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Lethewaters said:
Actually it DOES affect gameplay. You try hunting or leveling in K. Tunnel and have half the zone run by you and not be annoyed or frustrated by the lag it causes. It has EVERYTHING to do with my gameplay when a snail can move faster than me because of the lag in the zone.
Get a better connection if you actually lag there. When I SMN burn im logged into 5 characters, not a single lag :) Also you level on worms, if you tried leveling on anything else you're a complete *** stupid moron and should move to better place like Bubu.P. You can easily hunt there on Jellys which is what most do. SMN burn does NOT get jellys.

Lethewaters said:
Yes, level sync isn't a loophole but you helped prove another point here. Read the terms of service and player's agreement again. Better yet, here it is in simple black and white english. It is AGAINST (i.e. illegal) the agreement to HOLD mobs.

Its not illegal to Monsters actually, and I know 100% what you're on about, The mobs that would be considered illegal of holding are high loot mobs. (HNM/KA) these all have inbuilt rage timers. Also this is NOT stated in the TOS Anywhere, go have a look, infact you say "read it again", Have you read it yourself? lulz. Try talking to a GM about it.

Plus ALL the mobs are UNCLAIMED. You could easily go kill them if you so desired, you'd probably get reputation-1000 so goodluck, but they're not CLAIMED held. *** retard +1 lol

And yeh you get 75 but luckily for me, I have every skilled there is capped out. Not a single one (not parry/guarding/smn) is uncapped. So no skilling up for me :)

I know how to play most of the jobs and the ones I take to 75 I know how to play, i play multiple accounts, so your comment is directed at me without knowledge who i am, Retard +2 (building these points up fast aint you?)

Join any party im in? You aint on my server ***?

Tired of it, bless you your a little jealous :P I love these little kidos. GM won't do nothing, I've called them and asked myself as well as others. It's a perfectly fine thing. and hell, people GM me for "stealing" nm's when people die, but does a GM /tell me? Lulz no. Never in 6 years has a GM ever telled me, and I've stepped over the boundary's countless times.

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