Smn Spellcast

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Smn Spellcast
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tessy
Posts: 148
By Fenrir.Tessy 2011-10-02 12:34:31  
Here is my SMN SC, this is for level 75 I also have a simple skill up if u need that too. This SC is valid for 1 month from today 10/02/2011.

Edit: atleast I tought so, must have lost my SMN skillup SC when I formatted my PC a while ago.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-10-02 14:11:22  
Atis said: »
Bismarck.Faelar said: »
Hi all, I found a template for a SMN skillup script for use with AutoExec, but it doesnt seem to work. What is it missing? I had some old one for Cure/Enhancing but I lost those in my PC reformatting ><

Basically I would type like, //start Cure.txt
then it would spam Cure until I ran out of MP, then it would rest to full, then get up and spam cure s'more. I want the same thing for SMN :D

this should help you:[]=summoner&s[]=skill&s[]=up

I followed all the instructions but when I go to load it it says the XML isnt found :/
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [267 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 186
By javelinx 2012-06-25 08:11:14  
Fenrir.Niniann said: »

nice, ty
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [268 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 52
By Xnite 2013-03-20 11:46:36  
Need help getting right perp hands to equip. its only equipping callers atm.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <var name="PerpHand">Caller's Bracers +2</var>
            <group name="SMN" default="yes">
                <set name="idle">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Yinyang Robe</body>
                    <hands>Serpentes Cuffs</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Serpentes Sabots</feet>
                    <neck>Twilight torque</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Ethereal Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Colossus's Mantle</back>
                    <waist>Slipor Sash</waist>
                    <sub>Genbu's Shield</sub>					

                <set name="Perp">
                    <main>Chatoyant staff</main>
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Caller's Doublet +2</body>
                    <legs>Augur's Brais</legs>
                    <feet>Caller's Pigaches +2</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Ethereal Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Astute cape</back>
                    <waist>Moepapa Stone</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					
                <set name="Rage">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Caller's Doublet +2</body>
                    <hands>Summoner's Bracers +2</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Rubeus Boots</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Liminus Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Astute cape</back>
                    <waist>Caller's Sash</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					
                <set name="MagicRage">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Caller's Doublet +2</body>
                    <hands>Summoner's Bracers +2</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Caller's Pigaches +2</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Liminus Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Tiresias' Cape</back>
                    <waist>Caller's Sash</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					
                <set name="Ward">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Caller's Doublet +2</body>
                    <hands>Summoner's Bracers +2</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Rubeus Boots</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Liminus Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Astute cape</back>
                    <waist>Caller's Sash</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					
                <set name="BP">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Summoner's horn</head>
                    <body>Yinyang Robe</body>
                    <hands>Summoner's Bracers +2</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Summoner's Pigaches</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Liminus Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Tiresias' Cape</back>
                    <waist>Slipor Sash</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					
                <set name="Skill">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <body>Caller's Doublet +2</body>
                    <hands>Summoner's Bracers +2</hands>
                    <legs>Caller's spats +2</legs>
                    <feet>Rubeus Boots</feet>
                    <neck>Caller's Pendant</neck>
                    <lear>Loquac. earring</lear>
                    <rear>Liminus Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Astute cape</back>
                    <waist>Witful Belt</waist>
                    <sub>Vox Grip</sub>					

                <set name="Cure">
                    <main>Tefnut Wand</main>
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <hands>Augur's Gloves</hands>
                    <legs>Praeco Slacks</legs>
                    <feet>Zenith Pumps</feet>
                    <neck>Phalaina Locket</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Loquac. Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Oretania's Cape</back>
                    <waist>Witful Belt</waist>
                    <sub>Genbu's Shield</sub>

                <set name="Buff">
                    <ammo>shadow sachet</ammo>
                    <head>Caller's horn +2</head>
                    <hands>Augur's Gloves</hands>
                    <legs>Portent Pants</legs>
                    <feet>Rubeus Boots</feet>
                    <neck>Colossus's torque</neck>
                    <lear>Gifted earring</lear>
                    <rear>Loquac. Earring</rear>
                    <lring>Evoker's ring</lring>
                    <rring>Dark ring</rring>
                    <back>Merciful Cape</back>
                    <waist>Cascade Belt</waist>
				<if Spell="Teleport-*|Recall-*|Warp*|Retrace|Escape">
					<return />
		<if status="Idle">
			<equip when="Aftercast|Idle" set="Idle" />
				<if PetIsValid="False">
					<equip When="Aftercast|Idle" Set="Idle" />				
				<if PetIsValid="True">
					<equip When="Aftercast|Idle" Set="Perp" />
				<if spell="release">
					<equip when="Aftercast" set="Idle" />
                <if spell="*spirit|Carbuncle|Fenrir|Ifrit|Titan|Leviathan|Garuda|Shiva|Ramuh|Diabolos">
                    <equip when="precast" set="Skill" /> 
					<equip when="Aftercast" set="Perp" />
					    <if Advanced='"%DayElement"="%petvalid"'>
							<action Type="Equip">
						<action type="equip">
							<hands>Nashira Gages</hands>
				<if spell="Alexander|Odin">
                    <equip when="precast|Midcast|Aftercast|idle" set="Skill" />
                <if spell= "*Blade|Fire*|Aero*|Thunder*|Blizzard*|Water*|Stone*|*Blast|Searing Light|Howling Moon|Inferno|Earthen 
				Fury|Tidal*|Diamond Dust|Judgment Bolt|Ruinous Omen|Nightmare|Thunderspark|Thunderstorm|Zantetsuken|Holy Mist
				|Lunar Bay|Night Terror|Meteorite|Heavenly Strike|Meteor Strike|Geocrush|Grand Fall|Burning Strike">
                    <castdelay delay=".5" />
                    <midcastdelay delay="1" />
                    <aftercastdelay delay="2" />
                    <equip when="precast" set="BP" />
                    <equip when="midcast" set="MagicRage" />
                    <equip when="aftercast" set="Perp" />     
                <if spell= "Poison Nails|Moonlit Charge|Crescent Fang|Eclipse Bite|*Punch|Flaming Crush
				*Throw|*Buster|*Dive|Tail Whip|Claw|Predator Claws|Axe Kick|Double Slap|Rush
				Shock Strike|Chaotic Strike|Camisad|Somnolence">
                    <castdelay delay=".5" />
                    <midcastdelay delay="1" />
                    <aftercastdelay delay="2" />
                    <equip when="precast" set="BP" />
                    <equip when="midcast" set="Rage" />
                    <equip when="aftercast" set="Perp" />     
                <if type="BloodPactWard">
                        <castdelay delay=".5" />
                        <midcastdelay delay="1" />
                        <aftercastdelay delay="2" />
                        <equip when="precast" set="BP" />
                        <equip when="midcast" set="Ward" />
                        <equip when="aftercast" set="Perp" />
                <if Spell="Elemental Siphon">
                        <equip when="precast" set="Skill"><feet>Caller's Pgch. +2</feet></equip>
				<if spell="avatar's favor">
                    <equip when="precast" set="Skill" />
                <if Spell="Mana Cede">
                        <equip when="precast"><hands>Caller's Bracers +2</hands></equip>
            <if Spell="Cure*|Cura*">
                <equip when="precast" set="Cure" />
                <if spell="Stoneskin|Phalanx|Aquaviel">
                        <equip when="precast" set="Buff" />
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-03-20 11:49:57  
Code xml
<if skill="SummoningMagic">
    <var cmd="set Avatar %SpellElement" />
<if Advanced='"%DayElement"="$Avatar"'>
	<action Type="Equip">
	<action type="equip">
		<hands>Nashira Gages</hands>
Posts: 52
By Xnite 2013-03-20 12:04:53  
thats not working properly either its only using the correct hands during summoning only. i tried putting it in idle rules but keeps callers equipped
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2013-03-20 12:09:33  
I assume you added an "Avatar" variable? My SMN never got round to being geared properly, so I never really had issues with Day/Weather related Perp-.

Code xml
<if skill="SummoningMagic">
    <var cmd="set Avatar %SpellElement" />
<if Advanced='"%DayElement"="$Avatar"'>
	<equip when="precast|midcast|aftercast|idle">
		<hands lock="true">$Perphand</hands>
	<equip when="precast|midcast|aftercast|idle">
		<hands>Nashira Gages</hands>

It's basically the same one, but brought up to date and has specified equip times. Also, I recommend putting it up close to the top of your rules. Probably after Idle and before Release~
Posts: 52
By Xnite 2013-03-20 12:47:03  
yea i did, its still not working. i'll just full time nashira when avatar out i guess
Posts: 365
By Squabble 2013-04-09 05:32:42  
<if advanced='"%PetTP" = "115"'>

Is there a way to change this from equals to less than or equal to? Or another line that can do the same thing?

Trying to equip Caller's Spats +2 over Ngen Seraweels for Merit BPs based on TP%.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: arcalimo
Posts: 254
By Ragnarok.Arcalimo 2013-04-09 06:40:27  
A little late to the party i guess :x

About what Xnite was asking, I would say from memory that changing your current rule from:
                <if spell="*spirit|Carbuncle|Fenrir|Ifrit|Titan|Leviathan|Garuda|Shiva|Ramuh|Diabolos">
                    <equip when="precast" set="Skill" />
                    <equip when="Aftercast" set="Perp" />
                        <if Advanced='"%DayElement"="%petvalid"'>
                            <action Type="Equip">
                        <action type="equip">
                            <hands>Nashira Gages</hands>

To this one:
<if spell="*spirit|Carbuncle|Fenrir|Ifrit|Titan|Leviathan|Garuda|Shiva|Ramuh|Diabolos">
        <if advanced='"%DayElement"="%SpellElement"'>
    		<command when="precast">sc var set PerpHand Call. Bracers +2</command>
                    <equip when="precast" set="Skill" />
                    <equip when="Aftercast" set="Perp">
			<hands>Call. Bracers +2</hands>
    		<command when="precast">sc var set PerpHand Nashira Gages</command>
                    <equip when="precast" set="Skill" />
                    <equip when="Aftercast" set="Perp">
			<hands>Nashira Gages</hands>

should do what you wanted, put the hands in the aftercast and change the Perphands variable value for future aftercasts.
It doesn't support weather and it mess with carbuncle mitts if you still use them though.
I believe i had weather support on my newest xml but I can't access it currently from here, i can share it later if you did not find what you wanted yet.

About the PetTP thing, I'm not really familiar with it, but if it works like HP and MP it should be like this:

If Pet Tp is greater than:
<if advanced='"%PetTPGT" = "115"'>

If Pet Tp is less than:
<if advanced='"%PetTPLT" = "115"'>
Posts: 6
By Billmunny 2013-04-23 17:43:02  
When I use these scripts I get kicked out of ffxi and says playonline viewer quite working. What am I doing wrong?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [42 days between previous and next post]
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: wik1
Posts: 27
By Bismarck.Shirt 2013-06-04 19:03:45  
That real simple one gives me motivation to finally write my SMN a spellcast.