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Artemicion said:
The only time I can frown upon something like this is if someone used it to lot on a piece of gear they don't deserve for a job they know nothing about. I'd be pissed if some RNG for example, got a piece of relic for getting level 75 in 2 days instead of someone who has been playing it for years, would truly piss me off.

Just because they got RNG in 2 days and you didnt makes no difference. Look at it like this, they might be main PLD for every one of your events, not lot on a single item, but you lot on a few here and there. They've done so much for your LS, they can lot whatever they want to lot. Time and Effort over jealous.

Kyri said:
Summoner Splunking

Such a weird name lol
Kyri said:
For a lv10 sync: 4SMN+ 1 Leech 1 Lv sync +1-2 pullers

Not sure sure you need 4, I used to do it at lv 10 with 3, we did fine, we got the level syncer to use emp which is a whole levels worth almost, so getting to 19 was never an issue.
Kyri said:
Usual camp: the steps leading into the tunnel of Kuftal

I think it's far better to go into the south tunnel thats just as you enter map 2, half way between both. Here there is no mobs but 2 bats you actually have in your pull and everything groups easier because it's a enclosed area.
Kyri said:
When all the summoners have run out of time with astral flow, the pullers kill the remaining mobs. (done correctly, maybe 3-7 mobs)

What!? Use thunder spark.... it does about half the damage 2hrs does and will kill off the rest for an extra, well 4 mobs = 1k, so work it out lol
Kyri said:
Now, I have worked a long time on my Kyky, I'd die to lose her. Saying this I have contacted GM's in different occasions to make sure SE is not looking at splunking as a bannable offense and that se doesn't shake thier heads. All have said SMN splunking is not a problem AS long as the group splunking is not causing greif to other players. So play nice. Take turns, w/e u need to. Heck I've even seen a GM watch a group go once.

Amen to that, on our our server a lot of LS's *** about each other the time camping HNM, stealing mobs or w/e, but the moment we go SMN burn, we put aside our differences and everyone works together, I've done mixed pulls, I've helped out other ls's and we take turns, never stealing.

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