As deep and true as my love for Zelda is, words cannot describe how incredibly stoked I am for Xenoblade Chronicles. The trailer gets me giddy as hell, the gameplay looks fun and intricate, the story along with the environments: vast and captivating. And the soundtrack... Well, I'll let the music speak for itself.
I could put the entire soundtrack on here, but man, if it wasn't obvious enough already, I love this game and am ashamed it took me so long to discover it.
I would have to say FFXI mainly because I have all the sound tracks and they are my music for sleeping to, so I guess that means I can't get sick of it lol.
Finally getting around to playing this game. I'm enjoying it very, very much. Only complaints I have is sometimes voices are too soft and the camera is veeeery slow. But it's only bothering me cause I'm also playing Dark Souls and Dragon Age II which have pretty fast cameras. Oh, and I miss Gambits. Having tactic slots in DA II is really driving that home.
Music is great as always. Paradigm Shifting is fun. Character's aren't the greatest ever, but they're more enjoyable than X and XIIs crews. Grinding in this game is actually somewhat enjoyable. I had a bit of trouble adjusting to Gran Pulse though. Enemies were suddenly much tougher and there was so much to do at once. But X had the same effect on me and I adjusted quickly. And I loved X's Sphere Grid, so the Crystarium is pleasant too.
That sounds amazing orchestrated. Good find!
Also I think it's interesting how video game music can inspire other artists that do more a more mainstream line of music.
More of that orchestrated album will be on the channel soon ;o
Heard a few video game tracks inspired by mainstream music, but this muse/topgear thing is the first time I hear something the other way around, awesome.