Wtf Does This Mean??

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wtf does this mean??
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サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-12-16 01:23:34  

Not to butt in with a weird post but wtf do these mean? I know lol, lmao, lmfao, and the rofl, but failing to figure out wtf lul lawls lulz etc.. are they really a short form of something, or is it an I am cool poo poo so I pretend I can't spell the common lol acronym? Just wondering if I am talking to idiots who are trying to start/continue some new weird seriously retard fail fad, or am I the idiot for not knowing what it means? So before /sighing and wondering if not being able to spell is the new mmo "in thing" I need to be sure I am not the idiot for just not knowing. I know it isn't recent but I still can't figure out wtf it is beyond "I am too cool to say the commonly accepted and recoginized lol and I saw someone do this and even though I don't know wtf I am saying I look mmo superfly doing it lulzz" XD please forgive my over doing it too much pain medication :(
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Genja
Posts: 17
By Odin.Genja 2008-12-16 01:40:16  
our weird and still growing even more weird culture has meanwhile accepted the short form for "laughing out loud" (lol) as a common word!
that is sad.
now since it is a word it becomes more and more common to write it the way you say it.
like "going to" has become "gonna"
"lol" becomes "lul" or "lawl"
thats sad and a proof that our whole culture is going down...

hope i could help you
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-16 01:45:09  
To my understanding, they're just different ways of saying "lol"

lolz is just "lol" with a z? haha
lulz/lewls is sort of imitating the way people go "looooooooooool"

The "commonly accepted and recognized lol" must just be too common. XD
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-16 01:51:55  
Genja said:
our weird and still growing even more weird culture has meanwhile accepted the short form for "laughing out loud" (lol) as a common word!
that is sad.
now since it is a word it becomes more and more common to write it the way you say it.
like "going to" has become "gonna"
"lol" becomes "lul" or "lawl"
thats sad and a proof that our whole culture is going down...

hope i could help you

XD It's even worse when Americans can't use proper English, too.... Most other languages don't have a problem with grammar or spelling usage simply because their own languages don't have as much room for error. But as for English... the whole your/you're, they're/their/there, accept/except, affect/effect, definitely/definately (<--NOT A WORD) just gets us quite confused at times.

And gonna, wanna, should of (<-- SHOULD HAVE) are pretty much abbreviations, I suppose....

In Bahasa Indonesia (first language that comes to mind in terms of abbreviating things >_<), they sometimes abbreviate common words like "yang" = yg or words stated twice in a row "anak-anak" = anak2 as indicated. But afaik (as far as I know), there isn't much room for error in terms of grammar or spelling. All consonant and vowel sounds are exactly the same. There's no confusion between C or G being a hard or soft sound, nor any confusion between "affect/effect" etc, etc.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 89
By Bismarck.Scuzzelbutt 2008-12-16 07:27:35  
Man either your HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE or living in the woods or hell maybe just need attention. Either way this link will fuel your fire even more.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Aramachus
Posts: 46
By Ramuh.Aramachus 2008-12-16 08:17:11  
Marigrim youre totally right, all those retards using those overall stupid forms of already linguistic very poor abbreviations. But I just read that dictionary and thats so funny, wtf some people think up in their freetime, like:

"1 - lulzasaurus
the ever so elusive Lulzasaurus is a rare dinosaur that does it for the lulz. If or when caught the lulzasaurus spouts the phrase i did it for the lulz

the man{always bringin' ya down}: Lulzasaurus, why did you change all those wikipedia entries?
Lulzasaurus: I did it for the lulz!

Person 1: yo, I love Lulzasaurus!"

サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Murdock
Posts: 295
By Siren.Murdock 2008-12-16 08:54:39  
this topic is lulz.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Genja
Posts: 17
By Odin.Genja 2008-12-16 09:00:28  
all we that are thinking about the "lul-and-similar" user as retards are maybe just to old to act and talk like "them" and what´s the most important thing, to understand that kind of... speech...

but do we really want to be 10~ year old kids again?!
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2008-12-16 11:26:29  
We just want to say more than we have room for sometimes...or i'll even admit that i'm lazy and just type in lolz
By 2008-12-16 12:34:07
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サーバ: Remora
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user: devek
Posts: 108
By Remora.Devek 2008-12-16 12:35:22  
lulz is a corruption of lol, which stands for laugh at loud

Here is a good example of what "wut" means.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-16 14:44:19  
I used to have a friend on AIM who replaced all his G's with Q's as they look somewhat similar (g => q)... I can understand how replacing "you" with "u" is shorthand, as is "your/you're" with "ur" (which may have added to the confusion between homonyms), but going as far as replacing a letter where you could have just as easily typed another.... o_<;
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
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By Unicorn.Tavlov 2008-12-16 14:54:41  
<.< i always thought of lalz as being laugh a$$ loud. >< far as the other stuff, its just "sound" slang.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2008-12-16 17:20:45  
Hmm I thought this all came from american rap/gangsta types lol they're always modifying words arn't they?
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2008-12-16 18:21:02  
its 4chan speak basically..
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-16 18:37:58  
Lethewaters said:
its 4chan speak basically..

Well, a LOT of "leetspeak" comes from 4chan, but I don't think "lulz" is directly from 4chan, is it?
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Nuvian
Posts: 1
By Diabolos.Nuvian 2008-12-16 18:53:33 ftw! it will most likely have everything in there...
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-12-16 19:24:18  
XD this topic wasn't for attention, but I really wanted to know before feeling like this ->
Bartimaeus said:
Lulz and lawl probably make me want to nuke a small country of puppies every time I hear it.
I was making sure I wasn't wrong and it really was ffxi lingo for I am mmo superfly. From the replies here it seems to be just that.

Scuzzelbutt said:
Man either your HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE or living in the woods or hell maybe just need attention. Either way this link will fuel your fire even more.
As for you, from viewing your posts here and there If I am a retard living in the woods then from your text reflection you must be a acne scarred sub adult who has to express his negitive unhappiness on an mmo forum, due to the fact that if you tried that in real life you would be unable to handle the retribution from anything beyong the kittens you torture in your bathroom :)

Anye Bart Leethe and Tav - thank you for posting to my threads as always :D.

I will admit the request for info might have been slightly on the weird side but I knew SOMEONE out here would know. So it is MMO superfly gene's thanks all ^^;

Genja said:
our weird and still growing even more weird culture has meanwhile accepted the short form for "laughing out loud" (lol) as a common word! that is sad. now since it is a word it becomes more and more common to write it the way you say it. like "going to" has become "gonna" "lol" becomes "lul" or "lawl" thats sad and a proof that our whole culture is going down... hope i could help you

Not accepted as a word it has been accepted as an understood acronym. Short for "laugh out loud"

The lul lewl lawl lulz, question was are these a true acronym or no. These I am requesting if they are acronyms what is it they mean.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2008-12-17 09:49:17  
no they are just ppl modifying the lol to their own personal taste...maybe they just wanted to be different? as for now they are not different anymore...

or maybe they wanted to set a trend? which in a small group of individuals they may have.

regardless of which reason it is, 90% of us still stick with the same old lol
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Smokedit
Posts: 5
By Cerberus.Smokedit 2008-12-17 12:50:30  
lol is to lulz like Savannah is to Hawt

Yay, 1st post.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hatheron
Posts: 209
By Asura.Hatheron 2008-12-17 15:57:54  
I only started seeing "Lawl" in use about a month ago. Since then, I've found myself starting to use it when laughing out loud to something laughably cheesy. Some times, I'll "tehe" if I giggle. All other times, "lol" suffices. It depends on the laugh I'm having out loud. ;)

IMO, spelling "lol" differently is no different than people having different laughs in RL. People are unique and if they desire to express their individuality through game chat, then more power to them.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Calderon
Posts: 3
By Ragnarok.Devilpup 2008-12-17 19:08:51  
I've picked up Lawls from listening to PFA,
Lulz from 4chan
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mmaarrii
Posts: 162
By Odin.Marigrim 2008-12-17 20:21:30  
Hatheron said:
I only started seeing "Lawl" in use about a month ago. Since then, I've found myself starting to use it when laughing out loud to something laughably cheesy. Some times, I'll "tehe" if I giggle. All other times, "lol" suffices. It depends on the laugh I'm having out loud. ;) IMO, spelling "lol" differently is no different than people having different laughs in RL. People are unique and if they desire to express their individuality through game chat, then more power to them.

Most likely the best reply in the entire post. BUT the problem is it isn't just "I'm a little different" for many.. it lies in the fact that many of them really are trying to be MMO superfly.. which can and will grate even the most level headed persons nerves. I suppose it all boils down to reason because when some peoplpe use it I don't get the ice in the veins feeling.. and for some reason when the text pops up on the screen from some others I feel like the Doctor Hyde in me is about to invent a way to slap people through the internet. XD everyone has pet peevs, that just so happens to be mine it seem D:

Thank you all for your answers - but it has been determined by popular opinion that no matter if people have a "right" to be different the acronym(s) they are using are indeed NOT acronym(s) for anything at all beyond (no matter the reason) wanting to sound/be different. They have their rights to use it and I have mine to want to want to do what a previous poster to this topic does @ 3am in his bathroom when his grandma is asleep when I hear them use it XD

Thanks again! ~Mari
By 2008-12-17 21:03:53
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サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-17 21:12:25  
Bartimaeus said:
P.S. Please don't say any of the words out loud.

Yeah, otherwise we'd be casting R3 on your older thread ;D XDDDDD

....On a completely unrelated note, I have accidentally said "ROFL" (as in "rawful!") irl before <_< >_>

By 2008-12-17 21:15:03
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サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2008-12-17 22:25:02  

if it makes you feel any better i didn't know what "orz" was for the longest time.
although i think it makes more sense than lul, lawl, or my personal favorite roflcoppterbbq. nice topic though. it was definitely a good read.
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Zareen
Posts: 4
By Hades.Zareen 2008-12-17 22:57:19  
Dont even get me started on wot, wat, wut, whut...
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2008-12-17 23:05:37  
Bartimaeus said:
Anye, and here I had such high hopes for you. LE SIGH. jk

GO POST IT in the other thread.

HAhahhaa, well it seems it has been revived, whether we like it or not XD hehehe. \o/

Littledarc said:
i didn't know what "orz" was for the longest time.

Same here, I had to Wikipedia it. XD Actually, I find myself saying "orz" when I'm exhausted or exasperated.... It's become more of an expression rather than me actually kneeling down and banging my head on the floor. XD
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kepnerd1
Posts: 18
By Seraph.Kep 2008-12-18 00:02:01  
Murdock said:
this topic is lulz.

werd l0lz
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