The reason Twitter is such a bad influence is because most investors are out of touch boomers that don't like or understand video games, but it's a very profitable industry they want to make money from it. So what do these out of touch boomers do? they follow what Twitter and journalists (who are influenced by twitter) say. They invest or pull investment based on twitter trends, because they are clueless to the industry and act like sheep out of fear of losing their money.
Just as they were fooled into investing billions into Esports, thinking it was going to be the next big thing (lol). They are oblivious and follow trends and hype still, you can always find a boomer with billions of dollars that thinks esports will one day be the next NBA or whatever.
Quote: What is wrong with game companies going after AI?
Nothing, AI is amazing and is the next step for the game industry. The point is Square just blindly follow anything that trends because they are pandering to potential investors.
Square enix went in big on NFT, where is that now? They just jump on anything in desperation, cause they disconnect brain and just follow trends and act in a very chaotic manner.
This is a company that sold off all their western IP for pennies, to invest it all in NFT tech.
The hope is that when games like FF7R x3 do well, when they are obviously pushing into fan service (not just in the characters, but in making all the things fans want as opposed to just investors) that they get the message and push that into their other games. People like Square because they make high quality JRPGs, not because they pander to the west so hard. .
Quote: I think you are overly harsh on SE because you are an ex-fan turned hater lol.
If I didn't care I wouldn't waste my time talking about it at all. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.
By Afania 2024-02-10 10:11:06
This is a company that sold off all their western IP for pennies, to invest it all in NFT tech.
No they did not. SE is a 5k employee company, allocating 20 employee out of 5k to explore NFT tech is not investing all in NFT tech. It is diversifying portfolio.
Big companies trying a new technology is what pushes new techology forward. If a big company don't do this, who will? Smaller game companies absolute can not afford branching into a new techology, they don't have enough manpower nor resources.
Personally, I am happy to see bigger companies(SE or not) explore new tech and potential market for future growth. If they fail it is not going to kill them. investors lose money anyways, Which is not most people's problem. if they succeed that means bigger market and more jobs for creative people in the industry. Which is ultimately a good thing.
The point is Square just blindly follow anything that trends because they are pandering to potential investors.
So if a not-SE company uses AI then they are amazing, if SE uses it they are chasing the trend? just admit everyone is chasing the AI trend to begin with lol.
I think you are overly harsh on SE because you are an ex-fan turned hater lol.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,596
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-02-10 10:39:42
No they did not. SE is a 5k employee company, allocating 20 employee out of 5k to explore NFT tech is not investing all in NFT tech. It is diversifying portfolio. SE invested 7 billion yen (~47 million USD) into NFT's well after NFT's started to crash hard.
That's not "diversifying a portfolio".
By Afania 2024-02-10 10:58:56
No they did not. SE is a 5k employee company, allocating 20 employee out of 5k to explore NFT tech is not investing all in NFT tech. It is diversifying portfolio. SE invested 7 billion yen (~47 million USD) into NFT's well after NFT's started to crash hard.
That's not "diversifying a portfolio".
Source? Last time I checked they have an NFT game called Symbiogenesis announced. Not sure if 7b yen is spent on that.
Another post here:
Said "a ¥7 billion investment into a mobile developer called Gumi, which has worked on and distributed NFT games in the past."
"develop high-quality mobile online and blockchain games."
They didn't say if all the money was spent on one thing, only have plans to spend it on blockchain related techology. I am not sure how much has been spent for now.
Also just to be clear, I am not pro-nft games nor pro-SE. But I am pro-new techology and experiment. I prefer to let the market make decisions on the value of blockchain techology instead of judging it based on personal preference.
Edit: after some google search, I think Phantom of the Kill -Alternative Imitation scheduled for 2024 release may be the result of this investment. It is a mobile game from Gumi that has nft as part of gameplay experience.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-10 12:49:03
It's kind of telling I would want this as a ff11 player, but I hope they add grind content somewhere. Maybe some kind of super bosses that you can only fight at a higher level, which gives a reason to do the grinding.
Like stuff you can sit in a camp and kill monsters to level up, and get stronger. Maybe even farm drops and stuff.
I like that kind of stuff, I hate the way games push you around and you feel like you can't just stop and do your own thing for a long time cause you wanna.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-22 11:13:26
The reason stuff like this matters, is as shown with baldurs gate 3 (with that bear stuff) it shows the developers are not being held back by prudish share holders demands. This is not just a booba, this has a greater meaning to potential players in a far more general way to how the game will be.
Nobody really bought BG3 cause they wanted to see bear stuff, but it was a very clear message the game was going to not be censored or restricted for modern audiences. In 2024 that's a big deal, and it exploded because of it.
A simple video like this will have a far greater impact on customer faith that the game will be good in every other way that matters beyond a swimsuit.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Asura.Sensarity 2024-02-22 12:40:25
This is how you sell your game to me
By RadialArcana 2024-02-22 18:51:18
By RadialArcana 2024-02-25 09:49:03
The demo isn't well done imo.
Starts off too slow, the whole point of a demo is to try to appeal to people who may have never played ff7 before. A lot of these kinds of people probably bailed in the first 10 mins, when it wanted you to climb up the water tower (which wasn't that clear either unless you're already familiar with the UI).
>eat a sammich, look around, climb the tower, play a piano.
Demo should have started when you meetup with Tifa, it's good from there but they took too long to get to that point.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,596
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-02-25 11:16:14
By Shichishito 2024-02-25 12:38:15
This is how you sell your game to me
 But... you're gay.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-02-25 13:05:39
no doubt a better game than 16
By RadialArcana 2024-02-25 13:23:33
I wish game devs would stop watching streamers, so much stuff I could complain about in this demo.
>complex combat system
>stops the game every 5 seconds to tell you more and more features
>yellow paint on everything so you don't get lost
y tho
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-02-25 14:09:16
Is that satire
By RadialArcana 2024-02-25 14:26:52
Not gonna lie, didn't like the demo very much. Sad as it is to say.
Combat was pretty good, graphics are very nice.
Yellow moron paint sucked and made me feel like the game was on rails from the moment I saw it, the forced gameplay sucked where you have to press and hold l1 and r1 to turn wheel or crawl etc, the start was slow, the way sephiroth follows you around like a lost puppy was kind of odd, the vacuum parts sucked and felt stupid.
My love of the original game is doing all the heavy lifting.
Hope the game is better than the demo.
Since the latest trailer just dropped, I figured I'd start a thread for Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth discussion leading up to its release in Early 2024. I will include trailers for both English and Japanese as there are often subtle differences between the footage for the two.
Let's mosey!
Final Trailer English
Final Trailer Japanese
State of Play
"Destined for Rebirth" Trailer English "Destined for Rebirth" Trailer Japanese Theme Song Announcement Trailer English Theme Song Announcement Trailer Japanese State of Play 2023 English State of Play 2023 Japanese Summer Game Fest 2023 English Summer Game Fest 2023 Japanese First Look Trailer English First Look Trailer Japanese