Palworld - Pokemon with Guns
By RadialArcana 2024-02-11 06:41:12
By Pantafernando 2024-02-11 16:57:21
I would say Palworld is Pokemon with Farmville
By Draylo 2024-02-11 18:00:07
I feel like Temtems was more of a Pokemon clone, this is more like a mix of a few games and reminds me a lot of like Pokemon legends areceus which I liked a lot. I wonder why temtem didnt have as much success, for me I don't like the double battle.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2024-02-11 19:57:35
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2024-02-11 20:05:45
I feel like Temtems was more of a Pokemon clone, this is more like a mix of a few games and reminds me a lot of like Pokemon legends areceus which I liked a lot. I wonder why temtem didnt have as much success, for me I don't like the double battle.
Mechanics take too long (breeding takes *** forever), limited endgame, and when the game launched the devs pulled a Matsui and said there would be no major content updates (no new areas, Temtems, etc)
basically the opposite of Palworld which has already put out a roadmap w/ tons of new upcoming features, new maps, new Pals, etc.
By ruckusMonster 2024-02-11 23:35:59
I feel like Temtems was more of a Pokemon clone, this is more like a mix of a few games and reminds me a lot of like Pokemon legends areceus which I liked a lot. I wonder why temtem didnt have as much success, for me I don't like the double battle.
I remember TemTem having lots of problems but one of them was it was billed as a MMO, so everybody who didn't want to play a MMO stayed away from it. But then it was pretty much just a single player game with other players running around you, so people who wanted an actual MMO were turned off and left.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2024-02-12 04:06:56
Palworld has consumed my life the way FFXI used to back in the day
By Pantafernando 2024-02-12 06:41:42
Back in the day, it took several years before I could begin to figure things at FFXI.
Palworld, after watching a couple of videos, I feel like I grasped the better part of it.
After knowing better routes to play, the game can become kinda tiresome with so many farming and farming consumables.
Maybe if I didnt check videos, I could still be blind to most efficient farming and having a blast figuring stuffs.
But I guess this is what it is
By Pantafernando 2024-02-12 06:46:41
But how it is playing Palworld with friends?
Whats the experience?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,712
By Asura.Bluespoons 2024-02-12 07:04:09
My husband and our kid play this together. They play a lot of games together, but this one has provided some of the biggest laughs and loudest WTFs in a good while.
Playing with others sounds pretty great, but idk anything about it besides hearing them both complain that Jormuntide Ignis is a big fat *** who won't do any damn work besides breed.
By RadialArcana 2024-02-12 07:14:27
A lot of survival games are really addictive, green hell, the forest and conan exiles are great (althogh the last one has tiddies and etc)
Palworld is one of the first ones that managed to appeal to adults and kids alike to an almost minecraft level, it's amazing how big it become as just an early access game. Imagine how massive it will be when it goes final.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-02-12 08:49:17
As a personal testimony, Palworld's similarities to Pokemon are merely aesthetic. You capture creatures in spheres and they can be your friend (pal). They have elements, types, and weaknesses that resemble the Pokemon hierarchy, mostly because it makes sense (fire should burn leaf). The creature designs may have been ripped (influenced) from Pokemon just like Pokemon may have ripped (influenced) from other things, like nature. Once you get passed the basic cosmetic similarities, though, Palworld is nothing like Pokemon.
You can do more things with your Pals than what you can do with your Pokemon. I can use my green monkey to help me craft bullets or deliver supplies, and then in battle I can use him to fire a machine gun. There Vulpix-copycat pal can be used as a flamethrower to mow down targets, then i can use him to cook a steak on the base campfire. That's just scratching the surface.
It's a survival game, the first that I've played. Was able to pick it up and learn in just a few short minutes of playing without watching any videos about it. There's lacking a primary story and side quests so it does lack depth for those looking for it, but fundamentally, it boils down to catching Pals, using them for work, gathering resources, crafting, base building, and hunting/breeding/high level activities. I was spending hours overnight the first few weeks, but since reaching level 50 due to tampering with the single player settings, I play significantly less now. I'm at the point where I'm having to finish the zone bosses and finish up base leveling progress, then I can take on legendaries. Think the game will stay fun for a bit, and it speaks to a wide range of players (people who just want to make nice looking bases or raise/breed unique types).
The game is in early release, so there's a plethora of bugs, glitches, and outright exploits (you can actually capture the biome bosses with their pals, imagine catching Brock from Pokemon). I just discovered you can force the in game police PIDF too commit suicide if you reach high WANTED levels. Hilarious. But I expect much of that to get fixed as time goes on. So far, it's a fun game to play for me.
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By Pantafernando 2024-04-04 05:43:13
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2024-04-04 08:45:43
By Pantafernando 2024-04-04 09:38:57
I can legally call you degenerate if you like this video
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 388
By Bahamut.Suph 2024-04-04 09:41:16
I can legally call you degenerate if you like this video
Please talk to my lawyer first
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By Pantafernando 2024-07-06 18:35:17
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By Pantafernando 2024-12-01 08:15:21
Holy damn...
I complain a lot about SE updates on FFXI, but Pocket Pair just rolled out a frigging bug update for zero reason this weekend.
I mean, the update (version 0.3.11) just removed the aim when not engaged, and changed pal call animation.
Both changes are like whatever to mildly annoying changes. At best they are negligible, but potentially annoying for quite a number of players.
But the thing is... ***is so buggy. The new animation invokation often trap your pal into the floor. Now I noticed that if your pal is defeat you cant even replace it, leaving it alone.
Those changes arent even rare occurance. They can be easily reproduced so makes me wonder if they simply programmed the change and rolled out without any prior testing.
Maybe some stuff to aim some target goal. Only that would explain releasing an update without any interesting feat and very buggy in production.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2024-12-01 11:27:13
Maybe some stuff to aim some target goal. Only that would explain releasing an update without any interesting feat and very buggy in production.
I think they were trying to combat the whole rapid summon + special move thing some folks were doing.
Usually crap like that is a result of some dev or dev manager watching a youtube video or twitch stream of some player doing a thing, and deciding they don't want players to do that thing.
By Pantafernando 2024-12-03 05:39:23
Well, they partially fixed the bugs introduced in last patch. There is still the bug of locking the pal selection after mounting.
By Pantafernando 2024-12-12 14:20:49
Ok, i was wrong
There was a reason why they made the change in 0.3.11, and the reason was Nintendo!
By Pantafernando 2024-12-13 00:14:52
By Pantafernando 2024-12-20 00:06:39
Just a couple of days away from the next major update.
By Pantafernando 2024-12-23 00:10:03
Palworld Feybreak is up!!
⚡Feybreak Update Notice⚡
Major update that adds a ton of new features, new areas, new pals, new buildings, hardcore mode, expeditions, research and more!
Update v0.4.11 has been released.
▼New Content
・Meowmeow from Terraria!
⤷ Meowmeow, the first "bullet-firing melee weapon" in Palworld, has been added. This is only a small taste of the Palworld x Terraria collab, and in 2025, even more collaboration content will be released! Enjoy taking a step towards a new adventure alongside the sound of cat meowing!
・New Island - Feybreak
⤷A new island, Feybreak, has appeared! A mysterious island with many challenges, glowing sand and many new Pals!
⤷Conquer the Feybreak Warriors, a new faction that dominates the island with the power of their missile battery camp!
・New Resources - Chromite and Hexolite Quartz!
⤷Chromite is buried underground and can only be found by using Pals or items that can detect metal.
⤷Hexolite Quartz is a rare ore that only exists on Feybreak.
・New Mechanic - Expeditions!
⤷Obtain supplies by sending Pals out on expeditions at the Pal Expedition Station!
・New Mechanic - Research!
⤷By conducting research at the Pal Labor Research Laboratory, you can unlock permanent passives and rewards that increase the productivity of your base!
*Some existing buildings that increase work speed will now be unlocked as research rewards.
・Predator Pals
⤷Vicious Predator Pals will now appear throughout the world. These Pals are extremely difficult to defeat but those strong enough to take them down will earn rare resources in return for their bravery!
・New "Bounty" NPCs
⤷Dangerous criminals have appeared all over the Palpagos Islands. Bring these crooks to justice and cash in the country for rewards.
・New Strongholds and Stronghold Boss: The Attack Chopper
⤷A large and very difficult "Platform Oil Rig" has appeared! Great riches, important supplies and more are stored here. A powerful Attack Chopper guards this rig from any intruders!
⤷A smaller oil rig, the "Barge Oil Rig" has been added for beginners.
・Player level cap raised to 60! New technologies and more await!
・New Raid - Xenolord!
Defeat the dark mechanical dragon that controls the Xeno army!
・Sphere Modules
⤷You can now attach modules to spheres to significantly change their trajectory, such as curving it, which in turn increases the capture rate!
・New Items
⤷Metal Detector - Find chromite buried underground on Feybreak.
⤷Pouches - Increases your inventory size!
⤷Double Jump Boots - Stylish and practical, time to double jump!
⤷Air Dash Boots, - Allows the player to dash while in the air.
⤷Revival Potion - Bring your Pals back to life.
⤷New cooking recipes have been added.
・Hardcore Mode!
⤷The ultimate challenge. Player and Pal death is permanent.
Can be enabled in the world settings.
・Random Pal Mode!
⤷Turn on Random Pal Mode in world settings to randomize Pal spawns!
⤷Randomize by Region - Randomize Pal spawns while maintaining a certain regional range.
⤷Completely Random - All Pal spawns in all regions will be completely randomized! It could be a bit chaotic...
・New Area Discovery Bonus!
⤷Players will earn experience points when they discover a location for the first time.
・Many New Weapons!
⤷Makeshift SMG
⤷Makeshift Assault Rifle
⤷Makeshift Shotgun
⤷Old Revolver
⤷Semi-Auto Rifle
⤷Semi-Auto Shotgun
⤷Laser Gatling Gun
⤷Plasma Cannon
⤷Compound Bow
⤷Advanced Bow
⤷Beam Sword
⤷Dark Grenade
⤷Dragon Grenade
⤷Ground Grenade
⤷Grass Grenade
⤷Water Grenade
・New Buildings
⤷Large-Scale Electric Egg Incubator - Hatch up to 10 eggs at the same time.
⤷Guild Chest - Items placed in a guild chest are shared among all guild chests.
⤷Item Retrieval Machine - Search for and take any item from any chest within your base!
⤷Medicine Rack - Pals will take medicine stored to treat their illnesses and injuries.
⤷Flea Market - Sell Pals and items to other players!
⤷Large-Scale Stone Oven and Gigantic Furnace - Multiple Pals can work together to cook and refine at higher speeds!
⤷Skillfruit Orchard - Plant and grow skill fruits!
⤷Gold Coin Assembly Line - Illegally produced coins, now made at home!
⤷Ladders - Players can go up and down without needing to build stairs!
⤷Pure Quartz Mine - Mine an infinite amount in the comfort of your base.
⤷Accumulator - By storing extra electricity, you can keep your facilities running at night while your Pals sleep.
・Elemental Treasure Chests
⤷Rare treasure chests that can only be unlocked by Pals of specific elements have appeared!
・Players can now sit on chairs!
・You can now obtain Successful Bounty Tokens by defeating field bosses. These tokens provide permanent passives to the player.
・Player climbing speed has been increased.
・Increased the maximum amount of power that can be enhanced by Lifmunk Effigies from 12 to 14.
・Implemented "Sphere Critical" hits! Throwing a sphere at a Pal's weak spot (the same weak spot as when attacking a Pal) will temporarily increase the capture rate!
・Experience points gained from crafting and building have been increased. You now also gain experience points for Pals crafting and building even when you aren't at your base!
・Improved player animations.
・Players will now be invincible for a few seconds after teleporting or entering/exiting dungeons.
・When mounted, Pals now cancel any active skills that are in effect, allowing it to move immediately.
▼Base Related
・A function to replace foundation structures and defensive walls without destroying them has been implemented. Walls already built can be upgraded.
・New foundation structures, "Japanese Style" have been implemented! You can recreate Sakurajima's Japanese-style architecture at your base. Sliding doors have also been implemented.
・The maximum base level has been increased to 30.
・Pal transportation work has been improved while the player is not in the base.
・In Single-Player and COOP modes you can build much more freely around the world, except in some dungeons.
・The Pal working state set in the monitoring stand is now saved.
・Christmas Skins!
6 Christmas skins have been added for all players!
(※You must own the Pal to equip the skin)
⤷Pudding à la Gumoss
⤷Party Night Depresso
⤷Winter Style Chillet
⤷Winter Style Chillet Ignis
⤷Royal Frostallion
⤷White Shadowbeak
・Redistributing Limited-Time skins to all players!
(※You must own the Pal to equip the skin)
⤷Gold Relaxaurus
⤷Sailor Quivern
⤷Summer Chillet
・New Unique Skills
⤷Vanwyrm - Flame Breath
⤷Vanwyrm Cryst - Tempest Blizzard
⤷Astegon - Firefist Breathstorm
⤷Maraith - Spirit Dash
⤷Verdash - Spinning Roundhouse
⤷Univolt - Lightning Gale
⤷Blazehowl - Volcanic Fang
⤷Ragnahawk - Rush Beak
⤷Beegarde - Needle Spear
⤷Beakon - Lightning Dive
⤷Rayhound - Beckon Lightning
⤷Jormuntide - Slither Slam
⤷Jormuntide Ignis - Magma Serpent
⤷Cryolinx - Blizzard Claw
⤷Wumpo - Snow Bowling
⤷Wumpo Botan - Lawn Bowling
・New Ground Skill
⤷Stone Beat
・New Dark Skill
⤷Poison Shower
・New Dragon Skill
⤷Charge Cannon
・New Tier of Passive Skills
⤷An even higher tier of passives, "rainbow passive skill" has been added! Breed the ultimate Pal!
※ "Swift" has been promoted to a rainbow passive skill, and the chance of obtaining it has decreased.
・Work Suitability Enhancement Books!
⤷By using various technique books, you can permanently increase Pal's work suitability.
・The limit on strengthening Pals with souls has been lifted! It's now possible to further develop your Pals.
・If a summoned Pal has three moves that are all on cooldown, it will use the most basic move of its element.
・Enemy Pals will now use every move they know at that level.
・Alpha Pal eggs are no longer all huge but are now each the appropriate size.
・Added a filter function to the Technology screen.
・You can now add Pals to your favourites with a single button in the Pal Box UI.
・Improved Pal Box sorting function, making it easier to find the Pal you're looking for.
・You can now change the font size in the options settings.
・The player's main HUD no longer becomes hidden over time. (You can revert this setting in the options.)
・Mouse and Keyboard
⤷You can now close any window with the Tab key.
⤷The right Shift key and right Ctrl key can now be registered in the key configuration.
・Controller Pad
⤷Fixed an issue where the player would continue walking if the UI was opened while moving.
⤷Changed the cutscene skip button on controller to Y.
・The charges have been expanded. Serious crimes, such as "Obstructing Public Officials" will increase the player's criminal level even more.
▼Dedicated Servers
・You can now set "Maximum number of buildings per base" in the world settings.
This allows server administrators to make adjustments to stabilize server performance and maintain a comfortable playing environment.
▼Balance Adjustment
・The weight multiplier for all items can now be changed in world settings.
・Technology unlock levels have been adjusted.
・The selling prices of some Pals have been adjusted.
・Merchant stock and prices have been adjusted.
・The crafting recipes for some ammunition have been adjusted.
・Boss enemies are now immune to stuns and will now become staggered when their stun accumulation value reaches 100.
・Some technologies can now be unlocked by defeating tower bosses.
・Adjusted the work suitability of some Pals:
⤷Blazamut Ryu - Kindling 3 → 4
⤷Selyne - Handiwork 3 → 4
⤷Knocklem - Mining 3 → 4
⤷Cryolinx - Added Transporting
・Legendary Pals are now level 60, and they can learn more powerful skills.
・The recovery amount of Felbat and Lovander's partner skills has been increased from 6% to 10%
▼Bug Fixes
・Improved base pals so they don't get stuck as often.
・Reduced the issue of players falling under the ground after fast travel.
・Improved enemy pathing so they don't get stuck in walls as often.
・Improved the raid algorithm and pathing to ensure that raids reach bases much more often.
・Many many many other minor bug fixes.
・New NPCs have been added to various locations.
・Added the "Free Pal Alliance Judicator" to the Free Pal Alliance. He will now appear at their camps.
・Slowed down the work speed animation of base Pals with work speed buffs. (This is a measure to prevent the processing load from increasing too much when the effect is played at high speed. This change does not affect actual work speed.)
・3 new songs have been added to the soundtrack. If you have already purchased the game, please update the soundtrack.
*Please note that the soundtrack update may be delayed by about a day.
Thank you for your continued support of Palworld.
By Pantafernando 2024-12-23 00:23:29
Holy ***, this amount of content puts FFXI dev team on shame. Like 6 months of updates in Palworld surely is more than they added maybe in like 5 years, for sure.
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-23 01:03:35
Pokemon sued Palworld for the sphere/PokeBall similarities, and how did PocketPair respond? By adding curved throws, critical throws/catches, and weak spot catch bonuses to spheres, direct rips from Pokemon's game mechanics (specifically Pokemon Go). Yikes, this update is massive...
By Pantafernando 2024-12-30 01:28:39
The Feybreak expansion seems sucessful, giving the current spike in players, showing how caring for your game and playerbase is the path to success.
Considering this new spike isnt more partially influenced by the Pokemon x Palworld at first, now the current playerbase playing are the players who only came for the game, and not the controversy.
Ive been playing, and checked the new changes and the new continent, thats something like exploring Ulbulka back when SoA was released: huge place with multiple environments each with distinguished characteristic, like the desert arra, the volcano area, the dark area. I just explored one of the coasts of it, and basically there are no plains, so, not only the map is huge, but also has depth on it, you can travel on two or even three layers.
Some places are considerably huge, it gives you a sense youre just a grain in the world.
Aside that, many and many QoL improvements really standout.
On the downside, I feel like the pal path finding and AI got worse. Also, probably they messed with introducing new areas as the aligment between them were poorly made. At best, you can see the fissures of the gap between areas. At the worst, you keep seeing the texture not perfectly aligned with the “mass”, leading you to “enter” small portions of solid objects. Another terrible error is the rendering. Often it renders the character before the place, so many objects just fall into oblivion. Its my biggest complain when chests simply disappear because that, and are forever lost.
And obviously, having lots of fun restarting the game over and over, trying to make the best run i can possibly make.
By Pantafernando 2025-01-09 07:32:39
Pocketpair releasing a game on Switch.
Because one thing is one thing, another thing is another thing
By Pantafernando 2025-01-15 09:15:11
Quote: [Patch Notes] Palworld Version v0.4.13
Patch Notes
r/Palworld - [Patch Notes] Palworld Version v0.4.13
Increased the turning speed of Xenolord and Frostallion while in the air
・Increased the drop rate of legendary blueprints from the large chests on the Large Oil Rig, and removed uncommon blueprints from the large chest loot table.
・Fixed a bug that would cause characters to fall under the terrain when logging in, etc.
・Fixed a bug that would cause autosaving and saving when returning to the title screen to not work properly
・Fixed a bug that would cause Pals to stop generating power when there are no players at the base
・Fixed a bug that would cause Pals at the base to stop moving on dedicated servers
・Fixed a bug that would cause tower bosses to stop moving
・Fixed a bug that would cause the attack chopper to fly too high
・Expanded the weak spots on the attack chopper
・Summoned Pals will now run back to the player if they get too far away during combat
・Summoned Pals will no longer move out of the way if the player is aiming in their vicinity
・Fixed the grappling gun behavior while mounted
・Fixed a bug that allowed players to feed unintended items to Pals
・Fixed a bug where players could go all the way to the end of a dungeon without defeating the boss
・Fixed a bug where the boss of the desert dungeon would appear in strange positions
・Fixed a bug where Pals working on a Human-Powered Generator would face in the wrong direction
・Fixed a bug that allowed foundations to be built on top of the Pal Expedition Station
・Fixed a bug that prevented oil from being sold at the Flea Market
・Fixed a bug that prevented players from interacting with chests while riding a Pal
・Fixed a bug where there was a hole at the base of Royal Frostallion's tail
・Fixed a bug where the player would sometimes not move for a while when starting multiplayer
・Fixed a bug that allowed players do damage other player's base by using Meowmere
・Fixed several bugs related to Xenolord's active skills
・Fixed a bug that caused warping or going through walls when using Bolt Blink
・Fixed a bug that caused Pals to continue moving in the Spider Raid even when near death
・Fixed the behavior of Stone Beat while mounted
・Fixed a bug that caused some active skills to be interrupted when attacked
・Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Tarantriss' partner skill "Tarantriss' Web" from being activated
・Fixed a bug that caused the screen to not shake when using Grizzbolt's partner skill
・Fixed a bug that caused the gun to be distorted when using Lifmunk's partner skill
・Fixed a bug where damage from Nyafia's partner skill was lower than expected
・Fixed a bug where the work speed displayed on the Pal Details screen was different between the host and client
・Fixed a bug where the description for technologies with prerequisites could disappear
・Fixed some terrain bugs
・Fixed a bug where some trees and flowers were not rendered properly
・Fixed a bug where some NPCs would not sell items
・Fixed the spawn positions of some NPCs
・Fixed a bug that caused the work speed buff from food to be lower than expected
・Fixed several crashes
・Fixed save backup data when overwriting the Xbox version backup
・Many other minor bug fixes
By Pantafernando 2025-01-19 10:25:23
Happy Anniversary to Palworld!