So while we're talking about Colada augments, I am experimenting with them as well.
I just finished my Almace AG and am looking into the Colada augments.
I played with the DPS spreadsheet extensively a bit ago and uncovered the following information.
First, with the current gear setup (held fixed while experimenting with Colada augments of course), the DPS on my Almace AG/Nibiru A is 2158.719 (12287 WS Dmg, 3.80 rounds/ws)
Here are the augment combinations I tried out for Almace AG/Colada. the #s in parenthesis are the average CDC damage and rounds/WS
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, da+3% = 2180.650 (12342, 3.78)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, da+4% = 2191.542 (12382, 3.77)
dmg+20, *** = 2196.916 (12386, 3.78)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, crit rate +4% = 2213.781 (12572, 3.82)
dmg+20, ** = 2230.463 (12617, .82)
dmg+20, str+10, ** = 2233.229 (12546, 3.82)
dmg+10, dex+5, att/acc+15, crit rate +4% = 2200.593 (12486, 3.82)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, stp+1 = 2150.528 (12231, 3.82)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, stp+3 = 2169.456 (12224, 3.74)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, stp+5 = 2185.566 (12221, 3.68)
dmg+10, dex+10, att/acc+15, stp+6 = 2213.878 (12207, 3.57)
dmg+20, dex+10, att/acc+15, stp+6 = 2230.089 (12251, 3.57)
(I had plugged in others to see the effect on str and att as well)
My findings are:
* Damage has roughly a 1.5 DPS/dmg increase
* STR produces slightly higher DPS, but lower WS damage (+0.3 dps/str, -2.6 ws damage)
* Each point of DEX accounts for roughly 2.8 DPS
* Each point of STR accounts for roughly 2.8 DPS
* Each point of attack accounts for 1.6 DPS
* Each percentage of critical hit rate accounts for roughly 16 DPS
* Each percentage of double attack accounts for roughly 11 DPS
* Each ~2 Store TP value (in current setup, base STP = 28 for TP, 14 for WS) accounts for roughly 22 DPS, but this is the biggest variable estimate, because sometimes a +16 DPS increase would occur, but other times a 28 DPS increase would occur (see above for this). How STP affects your sets' DPS is likely dependent on existing Store TP values.
So it seems that Store TP and critical hit rate have SIMILAR DPS, but it takes max store TP and max critical hit rate to equal each other.
Store TP will allow for more frequent weapon skills (and thus easier to maintain aftermath) but lower weapon skill damage.
Crit rate will offer increased weapon skill damage, but you will weapon skill slightly less frequently.
Double attack loses out to both, as even with +4% double attack the DPS would be 2207.
To beat Nibiru A for offhand to AG Almace, Colada requires a +76 DPS sum from augments. This cannot be achieved with critical hit rate +4% alone, as that's only 2146.434 DPS (+64, in line with the roughly 16 DPS per crit rate %)
An example of augments superior to Nibiru A are dmg+10 (+15 DPS), dex+10 (+28 DPS), att/acc+15 (+16 DPS), and crit rate +4% (+64 DPS). This gives a total increase of +123 DPS, very close to the actual increase of 131 DPS the spreadsheet gives between base colada and these augments.
This will gives you a solid way to determine if your augments are superior when you are rolling for them.