Bismarck.Dricent said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Bismarck.Jessiica said:
Dud you Sucked balls at NIN the WHM was pulling hate off you with a Cure 3. you used absolutely NO ninjutsu. all you did was yonin and voke sometimes, you were the WORST NIN i have ever PTed with. Buy some tools. or GTFO. pure and simple.
Bismarck.Jessiica said:
Also my favorite, we took lvl sync off, and WHM pulled hate off him (WHM:66 Him 74) With SILENA. ONE Spell was cast, Silena, and Stole hate off this fail *** NIN. GJ.
hmmmm... as every whm knows alot of cures = hate so the more cures a whm does the more hate it draws so if lets say a whm does a cure IV then a cure III its sometimes takes a bit to get back hate....
Ok let's say they actually did do back to back cure 4 then 3(and not mention how badly you suck as a tank if that is needed). That should cure about 600ish or so hp. Now at 66 that would produce 489 CE and 2938 VE assuming no -emnity gear/merits. Which a good whm should have
Assuming the mob was a lvl 78 imp you'd need about 648 dmg to get the same total emnity if you had neutral emnity. And seeing as you get yonin and merits and gear it should be more like 550 or lower.
So unless you took alot of dmg at the end of the fight and the whm is litterally waiting to heal you till after the pull and then throws back to back cure IV then III theres a problem in your DD department or your taking too much dmg department.
I might mention that nin blind para and slow all add 80 CE and 240 VE each. And that provoke alone adds 1800 VE