Square Enix Expects Loss Of $140 Million

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Square Enix expects loss of $140 million
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By Afania 2024-05-01 03:59:32  
RadialArcana said: »
NCsoft had similar problems, they kept closing games down and making people angry at them to save money. Now people won't buy their new mmorpgs, cause they think they will just invest years into them and get them closed down.

Mmo industry has been like that for a lonnnng time lol. The most successful mmo in the industry gets to stay, the rest gets shut down or maintenance mode. This is not a NCsoft thing. I can name dozens of Asian mmo companies that do the same thing for decades.

This applies to both private and publicly traded company. Many years ago when mmo was popular, I've seen plenty of private MMO companies in Asia kept shutting down low performing titles, then launch a new title only to shut it down 1-2 years later.

Keep in mind that the real money maker of NCsoft is lineage. This series is still alive in Asia since 1998, even the first game in the series. The mobile version easily top the charts in Korea, NCsoft never shut them down because they are so good at making money.
サーバ: Shiva
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user: Haldarn
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By Shiva.Haldarn 2024-05-01 04:21:31  
RadialArcana said: »
Square Enix expects loss of $140 million from cancelled video game title(s)

They're just trying to make themselves more attractive to Sony again.
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2024-05-01 07:25:38  
Afania said: »
Mmo industry has been like that for a lonnnng time lol. The most successful mmo in the industry gets to stay, the rest gets shut down or maintenance mode. This is not a NCsoft thing. I can name dozens of Asian mmo companies that do the same thing for decades.

This applies to both private and publicly traded company. Many years ago when mmo was popular, I've seen plenty of private MMO companies in Asia kept shutting down low performing titles, then launch a new title only to shut it down 1-2 years later.

Keep in mind that the real money maker of NCsoft is lineage. This series is still alive in Asia since 1998, even the first game in the series. The mobile version easily top the charts in Korea, NCsoft never shut them down because they are so good at making money.

It has, but as the people playing the games ages have increased to adults and not teenagers they have suffered more backlash from doing it. MMO players hold a grudge over closing down a game they played and got attached to like no being in the known universe.

Even EA refused to close down the star wars tor game and handed it off to a 3rd party, that should speak volumes. Even EA know what's up.
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-01 07:38:47  
RadialArcana said: »
Afania said: »
Well SE stock is actually +5.42% as of now lol.

The stock price would go up if they announced they are doubling the sub fee for ff14 or adding loot boxes, the only thing they care about is money.

On one hand it's a good idea to cut all AA games (nier automata was an AA game btw) they were working on and just work on AAA titles, on the other hand they aren't that good at making AAA games anymore and people outside the fanbase are getting sick of them.

Forespoken was an AAA game btw, and it was a catastrophic failure.

The problem with Square Enix is they have no passion anymore, it's all just money. They don't make things they want to make or they think would be cool like they used to, now it's just whatever they think will make the most money. Even if that's pandering to the west in the most cynical and shallow way possible.

They still have a fanbase defending everything they do, but as shown by blizzard, you can burn even the most fanatical fanbase if you take them for granted enough times.

I don't think their AA titles were ever anything other than tech demos that they let someone write a story on top of until at least ps2. They saw a thing they could do, and first, and so they made brave fencer musashi, einhander, or the bouncer. Then the next AAA incorporated that things that went well and learned from what didn't. The AA were there to solidify gameplay or graphical techniques so that they could push out a AAA faster than everyone else at a higher level.

Mind you, they were really good tech demos.

I think their bigger problem is that there is no first anymore that they are willing to explore. There is no curve to get ahead of from a technical side. It's story telling, gameplay loop, and financially leveraging trends. Their formula no longer works and after ps4 the difference between AA and AAA was blurred enough that it didn't matter anymore. They have to compete with EVERYONE ELSE's IPs that grew up playing their games and seeing what was possible on SEs dime.

I don't think their previous success was built on passion, it was built on moving faster and putting out a more polished product than anyone else could achieve at the time. Now they are a large corporation that can't take risks and aren't nimble enough to pivot with markets in order to stay ahead. It was a good thing they sold off their western studios and it's a good thing that they are canceling bad projects and refocusing their efforts. They are terrible at couch co-op, they don't have a fortnite shooter, and their MMOs did well BECAUSE of the failures of others and a hopefully once in a lifetime pandemic. They need to figure out how they can connect their future with their reputation from that past because that's what they have going for them.
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2024-05-01 08:58:44  
Can you imagine how much money they throw at Nomura and Kitase etc to keep them there and not leaving to setup their own companies, this is why the games cost so much probably. They are throwing sacks of money at the named people, and they are getting older and more out of touch with younger audiences and less passionate about their jobs. Imagine being a veteran game developer in your 50s and having to do a remake of a 20 year old game in 3 parts that take 10+ years. Who wants to do that, there is no enjoyment in that.

The reality of Square Enix is they are company kept alive by the 30+ demographic who grew up with their games, and all public companies hate this kind of demographic reliance. Investors want them to appeal to the zoomers who play fartnite, and they can't do it. If they try to appeal to them in current franchises, they alienate the core audience of 30+.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 97
By Bahamut.Drumskull 2024-05-01 10:55:35  
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 515
By Asura.Thunderjet 2024-05-01 11:15:27  
RadialArcana said: »
Pantafernando said: »

The new CEO stated he was going to consolidate staff and downsize when he took over, which is exactly what he did to FFXI. He took most of the staff from FFXI and put them onto FFXIV (they are currently making the XI raid for XIV lol) because it is monetized better with a cash shop and XI has no cash shop.

Matsui stated long ago that he would quit if they downsized the staff anymore, so he followed through on that promise and left.

Fujito was forced to take over, which is why he is so salty and downbeat every time he talks to his customers. It almost comes across like he wants people to quit when he says anything.

FFXI still makes a decent amount of money, or they would have shut it down. However they did a calculation that the people playing won't quit even if they stop updates. So we get none, and it's all just more money in the bank.

Public companies are like abusive partners, if they can treat you like crap and they know you won't leave they will treat you like crap.

Matusi did not leave Square but joined the Saga Team
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bossgalka
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-05-01 11:29:08  
Bahamut.Drumskull said: »

Because, at least in the last few days, they are the ones posting all of the tangential FFXI news?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
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By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-01 11:31:17  
Demographic is 40+ at this point. They don't know how to do 30 and under at this point competitively.

And I would agree with the chess to checkers analogy used earlier. They used to be a chess company but their investors are no longer JP only so they had to switch to checkers.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bossgalka
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-05-01 11:44:50  
Phoenix.Iocus said: »
They used to be a chess Shogi company but their investors are no longer JP only so they had to switch to checkers.

Fixed that for you.
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2024-05-01 12:15:01  
Bahamut.Drumskull said: »

The same reason why I figured who is the one who types with caps lock activated (and tries to upper case with caps lock on)
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2024-05-01 12:15:44  
Personal styles
Posts: 15
By Volkanovski 2024-05-01 19:44:31  
Pantafernando said: »

FFXI will never die. It might die in the way you know it today, but the game itself will never die if SE decides to fold. I know for MANY that means jack squat but in the grand scheme of things, it IS a game not everyone has experienced (hence why we get new players here and there). I know no one wants to hear it but the fact remains, private servers will always hold the 75 code. That's a fact. Depending on the server devs and leadership depends how well the server functions but in either event, FFXI will never cease to exist in it's entirety. Nerds already copped these codes and it will live long after SE shuts it's doors. ......... and yes, you will start over and never break 75. But it's FFXI right?

Edit: inb4 Draylo shits on me for mentioning the dirty phrase "private servers". I'm just making a point.
By Draylo 2024-05-01 19:48:19  
Not to me, it's just a poor backwards engineered shadow of what FFXI is. If the real game goes down, then we really lost it. The real devs and contributors to what made ffxi so great, have no part in private servers and it has no authenticity except them copying ***, very poorly. Have yet to see a good attempt at replicating it without putting their lame nostalgia garbage. They also don't have the "code" so you are very mistaken. They barely have working ***past CoP for a reason.
Posts: 15
By Volkanovski 2024-05-01 19:50:45  
Damn, i didnt even have time to post an edit lol
Posts: 15
By Volkanovski 2024-05-01 20:00:51  
Draylo said: »
Not to me.
Exactly. Not to "you". But FFXI as a collective you hold so dear to your heart does not revolve around you my dude. There are 100k people both present and past that remember the game you do. Some for the present, some have that past nostalgia. Nothing wrong with either, but If you are going to bat for a game you are willing to die on this hill for, then you die for it in all aspects of it's phases. 75 era MADE YOU who you are today/// in a game you revere SO much. I get it man, I really do. But to say 75 PS's are trash is just wrong. Some yes, some no. If you have never even played one, then your argument is null and void and no one is taking you serious. Point is, If SE shut down tomorrow, the game will still exist whether YOU like it or not.
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2024-05-01 20:07:42  
Volkanovski said: »
Pantafernando said: »

FFXI will never die.

Denial is the first stage of grief
Posts: 15
By Volkanovski 2024-05-01 20:08:41  
Pantafernando said: »
Volkanovski said: »
Pantafernando said: »

FFXI will never die.

Denial is the first stage of grief
Retail it will. There is no denial here. And I've been playing this game as long as all of you. I just don't have blinders on.
By Draylo 2024-05-01 20:16:59  
Yeah it's an opinion, just like yours. That's just my opinion, it wouldn't be ffxi to me. I didn't suggest they stop it in any form, but I care more to preserve what we have and to me once it's gone, there won't be an ffxi. I do think all of them are trash, they have some with neat ideas and the effort is definitely noteworthy, but I would never recommend someone to play there, especially if they wanted to experience the real ffxi while it still exists.

The game has been out of 75 era for longer than it was ever in it. It's generated more profit in the time it's been out of 75 era than it was in. In all aspects it's been a complete improvement since those days in the complete sum of the years it's been out of 75 era vs in. So I don't revere those days like most of the p server crew, completely blinded by nostalgia.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Firedemon
Posts: 1,332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2024-05-01 20:20:09  
IDK why people keep saying RIP FFXI, ***probably costs them next to nothing to run, especially with like 2 staff members. There's no way they'll ditch FFXIV's main source of income lol.
Posts: 15
By Volkanovski 2024-05-01 21:37:24  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
IDK why people keep saying RIP FFXI, ***probably costs them next to nothing to run, especially with like 2 staff members. There's no way they'll ditch FFXIV's main source of income lol.
100% agreed
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2024-05-01 21:54:37  
Bismarck.Firedemon said: »
IDK why people keep saying RIP FFXI, ***probably costs them next to nothing to run, especially with like 2 staff members. There's no way they'll ditch FFXIV's main source of income lol.

Yeah this game is just a money printing machine, it might not be a ton of money but it's a reliable positive revenue stream with ultra low maintenance costs. They are going to ride this for another decade.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: bossgalka
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2024-05-01 23:00:39  
I don't think FFXI is going anywhere for a while, either, but it's not as simple as "it makes profit still." Let's say it makes 50 million a year and costs only a little bit of effort to keep the servers up and 1-2 people to run updates or whatever. If they need those servers, server space etc. etc. for a new game though, they might decide that new game will make up that 50m+ and be worth ending it.

Would that be a stupid choice? Absolutely, but gaming/movie companies etc. are not known for good decisions lately, so anything is possible. Again, I don't think it's going anywhere for years though.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jessie
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By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2024-05-01 23:05:57  
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »
Would that be a stupid choice? Absolutely, but gaming/movie companies etc. are not known for good decisions lately, so anything is possible. Again, I don't think it's going anywhere for years though.
That's definitely the fear I have for XI. The leadership at Square-Enix only looks at the top line. They'll call a game that pulls in $10M a failure even though its budget was only $2M. But then they'll pop the champagne for a game that made $60M even though it cost $120M to make.

I want to say that not even Square-Enix would be so stupid as to pull the plug on XI, but Square-Enix are exactly the kind of stupid to do that.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2024-05-02 08:40:51  
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »
I don't think FFXI is going anywhere for a while, either, but it's not as simple as "it makes profit still." Let's say it makes 50 million a year and costs only a little bit of effort to keep the servers up and 1-2 people to run updates or whatever. If they need those servers, server space etc. etc. for a new game though, they might decide that new game will make up that 50m+ and be worth ending it.

Would that be a stupid choice? Absolutely, but gaming/movie companies etc. are not known for good decisions lately, so anything is possible. Again, I don't think it's going anywhere for years though.

That's not how infrastructure costs work, especially now a days. Nobody and I mean nobody does dedicated anything anymore, everything is virtualized or abstracted in a way that enables sharing of compute, memory, storage and I/O. FFXI is likely running on the same hardware that is running FFXIV, just in a different resource pool.
By K123 2024-05-02 09:06:13  
Asura.Saevel said: »
FFXI is likely running on the same hardware that is running FFXIV, just in a different resource pool.
Which is what any modern Western company would do but this is Japan and SE so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the servers are dedicated still.
Posts: 4,904
By RadialArcana 2024-05-02 09:25:45  
Volkanovski said: »
FFXI will never die.

Square Enix are upgrading XI right now, to future proof it for windows 11. This is the kind of work only the developer is really going to be able to do. Also a big company running a game can apply pressure to retain features in new versions of windows (or driver creators such as nvidia) in a way some rinky dink can't.


What do you think will happen if this work isn't done for windows 12, 13 or 14? do you think the plebs running private servers can fix these kinds of issues when they can barely add new content from an expansion released 15 years ago?

Imagine if there is wall to wall black screen crashes on windows 12 or the game won't start. This is why private server people are far too comfortable for their own good.

It's not like you can just stick with old versions of windows either, Microsoft are actively going against this and forcing upgrades now. Even Windows 10 is being retired in 2025, when they cease all support for it and demand everyone get 11.
By K123 2024-05-02 10:14:27  
The best thing they could do to make it easy to install and run is make it run on DirectX 12 or Vulkan.

They can use AI to upscale all textures without much manual labour to increase graphics quality while they're at it.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1,869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-05-02 14:54:12  
I had to wait like 5+ years for them to rebalance RDM post abyssea so that I really enjoyed it again. I'm not going to spend time on homebrew balance when for once in the history of the game it's pretty enjoyable. I'd always rather play now instead of any version of 75 era.

Sunk cost fallacy for sure, but also I can't go back to how slow the game was.
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