Playstation Move

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Playstation Move
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Akiba
Posts: 142
By Fairy.Akiba 2010-03-30 08:37:08  
So what do you guys think of the PSMove?

I am very excited. I have been debating about buying a Wii but its lack of "adult" games and low graphics had me worried about the shelf life... but the Move looks sick.

Yes, it has a lot of the same stuff Wii has but that is why I want it. I know PS will throw a ton of titles at it and the SOCOM 4 looks amazing. The street fighting game does as well.

Thoughts? Critiques? Am I the only one excited?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 14,155
By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2010-04-03 18:54:44  
semimmortal said:
Err, youtube's layout seems... different... or am I the only one who noticed this? O.o

Lol.. That's about how I'm starting to feel with this *** motion control fad.. 99% of the games suck and no one would touch them to begin with if it wasn't for the novelty of the motion control..

Games like Blazing Angels on PS3 actually got the right balance for motion control/conventional control.. And hey, if you don't like motion control, you can always switch to standard controls, you don't HAVE to use it if you don't want to.

As for the rest..

Copied from the Pics that make you LOL thread, since I just addressed this the other day.. In addition to that, I don't feel that anything is going to change as far as motion sensitive games go.. The reason being is it's a novelty (one I hope fades soon) and when a game company is trying to take advantage of this technology they pretty much always build a game soley around this concept, rather then intergrating it into an already designed game as an enhancement.

I wouldn't mind motion sensitive gaming as the core controlling method if it was like Gamer, and it's all well and good that they're taking advantage of this technology, because it has to start somewhere, but until it gets far more advanced, I'll see it as nothing more then a novelty that is the direct result of some truly awe inspiring productions of pure ***. Bowling? Tennis? Come on, I can remember those games on SNES, that looked far better as well... We've taken a step back as far as the quality of games go because of motion sensitivity, atleast IMO.