Fujito 4gamer Interview

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Fujito 4gamer interview
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By SimonSes 2023-08-15 05:26:14  
Dodik said: »
Will they though. I'm not particularly interested in playing another FF title since 15, after playing and fully completing every FF title since FF6 before then.

Whether they release it on PC a year later is inconsequential. Will be too busy playing BG3 and 11 anyway.

Fans of classic RPG or JRPG-like experiences are not exactly the target market for FF16, or any future FF titles looks like.

More excited to see if the next Dragon Age is any good.

I wasn't talking about people who wouldn't buy it in the first place. I'm talking about people waiting to buy it on other platform. SE will still get their money eventually. They can even score extra points for PC users by adding various PC exclusive graphic settings and even if that will make PS5 users slightly angry, it wont matter, because they already bought it.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1190
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-08-15 06:21:27  
Draylo said: »
They ruined paper mario. I dont like most of their "innovations" and they are one of the most money hungry gaming companies there is with their copyright strikes and lame business moves for the most part. Hardware that's always stuck in the past too. Not sure why they being praised so much because of one or two games.

Oh man I'll White Knight for Nintendo all day. The only perspective I have for Anti-Nintendo people is simply that Nintendo doesn't have a business daddy and they are still in the game of making Hardware AND Software. Ain't nobody showing up to bail them out when they make stupid mistakes.

The reason they are praised is they release finished games that are optimized for the consoles they were designed for. That does not make them objectively good, but it is a refreshing change from un-optimized/polished/finished games that want to sell you the DLC which is actually just the rest of the game. If you like Main stream Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda they have made only a couple of real missteps as far as keeping their fan base and have managed to pump out ton of titles over the years to keep that fanbase happy.

My personal favorite for Nintendo is Yoshi games and they have never released a bad one. However, if you're a competitive Smash player then you should hate their guts and rightfully so because they've probably personally impacted you negatively. If you're waiting on another F-Zero, you owe them no loyalty.

They absolutely ruined Paper Mario with intentional stagnation. I remember reading something about the internal politics on limiting the amount of characters it was allowed to pull from and it was a weird read.

So what is actually new that is coming out from them that will be executed to a T? Super Mario Bros. Wonder coming out at the end of this year is exactly the kind of questionable innovation that you can't get away with at other studios and it will probably sell like crazy because it's on the Switch (Not PS5), is an intentional departure from the previous style itineration, and looks like tons of new fun. Plus DRUGS~!!! It could play like *** and be horrible, but that's not something you would assume with Nintendo's reputation because they actually play test their games until they are ready.
サーバ: Excalibur
user: Rooks
Posts: 665
By Idiot Boy 2023-08-15 08:27:36  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Guy wants more turn based games from SE like "FF prime days"
Then dismissed a turn based game SE released within the last year because "a retro sequel"
See, I was going to say "SE still has multiple franchises that use turn-based combat, Octopath/Bravely/Dragon Quest/etc" and then I remembered that DQ12 is both veering away from turn-based (gonna bet it's ATB, based on the phrasing) and aimed at "a more adult audience", which just made me sad. I don't need a gritty Dragon Quest, if I want a sad ending I'll play Final Fantasy!
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1190
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-08-15 12:13:55  
Doing All Ages very well is always an impressive feat and also extremely lucrative. That is sad news on DQ
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2046
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-08-15 14:54:41  
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Oh man I'll White Knight for Nintendo all day. The only perspective I have for Anti-Nintendo people is simply that Nintendo doesn't have a business daddy and they are still in the game of making Hardware AND Software. Ain't nobody showing up to bail them out when they make stupid mistakes.

I torrent everything Nintendo makes because it's morally correct to pirate Nintendo. I can go into reasons but just look at their store and what they charge for aged games. TOTK Looked amazing on my 7900xtx in 4k 60fps (upscaled 8k 30fps looked great too).

SimonSes said: »
I wasn't talking about people who wouldn't buy it in the first place. I'm talking about people waiting to buy it on other platform. SE will still get their money eventually. They can even score extra points for PC users by adding various PC exclusive graphic settings and even if that will make PS5 users slightly angry, it wont matter, because they already bought it.

I'm just gonna torrent it lol... I haven't heard anything about it other then both sides saying its great/sucks but SE "I cant do no wrong" Attitude just makes me not care to buy it.

these companies deserve to burn with their anti-consumer practices
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 1876
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-15 14:59:21  
Companies have anti-consumer practices therefore it's ok to steal from them is a hell of a logical leap.

Is it cool to steal TVs from Walmart because you don't agree with their business practices as well? We good to rob a bank because of their refund policy for overdraft fees?
By Dodik 2023-08-15 15:21:01  
Copying a game isn't theft, get real. You can disagree with it all you like, it doesn't make it theft. That's music/games industry propaganda.

Definition of theft is you deprive someone of their possession. Copying a game means you make extra copies of it and you both have it.

Not theft by definition.

If you steal a TV from Walmart Walmart no longer has the TV you took and you do.

Breach of the license, copyright infringement, sure.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 1876
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-15 15:30:47  
OK sorry, let me rephrase:

It's OK to break the law and deprive them of $60 for the product they are selling.

This would be like going to a masseuse and getting a massage and then walking out without paying because you don't like the way they advertise. Having someone do your taxes for you, and then not paying them because you don't agree with the way they treat their secretary. Fill in the blank with any other service you'd like. Or you could talk about taking digital art from someone for some arbitrary reason, because you think their website sucks.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1192
By Fenrir.Richybear 2023-08-15 15:31:16  
That's why I photocopy money, it's just copying it. Plus it's Canadian, so it's not real either
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 2719
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-08-15 15:41:22  
"I steal from Nintendo because anti-consumer practices"

You dont need to robin hood your validation of theft, just say you poor.
Guide Master
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19549
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-08-15 15:53:37  
You're depriving the publisher of a sale (in the case of a nintendo game, $50-$70) when you steal/pirate a game, but ignoring material losses it is copyright theft. Saying that copying a game isn't theft isn't a defensible position in court and any level of semantics isn't going to protect you.

The moral ambiguity of stealing $60 from a publisher (not a developer) and the age old argument of "I wasn't going to buy it anyway, so they didn't lose anything" are irrelevant but up for debate in terms of philosophy.
Posts: 81
By Onimaru 2023-08-15 15:56:10  
Meh, they'll live.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2046
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2023-08-15 16:00:29  
Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
"I steal from Nintendo because anti-consumer practices"

You dont need to robin hood your validation of theft, just say you poor.

and there isn't nothing you can do to stop me with my 1gb up/down and my $1k gfx card

Best believe I brought elden ring, SF6 and BG3 lmao
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2023-08-15 16:15:51  
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
If you're waiting on another F-Zero, you owe them no loyalty.
I want a new generation 8 man player console bomberman and 4 player star fox.

also, what is BG3?
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 1876
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-08-15 16:24:21  
Do they not offer internet service to the rock you live under? BG3 = Baldur's Gate 3, the latest hotness.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2052
By Bahamut.Negan 2023-08-15 16:24:23  
Blazed1979 said: »
I want a new generation 8 man player console bomberman and 4 player star fox.

also, what is BG3?

OMG. Bomberman!

BG3 = Baldur's Gate 3 and it's hella fun.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2023-08-15 16:29:03  
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Do they not offer internet service to the rock you live under? BG3 = Baldur's Gate 3, the latest hotness.
everyone i know irl makes stupid tiktok videos doing the macarena. I need cool friends ; ;
By Dodik 2023-08-15 16:33:55  
Will also never get charged for theft if you download or pirate anything because theft can never be proven in those cases. See any charges brought against any pirate ever.

None of them had "theft" on them. All were related to breaches of copyright which again, is not theft.

Still illegal. Still not theft. Semantics, sure. Law is pretty big on semantics.

"Depriving a potential sale" - also not real. No pirate ever has, successfully or not, been charged with depriving a potential sale. Another fancy thing companies like to claim.
By 2023-08-15 17:04:27
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Posts: 42658
By Jetackuu 2023-08-15 22:23:26  
Dodik said: »
Copying a game isn't theft, get real. You can disagree with it all you like, it doesn't make it theft. That's music/games industry propaganda.

Definition of theft is you deprive someone of their possession. Copying a game means you make extra copies of it and you both have it.

Not theft by definition.

If you steal a TV from Walmart Walmart no longer has the TV you took and you do.

Breach of the license, copyright infringement, sure.

Dude, trust me: if you have to bring that up, nobody who doesn't already understand that is going to get it. Like you're not wrong, but you'll never win the argument as it's too logical.
Posts: 8284
By Afania 2023-08-15 23:22:13  
Dodik said: »
Will also never get charged for theft if you download or pirate anything because theft can never be proven in those cases. See any charges brought against any pirate ever.

None of them had "theft" on them. All were related to breaches of copyright which again, is not theft.

Still illegal. Still not theft. Semantics, sure. Law is pretty big on semantics.

"Depriving a potential sale" - also not real. No pirate ever has, successfully or not, been charged with depriving a potential sale. Another fancy thing companies like to claim.

Dodik said: »
Copying a game isn't theft, get real. You can disagree with it all you like, it doesn't make it theft. That's music/games industry propaganda.

I dont disagree with the law definition part. But I think what you said here about music/games industry propaganda is very, very debatable though.

Copyright infringement doesn't just affect musicians and game creators, but also writers who sell books
and programmers who sell code, or artists/photographers who sell stock photos/illustrations on Gumroad or Shutterstock.

Basically if you create any kind of content and sell them then you may ended up wasting your time if people choose to copy them instead of buying. This can affect creators even outside of game/music industry.

I highly doubt that poor writer who make $20k per year from books and believe copying= stealing has the resources to start propaganda.
Posts: 8284
By Afania 2023-08-16 04:08:51  
Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
these companies deserve to burn with their anti-consumer practices

Well if you seriously dislike a company then IMO the best practice is completely ignore their products. Don't buy it, don't touch it, don't talk about it.

For a company, nothing is a bigger ***-you than being completely ignored by the market. Including the pirating market.

By spending your time to play their games you are already giving them the attention that you may not think they deserve. You are basically sending a message like "Yeah, I hate you so I'm not paying you. But your game is so good that I'm still spending my time playing it" which is basically free marketing.
By Dodik 2023-08-16 12:21:14  
Afania said: »
I highly doubt that poor writer who make $20k per year from books and believe copying= stealing has the resources to start propaganda.

Yes, that is true, small content creators are not spending money to make ads equating stealing a car to pirating music.

Small content creators on the other hand give our their stuff for free for publicity. Pirating actually helps them, not hinder them. A lot of musicians first got well known by giving away their music.

Open source is built upon the premise of code being copied by anyone with no money being exchanged. Some of the most popular software in the world today is open source and completely free of charge. Yet their developers still make money.

Reality is the distribution networks that previously held a monopoly due to costs of distribution are being cut out by the internet and are unhappy about it. Technology changes markets.

It's not the content creators whining about piracy, except in some already very popular and well off cases, it's the rights holders.
Posts: 6495
By Rooks 2023-08-16 13:06:03  
Okay, this has now wandered far enough afield that I think we can be done with it.
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