I’d recommend using BG Wiki for any modern content.
BG WIKI replaced FFXIpedia in about 2016 as the go-to. IMO due to the push ad spam on that site lol.
so, that was my initial thought, but the fact that there was a discrepancy made me question it. Also, in regard to the other replies on here, I have spoken to someone who keeps impeccable data about timers, and they have confirmed that the move is used roughly 3 minutes after the first tp move (3:03-3:07 in all their samples) and 3:09-3:11 after the initial pull. So, there doesn't appear to be a definitive answer as to which triggers the move, and it's doubtful people would just kite the mob around, not letting it get off a tp move to test which is the "true" trigger, since that would likely cost the win.