Ugh, Robo and Frog's themes always make me want to do something with my life. lol Megaman has so many awesome tunes, too. Snake man was always one of my favorites.
Edit: first time I put the disc in my old psx, I had been waiting for this game for like 6 months or so, from whenever they announced the realease til when they actually released it. I was all "OMG The graphics!!!!1" and got all goosebumps and stuff lol. good old times
I used to be so obsessed with that song as a kid--great pick. lol I remember just resetting the game to watch the opening movie and hear the music over and over again; really awesome way to get you excited to play Wild ARMs.
Just cause I like pointing this out, Marle is using fire magic instead of Ice magic in the SNES North American box. Anyways, here's mine! METAL GEAR 2: Solid Snake original MSX version
I can listen to Y's music and remixes 24/7. (also helps that it's my favorite game series of all time, FF series comes a close 2nd) Makes me wanna pull my Turbo Duo out of the closet. ^_^