Has This Happened To You?

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Has this happened to you?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yesman13
Posts: 21
By Asura.Schatten 2010-03-06 19:00:20  
I think I can beat that.

My worst experience so far has been with an Imp pt(me as rdm 66) where the pld tank refused to used cures(his mp always at 95%+), I think we had 1 sam/war, 1 blue/thf, 1 thf/nin, and drk/war. Thf wasn't pulling, and he would only use TA at start of fight, and save tp for him to use SA DE.

After 30 mins of constant breaks for me to get mp I let the tank die to see if he knew that he could use cure at all(again his mp was at 95%+).

Pt disbands shortly after, and I get a /t right after
that went along the lines of.

"You have wasted your money buying your character, please quit this game"

Now I did do some things that were goofy, like use curaga when an Imp was at 10~15% when at least half the pt was in yellow.

If I didn't think I was gona have enough mp to outlast the mob, use stoneskin, blink, then pull hate from pt and take a few blows while the dd finished the mob.(figured, even if imp broke through stoneskin, and blink, I could still take 2 blows and be fine)

Aside from only refresh 2 out of the 4 people(if blue had been doing any dmg I would have refreshed, drk got refresh when he used stun for aga)the only thing that made me seem sloppy is not keeping the pt at 90% hp at all times. But if tank wasn't holding hate than how was I expected to not pull hate with every dd not subbing nin.

I then proceded to blist the pt, and take a break from xping, I am now rdm 69 but only because of maat, and I found my self having fun soloing blm.

サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Tealsic
Posts: 128
By Phoenix.Tealsic 2010-03-07 02:55:31  
hey lol atleast you didnt have a ninja who voked wrong mob then casted on jubaku on another all while one was bieng pulled tehn freaked out saying it was an accident then once the mage puts a cure on him he 2hrs then sais peace and Hps lol my friend did that.. lets just say i wouldnt be seen with him for like 3 weeks >.>
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-03-07 03:50:56  
I had a pretty shitty exp party experience in bibiki bay with a galk pld. This was a few years ago, back when mobs didn't despawn after de-aggro/death/zoning.

Ok, so we were in the dhalmel/goblin camp thats like level 69ish (not quite top tier goblins, in that lil dead end, not by the shore). For whatever reason, I can't remember, we had 2 gobs..I think it was just a simple long distance link. Anyways, we are having like serious troubles handling both mobs at the same time, multiple bomb toss spams and what not and 2 of us die (2 melee), whm had RR up at this point, whm is cure bombing the galk, cuz lord knows he had like no mp to begin with, whm takes hate..whm dies...The pld then instead of just dying and taking the R2, proceeds to run across the ENTIRE zone, and he winds up actually living. In his wake, he MPKed 3 full parties, in the lower 60's exping in the huge open area. The entire party basically called him a P***y for not just taking the R2 and killing 3 full innocent parties. His response was "aww *** this..." and just left lol
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: daNpwr
Posts: 86
By Seraph.Krispy 2010-03-07 08:01:26  
yeah kyoji is a ***.. *** him!!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Haublice 2010-03-07 09:33:01  
My worst xp experience was about 4yrs ago, I was lvling RDM in the weapon camp outside port jeuno. I was first solo healing as a elvaan RDM, and out PLD (Johnnnnny) didnt seem to want to voke or heal himself he was just trying to DD. So after a few DD's wipe I asked him to voke, he refused saying if he did he would get hate and die... uh what PLD is for right? So I asked the pt leader for lead, let everyone heal up and had Johnnnny pull the next mob since he didnt want to tank. As he rounded the corner to our pt, I disbanded everyone and we watched the weapon beat him down.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2010-03-08 23:38:10  
Why is it that most of these bad party experience stories tend to begin with "I was in a party on RDM.." or something like? XD

It's like having a RDM in party brings out the worst in people lol.
Posts: 322
By Kiori 2010-03-10 21:12:01  
People and there issues with set ups...just today i put together a strange set up (which worked after a problamatic player)

Our set up:


After waiting nearly 30+ minutes on the BST saying that he had to take care of his kid or what not. I forgave him. Not gonna make that count against him.

Get to Ru'Lude Gardens, we gather all together, said BST says he needs to run back and get his ring (alright) then he used his ring and charged it, another 5 minute wait. I teleport-altepa and we set camp near the book at Korroloka Tunnel.

After said and done, buff, (still waiting on bst cause he decided to wait at tele crysal) We were going to do Page 2 in eastern desert and he stands on his chocobo "fighting tough mobs?"

Spiders are tough, but not what we're fighting.

So he dismounts, grabs the page 2, comes back, and i buff him. Our SAM goes to pull, bst and rdm follow him...

He pulls a beetle...and then BST agros and ant and then i unsync to kill both. Then bst decides "this ain't gonna work" and leaves.

i /fume lol and at that moment, a whm messages me asking for a vacancy. /cheer

So i change from whm to pup and we start partying again and guess what...

WHM RDM PLD SAM PUP BLU works =D 10k+ an hour and chain 5. It was great.

/end long text

but ya...strange set ups are fun.
Posts: 322
By Kiori 2010-03-10 21:15:02  
Oh, but to add to your troubles...my friend is always making me make his nin parties as him not a tank (don't blame him i hate tanking nin). So i make him pull because i honestly believe they were meant to be pullers.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Artemiz
Posts: 11
By Bahamut.Artemiz 2010-03-11 02:53:35  
Seraph.Dricent said:
So im on ninja partying (which im lucky to be doing at all) and about 2 hours into it we have to swap some ppl around and we get a paladin tank (Kyoji). I no longer have to tank for the party I get to dd. Now with Innin ninja can sorta dd, not the best mind you but it can. We had a samurai who changed subs to /dnc which any good player knows rocks in parties. About 20 mins into kyoji gets there he attains level 70. Partway into the next mob he disbands saying "(I'm sorry) (Disbanding Party) (Amateur) (Party) (No Thanks)!" I mean wtf? Thats just rude as hell. As a result everyone in the part died.... If he winds up on your server beware!

What I wanna know is, if the pld disbanded mid fight, who the hell had hate? It can't have been the pld as he would have taken the mob with him. It seems he couldn't hold hate from a sam/dnc, a DD nin, a drg with jump or a blu who can adjust spell frequency to keep hate stable. Honestly if people are gonna be elitist it really does help if they're actually elite in the first place.