Behold the one who is known as David Bowie, its hard for me to say this is my favorite song on the album of ziggy stardust because the entire thing is just one of those you can put on repeat forever. Check this out. wham bam thank you ma'am
Avenged Sevenfold Until the end, i found out there drummer passed away his name in the band was REV. When i looked into it i found that he was said to say he would never live past the age of 30, but the reality was he really had a serious disease, pills he was diagnosed with a known abnormality of enlarged heart. He never complained about it ever to anyone . i got even more respect for this band even though i loved there music its hard to lose a good drummer. RIP REV
This was the first album I listened to by Between the Buried and Me and first time listening to it I was amazed. This is what you get if you take the vomit inducing lame out of Symphony X among other prog metal.
Minefield !!! thank you for introducing me to devil driver, i did not know dez from coal chamber was in a new band. now i got some new favorite songs,lol added these two to my work out mix.
Nyruul i absolutely agree, i love all nirvana albums it is so hard to pick favorites from nirvana but here is one of everything they produced that i enjoy.
I hate how spotify never seems to have any bands first albums. Must be license bs with old labels idk. Doesnt have Anthrax's album Sound of White noise or ANYYY tool either...
YouTube Video Placeholder
Edit: Can you hear the Danzig in Chino's voice? lol
Tool intentionally keeps themselves off the radar for whatever reason. I guess they have an "underground" image to keep, thus they don't bother with digital distribution, despite how lucrative and open it is.
Anyways, less chat, moar musica~
PS: Major +1 for old school Deftones.