we don't know what to do with 1 inch
1 inch is a lot
Its huge
Almost unbearably too much
When I first moved here I was starting high school and we got sent home early because the grass had a dusting of snow on it, I was confused then and have never stopped being bewildered by the terror such miniscule specs of snow can cause to the locals.
I just had this convo in a XI Discord, but living in the SE USA and even parts of the NE, it is amazing how people just panic the moment snow shows up in the forecast.
Have you heard of the Atlanta Snowpocalypse? It happened twice when I lived there, but the one most remember is 2014 (IIRC). 2.5 inches of snow fell around rush hour and temps were lower than anticipated - so the roads froze over. There were people sleeping in grocery stores, gas stations, etc because the highways were completely gridlocked. Cars in ditches everywhere, some cars on fire, school buses stranded on the highway - it was a full on emergency for 2 1/2 inches of snow. We had something similar a few years prior, it fell overnight so wasn't as debilitating, but the city basically shut down for over a week over ~2in of snow. There are some 10 year retrospectives from last year about it floating around various news sites but it was chaos both times.
People don't know how to drive in it either. The message they get is "drive slow" so they only pay attention to the speedometer, taking no mind for how fast they get there or what other people are doing. I had several near misses due to people either cutting me off and slamming on their brakes to slow down or whipping out into oncoming traffic quickly then slamming on their brakes to avoid going "too fast for the snow". I just started slowing down way in advance of any waiting cars because I have to assume they are going to do something stupid.
Most recently, we had 3 inches and it was chaos everywhere. Schools were closed for a week, stores closed, panic at the gas station/grocery store, etc. Then this happened near me:
I still don't understand how that happened. There was a car completely flipped upside down along one of our main roads also.
In their defense - somewhat - the problem with the areas that don't see a lot of snow is that people never learned to deal with it, but the region doesn't either. Georgia never puts ***down on the road and NC rarely does it, they also lack equipment to clear the roads properly so a lot of roads still have snow on them a week later. In places further north, they got it down and the roads are passible much faster.